The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 985: Big Black Opportunity (three)

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Placing the Blood Demon ancestor in the large array of space to restore strength, Yuan Feng then went to another cave of the Nether Dragon Beast and did his own thing.

The Gorefiend ancestor was recovering strength next door. Obviously he could n’t help. Moreover, despite the existence of the blood curse, there is no guarantee that the Gorefiend ancestor after the restoration of power would be right. He poses a threat, so it's better to stay away from this guy until he understands the situation.

Of course, after the Blood Demon ancestor has recovered his strength, he can explore the memory of the other party to determine if the other party has the ability to threaten him, and then deploy it in a targeted manner.

But having said that, the arrogance of the blood curse power is very clear in his mind. If nothing unexpected happens, even if the blood demon ancestors become stronger, it should be difficult to escape the control of the blood curse power.

"Bloodlord, don't let me down!"

Sitting in the cave next door, Yuan Feng's gaze passed through the barrier of the cave wall, as if he saw the situation next door, his eyes twitched slightly.

In his words, it clearly has a double meaning. In the future, he hopes that the Bloodlord ancestor will be able to restore his strength and succeed, becoming his strongest capable general. Secondly, he hopes that the other party can still be controlled by him. Don't think about playing with him. If the other party has a bit of bad heart, then he will kill the other party without hesitation.

Although it is important to have a strong subordinate, if this subordinate has an unintended intention, then it is absolutely impossible to stay.

"For a month, I couldn't completely let this guy go. During this time, in-depth cultivation is absolutely impossible. It seems that during this time, I want to do something else."

His complexion changed, Yuan Feng's mind turned, and finally he had a decision.

"Dahei, come out and feel a different world!" Between the corners of his mouth, Yuan Feng suddenly thought, and then, in front of him, Dahei's figure appeared in the cave.

"Yuan Feng, but do you need any help with any trouble?"

Dahei's figure appeared, and he made a circle in the cave for the first time, and then faced Yuanfeng Road.

Although Yuan Feng's Dantian space is not small, the level of space there is still a lot worse. In his Dantian space, it is relatively boring.

"Ha, help is not needed, but I want to give you some benefits."

Hearing Dahei's words, Yuan Feng shook her head with a smile. Now that he has made great progress, there is nothing he needs to help, at least, now this level of **** really can't help him!

"I'll just say, I saw you guys make great progress before, and I don't think I need any help."

He has always been in Yuanfeng's Dantian space. He was naturally clear about Yuandan's annihilation and promotion to Yuanfeng before Yuanfeng. When he saw Yuanfeng's promotion, he knew that Yuanfeng today, Strength must have far surpassed him.

"The annihilation is a heavy one, but it is comparable to the true foundation of Dongtian Realm. Your little fellow is really a stranger."

The huge dragon head looked up and down Yuan Yuan, Dahei nodded, full of admiration.

"Stop that, Dahei, first you feel, what is different about this world?"

For the praise of Dahei, Yuan Feng only smiled a little, and it directly blocked the past. At this moment, the first thing he needs to do is to let Dahei know where he is.

"Well? This is ..."

Hearing Yuan Feng's reminder, Dahei immediately discovered the strangeness of the surrounding space. He has spent many years in the French Realm, and is already very familiar with the space of the French Realm. The space world now is obviously no longer the French Realm.

"This is the Mo Luo world, now we have come into the Mo Luo world."

With a slight smile, Yuan Feng did not hide it, and explained directly to the other party.

"Morocco Realm? Uh, you little guy has actually come to Morocco Realm?" Da Mou is no stranger to Moroccan Realm. Surviving in the French realm, who is the strongest one who doesn't know about MoRa Realm?

"Yes, we are now on the land of the Moro Realm."

It can be seen that Dahei was still shocked when he ran to the Mo Luo realm. After all, from the French phase to the Mo Luo realm, that is not something that can come. The shuttle between the two big worlds, God knows what means are needed.

"It's nothing. Now that you're following your guy, it's natural that wherever you go, where the gods go, whether it's the Moro Realm or the French Realm, it's not much different."

Dahei still looks more open. As he said, since he chose to follow Yuan Feng, all his actions can only be consistent with Yuan Feng.

