The Dragon of Destruction in the Apocalypse

Chapter 183 An ant steps on an elephant?

When the dust fell, Qin Hao saw the scene behind the wall. It was a wide and long passage. This passage was also magnificent, with a large and wide space. On the walls and ground of the passage, there were dazzling lights. The air was golden, with the sound of gold and iron clashing in the air, and waves of sharp golden aura rushed towards my face.

Qin Hao felt a little happy in his heart at this time. He could already determine whose tomb was here. All dragons have dragon power, but the dragon clan has both dragon power and such powerful power of water and gold. , must be the one from ancient times.

A flash of white light flashed, and Qin Hao turned into a human form and was about to exit the palace. Although he discovered the passage hidden in the palace at this time, he could not leave Xiaobai alone outside.

Brother! Before Qin Hao turned around, he heard Xiaobai's call.

When he turned around, he saw the giant snake Xiaobai who had released the seal. Xiaobai quickly came to Qin Hao's side and transformed into a human form in a flash of light.

It turned out that Xiaobai had been waiting outside for too long, and was worried about Qin Hao's safety, so he wanted to enter the palace to take a look. However, he did not expect that when Qin Hao entered, the palace door was covered with light blue water. The power of the palace sealed it, and no matter how hard Xiaobai tried to hit it, he could not break it open. It was not until Qin Hao destroyed the formation here in the palace that Xiaobai was able to come in.

When Qin Hao saw this, he didn't say much. Seeing that Xiaobai had nothing to do, he was just thinking about how to pass through this passage filled with sharp gold energy.

The sharp golden energy in this passage turned into a sharp attack, and there were bursts of sounds of gold and iron clashing in this passage.

Although Qin Hao possesses the Five Elements Spirit Art, if he breaks through at will, no matter how powerful his body is, he may not be able to withstand it.

Qin Hao casually took out a low-level weapon and threw it into the passage.


As soon as this weapon entered the passage, it suddenly shattered into countless fragments, as if a snowflake had fallen, and the fluttering weapon was chopped into pieces.

Ah! How could this happen? Xiao Bai was also a little surprised. He didn't expect that this seemingly ordinary passage would be so hidden with murderous intent.

Just when Qin Hao was thinking about how to enter this passage filled with the power of gold, another voice came from behind him.

Hahaha, stop! Li Yanghua laughed and walked over, holding Gao Yong's head in his hand, and suddenly threw the high head at Qin Hao's feet.

Qin Hao looked at him expressionlessly. Gao Yong was not familiar with him, and Qin Hao would certainly not be affected by his death.

Xiaobai was also indifferent. Facing weak humans like Li Yanghua, Xiaobai had no interest at all. As for Gao Yong, it didn't matter. All humans were the same in Xiaobai's eyes.

Li Yanghua was very excited at this time. He had discovered the palace here very early, but after some exploration, he found nothing outside the palace. But facing such a magnificent palace, he How can we remain indifferent?

When he asked his men to go in one by one to explore the way, but no one came out, he was a little frustrated. Moreover, after spending a lot of time and using a lot of methods, they could not come out after entering the palace. Li Yanghua thought this There must be treasures in the palace.

In such a long time of surviving in the apocalypse, he has been able to infiltrate such a force, and he has seen a lot. He has also seen monsters and zombies, strange animals and plants, many weird phenomena and rare treasures. Some.

Li Yanghua knew that the world today could not be described by common sense, so when he discovered this place, he thought that there must be something strange in this palace, so he refused to give up.

He has been planning for a long time. After a long period of preparation, he prepared today's plan. The news that everyone knows is spread by him.

When Li Yanghua saw the door of the palace, a light blue light curtain first appeared, and then disappeared. After Xiaobai also entered, he couldn't sit still anymore!

Then he led people to kill all Gao Yong's group who were still in the palace square, and then came in and faced Qin Hao directly.

Li Yanghua's excitement made his whole body tremble. He felt that Qin Hao must have obtained a treasure in this palace, otherwise how could this palace be so strange.

Li Yanghua said tremblingly: Hand over the things to me!

As he spoke, he took out a small dark red crossbow from his arms and pointed it at Qin Hao. The rest of the people also took out rifles, swords and other cold and hot weapons and pointed them at Qin Hao.

Li Yanghua knew that these weapons of his could not cause much harm to Qin Hao, but he believed that the small dark red crossbow in his hand was the one he had found in a ruins!

He once held this small dark red crossbow and killed a third-order evolver with one blow. It was very sharp!

A third-order evolver, this is the top powerhouse today, even as powerful as a lord-level monster!

Qin Hao felt a little funny watching this scene. He didn't expect Li Yanghua to threaten him with a small red crossbow. Although he felt that the small red crossbow had some power, it could not cause any harm to him.

Qin Hao still looked at Li Yanghua expressionlessly, but he felt that Li Yanghua was a bit stupid. This thing could kill ordinary third-level evolvers, but facing Qin Hao...

When Li Yanghua saw Qin Hao being silent, he held the red crossbow and activated the machine without saying a word, thinking that he could just kill Qin Hao and then search for things.

Haha! Li Yanghua smiled confidently again, thinking about Qin Hao's tragic death on the spot.


At this moment, Li Yanghua felt that there was something wrong with his eyes. The dark red arrow from the dark red hand crossbow hit Qin Hao's chest like a stream of light. Although there was a strong roar, But Qin Hao didn't react at all and stood there unharmed.

The dark red arrows bounced away and the arrowheads were broken!


Li Yanghua was roaring in his heart. He couldn't understand why Qin Hao was so strong. His hand crossbow, which could instantly kill third-level evolutionaries, had no effect at all against Qin Hao?

why why?

Li Yanghua still couldn't figure it out in his heart. He had clearly planned everything and everything was going according to plan. Although there was a slight problem with Gao Yong, and he also discovered that Xiaobai was a monster. Although he was huge, he He didn't pay too much attention to it, after all, he also had the trump card of shooting lord-level monsters!

Qin Hao saw Li Yanghua standing there stupidly. Although looking at Li Yanghua was like an elephant looking at an ant, he couldn't tolerate this ant attacking him wantonly!

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