The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 953: Mobilization (three more)

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The man in the silver robe was taken into the world of Dongtian, and he was directly imprisoned, unable to move. Yuan Feng couldn't do anything at the moment. The only thing he could do was wait.

Although the silver robe man didn't say anything, according to his guess, this silver robe man, at this moment, should be in the 36 days of every person who is about to go to the magic world, one by one into the cave world After the people are full, there will be a statement.

In each of the thirty-six houses, someone must pass the test. However, when going to the underworld of the Moluojie, there may be no intersection between these people.

This is not difficult to understand, after all, everyone's situation is different, and everyone acting alone can obviously be more convenient. Moreover, although the French phase has tested these people, God knows that there will be traitors among them. If everyone is to face each other, if someone rebels in the future, everyone is afraid that they will be wiped out.

"The six-star Lord's cave world is obviously more stable and prosperous than the cave world of the Sapphire Master. It seems that this strength is also better than the Sapphire Master!"

Nothing can be done simply, Yuan Feng simply admired the six-star master's cave world.

As far as the line of sight is concerned, the cave world of the six-star master is indeed more perfect than the cave world of the sapphire master. There are also mountains and waters. The landscape in this six-star main cave heavenly world is obviously more spiritual than the one in the blue jade house.

"It seems that this trip to the Moro Realm should be led by the six-star Lord. If I read correctly, the strongest means of this person should be to hide the breath, but it is indeed the best way to go to the Moro Realm. . "

A glimpse of the previous shock let him know a little about the situation of the six-star master, and if you compare it with the master of the blue jade house, it is easy to find the advantage of this one.

"Thirty-six houses, there should be three or four people who pass the test in each house. The number of people going to the magical realm of the Moro Realm should be about 100 to 150. If these people can If the Mo Luojie stands firm, even if someone can reach the cave heaven, it is definitely worth celebrating for the French phase. "

The French Realm has been fighting against the Moro Realm for so long, and it has never achieved a substantial victory. It can be said that this time the action should be the most powerful one of the French Realm. Of course, if this operation wants to produce results, it is not something that can be achieved in a year and a half. This process will certainly be a long one.

Mindful, Yuan Feng thinks about it for a while, and thinks about it for a while, and time slides naturally between fingers.

I don't know how long, at a certain moment, Yuan Feng suddenly felt his body light, and then he was pleasantly surprised to find that his body had even recovered its ability to move freely.

"Hah, you can move. The imprisonment is lifted!"

When the body returned to freedom, Yuan Feng grinned and moved his hands and feet subconsciously, but did not do much. This is the cave world of the silver robe man, and the reason why the other side wanted to imprison them before was that he didn't want to disturb them. This is quite clear to him.

"Little guys, every word I say next, you have to make a note of it, don't take it away."

At the time of Yuan Feng's activities, the majestic voice suddenly sounded in the entire world of Dongtian. This voice was naturally the voice of the man in the silver robe before.

"Are you going to make a final entrustment? It seems that this time you really have to leave!"

Hearing the voice of the man in the silver robe, Yuan Feng couldn't help looking bright, and then he heard it seriously.

"Next, you have to go to the Moro Realm. Regarding the danger of the Moro Realm, even if everyone can imagine, I will put you in a safer place as much as possible. As for whether I can live, It's up to you. "

More than a hundred people were scattered in the cave world of the silver robe man. Everyone was listening to the silver robe man's orders honestly, and everyone's expression became extremely serious.

"After arriving at the Mora kingdom, everyone will do their own thing and try to integrate into the Mora as soon as possible. However, one thing you have to remember is that you are people in the French realm. No matter when you are, no matter what kind of temptation you face, I hope you will not Forget your identity, and if someone can't help tempting to do something harmful to the realm of law, then don't blame the host.

At this moment, there are more than one hundred people, each of whom can be said to be the elite of the French realm. After these people enter the real world, many people will inevitably mix well, or they may even be better than the French realm. And once you get mixed up in the magic world, even if you forget your source, it is completely impossible.

