The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 924: Return (three more)

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Sapphire Mansion, the domain of Yunlong Protector.

Here is a large and spacious square. The whole square is not small, but it is very deserted. At a certain moment, on the large and spacious square, the shapes of the two men, who did not know where they came from, suddenly appeared in the center of the square, and the position where they appeared happened to be a huge special array. .

"Familiar place, time flies really fast. In a blink of an eye, I have been in the French Realm for several years."

The figure appeared on the array. Yuan Feng glanced around for the first time, and then she couldn't restrain her emotion.

A few years ago, he followed Yunlong's protection law from the Tianlong dynasty and appeared here for the first time, but now he is going back to the Tianlong dynasty from here.

The teleportation mysterious array of the French phase boundary and the initial worlds below are rarely activated, and only those who can activate this mysterious array can do it. Therefore, the entire teleportation mysterious array can be activated. At this moment, there is no one alone, just like a restricted area.

"Yuan Fengzi, your training time is still too short. For a warrior, a century of time is just a matter of flicking, just a few years, it is fleeting."

Hearing Yuan Feng's emotions, Yunlong's protection could not help but have a funny feeling. For him, the centuries and thousands of years are fleeting, but Yuan Feng was so emotional for several years. It seems that Yuan Feng's practice time is really short.

"Let the master protect the law laugh, the boy is still very shallow in cultivation now, maybe, after my cultivation is strong enough, there should be no such feeling!"

Shaking his head, Yuan Feng also understands that after all he has only cultivated for less than thirty years, unlike super strong men such as Yunlong Hufa, who want to come to their realm, I am afraid that they can really see everything opened.

"You little guy is so qualified that he can become a big man in the future. Now that he is young, he must work harder." With a slight smile, Yunlong Hufa glanced at the teleportation mystery at his feet, and then continued, "Okay, it is not too late, I think you really want to go back soon. In this case, I will start to arrange now and send you to the lower bound. "

Yunlong's protection is quite reliable. This time he moved from the Star Palace to the floating city of Sapphire Mansion, and then returned to his territory. However, he didn't even return to his mansion, so he brought Yuan Feng directly here. .

"There is a Master of Labor Protection."

He arched his hands in front of Yunlong's protection, Yuan Feng thanked him sincerely. At this moment, he was a little calmer, because he knew that there should be no accidents when he returned to the Tianlong Dynasty.

Yunlong protects the law and doesn't say much. Sending Yuan Feng back to the Tianlong dynasty does not mean sending it. At least, he has to arrange it.

The initial world corresponding to the French Realm can be more than just the Tianlong dynasty. At this moment, he wants to send Yuan Feng to the Tianlong dynasty accurately. First, he must determine the location of the Tianlong dynasty.

This is not like the last time he was in the lower world. The last time he was in the lower world, he was contacted by the people below, and then the people below led him to lead him to the Tianlong dynasty. This time Yuan Feng's lower bound, he was trying to find a way to find the existence of the Tianlong dynasty in countless initial worlds, and then informed the people below to make preparations, and finally he could arrange on the upper side and send Yuan Feng's lower bound.

The process is very complicated, but Yunlong's protection method seems very calm. At this moment, he just sits cross-legged in the center of the Xuanzhen array. Outsiders drive away, and he is like meditating and practicing here.

Yuan Feng naturally understands that Yunlong's protection is not as easy as it seems at the moment. This can be seen from the other person's frowning frowns.

"Tianlong dynasty, I can return to the Tianlong dynasty immediately. When I return, I will first promote all my family and friends who have not reached the level of Dandan to the level of Dandan. Then I will choose some stronger exercises for them. In the end, even if they can't find a way to directly advance them to annihilation, they can live for a long time. "

Taking advantage of the busy efforts of Yunlong to protect the law, Yuan Feng's heart couldn't help dreaming again.

He is most worried about the lifespan of his relatives and friends. Although his immediate family members have reached the innate state, the lifespan of the innate person is really limited. Only when they reach the end of the dandan realm can these people live longer. In order to have the opportunity to accompany him to go further.

Today, he has no less than seventy to eighty condensate fruits. Eating one of these things can reach the state of Dandan. Even if all of the Yuan family and its ancestors are spawned to the state of Dandan, it is more than enough .

Of course, it seems that before that, he still needs to promote the cultivation of those who take Ning Danguo to innate state. However, the state of congenital realm is a drizzle for him now. After returning, he can offer some condensed materials and refine a few furnaces of elixir, so that those people can be promoted to innate.

