The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 918: Capture (one more)

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After Xiu's breakthrough reached the great completion of the Dandan Realm, and the nineth turn of the Xuan Gong reached the fourth round, Yuan Feng's strength was countless times stronger than when he was at the Eighth Dange Realm.

It is a great difference between the realm of Yudan and the realm of Yudan. This is the difference between the heavens and the world of Yufeng. It is different from ordinary martial arts. When he broke through to the great consummation, his overall strength was definitely improved by dozens or hundreds of times, plus his 9th turn of the Xuan Gong reached the fourth turn, that kind of strength is simply not imaginable by ordinary people.

At the time of the 5th and 6th dandan period, he could already use the sword technique of the realm of the sword to kill the son of the protector of the siege of the annihilation. Nowadays, his strength has increased by more than a thousand times. For those who are in a great condition, he no longer needs to look straight.

These people under Dou Yuan are indeed super strong, but under the cave world, no matter how powerful the annihilation master is, he is almost the same to him.

Of course, this time can wipe out the six masters in one fell swoop, so that the other six people do not even have a little reaction time. Among them, the Nine Turns Xuan Gong credit should be the biggest.

The six of them would never dream of it. Their six aggressive attacks were like tickling Yuan Feng, and even the other side's skin could not be broken. This scene's stimulation to them was difficult to use words. Described. It was also because of the shock that this scene gave them that they had a moment of loss of mind, which was seized by Yuan Feng.

"Buzz !!!!"

After absorbing the blood and suffocation of the six super powerfuls, there was a buzzing sound from the **** long knife. Obviously, after drinking countless strong blood and suffocating gas, this long knife has been Becoming stronger and more aggressive.

Since ancient times, the magic weapon has only become strong after being nurtured. There are many ways to nurture, and sacrificing with blood is definitely the most direct and most terrible way.

If this blood-colored long knife drank countless blood and absorbed endless suffocation, then even if it could not become a weapon of the magic weapon, it would inevitably become a terrible magic weapon. Perhaps, one day, just lighting up this magic weapon will be enough to make people's heart guilty, and they will not produce the slightest resistance.

"This, how is this possible?"

Opposite Yuan Feng, at this moment, Dou Yuan above the black devil was completely shocked.

"How could there be such a perverted person? Killing my six strong men in one shot, this, this is absolutely impossible!"

Dou Yuan was really frightened at this time. He knew best about his six subordinates' strengths. The six were added together. In the entire chaos domain, as long as there were no strong shots from the cave, they were almost invincible. Especially Mr. Pei, who is under his seat, is a man who praises even his dad.

But these six powerful men were killed by a seemingly ordinary young man in an instant, and at this moment, he really had a feeling of facing a powerful caveman.

You know, if it is a real sword, even if he is, he will certainly not be an opponent of his six subordinates, and it is very rare to be able to draw.

"Well, Master Dou Yuan, your dog slaves have been destroyed by me. Now, what else can you do?"

Yuan Feng shook the **** long knife in his hand, and slowly pressed down the fierce gas from the **** long knife. Then he looked at the opposite Dou Yuan with a cold expression.

"You, who are you?"

Dou Yuan took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down, but the fact is that he couldn't calm down at this moment, because the man opposite him might really have the power to kill him.

That killed six superpowers in one fell swoop, anyway, he knew he didn't have that kind of ability.

He quickly checked the memory in his mind, and he was curious to know where the person in front came from, how could he have such a horrifying power, and in his mind, only those who possessed such power should have Dongtianjingqiang That's right.

"It doesn't matter who I am, what's important is that you are going to be unlucky today !!!

Picking at the corner of his mouth, Yuan Feng's original calm face flashed a tadpole suddenly, the voice dropped, and the blood-colored sword in his hand was missing. Instead, it was a fiery red sword.

Although this blood-colored long knife is relatively easy to use, it can not be compared with his fire spirit sword, and he has to be more careful to deal with the current Dou Yuan.

"you dare!!!"

Dou Yuan didn't expect that Yuan Feng really dared to shoot at him. When he wanted to, he would be able to stun the latter by virtue of his identity as the son of the strong man in the cave heaven, but he never expected that Yuan Feng would not His identity is in his eyes.

"not good!!!"

However, at this moment, it was not when he was angry, because he suddenly found out that the sword cut by his opponent had a feeling of being unable to dodge. In his eyes, the sword was simply chaotic and seemed to be Cut to his head, as if facing his neck, for a while, he didn't know where to hide.

