The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 939: Meet old people (three)

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Montenegro, capital!

The towering palace hall is as solemn and solemn as usual. Here, the most talented characters and the most powerful forces in the whole Montenegro are gathered. It can be said that everything in the Montenegro is operating around here.

However, at this moment, the Royal Palace of Montenegro is not as beautiful as it appears. Anyone who is strong in the royal family understands that the royal family of Montenegro is almost in the midst of storms and winds, and it is in danger of destruction.

Deep inside the palace, in a spacious hall, the emperor Ji Hongxuan of Montenegro, and his left and right arm, plus President Heilongwei's execution of the concubine, all gathered here.

"Seventeenth brother, what's going on outside now? Is there any big move in the blood union?"

Before the throne, the emperor Ji Hongxuan of Montenegro stood upright, but he couldn't sit still for a minute. Although already a person who has become a realm of Dan, according to common sense, it should have been unloaded as emperor at this time and entered the imperial realm for repair, but Ji Hongxuan was not very good when he caught up, but there was no way to uninstall this Heavy task.

The previous World of Warcraft turmoil just passed. Although he broke through the border with Dan at that time, the country of Montenegro is still awaiting revival. At this time, others will take over the country of Montenegro. Of course, he will not rest assured.

And just after he took care of everything, everything in Montenegro was back on track. It didn't take long for the dragon country to start the invasion of the Montenegro country, and it also severely damaged the old ancestor Ji Xinghe. As a result, It is even more impossible for him to unload the burden and escape.

Later, the Black Blood Alliance among the Montenegro kingdoms was established, and it continued to erode the major forces of the Montenegro kingdom. Even if he had to deal with it, the Montenegro kingdom is now turbulent, let alone the throne.

"Huangxiong, the blood gang alliance has already been formed. Before that, the old ancestors have deterred them and made them dare not to act rashly. But now the old ancestors are seriously injured and can hardly be shot easily. The current blood gang alliance is indeed arrogant.

On the one hand, President Hei Longwei's concubine was slightly furious, while he was talking, but it was difficult to suppress sighs. "It can be determined now that the blood alliance must be colluding with the state of the dragon. This group of black people has now reached My royal family is helpless. "

Although he was unwilling to admit it, he still had to admit that the blood alliance now is not something the royal family can suppress.

"Damn, this group of wolf-hearted guys, who had accepted them in good faith at the beginning, did not expect them to do such a thing today, it was really ingratitude."

On the side of Ji Hongxuan, Mr. Liu cursed with hate, his eyes were full of anger, and under the anger was helpless.

"Ah, this blood-blood alliance has good strength and is backed by a dragon dragon country. It seems that this time, I am afraid that this group of beam-jumping clowns * will be dead!"

On the other side, Mr. Lin also sighed for a long time, his tone full of helplessness.

"It's all my fault. In order to pretend to be the strength of the Great Black Mountain Country, these people were left behind. If they were not left in the first place, hey !!!"

With a long sigh, Ji Hongxuan was definitely the most upset at the scene. At the end of the Warcraft turmoil, he only wanted to fill the empty Montenegro, but he completely ignored the accident. Now it ’s okay. I recruited a group of white-eyed wolves to enter the country of Montenegro. In the end, it was actually raising tigers and endangering themselves!

"Your Majesty, don't blame yourself, Your Majesty is also thinking about the overall strength of the Montenegro country. After all, these people are too unconscience."

Seeing Ji Hongxuan's expression of self-blame, Ji Xun hurriedly stood up and exhorted Ji Hongxuan. This has come to an end, and it is not the time to hold accountable. Right now, the most important thing is to find a way to deal with the crisis at hand.

"Ah, the blood alliance is not enough to be afraid. I am really worried about the dragon country." Shaking his head and sighing, Ji Hongxuan's eyes flashed a little anxiety. It is difficult for children to continue fighting, but the old ancestors of the Dragon Kingdom that day were only slightly injured. He was worried that the old guy would go back and healed the wound. In all likelihood, he would make a comeback. It's dangerous. "

As the emperor of Montenegro, Ji Hongxuan saw very clearly, but it was also because he saw so thoroughly that he was able to understand the danger of the situation at hand.

Once the old fellow of the Dragon Dragon Kingdom returns, then the Kingdom of Montenegro is really going to be ruined in the hands of his Ji Hongxuan.

"Your Majesty, the ancestor of Xinghe was badly hit that day. Even if the old fellow of the Dragon Kingdom was not seriously injured, it should be not bad. He should not come again for a while."

Hearing Ji Hongxuan's analysis, Mr. Liu groaned slightly, then analyzed on the side. However, although he said so in his mouth, in his heart, he also understood how unlikely this situation was.

