The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 942: Ancestor of Pan Yue (one more)

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Montenegro, a royal secret!

"Hey, younger brother, my ancestor has never served anyone in my life, but younger brother, you really convinced my ancestor to be sincere!"

In the secret world, Yuan Feng and Ji Xinghe are sitting opposite each other. At this moment, the poison of Ji Xinghe has been eliminated, and the whole person is very good. With a little rest, you can regain your previous strength again. Already.

Looking at Yuan Feng in front of him, Ji Xinghe was really convinced. He really didn't expect that his old life could be preserved in the end, and everything was just like a dream.

"Hey, my ancestor is too famous." Hearing Ji Xinghe's admiration, Yuan Feng couldn't help but smile, and then continued, "My ancestor, I've been to the Blood Alliance before and killed all the black people of the Blood Alliance. , And inquired that the annihilated fellow of the Dragon Country would come to my Montenegro country again at noon today, and it is estimated that he would destroy the royal family of Montenegro in one fell swoop! "

Help Ji Xinghe cure the poison, Yuan Feng finally relieved, and then introduced the next situation to the other party.

"Oh? Is that guy coming again?"

When he heard Yuan Feng's words, Ji Xinghe couldn't help but hesitated a little, but even laughed, "Hehe, that guy must think that my ancestor was poisoned. This is to completely destroy my Ji family, but it ’s a pity The thing is, I'm afraid he's going to miscalculate this time! Hahaha! "

If before that, he would be anxious if he knew that the Dragon Dragon Kingdom was about to come, but now, he really hopes that guy will come soon.

"Little brother, that guy from the Dragon Country, should be a three-fold cultivation practice of annihilation. I wonder how many layers the young brother has the confidence to leave?"

His complexion was slightly positive, and Ji Xinghe's mentality was obviously different now. With Yuan Feng here, he is no longer satisfied with repulsing the powerful enemy. What he wants is to kill the enemy once and for all, and never suffer from it!

"Oh, it doesn't matter how much annihilation is, as long as he dares to come, then don't want to go back."

Picking at the corner of his mouth, Yuan Feng's answer was simply. However, after hearing his answer, Ji Xinghe's face could not help showing a hint of shock.

"You boy, I haven't seen you for three years, but my confidence is getting stronger and stronger." I looked at Yuan Feng up and down, Ji Xinghe really wanted to know how strong Yuan Feng was. Unfortunately, today Yuan Feng is in In his eyes, it was a sea of ​​oceans, so that he could not see the depth.

"Well, in that case, it will depend on your performance later."

With the magic shown by Yuan Feng, he did not doubt Yuan Feng's statement. At this moment, he really looked forward to the next scene.

"Old man, while there is still time, the juniors still have some good treasures here. The old man should take care of his body!" For the next situation, he has no worries at all, while taking advantage of the Dragon Dragon Kingdom He hasn't arrived yet, and he can help the other party to optimize their condition.

"Okay, everything is up to you." Ji Xinghe is also welcome. He knows Yuan Feng's ability. With Yuan Feng here, he can really retreat to the second line!

Smiling at each other, the two stopped talking, Yuan Feng directly took out a lot of Tiancaidibao to adjust the body for Ji Xinghe. He brought these heavenly materials and treasures from the realm of the French phase. Belly, all have an inconceivable help to Ji Xinghe. Maybe, it won't be long before this old ancestor of the Montenegro country may go further.

The atmosphere in Montenegro is still a little tense, but at this moment in the palace, it has slowly relaxed. The emperor Ji Hongxuan really ran for tea with a few people around him, and Ji Xinghe calmly and hurriedly adjusted his injuries. As soon as these people relaxed, the atmosphere of the entire palace naturally relaxed.

The morning was not long. When the scorching sun was transferred to Zhongtian, an overwhelming long howling sounded over the Montenegro National Capital on time, spreading in all directions. Go, pass away from a distance.

"Xinghe, the country leader of Montenegro, and the old man, Pan Yue, the dragon country, are here, can't you come out and die?"

This is the voice of an old man. It can be heard that the old man's tone is full of self-confidence, and the situation is as if he is a **** who can control his life and death.

"Om !!!"

When the old man's voice spread across the whole country, the whole country would become loud all the time.

"Here it is, and here comes Dragon Dragon!"

"It's over, the last time this old guy came over, my old ancestor of the royal family of Montenegro has been injured, this time I'm afraid it will be hard to resist."

"The country of Montenegro is about to perish, the country of Montenegro is about to perish!"

"The Ji family has controlled Heishan for countless years. I'm afraid that this time we will completely destroy Jiangshan."

"What can we do then? Weak meat and strong food, the people of our country in Montenegro can only be the last journey to the Ji family."