"Yes, your kid just said he was going to give me benefits. Where are the benefits?"

The huge dragon beast shook, **** eyes full of expectations. Today's Yuan Feng is not what it used to be. What he said is definitely not ordinary welfare. He still believes this.

"Hey, don't worry, you'll know in a moment." Grin grinned, Yuan Feng slightly corrected, "Dahei, now, how far away is you from the promotion to the Heaven Realm?"

Dahei's situation is a bit special. In the Three Realms, his cultivation methods are too different from those of the French Realm and the Moro Realm. Therefore, it is more difficult for him to be promoted to the cave realm than the normal Realm. And the people of the Mo Luo world, more than a little bit more difficult.

If not, with his divine beast qualifications, he has long since attained the state of annihilation, and I am afraid that the opening of the cave will be completed early.

"I've already adapted to the cultivation of this world, but I can't find the opportunity in understanding the space, so it's hard to measure how far away from the cave heaven."

After hearing about Yuan Feng's question, Da Hei hesitated a little bit, and then he told the truth. His current situation can be said to be ten thousand miles away from Dongtian Realm, but it can also be said that it is only one step away from Dongtian Realm. Everything depends on whether he can grasp the opportunity of breakthrough and whether he can seize the opportunity. .

"Hey, if you give you a void dragon beast that is in the sky, Dahei thinks, what's the opportunity?"

Up to now, he also has a general understanding of Dahei's situation. Obviously, for Dahei, the realm of the cave heaven is nothing more than a lack of sophistication. If this step is taken, the future of Dahei will be bright.

The beasts of the Three Realms are not comparable to the reptiles of this world. Even the human warriors of this world cannot compare with Dahei at all. As long as Dahei breaks through the cave of the cave heaven, then he must be able to make great strides forward and stand at the pinnacle of this world.

"A void dragon beast with a hole in the sky? Wouldn't you be kidding me?"

When Yuan Feng's words fell, Dahei was really shocked, but he didn't return to God for a long while.

Void Dragon Beast, he knew the existence of this thing, and when Yuan Feng got the cub of Void Dragon Beast before, he was also present. Frankly, at that time, he really wanted to ask Yuan Feng for the corpse of the dragon beast, but he also knew that Yuan Feng needed this thing more to enhance his strength, so it was not difficult for a strong man.

Of course, the help of a Nether Dragon Beast that had destroyed six or seven sects might not have been of much help to him.

However, if it is true that Yuan Feng said that he can devour a void dragon beast in Dongtian Realm, then it is no longer a matter of opportunity to be promoted.

"Just? Dahei thinks, would I kid this thing?"

He raised his eyebrows, but he said nothing. Between his hands, he took out a nanocrystal ring again and threw it directly to the other party.

Obviously, inside this nanocrystal ring, naturally, there is a whole other cave-like Nether Dragon Seal.

He has considered it before. A void dragon beast in the heavenly realm can indeed help him to improve, and may improve a lot, but no matter how much he improves, he ca n’t understand it when he does not reach the annihilation The law of Dongtian, who is promoted to Dongtian Realm without the power of Dongtian, is one of his annihilation and three or four annihilation, as if the difference is not so obvious.

Therefore, after some consideration, he still felt that he should give the opportunity to Dahei.

As his fellow countryman, no matter whether it is for public or private use, he should help Dahei. Besides, Dahei actually helped him a lot in the first place.

"Roar roar, boy Yuan Feng, the **** really admires you to death, and it can really make you get such a void dragon beast in the sky."

He pierced into the nano crystal ring, and Dahei naturally saw the treasure inside the first time, but when he saw the contents inside, he could no longer control the joy under his heart, and even laughed out loud. stand up. It's just that his laughter really makes people dare not compliment.

"Good luck, but such good luck is not too much." With a slight smile, Yuan Feng looked around and then thought for a moment, "Dahei, this is a turbulent space in the Moro Realm." Deeper, it ’s relatively safe. I ’ll see you stay here to understand Dongtian. ”

Until Dahei does not break into Dongtianjing, it will not help him much. Instead, leave Dahei here. When Dahei breaks through to Dongtianjing, for him, it is Will turn into a huge boost.

The **** of Dongtianjing really made him look forward to it!

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