Compared to helping others, it is not difficult for him to make some people advance to the a priori.

"Meng Chen, sister, and Chen Chen's girl, I don't know what it has become!" Over the past few years, he has known his changes best. He believes that Yun Meng Chen and others now, There must be earth-shaking changes. Especially Yun Mengchen, she was regarded as a successor to be cultivated by Qingzong Zong as a baby, and God knows what it will become now!

As time goes by, Yunlong Hufa sits there silently, but he sits there for more than a few hours, and watching him sit there all the time, but there is no result. Yuan Feng's heart can't help but feel a little anxious. .

However, this anxiety did not last for a long time. At one moment, Yuan Feng, who had been staring at Yun Long's Famu, had been staring at it, but suddenly found that Yunlong's Fa had a touch of joy on his face. He couldn't help seeing this His expression shook, and his heart filled with joy.

"Is there a result? It's really hard enough."

Taking a sigh of relief, Yuan Feng knew that it seemed that this time, Yunlong's law protection had already been done.

After a short time, Yunlong Hufa opened his eyes and his eyes were full of joy.

"It's been a long time since I've been doing this. It's really tiring." With a slight smile, Yunlong Protector slowly landed on the ground. The whole body was covered with exhaustion. Obviously, in order to find the place of the Tianlong Dynasty, he really made a lot of efforts this time.

"Master Dharma, the situation ..."

"Rest assured, I have already contacted Fazheng and Fazhi. At this moment, they are setting up a pick-up array. When the array starts, you can return to the Tianlong Dynasty."

Waiting for Yuan Feng to finish, Yunlong protects his hands and waves, and first explains to Yuan Feng.

"Thank you, Master Fa !!!!" Although I had already guessed, but now that Yunlong has secured Fa, he still has an irresistible excitement.

"Don't thank me. Speaking of which, I did everything I should." Shaking his head and smiling, Yunlong did not feel how much he had done. After all, compared to these little things, Yuan Feng brought him There is simply no way to describe it in words.

Speaking of this, Yuan Feng was no longer pretentious, his eyes flickered. At this time, he had already left the realm of law and flew back to the distant Tianlong dynasty.

The Yunlong Guardian personally ordered that the following people were very attentive and did not let the two wait too long. At a certain moment, the teleportation mysterious array where Yuan Feng and Yunlong Guardian were located suddenly shocked slightly, and then a faint light, It was lit at a spot on the array.


Seeing the array light up, Yunlong Hu Fa smiled slightly, and then suddenly raised his hand.

"Well !!!"

As he raised his hand, each piece of star crystal was thrown into the mysterious array by him. The position of each star crystal is very particular. The dazzling feeling, even if it is For anyone who has changed the world of Dongdong, don't want to see it too clearly.

"Eh? Is this the way to start the formation of the mysterious array?" Yuan Feng's eyes narrowed for a moment, but his heart was alive. It can be seen that the star crystals thrown by Yunlong Guardian must have a unique law. If he can write down this method, he may start the mysterious array by himself in the future!

Of course, this can only be thought about. In fact, even if he can start the array, he is not in vain without the introduction of the people below.

"Get up !!!"

In the time between Yuan Feng's thoughts, Yunlong's protection method tossed out the last piece of star crystal, and as the last piece of star crystal fell into the disk, a silvery white light suddenly appeared on his body, these lights Immediately submerged into the array, making the entire array bright up in an instant.

"Uh, there is still this step? It seems I'm out of business."

Seeing that Yunlong Guardian had to transport the power of Dongtian Jingqiang into the array, Yuan Feng could not help but linger a little bit, and there was a bitterness in his heart. He just said, how could the transmission between the two worlds be too simple?

"Yuan Feng, stand at the center of the array, I will send you to the Nether World !!!"

Before Yuan Feng thought about it, Yun Long's voice was suddenly heard in his ears, and when he heard Yun Long's voice, Yuan Feng quickly adjusted his look, and stood honestly in the center of the array.

"I'm finally going back, and I don't know if everyone misses me!"

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth. The next moment, Yuan Feng only felt that he was tight. Then, a flash of light flashed in front of his eyes, and his body disappeared on the teleportation platter and went directly into a familiar Among the silver and white world.

"Tianlong Dynasty, I'm Yuan Feng back !!!"

Entering into the space of different dimensions, Yuan Feng's heart uttered a silent cry!

ps: Three more arrived, for support! !! !!

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