Okay! Tianhao also laughed, his eyes full of surprise. Su Xiaoqian's performance made him quite happy, and he felt that a newcomer with good potential had joined the Yishen Guard.

Su Xiaoqian looked at the data on the dynamometer with some disbelief. She couldn't believe that she had typed it. She also marveled at how powerful Qin Hao was. He could help her cheat and produce such terrifying power. His true strength was so powerful. Strong and unpredictable!

Tianhao looked at Su Xiaoqian with eager eyes: Do you have special abilities?

Ordinary evolvers without abilities and special evolvers with abilities are obviously not on the same level. Special evolvers are the real potential stocks. After all, special abilities are equivalent to a gun. The difference in strength between those with guns and those without guns is naturally obvious. !

Thinking of Qin Hao's instructions yesterday, Su Xiaoqian coughed: Yes, I can control thunder and lightning to attack the enemy.

Thunder power?

Tianhao suddenly became even more delighted. Even those who have special abilities are divided into strong and weak ones. Some special abilities are also very useless, such as fire resistance, underwater breathing, etc., and the lightning ability has the strongest attack power among the natural abilities. One of the strongest abilities! It’s quite an excellent ability!

Come on, attack me with all your strength. Tianhao was delighted to see Lie Xin, and he said to Su Xiaoqian.

Seeing Su Xiaoqian's hesitation, Tianhao said confidently: Don't worry, my ability is the original shield, you can't hurt me yet.

The original energy shield is a mysterious defensive ability that can convert the genetic energy in cells into a shield for arbitrary defense. It is much more practical than shields, body armor, etc.

Well...then be careful. Su Xiaoqian could only say.

Qin Hao was secretly amused. This Tianhao was definitely not weak. After the spiritual energy burst, his strength could skyrocket. However, in Qin Hao's eyes, it was easy to defeat him even in the sealed state. Since he wanted to test his lightning ability. , then come and try it.

Qin Hao released thunder and lightning, which was continuously twisted in front of Su Xiaoqian and compressed into a purple thunder ball.

The strength of the evolver is a combination of strength, speed, ability types, combat skills, and rank.

Qin Hao has taken Purple Thunder Flower, and his lightning ability has been strengthened to the second level of strength, which is definitely not comparable to ordinary evolvers.

What a powerful thunder and lightning! Tianhao's eyes showed a hint of solemnity. He activated the genetic energy in his body and transformed it into a transparent, twisted, and vague shield to protect him in front of him.


At this moment, Qin Hao suddenly thought and pushed out the thunder ball. The fist-sized purple thunder ball hit the original energy shield in front of Tianhao like a cannonball.


The dazzling lightning exploded in the room, the thunder and lightning danced like snakes, and the terrifying impact burst out. The original energy shield in front of Tianhao was shattered by the explosion, and he staggered back four or five steps. He could barely stand still.

Captain Tianhao! Zhang Yue and Li Shaofeng were both stunned. Su Xiaoqian was able to break Tianhao's original energy shield and make him retreat continuously. Among all the evolvers of Yishen Guard, he is the only one who can do this. No more than one hand!

Qin Hao was speechless. With his second-level lightning ability, Tianhao could be shattered to pieces with just one face-to-face encounter. Even in the sealed state, Tianhao could not withstand the full force of his attack.

Okay, okay! Tianhao was not angry but happy. He said excitedly, Little girl, with a little training, your strength can be greatly improved. It is not impossible to become a captain of our Ability God Guard!

Um... let's forget about the captain and all that... Su Xiaoqian felt guilty. She knew herself. She was just an ordinary person. She could fool him for a while, so she couldn't go unnoticed forever.

We'll talk about the rest later. I keep my word, and I'll leave this primary strengthening potion to you. Tianhao laughed, took out a tube of transparent liquid from a safe on the side, and handed it to Su Xiaoqian , Zhang Yue and Li Shaofeng's eyes were full of envy.

Then Tianhao took Su Xiaoqian to go through the formalities and other matters. Su Xiaoqian did not forget about Qin Hao on the way. She said: Captain Tianhao...can I ask you to help me find someone?

Tianhao was stunned, then nodded and smiled: It's just a joke. Since you have joined the Ability God Guards, I won't hide it from you. Our Ability God Guards serve the military of Moyue City, and our energy is beyond your imagination. , as long as that person is on Moyue Island, we can find him within a few hours.

His name is Wang Hui. He is 1.7 meters tall. In terms of appearance... Su Xiaoqian told the information about Wang Hui, and Tianhao agreed without asking what he was looking for.

If you have any questions, call me via mobile phone. Tianhao then left his mobile phone number, and Su Xiaoqian left the headquarters of the Alien God Guard.

Qin Hao also breathed a sigh of relief. If nothing unexpected happened, he would be able to take half of his revenge soon!

Back in the hotel, Su Xiaoqian couldn't help but have some worry on her face. She helped Qin Hao, but she deceived the Ability God Guard. Behind this Ability God Guard was the entire Black Moon City!

A row of words appeared above Qin Hao's head: As soon as Wang Hui is found, you will leave Black Moon Island immediately.

Well, Master Long, be careful. Su Xiaoqian nodded. No matter how powerful Black Moon City was, as long as she left Black Moon Island, there would be nothing they could do to her.

Just three hours had passed when Su Xiaoqian's cell phone got through. It was Tianhao. Su Xiaoqian turned on the speakerphone, and Tianhao's voice came from the other side: I found that Wang Hui, I've already His message was sent to your mobile phone, please take a look.

Thank you, Captain Tianhao. Su Xiaoqian said thanks and opened her phone at the same time. Sure enough, there was a MMS.

There was a photo of a man in this MMS. The man looked to be in his mid-twenties, and he looked pretty decent, but he gave people a gloomy feeling. When he saw this man, Qin Hao's eyes flashed with strong murderous intent. This person is exactly the Wang Hui he is looking for!

Wang Hui, the only son of Wang Yi, the president of the Black Ink Society, likes taking drugs and doing idleness... His address is the Black Ink Society Building on Dongshan Street. Recently, Wang Hui will celebrate the birthday of Li Tengfei, Deputy Superintendent of Black Ink City...

It also included information about Wang Hui. Qin Hao was quite surprised. This Wang Hui had a very good family background, because his family was a gangster organization. There were more than ten casinos and hotels in Moyue City, and they were quite powerful. Wang Hui never mentioned anything to him.

Dongxing Restaurant tonight? Qin Hao's mouth curved. According to this information, Wang Hui's father has business dealings with Moyue City Deputy Chief of Police Li Tengfei. Tonight is Li Tengfei's 50th birthday. Wang Hui will go to celebrate his birthday.

After learning all this, Qin Hao said to Su Xiaoqian: Take me outside Dongxing Restaurant and leave as soon as possible.

Looking at the words condensed by Qin Hao, Su Xiaoqian nodded. She didn't know what Qin Hao was going to do, but it probably wouldn't be a good thing. After all, Qin Hao couldn't help but have murderous intent when he mentioned Wang Hui.

After thinking about it, Qin Hao opened his mouth and spit out a 20-year-old spirit-gathering grass, and a row of words condensed on his head: Eat this spirit-gathering grass later, and drink the bottle of primary strengthening potion. You should have a lot of energy. There is a chance of becoming an evolver. It’s best to prepare more food when you return home.”

Su Xiaoqian helped him a lot, and there might be a lot of trouble for this. That's all Qin Hao could do. A 20-year-old spirit-gathering grass was already very valuable to Qin Hao. No more.

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