The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 989: Preparation before leaving (three)

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For twenty days, the Blood Demon ancestor finally relied on the Void Dragon Beast given to him by Yuan Feng to support his cave sky again and returned to the realm of Cave sky.

When this moment arrives, the blood ancestor is undoubtedly the happiest, but Yuan Feng at that moment is also full of joy.

The Gorefiend ancestor did not expect that he was dropped from the cave realm to the realm of annihilation, and he returned to the realm of the cave realm so quickly. At that moment, he was in a state of change and he couldn't keep up Feeling of rhythm.

Of course, Yuan Feng didn't expect the Blood Demon ancestors to recover in twenty days. It seems that the effect of the Nether Dragon Beast is obviously more effective than they thought.

After regaining strength in about twenty days, the Blood Demon ancestor did not let himself down, almost non-stop, he launched the impact towards the triple heaven of the cave at full speed.

When Xiu Wei recovered to Dongtianjing, he was the most difficult step. However, the next step from Dongtianjing to Dongtianjing was much faster than before.

He re-supported Dongtian, as long as he absorbs the free power of Dongtian in the space, and this kind of thing for Dongtian Jingqiang is simply a matter of familiarity, all it takes is time.

It was almost another twenty days or so, the Blood Demon ancestor finally returned to the realm of the Cave Heaven and Triple Heaven as he wished, and because of the previous changes, his cultivation seemed to be more advanced than before.

"Congratulations to the recovery of the blood old power. From now on, you can continue to demon Luo Luojie."

In the formation of the Jiuqu Yellow River, Yuan Feng appeared to be the first time after the Blood Demon ancestor returned to the triple of the cave heaven, congratulating the Blood Demon ancestor. Of course, in the meantime, he has already investigated the situation of the Blood Demon ancestor, and determined that the Blood Demon ancestor did not threaten his ability, and then made a bold appearance.

"Hahaha, thank you Master, this time the old man was able to return to the realm of Dongtian. Everything is with the help of the Young Master. The old man is grateful."

Seeing Yuan Feng again, the mood of the Blood Demon ancestor was relatively calm. Before, his cultivation was shot down by Yuan Feng, but now, Yuan Feng returned his cultivation to him. It can be said that there is actually a balance between them.

For Yuan Feng, the ancestor of the blood demon did not have much hatred. After all, Yuan Feng had calculated him at that time, and that was to save his life. Moreover, Yuan Feng did not make any excessive demands after conquering him. Of these, he really appreciates Yuan Feng.

"Oh, no matter, the Nether Dragon Beast was discovered by the blood old man, and I was nothing more than offering flowers and offering Buddha." He waved his hand, Yuan Feng smiled slightly, and then continued to ask, "Blood old man, now you should have recovered to the peak. Is it right? "

Judging from the situation at hand, the **** ancestor at this moment should have the same strength as that day. At this point, he is confident that he will not feel wrong.

"The young master has good eyes. The old man is not only returning to the realm of Dongtian Realm Triple Sky, but also seems to be making progress. Maybe soon, it may impact the realm of Dong Tian Realm Triple Sky."

The tone of the Blood Demon ancestor was full of joy, the so-called "do not break without standing, break and stand behind, Yuan Feng's tossing to him this time is actually a kind of fulfillment to him. After letting out the power of the cave, and then adding it back, this is an effective way to practice the strong Dongtian Realm. However, no one in the Dongtian Realm will venture to try such a cultivation method.

"Dongtianjing Quadruple Heaven? Okay, then I wish the **** man to reach Dongtianjing Quadruple Heaven soon, and then he will kill the Quartet with me and cross the Mo Luo world."

As soon as she looked, Yuan Feng did not expect that she had virtually completed the Blood Demon ancestor. If the other party could really step into the realm of the cave heaven fourfold heaven, it would really be a blessing for disaster.

"Okay, there are young masters. The two of us must be able to cross the magic circle."

The Blood Demon ancestor nodded, but agreed with Yuan Feng's proposal. Of course, yes, yes, but in his heart, naturally, he didn't want to have such a relationship with Yuan Feng. If Yuan Feng could return his blood to him, then he would really have no opinion.

"Blood old, now you have returned to the realm of Dongtianjing Triple Sky. In the next time, I will trouble you to take me to Demon Realm!"

After the words on the scene were finished, Yuan Feng immediately returned to work and returned to the topic he was most concerned about.

"Where is the young master, since the young master wants to go to the demon realm, the old man should accompany him to **** the young master."

Frankly speaking, the blood ancestors and Yuan Feng today are actually a master-slave relationship. Although Yuan Feng showed enough respect for the blood ancestors, the latter did not forget his identity. . Moreover, even if Yuan Feng didn't say, the blood lord's ancestor would never rest assured that Yuan Feng traveled alone. You should know that Yuan Feng controlled his blood. Once Yuan Feng had any difference, he would To be buried with Yuan Feng.

