The Dragon of Destruction in the Apocalypse

Chapter 321 Murder in the Night


A dragon roar resounded throughout the underground world. Qin Hao directly transformed into the body of a real dragon. The dragon's mouth opened wide, and he uprooted the spirit-gathering grass on the spirit-gathering grassland and swallowed them all into his belly. .

Countless spirit-gathering grasses accompanied by rolling spiritual energy formed tornadoes like a long river of turbid spiritual energy, all heading towards Qin Hao's mouth.


After a long time, Qin Hao transformed into a human form again, patted his stomach and burped.

This large grassland, including more than ten square kilometers of Spirit-Gathering Grass, was all swallowed by Qin Hao and stored in the dimensional space of his abdomen.

After losing such a large area of ​​Spirit Gathering Grass, the concentration of spiritual energy in the air around Qin Hao and Xiao Bai also began to slowly decrease.

Qin Hao looked ahead and said, Let's move forward.

After the concentration of the spiritual energy began to decrease, the spiritual energy as rich as sea water in the air gradually faded away. This made Qin Hao's field of vision become wider, and he saw something similar to a group of buildings in the distance in front of him.

Just after Qin Hao and Xiaobai left, although the grassland had lost the Spirit-Gathering Grass and all the soil below was exposed, young leaves began to grow slowly again, and the entire grassland slowly began to grow again. Slowly it returned to green.

The young leaves of Julingcao broke through the shackles of the soil and grew on this grassland.

The entire grassland surface was shaking slightly, as if there was something underneath.

Neither Qin Hao nor Xiao Bai noticed all this. They had already walked to the side of the building complex.

This dilapidated building complex can still vaguely see its former majesty. Qin Hao frowned and watched. He could not tell what ethnic style the building was.

Qin Hao arched his nose. Qin Hao, who was studying the style of this building complex, smelled a trace of blood in the air.

Over there. Qin Hao's eyes were like lightning, and he looked directly at the corner of the building in the distance to the east. A faint smell of blood wafted from there.

The figure suddenly became illusory, and when Qin Hao's figure appeared again, he had already arrived at the corner of the building.

Looking slightly, he discovered a torn strip of clothing on the ground, with a trace of blood on it.

Taking the cloth strip on the ground in his hand, Xiaobai also ran over at this time.

Isn't this the clothes on those three humans? Xiaobai said. Because of the evil soul beads on her forehead, she has a very good memory and has a photographic memory, so she can recognize this piece at a glance. The torn strips of clothing were the clothes on the three humans just now.

Be careful. Qin Hao said to Xiaobai.

Although the three humans acted a little crazy, Qin Hao knew that the strength of the three of them was not weak. He had already seen that the strength of the three of them was the strength of two peak lords and a junior king. strength.

Putting this kind of combat power in the outside world, it would definitely be able to dominate the world, but at this time, a piece of cloth stained with blood was left here, which is really suspicious and weird.

Qin Hao and Xiaobai carefully explored this huge dilapidated building complex, but Qin Hao did not find any useful clues of value.

The sky gradually became dark, and it took the two of them five or six hours to complete the search for this building complex.

As night fell, Qin Hao and Xiaobai sat around the bonfire with a huge altar behind them.

This is the most valuable place that the two of them found after searching this building complex. There are strange inscriptions carved on the altar, making it unclear what its function is.

According to the map that the man from the Presbyterian Council gave Qin Hao, he had to cross a black river to truly reach the secret land.

Therefore, Qin Hao did not find a place at this time, but because it was dark, the two of them did not move, but rested here.

That's because after dark, Qin Hao discovered the weirdness of this underground world. He didn't know where the light during the day came from, and he didn't know how the darkness at night appeared.

But what Qin Hao knows is that after the dark curtain has appeared, his and Xiaobai's vision and hearing have been greatly restricted. Since both of them have king-level strength, they have been greatly affected by this black night. It was impossible to observe the surrounding situation carefully.

In order to avoid danger, Qin Hao and Xiao Bai camped here, planning to find a route after the sky got brighter.

The two brothers and sisters were sitting back to back by the campfire, dozing off. Far away from the two of them was the Juling Grassland that the two passed by during the day. At this time, the Juling Grassland was once again glowing with infinite colors. With great vitality, all the Spirit-Gathering Grasses are growing crazily. After nightfall, they have returned to exactly the same as during the day.

Whispering, who knows where the breeze came from, slowly caressed the leaves of the Juling grass on the entire grassland, causing the Juling grass to make a rustling sound.

The entire grassland moved again. The ground of the Juling Grassland began to tremble slightly, and huge Juling Grasses broke out of the ground.

An extremely terrifying scene happened!

It turns out that there are countless human corpses under the Spirit-Gathering Grass. When each human corpse emerged from the ground, it pushed out the Spirit-Gathering Grass above its head. Each Spirit-Gathering Grass contained strong spiritual energy. , staggering on the ground, being trampled to pieces by numerous human corpses.

Before the sounds of countless human corpses moving together could be heard, the Spirit-Gathering Grass crushed by these corpses burst out with strong spiritual energy, and the thick spiritual energy floated farther away.

Qin Hao stayed in the building complex and the like, and slowly felt the changes in the aura.

His eyes and face moved slightly. After Qin Hao felt the change, he did not open his eyes, but his mind and heart were alert to the surroundings.

Not all of this huge and strong spiritual energy was completely dispersed. Most of the spiritual energy remained in place, being absorbed by these numerous human corpses.

This scene is particularly weird. The entire grassland is filled with human corpses. They are all like zombies, absorbing spiritual energy, and their physical strength is also increasing extremely quickly.

First level, second level, and third level, the strength of this huge group of human corpses increased extremely fast, so fast that it was unbelievable. In the blink of an eye, they continuously crossed the strength level, and gained great strength in a short period of time.

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