Qin Hao then tried to swallow the second chick. Sure enough, there was no change in his abdomen. Qin Hao swooped at the third chick, poisoned it, then devoured it. Finally, Qin Hao ate the third chick. Although there was no change in his abdomen, Qin Hao felt a sense of fullness. His food intake seemed to be limited now.

Qin Hao did not continue to devour the chicken. It would be embarrassing if he couldn't jump out if he was full.

Qin Hao jumped out of the guardrail. His snake body swam and returned to the wooden shed where sundries were stored. Qin Hao coiled himself in a circle and began to absorb the spiritual energy of the world and digest the food he swallowed.

This time Qin Hao can feel that his body is obviously getting stronger. The cultivation of beasts requires enough food. As long as there is enough food and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is absorbed, he will be able to become stronger quickly!

The next day, when the chicken farm staff went to work, they did not notice that the three chicks were missing, which made Qin Hao relieved.

Qin Hao's life became dull. He practiced during the day. At night, after all the staff in the chicken farm had rested, he got up to eat and continued to practice.

Haha, this time the national football team finally entered the finals. Three days later in the finals, I defeated the national football team and won! One day Qin Hao heard the staff of two chicken farms chatting, and Qin Hao finally figured out what time it was.

The national football team won the championship. This was a big event. Qin Hao remembered it very clearly. It was April 2030, and the fusion of all realms and the explosion of spiritual energy was in July of the same year. In other words, there were still three months before the end of the world was coming. Time is of the essence.

Time passed quickly, and half a month passed in the blink of an eye. That night, a black snake swam on the ground at a very fast speed. The size of this black snake was extremely exaggerated, half as thick as an adult's arm, and its body length was more than three meters. He He easily bounced on the ground and entered the chicken shed.

This three-meter-long black snake was naturally Qin Hao. In half a month, with enough food, it grew to three meters long. Qin Hao thought that he was about to evolve for the first time!

In the chicken shed, every big rooster shivered in fear when they saw Qin Hao. If it were a small snake, the rooster would still have the guts to fight, but the three-meter-long black snake was radiating fierce flames that made them croak. Don't even dare.

Qin Hao was like a king inspecting the prey in his territory. Qin Hao stared at a fat rooster on the left. The next moment, he leaned out with lightning speed. The rooster didn't even have a chance to react. He was bitten on the neck.


The big rooster's eyes were filled with fear, but within a few seconds it was easily poisoned. Qin Hao skillfully stretched his mouth to the limit and swallowed the big rooster into his belly in an exaggerated manner, but his abdomen did not bulge at all.

Then Qin Hao didn't pause at all and went for the second rooster. After half a month of practice, Qin Hao was now far from as fragile as he was at the beginning.

After swallowing three big roosters in a row, Qin Hao was satisfied and left the chicken shed, returned to the wooden shed where sundries were stored, and began to practice.

Spiritual energy with a radius of hundreds of meters gathered towards Qin Hao. The food Qin Hao swallowed was quickly refined, transformed into the purest energy and injected into every muscle and bone of Qin Hao. Qin Hao felt a burning sensation in his body. The pain made Qin Hao's eyes brighten!

I'm going to evolve! Qin Hao was ecstatic. His unremitting efforts for more than half a month finally paid off. He had experienced evolution in his previous life, but he knew that the pain in his body was evolving.

As every cell divides, he will become more powerful, break away from the limitations of his own species, and become a first-order mutant beast!


Qin Hao heard bursts of thunder in his ears. This abnormality made his eyes widen, and he was even more ecstatic: I'm going to awaken my ability!

Human beings become evolvers, and they are divided into ordinary evolvers and special evolvers. Ordinary evolvers only have physical qualities that exceed ordinary people, while special evolvers not only have physical qualities that exceed ordinary people, but also have more than one special ability, such as Harness fire, ice and more.

The ratio of evolvers to special evolvers is about 10:1. Only one special evolver with abilities will appear among ten evolvers. The same is true for mutant beasts. Not every mutant beast has special abilities, and Qin Hao It is awakening special abilities!

