kill him!

An undead man who had been sitting in the corner with his head lowered and silent suddenly spoke.

One sentence broke the silent atmosphere, and the other people also echoed.

Kill, everyone related to Hanba will die!

Ye Ming sat in the main seat and looked at the undead people in the tribe in front of him. These were all important personnel in the tribe.

They had seen it with themselves before, and from the records passed down from the tribe, it was clear from the few descriptions that the natural enemies of the undead, the Hades-hungry Demon Butterflies, were monsters created by the Drought Demon.

They were once the most important warriors in Chi You's tribe. Since Chi You was defeated by Emperor Xuanyuan, these immortals were like bereaved dogs, running around.

Without Chi You's support, Han Ba ​​could bully them like this.

This is something that was handed down from a turtle bone deck record in the past, and many people in the tribe don't know about it.

Only he was originally the son of a tribal leader. When he was playing secretly when he was a child, he saw this turtle bone that recorded the drought incident.

Although the turtle bone was severely damaged, the totem carved on it was still clearly preserved, and it was the totem of the undead tribe.

The origins of hatred are always related. Although they have never seen the Drought Demon, most of their relatives were killed by the Dark Demon Butterfly.

Hanbao had died long ago, and they had long forgotten about it, but the arrival of Qin Hao reminded them of the painful past again.


The originally pitch-black eyes of several undead people had already turned blood red as they stared closely at Ye Ming, who was sitting on the main seat.

The fear of the Hades-hungry Demon Butterfly and the resentment of the Drought Demon merged into the desire to kill Qin Hao.

The hatred in Ye Ming's eyes was also revealed without concealment, and he said to everyone: Those two people are very strong.

I called you here just because...

Ye Ming discussed with everyone for a while, and then made the so-called plan.

Five undead people headed by Ye Ming came to the stone house where Qin Hao was. The five people surrounded the stone house from five directions.

Then they all started to attack in a tacit understanding, and the ten fingers quickly changed together, and each hand pinched the ancient curse seal, echoing some mysterious will in the distance.

Boom! The air seemed to be ignited by the dark and green firelight, causing waves of ripples. However, people could not feel a trace of temperature. Instead, they felt extremely cold. This coldness reached straight to the soul. Man cannot resist, cannot escape.

Qin Hao had been waiting for their arrival in the stone house for a long time. Feeling the underworld fire outside, he shook his head slightly. He originally wanted to learn more about the drought demons here, but he thought that these people were still overestimating their abilities.

Qin Hao didn't understand why these people came to kill him, but it didn't matter. Since he dared to come, he had to be prepared to die. He looked at Xiaobai with sharp eyes.

Qin Hao broke through the roof of the house and soared into the sky. The Five Elements Spirit Art suddenly burst into motion, and the whole person was suspended in the air, exuding an unspeakable aura.


The stone house below burst into pieces, bursting out dust all over the sky, and Xiaobai's huge body, shining like a diamond after the seal was released, appeared in front of everyone.

When Ye Ming and others saw Xiao Bai's huge body, although they were a little surprised and surprised, with a slight panic in their expressions, they quickly calmed down and kept moving their hands.

The undead used the death energy accumulated over the years to release hell fire that was enough to burn the soul. The cold breath rushed straight towards Xiao Bai on the ground along with the dark green fire.

Ye Ming and other undead people have strong confidence in their own hell fire.

They know in their hearts that their own Nether Fire, except for being restrained by the Netherworld-loving Demon Butterfly, other creatures cannot effectively fight against the Nether Fire, because this Nether Fire contains an ancient covenant, so other creatures face this Hellfire can only be forced to defend but cannot absorb.

After Xiao Bai transformed into the form of a giant snake, the dark gem on the huge head, after sensing the cold and biting hell fire around him, automatically emitted black light, protecting Xiao Bai's whole body, making himself The whole body is shrouded in black light.

This is a kind of light that cannot be described in words, and its darkness is darker and deeper than this dark night.

What? Ye Ming and others looked at the scene in disbelief. Xiaobai was originally a white giant snake shining like diamonds, but the black gem on her forehead emitted bursts of black light, shrouding it in In the black light, the dark fire released by Ye Ming and others was of no use to the protective shield formed by the black light.

Impossible! One of the stout undead yelled. He couldn't believe that such a thing would happen. Originally, the fate of their undead was very miserable. There were ghost-loving demon butterflies created by Drought Demon to specifically restrain them. Where there are no dead people, there will be hell-hungry demon butterflies.

However, their underworld fire cannot cause any harm to the underworld-eating demon butterflies, and the death energy contained in their bodies can also become the food for those underworld-eating demon butterflies.

But now Xiaobai's performance was like that of the underworld-loving demon butterfly, not afraid of their underworld fire, which made them feel very afraid.

Could this be another natural enemy? All the undead people were thinking like this.

You are seeking death! Qin Hao shouted coldly in the air.

Click! A white light flashed in Qin Hao's hand in the sky, and a bolt of thunder came down, hitting Ye Ming directly.

Click, another white light flashed!

Click, a white light flashed...

Qin Hao is a dragon at the peak lord level, so the thunder and lightning he releases cannot be underestimated.

Ye Ming and others relied on themselves to use the Hellfire to attack the soul. Although they valued the strength of Qin Hao and Xiaobai, they never expected that Xiaobai would be completely unafraid of his Hellfire attack.

Several people died like this before they could react.

Qin Hao fell in mid-air. He didn't expect these undead people to be so vulnerable.

Xiaobai also flashed with light, transformed into a human form, walked to Qin Hao, and grabbed his arm: Brother, these people deserve to die!

Xiaobai's pink and tender face no longer looked as childish as before, but instead revealed her original fierceness.

Yes. Qin Hao said calmly: If that's the case, then let's all die!

What Ye Ming and the others didn't know until their death was that the reason why Hanbao became Hanbao was because he was immortal.

If she hadn't been framed by the undead, Emperor Xuanyuan's daughter would not have turned into a drought demon, nor would she have had such a tragic love story with Ying Long in which she fell in love but could not be together.

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