Qin Hao also used the Five Elements Spirit Art in the outside world, but the power of the Five Elements that he could absorb at that time was extremely small.

Even when he went down to the bottom of this strange mine and felt the active earth element atmosphere in each cave, Qin Hao still felt that it was within a reasonable range.

But when he just practiced the Five Elements Spirit Art, he could clearly feel the element of earth power coming from directly in front of him. It was almost the same as the earth lingzhi he had absorbed before on the earth.

There is no physical carrier, just the power of earth floating in the air. It is so strong, which makes Qin Hao feel happy in his heart.

Originally, he thought that when he went down to the bottom of the mine, he would at most be able to search for some earth-yellow round beads that contained the power of earth. He never thought that he would encounter a place with such a strong aura of earth power.

This discovery greatly exceeded his psychological expectations. After all, he had already absorbed some earth-yellow beads containing the power of earth, and used this to stabilize his injuries.

I originally wanted to get some more earth power beads to stabilize the power of the five elements in my body, restore the power of the five elements in my body to its peak state, and make the overall strength intact again.

At this time, the appearance of this rich aura of earth power made Qin Hao have a new idea in his heart.

If he can obtain a large amount of earth power, then Qin Hao can make his earth power overwhelm the water power. Using earth to control water, a reasonable way of controlling the five elements, to use the power of the five elements in his body can definitely make his overall strength reach a higher level.

Turning his head and looking at each other, Xiaobai immediately stood up and came to Qin Hao's side.

The two brothers and sister walked forward together. The dark cave was lifeless. Only the unusual spiritual power in the air was active, as well as the incredibly rich power of earth.

There are many twists and turns in the cave. After turning a corner, the cave that was originally dark and dark now has a dim light.

A faint earth-yellow light appeared in front of Qin Hao's eyes.

Qin Hao's pupils immediately dilated and he walked forward quickly.

In this narrow cave passage, the walls on both sides are filled with pits and irregular shapes, inlaid with many earth-yellow beads, which contain rich earth power.

The last time Qin Hao and Xiaobai robbed a logistics unit, they only got about 100 earth-yellow beads containing the power of earth.

But this time, the walls on both sides of this long cave passage that exudes a light yellow light are covered with such beads, which are densely packed at first glance.

At a glance, it seems that there are thousands of them.

At this time, Qin Hao seemed to be wandering in the ocean of earth power. The power of earth emitted by many round beads containing strong earth power when gathered together was extremely strong.

Just when Qin Hao reached out and touched the wall, trying to pick out an earth-yellow round bead.

Clicking, clicking, chewing, a sound of eating and chewing came from the dark end of the passage.

Qin Hao immediately stopped moving and turned his head sharply to look into the darkness in the distance.

In this long and silent passage, a sound suddenly came from the darkness. This was definitely challenging the nerves of Qin Hao and Xiaobai, and immediately made them nervous and alert.

Silently, Qin Hao's right palm condensed into a colorful ball, which contained the power of the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, but the power of water shined particularly conspicuously inside.

A moist atmosphere began to spread in this dry underground cave.

The sound in the darkness also stopped suddenly, and Qin Hao immediately chased after him unwillingly, wanting to know what kind of things were hidden in the darkness.

Wow, wow!

Just when Qin Hao and Xiaobai passed through this long and narrow passage with khaki dim light, they heard the cry of a baby in the darkness.

A small child with khaki body and bare buttocks appeared in front of Qin Hao.

This child looked only about five or six years old. His two small eyes were watery and stared at Qin Hao, as if he was frightened by the power of the Five Elements in his hand.

I saw this child sitting on the ground, his little hands seemed to have nowhere to rest, and he was crying with tears in his eyes.

Seeing this innocent and helpless child, Xiaobai felt happy. The cute child still exuded a strong power of earth, which made Xiaobai couldn't help but want to get close to him.

Qin Hao stood aside with some differences. He didn't understand what this child was. Although he could tell at a glance that he was not a human being. After all, there were no humans in this nether world, his appearance looked very much like a human child. .

It's just that the whole body is khaki, and the body is still exuding rich earth power all the time, making Qin Hao feel a strong temptation.

Could this be it? Earth elf?

Qin Hao thought about a term in his mind and gave it to the child.

Qin Hao, who had never seen such a creature before, was temporarily surprised, but he quickly settled down. A trace of excitement flashed in his eyes, wanting to capture it.

Just when Qin Hao was holding an attack with the power of the Five Elements in his hand, he was ready to make a move.

Before Xiao Bai's completely harmless and harmless steps approached the child, the child, whose body exuded the power of earth, immediately disappeared.

There was no fluctuation of spiritual power in the air, and this silent teleportation made Qin Hao and Xiaobai a little surprised.

Just when Xiaobai stopped and froze.

Ha ha ha ha!

Another child's laughter came from the darkness. This child, who was exuding an earthy yellow light, walked over step by step from a distance, clapped his hands and laughed, as if he was happy with Xiaobai's performance.

catch him.

Qin Hao whispered to Xiaobai, this child is like a moving treasure house. The extremely rich earth power in his body made Qin Hao certain that the earth free in the air that he had previously absorbed in the passage The element of power emanates from this child's body.

If you can get this power of earth, there will be hope for you to advance to a high-level king level.

Qin Hao is not bloodthirsty, but he will not show mercy to this cute monster who is not one of his own, but just looks like a child.

He had already known the cruelty of the apocalypse in his previous life. In this world of the jungle and the strong, facing such a great opportunity, Qin Hao would never let it go.

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