Fuck me quickly!

The commander of the ship saw this scene through the electronic screen. Although Qin Hao killed dozens of people in one fell swoop, he didn't feel distressed at all.

In the eyes of this commander, as a senior member of the Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce, those subordinates to him are just things that come and go when he calls them, and do not have much value.

Under the urging of the boss, these subordinates rushed out of the cabin one by one and stood opposite Qin Hao, but they did not dare to get too close.

Some people held something similar to a pistol in their hands. They raised it and aimed at Qin Hao. They clicked and pulled the trigger.

Suddenly, many giant nets appeared in the sky, covering Qin Hao's head directly. Although these nets were launched, they were still very fast, covering Qin Hao and Xiaobai in an instant.

Haha, done!

The commander laughed in the cabin, watching the scene on the electronic screen, and directly pressed the button beside him. A mechanical arm stretched out from the deck, picked up Qin Hao and Xiaobai, and placed them in the cabin. internal.

It seems that this person is nothing more than that. The commander said so, with a smile on his face, and the people around him immediately nodded and bowed in agreement.

And those who died were immediately thrown into the bottom of the sea, and no one cared about their lives.

Qin Hao and Xiaobai were locked in the cabin. The surrounding deck was extremely thick. With the fall of the mechanical claw arm, the hatch on the top of the deck was completely closed, and the deep space dimmed.

A transparent and invisible energy wall appeared around Qin Hao and Xiaobai, trapping them in place.

Qin Hao looked at the four-week energy barrier. He found that the energy barrier seemed to be a combination of technology and law.

The bottom of the cabin is carved with array patterns, and there are energy pipes on the walls, and energy is transmitted within the array stripes.

The more Qin Hao looked at it, the more curious he became. He could see that this formation was almost the same as the dragon formation he had drawn, except that the energy of the formation he used relied on his own spiritual power. It is very laborious to operate, but the formation here relies on technology to transmit energy. This makes the formation here not requiring artificial transmission of energy, but it is also very strong.

In the command room of the ship, orders were issued one after another. Because he was caught, the commander immediately issued an order to destroy the entire Tianhai City.

Laser weapons were launched one after another, followed by a devastating bomb, all of which landed on the island of Tianhai City.

The rumbling sound resounded throughout the sky and was heard endlessly.

The entire Tianhai City island was slowly sinking into the bottom of the sea amid this indiscriminate bombardment.

Leonard was seriously injured, and he was carried by his son Leonard and swam to the bottom of the sea quickly. They were deep-sea monsters. After these ships lifted the blockade between heaven and earth, along with the island It sank, and the father and son quickly escaped.


This message came from the command ship, and this overwhelming ship force followed the command ship and left here and returned.

Halfway along the way, the speed of these ships slowed down, but the people on board were drinking wine happily and celebrating their victory.

The commander on the command ship hugged a voluptuous beauty next to him, drank a lot of wine in his mouth, and looked at the blue sky and sea in the distance with dim eyes.

How dare you overtake my ship and attack him!

The drunk commander became even more aggressive. When a small ship slightly surpassed his command ship, he immediately issued an order to attack the ship.

grown ups!

Some of his men who were still sober immediately shouted, trying to stop him.

However, the intelligent system on the command ship would only obey the orders of the commander. The ship immediately launched an attack, and the laser cannon reversed its direction and aimed at the small ship.

When the small ship saw this scene, the laser cannon was pointed at itself, and the energy it accumulated ran away like crazy. The people on the small ship were all cursing the commander loudly, not understanding why he wanted to attack and aim. own ship.

After the commander saw this scene, he laughed even more proudly: Look, does he look like a little mouse?

The surrounding subordinates did not dare to say anything when faced with the commander's inquiry. They all nodded silently, with sad emotions in their hearts.

Attack, attack!

The commander shook his arms and shouted, and the intelligent system on the ship immediately executed this order, launching an attack directly before the energy of the laser cannon was fully accumulated.

Within the gun barrel, the blue laser suddenly flew out and bombarded the hull of the small ship. Due to the lack of energy, it failed to blast the small ship into pieces, but instead blasted it into pieces. A big hole was blown out of the small ship's hull, and sea water poured in.

Ha ha ha ha!

Looking at the people on the small ship jumping into the sea one by one to escape, the commander laughed even more heartily.

Some subordinates who were very vicious in nature also watched this scene with pride. In their eyes, as long as they were not themselves, it would be very interesting for others to be miserable no matter how miserable they were.

Suddenly, in the midst of this advance, amidst the vicious laughter that filled the warehouse, the hull of this huge command ship suddenly shook.

Just like a magnitude 9 earthquake, the strong shaking of the ship's hull caused people to stand unsteadily and stagger to the ground.

The commander suddenly fell down, the sailing hat on his head fell to the ground, and the wine in his hand spilled all over the floor.

The beauty in his arms screamed as he fell.


The beautiful woman was wearing exquisite high-heeled shoes. When she stood unsteadily, she fell directly onto the commander.

Get out of my way!

The commander was in pain from being crushed by this beauty. He kicked the beauty aside, picked up his hat and put it on his head.

What the fuck is going on?

Furious, he loudly asked the people around him.

People around me looked at me and I looked at you, but no one knew what was going on.

The electronic screen in the command module also dimmed, and there was no sound or image.

Boom, boom, boom!

There was a chaotic sound of fast footsteps, and a subordinate pushed open the door of the command cabin while panting heavily.

No, it's not good!

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