"Yeah !!!" How fast was Yuan Feng's sword, and the two sides were so close, when Dou Yuan discovered that Yuan Feng's sword was weird, it was too late to respond.


With a scream, Dou Yuan never dreamed that the sword was actually cut off against his arm.

The sword containing the power of the sword power, fluttered off Dou Yuan's arm, and the power of the sword power directly penetrated into the broken arm, and a bang sounded. This arm of Dou Yuan, then It exploded directly.

"Boy, I'm not finished with you !!!"

With his arms off his body, Dou Yuan only returned to his mind at this moment. He knew that he must not be the opponent of the person in front of him. At the moment, there is no other way than to escape.

Obviously, Yuan Feng is not only scary but also very delicate.

The arm that was just cut off was obviously premeditated, because the arm that was cut off was exactly one of the nanocrystal ring he wore. In his nanocrystal ring, there are many of his treasures and help signals. This Then Yuan Feng directly destroyed his arm and Najing ring, even if he wanted to ask for help, it was impossible.

The wings fluttered behind him, and Dou Yuan dropped his mount and flew away in the distance. The speed was really fast.

Although the strength is not comparable to Yuan Feng, he does not believe that he will lose to the opponent even his best speed advantage.

"Want to run? It depends on whether you are fast or I am fast !!!"

Seeing Dou Yuan fleeing at a rapid speed, and he also had a strong escape skills, Yuan Feng was inspired to be competitive. Speaking of it, since he practiced riding the wind wing, it seems that he has never been at a disadvantage in speed.

"Brush !!!" Yu Yi shook, but he caught up with Dou Yuan directly, and that speed was obviously more than one level faster than Dou Yuan.

"What? This ..."

Dou Yuan just flew away, and when he thought he could escape with the advantage of speed, the sound of wind breaking behind him just made him look white, and the whole person had a feeling of despair. .

The strength is not the opponent of the other party, and the call for help has been destroyed, and now even the speed is not as good as others. At this moment, he is really in big trouble. The deep sense of weakness makes him have the urge to vomit blood.

For so many years in the chaos domain, he has always been in an absolute dominant position. No one has been able to make him as embarrassed as he is today. The change now makes him hard to accept for a while.


Between the surprises in his heart, Dou Yuan's speed was naturally affected too. The time between speaking and Yuan Feng's figure had already reached him.

"Oh, Master Dou Yuan, it seems you really can't escape today!"

Slowly turning around, Yuan Feng ran a net for Jianhua, looking at each other with a smile.

"Wait, sir, don't take a shot first."

At this moment, Dou Yuan was obviously in a hurry, and his face changed, and he hurried to Yuan Feng.

"What else do you want to say?"

Yuan Feng did not shoot directly, but it gave the other party a last chance.

"I have no injustice with your Excellency, Your Excellency killed my subordinates, and I can never blame this matter, but you still have to be smart, don't dig your own grave, I can tell you, as long as I have an accident, Then my father will be there in the first place, and you will still pay for me. "

At this time, Dou Yuan also hurried to pick the key and said that he was really worried. Yuan Feng was impulsive and wiped him out with a sword. In that case, even if his father can avenge him soon, he will not May be alive.


When Dou Yuan's words fell, Yuan Feng's brow frowned slightly.

Only then did he realize that this is the chaos of chaos, not the original Wanshan Mountain. At the beginning of Wanli Mountain, he was not afraid of being noticed by the powerful Dongtianjing by virtue of his geographical advantage. After all, the minds of Wanyushan were shielded, and even the powerful Dongtianjing could not detect the situation.

However, it is different here. If he beheaded Dou Yuan at this time, and then caught Dou Tianxiao's attention, then someone would come over and investigate with a heart, and I am afraid he would really lose his life.

"Thank you Master Dou Yuan for your reminder, it seems that I really can't kill you this time!"

With a slight smile, Yuan Feng's heart couldn't help but be glad. Fortunately, the other party reminded him, otherwise he was really going to make a mistake just under the impulse.

"Eh?" Dou Yuan didn't feel a little at ease when he saw Yuan Feng's smile, but he felt more uncomfortable.

"Hey, I can't kill you, but I can't let you go !!! Go !!!!"

Picking the corner of his mouth, Yuan Feng's figure moved, and in the middle of his speech, he came to Dou Yuan's front, raised his sword and dropped his hands, and a strange amount of sword energy penetrated into the body of the opponent and started the latter. seal.

Since he could not be killed, he temporarily sealed the other party, and when the time was ripe, it was not too late to kill.

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