The Dragon of Destruction in the Apocalypse

Chapter 121 The rioting group of evil dragons

You must know that this Evil Dragon Valley is the holy land of Longxie Island, where the Evil Dragon King once lived, and it is a holy land for cultivation for the Evil Dragon clan. As long as they live in the Evil Dragon Valley for a long time, the evil spirits in the creatures of their Evil Dragon clan will The power of bloodline will become stronger and stronger.

This Evil Dragon Valley is very huge. A single evil dragon clan cannot occupy the entire Evil Dragon Valley, so every evil dragon clan is entrenched on a mountain peak, building nests and meditating.

Creatures that can live in the Evil Dragon Valley have been tested by other evil dragon clans. Only those who are recognized can be qualified to live in the Evil Dragon Valley. Potential rules have been formed in this Evil Dragon Valley for thousands of years.

You can fight life or death outside the Evil Dragon Valley, but no creature is allowed to take action inside the Evil Dragon Valley. Every evil dragon clan is very powerful, and it is common for them to destroy mountains and mountains with their hands. If If anyone takes action in Evil Dragon Valley, it won't be long before Evil Dragon Valley will be destroyed and riddled with holes, and the magic here may disappear.

In addition, the main purpose of each evil dragon clan in the valley is to practice. It would be dangerous if they were attacked by other evil dragon clans while resting or practicing!

Therefore, fighting is not allowed in the Evil Dragon Valley. It is okay to fight to the death outside, but whoever dares to fight in the valley will be besieged and hunted by all the other Evil Dragon clans!

Over the years, there have been many bad-tempered evil dragons who have provoked disputes in the valley, only to be torn to pieces by other evil dragons!

This iron rule is jointly defended by many evil dragon clans. In the past ten or twenty years, there has been no bloodshed in the evil dragon valley.

But what surprised and angered the giant dragon-winged tiger was that the stupid green man who jumped out of nowhere dared to sneak attack him?

The dragon-winged giant tiger desperately wanted to roar to attract other evil dragons to tear Qin Hao, the guy who broke the rules, into pieces.

But Qin Hao bit the dragon-winged giant tiger's throat tightly, and wrapped the dragon's body around the dragon-winged giant tiger's body, tightening it violently. The dragon-winged giant tiger could only make a low whimper in its throat. Naturally, this sound will not attract the rest of the evil dragon clan.

Click, click, click!

With the continuous injection of venom, the dragon-winged giant tiger became weaker and weaker, and finally completely lost its ability to resist. Qin Hao used force to completely crush its bones before slowly relaxing.


Qin Hao silently killed the dragon-winged giant tiger and swallowed its body.

Digest it first. Qin Hao's bird occupied the dove's nest and devoured the dragon-winged giant tiger. Qin Hao began to digest the food in his belly on the spot.

First, the blood essence is extracted, and then it is completely digested and converted into pure energy!

Qin Hao has now evolved to the high-level lord level, and uses the spirit refining technique to refine with all his strength. An evil dragon can be completely refined in up to one day!

One day later, after Qin Hao digested the food, he headed to the second mountain peak.

There is an evil dragon clan entrenched on every mountain peak. Qin Hao swept through the mountains one by one in the sealed state, specifically selecting some of the evil dragon clan who were resting or practicing to attack. If they were relatively powerful, he would not be sure to sneak attack and kill the evil dragon clan. As for the dragon clan, he just chose to give up and look for new prey.

Qin Hao has venom, which is simply a weapon for attack and killing. As long as he bites it, the powerful evil dragon clan will completely lose the ability to resist in less than ten seconds and let them be slaughtered.

In the blink of an eye, more than ten days passed, and Qin Hao swallowed more than ten evil dragons in a row!


In a cave, Qin Hao closed his eyes and huddled up, digesting a prey he had just swallowed. The scales on his body were glowing, and the spiritual energy in the air was injected into his body, tempering his limbs.

As time passed, Qin Hao's bones trembled all over his body and his breath fluctuated violently. Qin Hao's eyes showed joy: Breakthrough!

For more than ten days, Qin Hao had a lot of high-quality food every day, which allowed him to successfully break through to the third level and the fifth level. This speed is not unpleasant.

Not only that, the blood essence extracted from more than a dozen evil dragons also made his blood dragon technique a lot better. The power of blood in his body became stronger, and the increase in blood dragon incarnation will be stronger. Using blood The dragon jade soul can last longer!

This reminds me of the days of the chicken farm. Qin Hao sighed. This was how he hunted food when he was at the chicken farm. The difference now is that the food he hunted was the powerful evil dragon clan.

Huh? Is something coming?

Qin Hao suddenly frowned. Through his thermal vision, he saw a huge mass of heat approaching in the distance. Could this mountain be home to two evil dragons?

Qin Hao decided to avoid it for the time being so as not to be discovered. Qin Hao immediately used his sealing ability to shrink to one meter long and hid behind a nearby rock.

At the entrance of the cave, a strange evil dragon clan landed at the entrance of the cave. It was huge, with dragon wings on its back, but its mouth was flat and pointed, a bit like a duck.


The platypus got into the cave and seemed a little confused as to why there was no one in the cave. It poked its head to look for the whereabouts of its partner, but it didn't know that its partner had been swallowed by Qin Hao just now.

The platypus didn't leave for a long time, and Qin Hao's eyes flashed coldly, and he decided to kill it together without stopping.

The moment the platypus turned its head, Qin Hao suddenly burst into flames!

After the seal was released, Qin Hao transformed into a giant beast with a body diameter of more than three meters. He opened his mouth and bit into the platypus's throat. As soon as he bit the platypus, Qin Hao immediately injected venom into it, leaving it without a chance to roar.

However, something unexpected happened this time. Qin Hao bit the platypus's neck, injected venom, and wrapped its body around it. Logically speaking, the platypus should not be able to make too much noise, but the reality is often unexpected!

Quack, quack, quack!

The extremely loud cry was transmitted, resounding throughout the Evil Dragon Valley, and echoed endlessly.

Is it the voice ability?

Qin Hao had the urge to vomit blood. The ability of this platypus is sound. Even without the use of vocal cords, it can activate the air with only genetic energy, produce sound, and transmit it very far.

This platypus uses its voice ability to activate terrifying sound waves. Its voice is sharp and high, resounding throughout the Evil Dragon Valley. It is asking for help!

Ho ho ho!

How dare someone dare to take action in Evil Dragon Valley? Suddenly, countless giant beasts rose into the sky from the peaks one after another, heading towards the peak where Qin Hao was.

For all the Evil Dragon clan living in the Evil Dragon Valley, the biggest taboo is to fight in the Evil Dragon Valley. This will not only destroy the uniqueness of the Evil Dragon Valley, but also threaten the safety of themselves and others. Once discovered, who dares to fight in the Evil Dragon Valley? If Long Gu takes action, all the evil dragon clan will come out and completely destroy them!

Giant beasts were flying in the sky and in the mist, menacingly, and on the ground between the valleys, a small white snake seemed to be frightened and hurriedly got into the cracks in the rocks next to it.

This little white snake raised its head and looked at the evil dragons flying in the sky. There was fear and confusion in its light blue eyes. It was a little strange. What happened? There are so many powerful monsters, it's like being poked into a hornet's nest!

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