The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 963: Horrified Blood Demon Patriarch (1)

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"How can this second layer of blood curse magic work be so difficult to practice? I have tried it thousands of times, and there is still no progress at all, it is really annoying to me."

Although the entire face is wrapped in the Scarlet Elder, it can be felt only from the breath around the Blood Demon ancestor. At this moment, the ancestor does not seem to be in a bad mood.

Thousands of attempts, each end in failure, for such a result, no matter who it is, it is absolutely impossible to be happy. This also has to say that his mind is relatively firm. If he changed to an ordinary martial artist, can he persist for so long, it is really hard to say!

"Well, it doesn't work thousands of times. I will try tens of thousands of times. If it still doesn't work, then 100,000 million times. In any case, I will train the second layer of this blood curse. All the Mo Luo circles will be in my hands. "

Although the ancestor of the Blood Devil was anxious, he was still very calm. He knew very well that such a magic skill could never be easily practiced in the second level, thinking that at the beginning, He only practiced the first-level blood-cursing magical power, which took him a few years to complete. Now, practicing the second-level blood-cursive magical power, it may take a long time.

"Come on, I've caught so many people this time, I don't believe I have used all these guys, and I still can't find a trace of it."

With a cold hum, the Blood Demon ancestor's heart was full of coldness. In his opinion, the life of any person is irrelevant. In order to practice divine power, let alone tens of thousands of people who are innate and dandan, even tens of thousands of annihilated powers, even hundreds. Tens of millions of annihilated people can sacrifice without hesitation.

Thinking of this, he is no longer hesitant, and with a break of his mind, he is going to get some innate people outside again to continue to study the skills of the second level of his blood curse.

"Om !!!"

However, just before the Blood Demon ancestor was about to move, the whole space around him was slightly shaken, and then a warning ominous burst out from the bottom of his heart, making him whole. All of a sudden people became alert.

"Not good, it's dangerous !!!"

Suddenly the space shook, and the first time was that he found the situation is not good. During the talk, he wanted to move out of his palace and see what happened outside.

"Well? This ... the spatial structure has changed?"

However, just when the Blood Demon ancestor wanted to use space means and moved out of his palace, his complexion changed instantly.

"How can this be? Who is so arrogant that they have sealed my ancestors!"

The power of space works, but his body is directly shut out by the surrounding space, and he can't exert any means of removal. The feeling is like the space in which he is at this moment. It is no longer a magic Luo Jie has the same space.

"Is there such a thing, who dares to calculate this palace? It's just a self-death !!! Open it for me !!!"

Under the blood-colored robe, the blood ancestor's complexion was already low. The space is blocked, and such a situation is beyond the scope of security. It can be said that at this moment, he is suffering from a danger never before experienced.

With a low drink, a slender blood-colored long sword suddenly appeared in his hand, with the long sword in his hand, and he suddenly cut it out, directly chopping down the roof of his own hall.

"Boom !!!" The sword of Dongtianjing strong, how arrogant, time spent talking, the ceiling of the hall was lifted by him, and his body rushed out of the hall in an instant and arrived In his underground world.

"Brush!" The body flashed, and the Blood Demon ancestor was soon outside the hall, but when he came out of the hall and wanted to see who was calculating himself, his His complexion suddenly became more eerie and cold.

"This is ...... Hyunjin Space !!!"

Standing in shape, the Gorefiend ancestor was shocked, and the whole person was like a bird who was shocked by the bow, and became tense instantly.

It is said that some super-absolute mysterious arrays can form a space world by themselves. In this mysterious array space, the laws of space are self-contained. Everything will be decided by the people who set up the array. In such a mysterious formation, the power of the cavern's law will be completely invalid. Don't even try to move it inside.

However, such a mysterious array of self-contained space is really too rare, and all such a mysterious array of self-contained space must be carried out by many people to support it, relying solely on one or two people, basically It is impossible to arrange a large array of this level.

"How is this happening? How can it be possible to get outsiders on my site? How can this level of super mysterious array appear? !!!"

Furious under his heart, the **** ancestor was going crazy at this moment. This is his place. Without his permission, no one can come in.

