The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 916: I want it all (three)

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Youyue is very clear. When dealing with these people in front of her, she must always be vigilant, even if she wants to explode, she must always be on guard against these people.

Therefore, in order to avoid night long dreams, she no longer talks to the other person at all, and the time between speeches is to bite her teeth and want to explode.

However, when she put aside everything and wanted to die, the unexpected situation still happened!

In the body, all the true qi turned red at this time. Although these red qi were still in her body, they were not under her control at all, as if they were all drunk.

At the same time, in her heart, a burning flame, like a gushing volcano, suddenly started to burn. In an instant, her entire body became red and black, her eyes were all over Instantly became free.

"How can this be, why ..."

Silver teeth clenched, at this moment Youyue really hated herself. Defensive and defensive, but in the end she was still hit, which made her anxious, but also secretly hated herself.

Feeling the heat in her body, she seemed to see shameful pictures flashing in front of her. Although she didn't want to think about them, these pictures seemed to be uncontrollable and flashed through her mind one after another. The more she did, the more she felt hot and uncomfortable.

"You, you ..."

You reached out to Dou Yuan, the opposite, and Youyue wanted to say something, but found that her tongue was numb, and she couldn't say anything at all.

"Hahaha, you moon girl, how effective is this blissful? But she has an appetite?"

Long laughter spread from Dou Yuan's mouth, but it was indescribable debauchery and indescribable abomination.

Speaking of which, I'm afraid that the women he's played are already countless. When he first saw the moon in front of you, he knew that this was a true virgin martyr who wanted to let the other person yield. Not too possible. Moreover, he believes that if he is too tight, then the other party will definitely choose to explode and end up with them.

Therefore, Shicai, the first time he spoke to the other side, he used his own to deal with women's unfavorable baby.

For a superpower like Youyue, ordinary poison is hard for her to work, because even if she is poisoned, she still has the power to explode, but his bliss is totally different.

The effect of Bliss, I am afraid that men can guess. Of course, from the performance of Youyue, you can fully see the effect of this baby. This highly poisonous body, then no matter how strong you are, you will have a poisoned hair within a short time. Once you have a poisoned hair, I am afraid that only anyone can slaughter it.

Of course, if you surpass the annihilation realm and reach the strong man in the cave realm, of course it is another matter. It is a pity that Youyue is not a person in Dongtianjing and does not have the strength not to be affected by this poison.

If she was aware of the poisoning just a moment ago, she might still explode, but the other person mentioned the three old men in the black wind, and she answered a word, and the effectiveness of the Bliss Sanctuary has spread all over her. The whole body, it is no longer possible to resist again at this time.

"I've tasted a lot of women, but the woman who has achieved great success in the Desolation Realm hasn't tasted much, Master Yuyue, wait a moment, Master Ben will make you very comfortable, hahaha!"

Dou Yuan's saliva is about to flow out. He really did not expect that with such a famous Youyue in the Chaos Demon Realm, he would still be a complete body, which is simply something he would not dare to imagine. It seems that this woman should always take care of cultivation, but she has not touched the feelings of men and women in the slightest.


When it was dying, Youyue could only simply issue these two words, but unfortunately, no matter how anxious or angry she was at this moment, she had no use.

"Despicable? This is not despicable, it's called strategy, it's called means."

Dou Yuan is not in a hurry. The effect of Ji Le San will slowly increase with the loss of time. About half a quarter of an hour is the time when the effect of Ji Le San is the strongest. He believes that the moon at that moment is inevitable. I'll take care of myself.

"Girl Moonlight, you still don't have to resist. Although Bliss is not a normal poison, if you haven't been with a man, then your self-cultivation will probably be abolished. Therefore, Moonlight Girl obediently obeys Master Ben! "

Dou Yuan continued to stimulate Youyue with words, and now, naturally, he will not be in a hurry. The so-called good rice is not afraid of being late, the meat is in front of his eyes, and he is already cooked. Is he still worried that the cooked fatty meat will not fly?

"Dream, I ... even if I ... die, I won't ... I won't ..."

