
Just when Qin Hao was about to lift his legs and step in, there was a wheezing sound from the side.

It's my turn, get the hell out of here!

The monster with rhinoceros horns on its head that originally ran out now ran over and kicked the colorful tiger Xiao Huang.

Xiao Huang's huge body, which was twenty to thirty meters tall, was kicked 35 meters away by this monster with a human body and rhinoceros horns.

This, this. The waiter on the side looked panicked and was at a loss as to what to do.

Qin Hao's eyes instantly became sharp as he looked at the rhinoceros-horned monster.

What? Do you have any objections?

The rhinoceros-horned monster snorted and glanced at Qin Hao disdainfully.

Since both Qin Hao and Xiao Bai were injured at this time, the auras on their bodies were not revealed. This made the rhinoceros-footed monster feel that Qin Hao and Xiao Bai did not have much strength. After all, there were many three Monsters with super-level strength can already put on human clothes and pretend to be humans.

And he just went to chase his old enemy, but he didn't catch up. Just when he was angry, he happened to meet a group of people like Qin Hao when he came back, so he took it out on them.

Qin Hao still didn't speak, but the colorful tiger Xiao Huang roared in a low voice. With Qin Hao by his side, he became more courageous.

The huge tiger head looked at Qin Hao slightly, and Qin Hao nodded lightly.


Suddenly, the beautiful tiger Xiaobai let out a loud roar as if he had taken stimulants.

Leaping into the air, the huge tiger body pounced directly on the rhinoceros-horned monster.

The two immediately started fighting.

Bang bang bang!

The rhinoceros-horned monster was extremely powerful, and he dared to provoke a group of people like Qin Hao. He actually had tyrannical strength and punched the body of the beautiful tiger Xiao Huang.

Although Xiao Huang is not that powerful, he is fighting in his original form at this time, while the rhinoceros-horned monster is fighting in his human form. The two cancel each other out, and they fight fiercely.

The monsters watching behind him immediately cheered, and they all stared at the fight with wide eyes.

The person in the room who had previously issued a powerful aura and pressure was silent at this time, as if he didn't know that there was a fight outside.


The golden horned monster's muscles were so powerful that it pushed Xiao Huang back to Qin Hao's side.


Xiao Huang roared low and lay at Qin Hao's feet, as if crying to his master about his grievances.

It seems that this rhinoceros-horned monster is very powerful!

Yes, yes, this rhinoceros-horned monster can definitely be one of the best among our group of monsters. He is a powerful person who ranks high.

That's right, we have to try our best not to provoke others!

The monsters around were all whispering to each other. The hand exposed by the rhino-horned monster directly shocked others, making the other monsters look at the rhinoceros-horned monster in fear.


The rhinoceros-horned monster snorted and arrogantly entered the house. The fearful looks in their eyes made him feel very happy.

Qin Hao was silent and walked forward directly.

The two are about to collide quickly.

Just when the rhinoceros-footed monster's eyes flashed a cold light, Qin Hao just waved his arm lightly.

There was a loud bang!

This walking rhinoceros-horned monster seemed to have hit a high-speed train, and its entire body flew far away.

With a splash, the rhinoceros-horned monster fell to the ground. A trace of blood slowly flowed from the corner of his mouth, and he suffered severe internal injuries.


The rhinoceros-horned monster looked at Qin Hao's back, his eyes burning with anger and his heart furious, but he did not dare to say anything.

The other monsters were even more stunned, looking at Qin Hao's back with admiration.

Qin Hao's move made these monsters admire him beyond words.

It's really awesome!

Where did this strong man come from!

Many monsters communicated in low voices, and the sound reached the ears of the rhinoceros-horned monster, and the taste in it was even more bizarre.

The rhino-horned monster's eyes changed back and forth, and after a long time, he silently stood at the back of the queue.

He is different from other monsters, but came here voluntarily, because it can't survive in its own territory, so it has to come to the Monster Alliance and the like to seek survival.

Although he is powerful, it is mainly because his territory is too close to the headquarters of the Human Alliance, which makes him useless because he cannot withstand the large number of human evolvers.

Qin Hao and Xiaobai and Xiaohuang saw an old man sitting in the house after entering the house.

Go there and test your strength.

The old man's expression was sinister, and he looked like a cunning and vicious person.

Qin Hao didn't say much and directly followed the instructions to test his strength.

There is a huge stone millstone on the ground, and there is a mountain monument in front of the stone millstone.

As soon as Qin Hao stepped on the stone millstone, he felt the suction coming from the stone millstone. It was 10% powerful. If Qin Hao hadn't been physically strong, he would have felt it.

I'm afraid that as soon as he steps on this stone millstone, he will be unable to move even an inch.

As the golden power in his body circulated for a moment, Qin Hao's entire body became extremely sharp, and his strength increased even more. He lifted his leg fiercely and broke through the suction force.

And just after Qin Hao broke free of the suction force, the suction force disappeared without a trace and did not appear again.

Qin Hao looked at the stone monument in front of him. The entire stone monument was extremely tall, about a hundred meters tall. Because the building inside the house was extremely large, it was built against the mountain.

So this house is equivalent to the entrance of a cave. After hollowing out the mountain, it is equivalent to building a house at the entrance.

Therefore, stone monuments hundreds of meters high can easily stand in this house without looking crowded.

Such a tall stone monument is mainly prepared for those monsters who are huge and cannot transform into human form.

Qin Hao glanced, and then clenched his fist with his right hand. With the power of gold on it, he gathered strong power and punched the stone tablet in front of him with a fierce punch.


A huge explosion sounded, and then the entire black stone monument hundreds of meters high shook, boom, boom!

It was Qin Hao's punch that knocked off countless fragments of the stone stele. Countless black stone stele fragments fell to the ground, directly crushing and cracking the blue stone slab on the ground.

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