In this medium-sized city, Qin Hao got a lot of gems, and basically killed all the people with some status in it.

There is also a white gemstone, which contains the pure power of the five elements. In the castle where the city lord lives, a teleportation array was actually discovered.

Qin Hao tried this teleportation array, but found that it couldn't be used. If he wanted to use this teleportation array, he had to rely on the pure spiritual power emitted by the third eye on the Gendaya's forehead to communicate with the teleportation array. .

At this time, Clark was sitting in the seat of the city lord, feeling this different feeling. Naturally, his heart was very happy, but there was a strong uneasiness behind it.

Qin Hao had captured this medium-sized city, but he still didn't leave, which made Clark feel terrified.

He originally thought that Qin Hao was greedy at best and could just use Qin Hao to achieve his own wishes, but he did not expect that Qin Hao's ambition was much greater than he imagined.

Clark picked up another glass of wine on the table and put it into his mouth, suppressing his inner emotions. He didn't know how to face Qin Hao. He wanted to ask when Qin Hao was leaving, but he remembered his terrifying Strength, he couldn't help but shook his head quickly and drank one cup after another.

After a night, Qin Hao finally absorbed all the gems containing the power of the five elements in the room.

He could clearly feel the power of the Five Elements Spirit Art in his body at this time. Under the operation of the power of the Five Elements, the strength of his body increased by more than one level.

Qin Hao stood up, laughed, and walked out of the room.

Clark was waiting for Qin Hao at the door as always.

Let's go to the nearest large city. Qin Hao said.

Yes, sir! Clark responded quickly. He had already thought of today's situation last night. Qin Hao has got so many gems and is still not leaving. He must want to go to a large city to get more high-end gems. .

Although Clark wanted to kill the Lord Garcia, he did not want to be enemies with all the Gendayans.

Clark felt very helpless now, but he didn't have any strength to resist.

The troops gathered again, this time more than 2,000 people were gathered. However, although the soldiers were neatly dressed in armor, the troops were marching in a mess.

Ordinary soldiers will not be eager for war, especially in this Gendaya civilization where social status is established at birth.

Qin Hao and Xiaobai walked at the front of the team, and they encountered some beautiful scenery along the way, which made Xiaobai burst into laughter from time to time.

In this underground world, there are also vast plains and huge mountains, but most of the cliffs of these mountains are covered with luminous moss, which is used to illuminate this underground world.

There is clear water flowing in the creek, birds are chirping, and flowers are blooming.

Even if some blind monsters came to attack, Qin Hao and Xiao Bai dismissed them casually.

At the same time, in a splendid palace, there were more than a dozen men dressed in white and dressed as priests, sitting together.

A group of people formed a circle, all with their eyes closed and their expressions focused.

At this time, a slightly old and tired voice came, Let's get started!

Everyone was silent, but their expressions showed a hint of pain. The third eye on their forehead began to slowly open, and a trace of white light was revealed from it.

Everyone is like this. The third eyes of this group of people are all white.

This revealed their identity as prophets, and all of them had the ability to predict.

The white light turned from pale to bright and began to spread within the palace. Soon the entire palace was filled with pure white light.

The oldest elder among this group of people struggled to use his mental power to explore the scene in the white light.

After a long time, there was a puff sound, and the elder vomited blood, and his whole body collapsed on the ground. Everyone hurriedly closed their third eye.

A group of people quickly and nervously gathered around the elder.

I, we are all doomed! The elder shouted this sentence with difficulty, and then passed out.

A middle-aged man in gorgeous clothes standing outside the door obviously heard these words and rushed in hurriedly, shaking the elder's body.

Teacher, wake up quickly. The middle-aged man called.

The elder slowly woke up, then looked at the middle-aged man and said: City Lord, we are finished!

What kind of crisis is going to happen? the middle-aged man asked solemnly, and then continued: No, let's sit in the teleportation array and leave here first.

No, we can't run away. The elder shook his head, I already know what will happen in the future. If we don't run, we can still leave a glimmer of hope for our people. If we run away, not only will we not be able to run away, , our people will also become extinct.

The elder's face turned pale at this time, and he spoke with difficulty: You were once my most proud student, and now you have been the city lord for decades. Remember my words, you must not run away and stay for our race. Continuing hope.”

After saying this, the elder tilted his head, his eyes slowly closed and could no longer be opened.

When other people saw that the elder had passed away, they felt very sad and heavy, but they still had to face what they should face.

A group of people gathered around the city lord and asked: City Lord Hill, what should we do?

Xier's face was sad. The passing of his teacher was a serious blow to him. The series of things that happened today made him unable to accept it.

Just this morning, Hill's teacher came over and told him that he had predicted an unprecedented crisis. The sense of crisis was stronger than the past few times when the city was almost destroyed and people were killed. A strong sense of death filled him. in the teacher's mind.

Hill was very surprised after hearing this. You must know that he was able to be the city lord of this large city for decades because of his teacher's extremely accurate prediction ability.

But now, his teacher said that a strong danger was coming, so Hill did not dare to neglect, and quickly recruited all the prophets to make a joint prediction to predict accurate information.

Unexpectedly, this prophecy actually cost the teacher's life. One can imagine how much the backlash of this world's will will be.

If it were to predict some ordinary little things, it would never have such a big backlash.

Hill stood there, recalling in his mind the teachings his teacher had given him since he was a child. It was not easy for the Gendaya people to gain a foothold in this dangerous underground world. The teacher had been teaching him that he must serve the Gendaya civilization. Continue to make efforts.

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