The Dragon of Destruction in the Apocalypse

Chapter 10 Stealing ancient martial arts!

After the end of the world, many ancient forces have emerged one after another. Dao sect, Gu sect, and ancient martial arts sect are all powerful among them. The ancient martial arts sect is inherited from the Yanhuang era and has a profound foundation. This old man may He is from the Guwu Sect.

Qin Hao was very curious about the boxing skills the old man mentioned, so he said nothing and waited quietly.

The two began to set up the tent and had some conversations. From this conversation, Qin Hao learned their names. The girl was named Ning Xuexin, and the old man was Ning Xuexin's grandfather, named Ning Zongyue.

After setting up the tent, the old man Ning Zongyue said seriously: You have been practicing the Five Elements Spiritual Art passed down from your family for more than ten years. You should know how extraordinary it is.

From Ning Zongyue's mouth, Qin Hao learned that the technique they practiced was called Five Elements Spirit Art. Although he didn't know what it was, Qin Hao was sure that it was better than the most basic technique he had mastered, which could only sense, The psychic secrets that absorb spiritual energy are much more advanced.

During the practice, the girl Ning Xuexin was also very serious. She nodded: Well, after practicing the Five Elements Spiritual Art, I haven't had any diseases since I was a child. Those boys are not as strong as me. Once I easily killed someone who wanted to molest me. My classmate's gangsters broke into the hospital...

Ning Zongyue coughed: Practicing martial arts without practicing martial arts will not have much effect. Only by practicing both can you become a true master. I will teach you the Five Elements Boxing that matches this Five Elements Spiritual Art.

Yes. Ning Xuexin nodded obediently.

Ning Zongyue began to practice boxing. What he didn't expect was that not only Ning Xuexin was watching intently, but also Qin Hao who was hiding in the dark!

Ancient martial arts... If future generations want to learn ancient martial arts, they can only join the ancient martial arts sect! Qin Hao's eyes lit up. Ancient martial arts are fighting skills passed down from ancient times. Evolvers have power, but they must also have the ability to use it. Skills, otherwise you will look like a reckless man. Ancient martial arts is to practice combat skills, and not many people can learn it.

Regarding ancient martial arts, some ancient martial arts families or sects are just like in ancient times. They value their broomsticks very much. If you want to learn, you have to join their forces.

And the boxing taught by Ning Zongyue to Ning Xuexin is called Five Elements Boxing, and it is a very advanced boxing technique!

Five Elements Fist is divided into five moves, namely the five fists of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. Five Elements Fist is an internal fist. When practiced to a high level, it can temper the internal organs and develop the human body's potential! Ning Zongyue's fists shot through the air, sometimes like raging fire. , sometimes unstoppable, sometimes soft and extended, the five types of boxing moves in his hands are like the transformation of the five elements.

Qin Hao is sure that it is not an exaggeration to call Ning Zongyue a master in ancient martial arts. Such a person can practice ancient martial arts to such an extent in peacetime. When the end of the world comes, he will definitely be able to become a powerful evolver. of!

Okay, I have practiced it once. You start practicing and I will guide you next to you. Ning Zongyue said.

Yes. Ning Xuexin nodded obediently, and she began to practice the Five Elements Boxing that Ning Zongyue taught before.

No, the Five Elements Boxing only has five moves, but the transformations of the Five Elements are endless. In addition, the Five Elements Boxing emphasizes the meaning rather than the form! Ning Zongyue pointed out Ning Xuexin's mistakes from time to time.

Ning Xuexin looks very delicate and beautiful on the outside, but she is very serious when it comes to practicing martial arts and never gets tired.

Ning Xuexin kept practicing, and Ning Zongyue kept correcting his mistakes. He couldn't help but take out a bottle of water and take a sip, but suddenly he was stunned.

Ning Zongyue saw a small black snake dancing and swaying next to the stone on one side. This made Ning Zongyue a little stunned: This little practicing the Five Elements Boxing I taught Xiaoxue?

