Su Xiaoqian waited for a long time but did not wait for Qin Hao to take action against her. This made her feel happy. Could it be that the black giant snake was full? Many beasts will have a weak desire to attack after they are full!

Why are you still here? Qin Hao didn't know what Su Xiaoqian was thinking about. The electric light on his head flashed and a row of words condensed, asking Su Xiaoqian.

When she saw this row of words, Su Xiaoqian's beautiful eyes widened: You...are you Master Long?

Su Xiaoqian looked carefully, and sure enough, although Qin Hao was much bigger than before, there was a vague feeling of familiarity, and he could condense words with lightning, so it must be him!

Su Xiaoqian looked at Qin Hao's 26-meter-long body and swallowed: Master Long, you are so big!

The corner of Qin Hao's mouth twitched. This girl was also lucky. He happened to be there several times when she encountered danger. To a certain extent, they were really destined.

Su Xiaoqian reacted, surprised and happy. She didn't expect to meet Qin Hao here. She quickly said: Last time, I was about to leave Black Moon Island, but I was stopped by the people from the Ability God Guard. …”

Qin Hao nodded slightly after hearing Su Xiaoqian's experience. Su Xiaoqian was unable to leave Black Moon Island because of the alien guards. Fortunately, Su Xiaoqian became an evolver with the help of the Spirit Gathering Grass and the primary strengthening potion. He was not treated badly in the alien guards.

Not leaving Black Moon Island was actually not a disadvantage for Su Xiaoqian. She received training in the Alien God Guards and became a qualified warrior. It is easier for an organization to survive in the apocalypse than for a single person.

After listening to Su Xiaoqian's words, Qin Hao nodded slightly. As he expected, behind the Alien God Guard was the military of Moyue City. Today, the Alien God Guard has grown to a very large level, and many evolvers have cut it. The head-scratcher wants to burrow inside. Now that the end of the world has come, the Black Moon City military is the strongest force on the entire Black Moon Island!

Even not long ago, the Moyue City military dispatched a large number of weapons and tanks to clean up all the zombies and monsters in the center of Moyue City, and established a new large-scale gathering place, and many people joined it.

Well, in that case, you should just stay in the Ability God Guard. This Moyue City military is not easy. If you work hard, you can get ahead in the future. After listening, Qin Hao nodded slightly. The Moyue City military knew in advance that they would When a catastrophe comes, a lot of preparations have been made to form the Ability God Guard. It can be seen that the military in Moyue City is indeed not simple. Working hard in the Ability God Guard is a good choice for Su Xiaoqian.

Well, I will definitely work hard! Su Xiaoqian clenched her fists. This narrow escape made her understand that the world is no longer the same. Strength is the most important thing. Without strength, it is impossible to survive. Extravagant hope!

Qin Hao suddenly felt something in his heart. He currently has no clue about the Dragon Balls, but maybe the Moyue City military does!

The military of Black Moon City was well prepared to face the disaster before the end of the world. Now the strongest force in Black Moon City is undoubtedly the massive Black Moon City military. If the Dragon Ball is born, then Black Moon City's military will definitely compete for it. Qualifications!

In the previous life, Wang Hui once said that the Dragon Ball caused a great war, but it is unknown whose hands it ended up in. Perhaps it fell into the hands of the powerful Moyue City military. This is not impossible.

So Qin Hao said: By the way, please pay attention to Moyue City for me to see if there are any big moves, such as if any treasures are born or something like that. If so, you can inform me.

Su Xiaoqian was stunned, then nodded immediately and said, Okay, but how should I find Lord Long?

I should be living in this zoo recently. When you arrive, send a flare into the sky. I will come over when I see it. Qin Hao thought for a while and said.

Yeah. Su Xiaoqian nodded vigorously. She found that she trusted Qin Hao in front of her more than her previous teammates.

Asking Su Xiaoqian to pay attention to the news about Dragon Ball, Qin Hao asked Su Xiaoqian to leave. For Qin Hao, this was just a small episode.

Su Xiaoqian came all the way to the entrance of the zoo and saw the other three people in the team waiting with worried faces.

Captain, are you okay? the man in the leather jacket exclaimed.

Is there something wrong with me? Su Xiaoqian asked, and the man in the leather jacket laughed.

The eyes of the other two people looking at Su Xiaoqian were completely different. They had seen the second-level mutant beast chasing Su Xiaoqian before, but Su Xiaoqian came out unscathed and was indeed able to become the captain. Not an ordinary character!

Su Xiaoqian's incident was just an episode for Qin Hao. He continued to practice the spirit refining technique. When he came to the zoo a week later in the morning, Qin Hao quit the practice state. Qin Hao sighed: This spirit refining technique is really good. It’s amazing, the hardness of my scales has nearly doubled!”

This inheritance from the water pool is indeed not simple. After a period of hard training, Qin Hao's body has been tempered and has been greatly strengthened. It has been at least doubled compared to before. However, the effect of physical training has been slow now. It's slowly slowing down, and it's getting harder to improve the further you go.


At this moment, Qin Hao was suddenly startled and looked up at the sky. Not only him, but all the mutated beasts in the zoo seemed to have noticed something and also looked towards the sky.

In the sky, a shadow appeared at some point. There were mountains and water in the shadow, as if it was another world.

This strange turn of events made Qin Hao's eyes light up: Here he comes!

Since the fusion of the worlds, the barriers between the worlds have become weaker and weaker. Alien monsters from other worlds often come to the earth. This scene is a sign that aliens are coming!


There was a loud rumbling sound in the sky, and the world seemed to be turned upside down. It was the collision between the earth world and the other world. Qin Hao stared at the sky tightly. He had been waiting for a long time, and he was waiting for this moment.

With the thunderous explosion, the sky and the earth roared, and a huge and boundless crack opened in the distant sky. In this crack, small black dots fell from it like raindrops, falling towards Moyue City. It was literally raining heavily from all directions.

Every little black dot is a monster!

Goblins, Terrorclaw Demons, Giant Stone Beasts... Qin Haoyun looked at it carefully, with a flash of surprise in his eyes. There were many races of alien monsters coming. If Qin Hao had expected it right, most of these monsters came from a small town. A world-class different world.

The world is also divided into levels, small world, medium world and large world.

Nowadays, the earth world where all realms are integrated can be called a big world. Big worlds are generally vast and incomparably vast, with many races living there. For example, the abyss world and the world of the undead are all famous big worlds.

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