"Very well, Xue Lao. For a moment, I will go to the cave next door to arrange some things. After the arrangement is made, you and I will go back to the Blood Demon Palace first, and then make an arrangement to set off immediately to the Demon Realm."

In front of the Blood Demon ancestors, Yuan Feng didn't hesitate, he just flew away from the place and went to watch the situation of Dahei next door.

"Well? Arrange things in the cave next door? This ..."

Seeing Yuan Feng ran out of the large space, but went to other caves, the blood demon ancestor can not help but a little curious.

"This young master is really mysterious. It seems that there are a lot of secrets hidden in him!" After Yuan Feng left, the Blood Demon ancestor shook his head and smiled, but there was a kind of confrontation. Maple felt more and more impenetrable.

"Hey, although I have now returned to the realm of Dongtianjing and Triple Sky, it seems that it is still difficult to get rid of this strange mysterious array. I really do n’t know where the master of this mysterious array was learned. "

Looking around, he suddenly found that even if he was given another chance to face Yuan Feng's mysterious array, he still had to let Yuan Feng slaughter, and there was no way to escape from Yuan Feng's large array of space. .

Yuan Feng did not monitor these ideas of the Blood Demon Patriarch. In fact, even if he just guessed, he could guess the Blood Demon Patriarch's idea.

When speaking, he came to the cave where Dahei was located. Yuanfeng found that Dahei at this moment had completely entered the state of in-depth cultivation. Unfortunately, it seemed that there was still a long way to go.

"It seems that Dahei wants to understand the realm of Dongtian, but it can't be done in a short while."

After observing the state of the black dragon for a while, Yuan Feng also understood that from the annihilation to the cave heaven, not only required a lot of conditions, but also some luck. The conditions for Dahei's promotion have been met, but it seems that good luck has not yet arrived. .

"Also, it is relatively safe here, and I have the Jiuqu Yellow River Array to guard him, so let him rest assured to practice boldly, I believe that one day he can be promoted to Dongtian Realm."

After a little consideration, Yuan Feng finally decided to leave Dahei in this cave and continue to impact the realm of the cave heaven, but he went to the magic heart realm first and separated from the opponent for the time being.

This is also a decision that can't be helped. Although he can put Dahei into his own Dantian space, his Dantian space is just an extremely ordinary space. If Dahei is in his Dantian space, don't do it in this life. I want to understand the realm of Dongtian, unless his Dantian space can reach the space realm of Mo Luo Realm.

"I don't know when Dahei will be able to break through. It seems that I can't wait any longer." He shook his head and sighed. Then suddenly, Xiao Ba's figure appeared in front of him.

"Xiaoba, the production of three-headed annihilation three-fourth-level Warcraft came out, I want to use."

When Xiao Ba appeared, Yuan Feng immediately ordered to the little guy.

"Squeak !!!"

He screamed a few times, and Xiaoba didn't hesitate. With its current capabilities, producing three or four of the World of Warcraft in Oblivion was simply a matter of hand. The time spent speaking, the four-headed World of Warcraft with four heads annihilated, appeared in Yuan Feng's eyes.

Looking at the four-headed World of Warcraft with four heads annihilating, Yuan Feng hesitated slightly, and then took over the control of these Warcraft.

After a rough observation, he then arranged the four annihilated World of Warcraft to four places in the large array, and let the four World of Warcraft observe the situation of Dahei at all times. Once Dahee made a breakthrough, Then three of them can explode in the first place.

The purpose of letting them explode is also very simple, that is, to destroy the Jiuqu Yellow River Array in order to give Dahei freedom.

It can be imagined that if Dahei broke through the cave heaven, but could not do without the current Jiuqu Yellow River Formation, it would be really embarrassing.

"Well, Dahei, the next thing is to see when you can break through. I hope that during my time in the Demon Realm battle, you can successfully advance to the sky."

When everything was arranged, Yuan Feng didn't stay much. She left her place in search of her blood, and went to look for the **** ancestor, and began to study the next action.

There is nothing to arrange in the Blood Demon Palace. The ancestor of the Blood Demon Palace has handed over the most powerful forces of the Blood Demon Palace to him. With his current control of the blood curse magic power, even if it is here Demon Realm can also arrange everything in the Blood Demon Palace.

Therefore, in the next time, he and the Blood Demon ancestor only need to simply prepare, that is, they can go to the demon heart realm, find the night owl protection method, and where to find out the whereabouts of Chu Tianyu!

There is no doubt that the trip to the Magic Heart Realm will be full of various opportunities and challenges. However, no matter whether it is an opportunity or a challenge, Yuan Feng believes that he can handle it well today.

Magic Heart Realm, where it will become his first stop in the rise of Moro!

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