Youyue's speech has become more and more blurred, and even her vision has become a little blurred. The more anxious her heart is, the faster the poisoning will occur, but she may not be in a hurry.

On the side, a few great perfectionists surrounded by them all showed a strange look at the moment. They are all super strong, and they are all normal men. The moon in front of them is equally exciting.

Frankly, at this moment, even they feel that Dou Yuan's method is too mean, but then again, if they change it, I am afraid that they will choose this way when facing such a woman!

"Oh, master, we ..."

Among them, Mr. Pei, who has the highest strength and status, had to stand up now. Right now Youyue has been recruited, let alone escaped. Even if a person who is a annihilation is coming, she has no power to fight back. Therefore, the existence of these people has obviously become somewhat unnecessary. what!

"Oh, you step back and surround me with this white flower forest. Master Ben will use this white flower forest as a bed later and enjoy it, hahahaha!"

The environment here is good. The bed is made of natural fabrics. If you want to come, you should have a taste!

"Yes, we surround this here, young master, just enjoy it."

Hearing Dou Yuan's words, everyone couldn't help shaking their faces, but they were all surprised by the other side's shortage. However, the strength of this identity is there, they naturally have nothing to say.

When he bowed to Dou Yuan, everyone was in a state of motion, and the talking room spread out and landed around the Baihua Forest. The next time, I am afraid they will act as a guard and bodyguard.

"Hey, girl, moon moon, spring night is worth a thousand bucks, you and I can take advantage of this great environment, let's rest earlier, hahaha!" Waiting for everyone to retreat, Dou Yuan gently patted his seat The devil started slowly approaching Youyue.

"You, don't come over !!"

Seeing that Dou Yuan was close to himself, Youyue suddenly looked shocked, and the whole person was slightly awake. Of course, this is just the effect of a momentary fear, but it can't last long.

"Well, pretend to be a chastity virgin, and I'll be comfortable later, I'm afraid you still want to thank me!" Picked from the corner of his mouth, Dou Yuan urged the devil under him, a little closer to Youyue *.

"No, I don't, I don't like this! Son Yuanfeng, where are you, come and save Youyue ..."

In the last trace of Qingming, Youyue's heart flashed over Yuan Feng's figure for the first time. She had no relatives long ago and never made friends. It can be said that, of all her life, the only one who treated her well and the only one who saved her was Yuan Feng So, at this moment, in this despair, she naturally thought of Yuan Feng first.

"Bright daylight, long and bright, some people have done such a despicable thing, it is really abominable !!"

When you were looking forward to the miracle in Youyue's heart, she drank a low voice, but it suddenly came from a distance. The sound was still far away at first, but it was just a moment of time. Near.

The voice was full of righteousness, full of righteousness and strictness, and as the voice approached, a young man in white clothes suddenly appeared in the field.


The man in white appeared on the field, and before the opposite Dou Yuan came back, his figure was slightly moved. Then, the moon in front of him was slightly flashed and disappeared.


Sudden changes suddenly made Dou Yuan look dark, and the whole person was instantly filled with anger. Watching Youyue disappear without a trace, his heart was extremely angry.

Shicai, he thought that Youyue was already a cooked duck, and it was impossible to fly away, but in this instant, the other party disappeared directly. Of course, this scene made him unable to accept it.

When he returned to God, he finally saw the person opposite.

It was a young man he had never seen before, and the man looked extremely young. At this moment, the other side was holding the moon with one hand and let the latter lie on his shoulder. Want to vomit blood.

Youyue is the person he sees, and seeing that it will be a good thing, but he did not expect such a change. It can be seen that the young man in front of me is not a good stubble. The speed of lightning can feel one or two.

You know, he just heard the voice, and before he could make any response, the other party had snatched Youyue. I am afraid he would admire this speed.

"Well !!!"

The time spent talking, Mr. Pei, who just dispersed, and so on, also found the change here, between the flickering figure, one by one came to Dou Yuan's side, one by one looked in surprise. opposite.

Obviously, no one expected that the situation would develop into such a situation even between these beards.

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