What's more terrible is that if you are trapped in this level of super mysterious array, even if you are as powerful as him, you don't know how to break out. You know, the one who can arrange such a mysterious array must be the super strong, that is, he is definitely being calculated by the super strong at this moment.

"Although my **** ancestor is not a good person, I ask myself who has never offended any strong person, and I don't know where the sacred mind spends so much thought on calculating this palace. Please come and see."

Looking at the dreamlike surroundings, there is an imaginary and weird space everywhere. The blood demon ancestor suddenly exhaled and whispered into the entire mysterious space.

He has released his mind and explored the surrounding space, but found that in this strange mysterious space, the mind has even failed. In this regard, he was already stunned, and no doubt became more worried. stand up.

Leaving aside other things, at least for now, he must first figure out who is calculating himself and then decide how to resist. Judging from the current situation, if you want to forcibly break through this mysterious space, it does not seem to be an easy task.

The drinking sound echoed through the entire mysterious space. Unfortunately, the only answer to him was his own echo.


When the echo dissipated, the bloodlord's face could not help but change slightly again, and the whole person's heart suddenly became more dignified.

"Since you have the courage to calculate this palace, don't you even have the guts to show up?"

The shout could not be answered, and the bloodlord's voice couldn't help becoming deeper. In his mind, the powerful cavemen of the Moro Realm flashed in his mind like a movie, but which one will calculate him like this and which one will calculate him like this He really can't guess the skill.

There are only a few people who are proficient in the mysterious array method of the Moruo world, but he has never provoke these people, and has never had a conflict of interest with these guys. It is obviously unreasonable to be calculated by these people.

The shout dissipated again, and this time, the answer to him was still his own echo. As for the arrangement of the mysterious array to calculate him, there was still no response.

"Don't say anything? This is really coming!"

The two shouts were not answered, and the heart of the Blood Demon ancestor fell into the abyss at this moment. There wasn't even a response. It was clear that he was going to fight him in the end, and he was endless.

"Well, don't you speak, right? I will call you until you die, die !!!"

Since no one responded, he could only try to break the battle, but he had to look at how strong this mysterious formation that has never been seen and never heard of.

"Brush brush !!!"

The blood-colored sword in his hand waved repeatedly, and the sword-mongers were immediately submerged into the surrounding space. Unfortunately, when these sword-mongers submerged into the space, the surrounding space was like a bottomless pit without any The change.

"What? Nothing in the least?"

Seeing his Jian Mang like falling into a quagmire, the heart of the Blood Demon ancestor twitched fiercely.

"I don't believe there is such a strong mysterious array, open it for me !!!"

The blood-colored sword was cut out again. This time, the sword awn cut out by the blood demon ancestor was no longer ordinary qi, but a silver-white force.

Ordinary infuriating power is not enough, but the space law of Dongtianjing powerful should be enough!


However, the next scene was a heart that made the Blood Demon ancestor sink into the abyss.

The power of the silvery white cave law is almost the same as the previous Jianmang, but it also fell into the surrounding space of the mysterious array, and then there was no movement.

"This, how is this possible?"

Under the cover of the Scarlet Robe, the face of the Blood Demon ancestor appeared a pale pale.

If this mysterious array can devour the true energy, he can still accept it, but even the power of his cavernous laws can hardly cause the slightest damage to this mysterious array space, which is really a bit difficult.

The strongest method of the Dongtian Realm is the power of the Dongtian Rule. If this thing also fails, it is definitely a super dangerous signal for him.

"I don't believe it. I don't believe in a mysterious array. I can really trap my **** ancestor !!"

His complexion changed, and the Gorefiend ancestor flew quickly in one direction. He would like to see how big the space of this mysterious array is and whether he can really trap him.

The body speed flew, and the speed of the Blood Demon ancestor reached an extremely terrible moment. Unfortunately, it was such an appalling speed. After flying an entire number of breaths, he was still the same. In a world of imagination, there is no sign of reaching the margins.

"How, how could this be happening? !!!"

The body was settled, and the Blood Demon ancestor stopped flying, because he understood that the world where his underground palace was located was a little bit, and at his recent speed, I am afraid that it had already flown infinity. But the fact is, after flying for so long, he seems to be still in place, without moving a little.

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