Qin Hao stopped. Just now he couldn't help but practice Five Elements Boxing with Ning Xuexin, but he was discovered by Ning Zongyue.


Ning Xuexin also noticed Ning Zongyue's gaze. When she saw Qin Hao, she was startled and looked nervous. Not to mention women, even some boys were afraid of snakes.

Seeing Ning Xuexin's scared look, Ning Zongyue couldn't help but smile: Aren't you afraid of everything in school? It's just a little snake, what are you afraid of? He seems to be practicing martial arts too, you girl Give Grandpa some credit, don’t be inferior to a snake.”

Qin Hao was originally worried that Ning Zongyue would be jealous after being discovered, but he didn't care about Qin Hao. After all, he was just a little snake, could he really learn his skills?

Grandpa, you are so bad! Faced with Ning Zongyue's teasing, Ning Xuexin puffed up her face angrily. This snake didn't even have arms and legs, how could she practice boxing with her?

Okay, okay, grandpa is wrong, keep practicing. Ning Zongyue suppressed his laughter and asked Ning Xuexin to continue practicing the Five Elements Boxing. Ning Xuexin started practicing again, but the difference was that Qin Hao in the distance also followed suit.

This Five Elements Boxing... is so magical! Qin Hao's eyes lit up. As he continued to practice Five Elements Boxing, he felt a burning sensation in his internal organs. Five Elements Boxing is an internal martial art that can temper the fragile internal organs. Being strong from the inside out is undoubtedly of great help to anyone!

The foundation of any creature's strength is its own strength. The strength of the internal organs can allow people to unleash all their potential. Otherwise, if you get punched and get internal injuries, how can you fight with others?

Qin Hao practices very seriously. Although Qin Hao has no hands and feet, as Ning Zongyue said, Five Elements Boxing emphasizes intention rather than form. This does not affect Qin Hao's practice of this ancient martial art at all!

Su Hao might not be able to practice other ancient martial arts, but as long as he comprehends the artistic conception of the Five Elements, he can become more and more sophisticated in this Five Elements Boxing!

Ning Zongyue was amazed when he saw it, feeling that he had encountered a psychic snake. Of course, he didn't think Qin Hao could really achieve anything, so he didn't think about driving Qin Hao away. Instead, he felt that Qin Hao's presence gave him a Boring practice adds a sense of fun.

When night was coming, Ning Zongyue said to Ning Xuexin: I'll find some firewood. That's all for today's practice.

Well, I'm here to help too. Ning Xuexin nodded repeatedly, I'm so hungry, I can finally eat!

Ning Zongyue looked at a big tree with the mouth of a bowl. He slashed out with his palm sword. His palm seemed to be covered with a layer of sharp spiritual energy. With just one strike, the tree with the mouth of the bowl was cut. The thick tree was cut in half.

Seeing this scene, Qin Hao's eyes flashed with surprise: He used the Five Elements Spiritual Art?

Based on previous conversations, Qin Hao knew that Ning Zongyue not only mastered the Five Elements Boxing, but also practiced a set of techniques called Five Elements Spiritual Techniques. This Five Elements Spiritual Techniques was obviously a very advanced technique that could significantly Enhanced combat power, even allowing Ning Zongyue, who is not an evolver, to chop down a tree as thick as a bowl with his flesh palm!

Ning Zongyue used his palm like a knife to split the big tree, then collected some dead branches and started to light a fire. Seeing this scene, Ning Xuexin was a little envious: When can I be like grandpa?

Ning Xuexin has been learning the Five Elements Spiritual Art since she was a child, but her attainments in the Five Elements Spiritual Art are obviously not as good as those of Ning Zongyue, who has practiced Jiazi for a long time.

Qin Hao was quite depressed. Ning Xuexin had already mastered the Five Elements Spiritual Technique, so Ning Zongyue only taught the Five Elements Boxing. He had no chance to steal his master. Qin Hao was thinking about how to learn the Five Elements Spiritual Technique.

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