The tone of the man in the silver robe was full of warnings. Obviously, if someone really did those things, he would definitely be his endless enemy, and since he can send them into the magic world, then naturally he can also be in the magic Luo Jie destroys them.

"This time I'm undercover in the Moro Realm, you just have to collect useful information and find a way to mix it up. As for the information you get, the Lord will regularly go to the Mora to collect it."

"This is a locator sign. Each of you put it on your body. In this way, no matter where you go, the owner can find you with this sign."

The voice of the Lord of the Six Stars continued to come, and as his words fell, in front of everyone in the cave world, there was an extra special crystal card of crystal.

On the surface, the Jade brand can't see the slightest difference, and there is no special breath on it. As for how the Six-Star Master locates it, only the Six-Star Master knows it.

"Is it a sign? I think it's a watch sign!"

Yuan Feng also had a sign in front of him, and when he saw it, he grabbed the sign directly in his hand and carefully closed it.

In any case, this thing must not be lost, because this time to go to the Moro Realm, if he wants to return from the Moro Realm to the French Realm, he must go through this six-star master talent. And if you want to return to the realm of law through this, the first point is of course to be able to be found by the other party.

"The situation in the Mo Luo world is more complicated, and it is impossible for the Lord of the Stars to go there often. After putting you down here, the Lord of the Lords will come again in five years. I hope everyone will survive, and they will all mix well. "

After the crowd had collected the positioning sign, the voice of the Six-Star Lord came again, and hearing the news from him this time, there were more than a hundred people in the presence, but they were a little surprised, obviously a little surprised.

"Five years ... It's not a short time!"

Eyes froze slightly, Yuan Feng's heart could not help but sway slightly, but the mood was slightly complicated. Frankly, he never thought of staying in the Moro Realm so long, but now it seems that this is not what he can change.

Having said that, five years has not been long, and it has passed by quite a bit. Anyway, his cultivation method is special. In these five years, he has practiced hard in the Moro world.

In fact, the Six-Star Lord certainly hopes to run a few trips to the Moro Realm, but even with his cultivation and hiding ability, he must not stay in the Moro Realm too much. For more than half a day, he was found The possibility will be great. Therefore, once every five years, it is already the limit. If you repeat the frequency, you will definitely lose more than you gain.

"Remind everyone that the people in the Mora world are cruel and addicted to killing. When you get there, you must remember that as long as you can breathe, you are all your enemies, and you must not treat your enemies with the slightest hand.

Suddenly, the voice of the Lord of the Six Stars became unusually cold. Obviously, in his eyes, the Mora are all aliens. For the aliens, there must be no tenderness. Of course, he has more dealings with the Mo Luo world, it must be that he has seen the cruelty of the Mo Luo world, otherwise he would not make a special order to these.

"Well, in the next time, you just sit and wait in the same place, when you leave the cave world of the local star, you are already in the magic world."

The voice of the Lord of the Six Stars finally rang through the entire world of Dongtian, and then there was no more sound. Obviously, all of the explanations have been given. The next time, it is bound to be on the way to the Mo Luo world.

From the French phase to the Mo Luo world, this task is not a joke, especially when more than 100 people from the cave world are put into the Mo Luo world one by one. If you are not careful, you may expose your goals. At that time, this time, the action will only be a dystocia.

"Is this the beginning of the road? Moro Realm, I will finally set foot on Moro Realm."

When there was no sound around, Yuan Feng's eyes could not help but hesitated slightly. He knew that the six-star master had finished the final arrangement. The next time, he would definitely go to the magic world and drop them there one by one.

Speaking of which, the most direct credit for being able to enter the world of Mo Luo is still his body, because in order to enter the world of Mo Luo, first of all must have an entry card, and the entry card obtained by the French phase world When he was in the Nether at first, he got it from the Night Stalker.

"Morocco, no matter what kind of world you are, I Yuanfeng will step you under your feet and completely conquer you. Also, Brother Tianyu, no matter how difficult and dangerous, this time, I will I want to bring you back! "

Even though he is very strong now, the original innocent friendship will never change! When traveling to Mo Luo Jie, his main purpose is to find Chu Tianyu.

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