Could it be that my awakened ability is thunder and lightning? Qin Hao heard the sound of thunder coming from his body and secretly guessed that thunder and lightning is a natural ability with a powerful attack. It can be said to be the most powerful ability among the natural abilities. one!


Sure enough, purple arcs of electricity burst out from Qin Hao's body, and his awakened ability was the natural ability of thunder and lightning!

In the electric light that filled the body surface, Qin Hao's scales slowly cracked. This was molting. The process was quite painful. Qin Hao suppressed the pain and did not make much movement.

When the first ray of morning light fell in the sky, Qin Hao finally exhaled a long breath. His evolution... was completed!

Next to Qin Hao is a piece of black snake skin, which was shed when he evolved. Qin Hao is now four and a half meters long, close to the thickness of an adult's wrist, but does not look bloated at all. Instead, he has a kind of The feeling of combining strength and speed, the black scales are as big as a fingernail.

So hungry... After evolving, Qin Hao felt waves of hunger, but it was already dawn and the staff outside had already gone to work. Qin Hao had to endure it for now, preparing to have a full meal in the evening and then leave this place.

Becoming a first-level mutant beast, Qin Hao has a strength that far exceeds that of ordinary beasts, but it is still not enough. The end of the world is coming, and the worlds are merging. It is a cruel end of the world. Without strength, he can only survive like an ant.

Qin Hao frowned at this time. He saw the door of the chicken farm open and a group of people walked in. One of them had a big belly and a flattering smile on his face. This person Qin Hao knew was Liu, the director of the chicken farm. Factory Director, what made Qin Hao frown was that next to Factory Director Liu, there were four policemen in police uniforms!

Officer Sun, you must help our chicken farm find the thieves who stole the chickens. In half a month, at least more than fifty chickens have disappeared. Director Liu said to a middle-aged policeman.

Have you been noticed? Qin Hao was the reason why these police came. It was obviously the reason why the chickens in the chicken farm disappeared, but there was nothing he could do about it. Qin Hao acted very carefully, but he couldn't resist the increasing amount of food he ate. He was missing two chickens. Three chickens will not be found, but if dozens of chickens disappear at one time, it will be impossible to avoid being noticed.

The middle-aged police officer, Officer Sun, pondered: Did someone from your chicken farm steal it?

Officer Sun felt that with so many chickens missing, they might have been stolen by someone from the chicken farm. Factory Manager Liu quickly replied: No, there are a lot of chickens in the chicken farm. During holidays, I give some chickens to my employees. They want them. I will take the initiative to tell you that the internal price is very favorable, and even if I don’t steal, I have been stealing for such a long time.”

Could it be a snake? a young policeman asked tentatively, which made everyone's eyes flicker. Anyone who can eat an adult chicken must be a python!

That's an accurate guess. Qin Hao shook his head speechlessly after hearing this in the wooden shed. He just hoped that these people would leave quickly. Qin Hao also decided to leave the chicken farm tonight, but God failed to fulfill his wish.

Is there a snake? Every employee in the chicken farm looked uneasy when they heard this. There might be a snake in the place where they work. How could they not be afraid?

Let Dahei smell it. Officer Sun said. At this time, a policeman walked in from the door leading a big wolf dog. This was a trained police dog. He might be taller than a person when he stood. The work in the chicken farm The personnel quickly got out of the way.

Which chicken shed has had chickens missing recently? Officer Sun asked.

Director Liu immediately pointed to chicken shed No. 3 and said, Three big roosters were missing from chicken shed No. 3 last night.

Chicken shed No. 3 was where Qin Hao hunted last night.

Dahei, it's up to you. The young policeman patted the big wolf dog on the head. The big wolf dog nodded in a very humane manner. It was sniffing outside the chicken shed and suddenly barked.

Officer Sun looked carefully and found subtle marks on the ground, which were left by Qin Hao when he climbed over.

Woof woof woof!

The big wolf dog sniffed around, and finally locked its eyes on the wooden shed where Qin Hao was, and let out a loud roar.

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