The battle that day, although he did not see too clearly, but the appearance of the ancestor of Xinghe was still fresh in his memory. Obviously, in terms of strength, the ancestors of Xinghe really couldn't compare with that of the Dragon Dragon Kingdom. If the strong man of the Dragon Kingdom did not want to go back to cultivation for the time being, I am afraid that the country of Montenegro is already dead.

"That's it, that's all there is to it, it's useless to want more, everything is up to heaven's will."

Now, the power of the royal family of Montenegro is here, and no matter how urgent they are, it is useless. After all, even if they are urgent, the ancestors of Xinghe will not be better, and the anxiety is also anxious.

"Yes, Brother Seventeen, but did you find out about Fenger?"

After calming down, Ji Hongxuan suddenly raised an eyebrow and asked Ji Xun aside.

Speaking of which, in his heart, there has always been a line of hope, and this line of hope naturally originated from Yuan Feng.

Although he doesn't know what Yuan Feng has become now, he believes that if Yuan Feng is present at this time, maybe he can help to think of a solution. You know, Yuan Feng had invited the veteran of Jianzong to help the country of Montenegro. Now, Yuan Feng should be able to invite the four strong supermen!

"If you return to your Majesty, Feng Feng has disappeared for three years. I'm afraid I won't be able to return for a while ..."

"Ha, I haven't seen you in three years. I never thought that Your Majesty was still thinking of me. I was really flattered by the kid!"

Just when Ji Hongxuan's problem fell, and Ji Xing frowned, a long laugh came suddenly, and with the sound of the sound, in this side hall, the shape of a young man was almost at the same time Appeared in the center of the hall.


Hearing this sudden sound, the four principals of Montenegro who were present were almost as if they heard the most beautiful voice in the world. Everyone's face was instantly filled with ecstasy.

"Fenger, is it really you?"

The emperor Ji Hongxuan returned to God for the first time, and when he saw Yuan Feng in front of his eyes, the emperor's eyes showed a moist that was difficult to restrain.

"Sir, I am back!"

With a flash of body shape, Yuan Feng immediately came to Ji Hongxuan, bowed to the latter, but it seemed so natural and so kind.

Once upon a time, he went out from here. At that time, he was helped by the owner of the royal family of Montenegro, and this has gradually grown to where he is today. It can be said that the royal family of Montenegro is the real influence on him.

"Ha ha ha, just come back, just come back!"

Taking a step forward, Ji Hongxuan personally helped Yuan Feng to lift up, but, while helping Yuan Feng, his hands were shaking, which was difficult to restrain.

At the critical moment, he had already listened to the fate of heaven, and it was at this critical moment that Heaven sent Yuan Feng back again. At this moment, he could not help feeling a little peace of mind.

"Children Feng, you're finally back. If you don't come back, I'm afraid I won't see my husband, hahaha!"

On one side, Mr. Liu also took a step forward, patted him severely on Yuan Feng's shoulder, and laughed a long time. He has a very good relationship with Yuan Feng, and now seeing Yuan Feng return, leaving aside the others, it is enough to make him rejoice just because his old friends are reunited. What's more, Yuan Feng's strength is so powerful that maybe there will be a way to save Montenegro.

"Hey, where is Mr. Liu? Mr. Liu is still in the future. When he solves the troubles of Montenegro, he will accompany him every day to play chess and chat to help him achieve the great cause of longevity."

Gaze turned to Mr. Liu, Yuan Feng grinned, but the smile was reassuring.

"Hahaha, okay, this is what your kid said. If I don't help my life, the old man will not let you go as a ghost, hahaha!"

Yuan Feng's return undoubtedly relaxed everyone's tense nerves, and it was a joke between them.

"Rest assured, why did the boy promise something?"

With a slight smile, Yuan Feng suddenly became very serious. Obviously, he was telling the other party that what he said at the moment was not a joke with the other party.

"Uh, this ..."

Seeing Yuan Feng's suddenly serious face, Mr. Liu could not help but be a little stunned. Of course he was just joking, but when he saw Yuan Feng being so serious, somehow he actually believed.

"Fenger, you came back just now, and now the country of Montenegro is having some trouble. I have no way to think about it, I am afraid that I will trouble you more."

Ji Hongxuan didn't care too much about the conversation between Yuan Feng and Mr. Liu. He finally caught a life-saving straw. The only thing he wanted to do now was to tell the situation to Yuan Feng soon, so that Yuan Feng could help him think of a way.

"Her Majesty need not say more, the child has fully understood the situation in Montenegro. Also, I just rushed over from that blood alliance. As for the black people of the blood alliance, I have been wiped out by myself at this moment. From now on, There will no longer be a blood alliance in this world. "

Yuan Feng's expression was unusually indifferent, but when he heard these words, the four of them present Ji Hongxuan opened their mouths suddenly, all of them were there.

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