The entire Montenegro people heard the applause of Pan Yue, the ancestor of the Dragon Country. Obviously, the ancestor of the Dragon Country also intentionally told everyone that Montenegro is about to change hands. From now on, the entire Montenegro country All will be modified Pan!

"Come here!"

In the palace palace, the emperor Ji Hongxuan and President Heilongwei led the death sentence, and Mr. Jialin and Mr. Liu were quietly savoring the Qing Dynasty. When they heard the drinking from the outside, the four people All were shocked, but the tea cup in his hand was involuntarily set in the air.

Although Yuan Feng had already promised them, how could they really be calm when this life and death were at stake?

"Let's go and see!"

Putting down the tea cup in his hand, Ji Hongxuan took a deep breath, then stood up, facing the other three.

No matter what the outcome, they must all witness it all, and they also believe that Yuan Feng will not let them down ...

Among the royal secrets.

"Hey, my ancestor, it looks like our guests have arrived. Does my ancestor continue to recuperate or go out with me to meet guests?"

Yuan Feng heard the outside drinking for the first time, and after hearing the drinking, he couldn't help pulling his lips, then looked at Ji Xinghe, who was still conditioning, and asked with a smile.

"Haha, naturally you have to go out and see."

With a loud laugh, Ji Xinghe had no worries at all. He has completely recovered at this time, and his strength seems to be improving. At this moment, even without Yuan Feng, he is confident to fight Pan Yue again and let the other party return.

"Okay, so, let's go out together." Yuan Feng wasn't against it, Ji Xinghe had recovered, and he was beside him, so he didn't worry about being counted by the other party again.

During the conversation, the two got up together and stepped out of the secret ...

At the same time, an old man in white clothes was standing in the sky above the capital city of Montenegro, his chin was slightly lifted, and he stood proudly in the air.

The last time he came here, he could have defeated Ji Xinghe in one fell swoop. However, at that time, although he was confident in defeating his opponent, he did not have the confidence to kill the opponent. Therefore, after secretly calculating Ji Xinghe with a poisonous poison, he returned to Jiulong Kingdom for a while, waiting for Ji Xinghe's poison to die, and then came here again.

Counting time, Ji Xinghe should have one last breath at this moment. This time, he must be able to easily kill it. Once Ji Xinghe is beheaded, no one in Heishan will be able to treat him. Create a threat.

"Hahaha, the old fellow of the Dragon Country, be afraid to go crazy, the old husband Ji Xinghe is here!"

Just as the scream of Pan Yue, the ancestor of the Dragon Kingdom, just dropped, there was also a sound of full-bodied long howling in the palace. The sound of the long howling was the same as the previous one. The country of Montenegro, as long as it is within the range of Montenegro, can hear this howling.

"Om !!!"

By the time the whistling came down, the whole country of Montenegro had become more vocal.

"Is the ancestor of the royal family, Xinghe, the ancestor?"

"Xinghe's ancestors are still laughing? Doesn't it mean that Xinghe's ancestors have been seriously injured? Where does this sound like injuries?"

"There are variables. In all likelihood, the ancestor of Xinghe was not injured at all. All these are the illusions that the ancestor intentionally showed."

"It's great. If the ancestor of Xinghe really wasn't injured, it will definitely not be so easy to succeed."

Although they only heard the voice, the people of Montenegro inevitably gave birth to a glimmer of hope. In the Montenegro kingdom ruled by the royal family, everyone was clothed and clothed, and the days were gone. Naturally, no one was willing to suddenly change to a ruler.

At this moment, although we haven't seen the earth-shattering war like last time, everyone began to silently pray for the ancestors of Xinghe.

At the same time, over the capital, Pan Yue, the old ancestor of the Dragon Kingdom, had a proud look, but his face suddenly turned dark, and the whole person instantly became bad.

"How is that possible? How is this possible? The old guy is all right ?!"

The heart of Pan Yue's ancestors was indescribable at the moment. He originally thought that when he came to the country of Montenegro, he would almost directly declare control of this country. As for Ji Xinghe, I do n’t even need to start .

However, at this moment I heard the howling of Ji Xinghe, and he knew that he might be miscalculated this time. Obviously, during this period of time, Ji Xinghe's body must have some unexpected situations.

"Well !!!"

Just when Pan Yue's ancestor was in doubt, below, an old man's figure came from the wind, and beside the old man, a young man was still standing. In that case, it seems that they are two people. The relationship is the same.

"Hahaha, Pan Yue's old hair, let's meet again!"

During the time of speaking, Ji Xinghe, the ancestor of Montenegro, has come into the air, and the ancestor of Pan Yue, who is opposite, has once again formed a confrontation.

ps: On a new day, the state looks pretty good. Please ask for support! !! !! Leave you! !! !!

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