The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 910: Retreat (one more)

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When Youyue saw Yuan Feng coming out of the dark hole, her heart was finally put back into her belly.

Speaking of which she has been in the chaos domain for so long, she has never cared about a person like this time, even she does not understand herself. For a stranger, why should she worry about the other person.

In the end, she attributed these to Yuan Feng's saving her life, but she didn't think too much about whether it was the reason.

"Mr. Yuan Feng, that Warcraft ..."

After a brief greeting, although Youyue tried to control herself, the curiosity in her heart made her finally ask.

Yuan Feng and the mighty Warcraft that was about to impact the cave heaven alone were in the cave alone for so long, and she had previously felt that there was a faint battle in the cave, and it sounded like Yuan Feng and Warcraft had started.

"Youyu can be regarded as her own person. Do not hide Youyou, this World of Warcraft is really difficult to entangle, but fortunately, there are still some means, it can be considered as a scourge for the chaos of magic!"

He had previously fought with Mo * in it, and he believed that Youyue had already sensed it. If you were telling lies, Youyue's mind would not believe it. In that case, she would simply tell the truth.

"Really killed?" When Yuan Feng's voice fell, Youyue's gaze could not help but condense. Although she had actually guessed it, she couldn't believe it after getting Yuan Feng's confirmation.

She originally thought that she had some understanding of Yuan Feng's strength, but now it seems that the power shown by Yuan Feng must not be all, or even a small part of it.

"It seems that Yuan Feng's son is really a real person!" He shook his head and smiled, Youyue couldn't help admiring it.

"Eh, this ..." It was so boasted by the other side that Yuan Feng didn't know what to say!

"Girl Youyue, I am able to get to know Youyue and act with Youyue, but I am honored here, but I still have some things to do now, I am afraid to say goodbye to Youyue ! "

There is a feast all over the world. He and Youyue originally met each other. Perhaps, the fate between them is only the fate of these hours. Now, it is the time when each fate is exhausted.

In human life, you will meet many people, especially the powerful warriors in this world. Because of the long life relationship, you will encounter countless people. However, although some people have appeared, they are nothing more than passers-by!

"Say goodbye? Do you want to say goodbye again?"

When Yuan Feng's voice fell, Youyue's expression could not help but linger slightly, and a sorrow of sadness flashed in her eyes.

Yuan Feng had already told her to meet again before, and she didn't feel much that time. But this time, when she heard that Yuan Feng was about to leave, she had a reluctant emotion.

Such emotions hardly ever appeared on her body, but at this moment, they actually appeared.

"People have sorrows and joys, but when they come down to the chaos, it is not a long-term plan. If there is a fate, maybe we will see you again in the future."

Yuan Feng, who was quiet down, was still quite open. He still has a lot of things to do. It is impossible to delay because of some people and some things, and because of his goals, he has to belittle some emotions.

"Yes, maybe a corner, you and I can meet again!"

Listening to Yuan Feng's words, Youyue's mood is a lot better. Unexpected facts, she thought she would never see Yuan Feng again, but did she see them again not long after?

"Well, you moon girl, the time is limited, I will not talk to you, you will take more care, there will be a period later!"

He nodded and smiled, Yuan Feng bit his teeth, and between his toes, he flew away, and in a blink of an eye, he disappeared in front of Youyue's eyes and walked as smartly as before.

"Mr. Yuan Feng, there will be a period later !!! Take care !!!"

Watching Yuan Feng leave, Youyue's face is still inevitably sentimental, and between murmurs, she also gritted her teeth suddenly and turned to fly away in another direction, but returned directly to her own cultivation.

This time, the two of them didn't go in the same direction, and it was really difficult to see them again!

Yuan Feng didn't think that much. He spent a year in the Chaos Demon Realm, but now he has obtained nine transfers of Xuan Gong cultivation materials. He just wants to quickly make the magic, and then take a look at the fourth turn. How powerful Xuan Gong is, sometimes it is not really able to withstand the attack of the cave heavenly powerhouse.

After saying goodbye to Youyue, he looked at the map in his hand and flew directly in the direction opposite to the area controlled by Dou Tianxiao of the cave heaven. As for the target, he chose a relatively primitive jungle .

Next practice Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong, he must be looking for a quiet place that is not disturbed, and the primitive jungle chosen this time usually does not have the presence of warriors, and Warcraft will be relatively few.

He was thinking about practicing Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong, and his speed couldn't help but fire. He soon came to the destination of this trip, and found a cliff in the jungle and stopped.

Here is a cliff that looks like the earth is divided into two halves, forming two extreme peaks.

After coming here, Yuan Feng opened a cave directly above a cliff, then sealed the opening, and left Xiaoba's reconnaissance Warcraft, spreading around the cliff wall. As soon as a crisis approached, he In the cave, you can be notified immediately.

Chaos Demon Realm is not outside, you must be careful everywhere, otherwise, you may not even have the chance to be careful.

He did not choose to return to the portal city of the Demon Realm, not because he could not afford the rent, but he felt that although the portal city has rules that do not allow hands-on, those people have clearly told him that the rules here It's really unreliable. Instead of taking the risk, it's better to open up a field for cultivation!

After opening a passageway about ten meters deep, and then digging a space of 100 meters square, Yuan Feng started his own practice this time.

This practice has a great relationship. He did not dare to take it lightly, so he left the avatar directly in the hole and let Xiao Ba stay beside him. In this way, even if someone sensed his existence, the avatar and Dahei can also stand in front, while Xiaoba can help nearby, which is not terrible.

"It's almost the fourth turn of Nine Turns and Xuan Gong. Finally, you can try to cultivate!"

After making arrangements, Yuan Feng smiled with satisfaction. Later, he sat cross-legged and introduced the following exercises of Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong into the swallowing martial arts, and began to study slowly.

The practice of the 9th Zhuan Xuan Gong and the 4th Zhuan Gong is indeed much more difficult than the previous three. However, this difficulty is mainly reflected in the fine control. The difficulty of understanding is not much different from the previous three turns.

After spending three full days, Yuan Feng researched the fourth round of Xuan Gong over and over again and again, and controlled the details in it. Later, he began to take out the body of Warcraft, one by one, and started The ninth turn of the fourth turn was practiced.

Yuan Feng did not want to make a quick decision for this turn. Anyway, he has a year here. In this year, he has no goals that must be completed. The fourth round of practice was completed, so this trip to the Chaos Demon Realm was completed.

The carcass of a manta python is a bit troublesome to break up, but now the manta python has been sealed by sections, and no matter how troublesome it is, it is obviously impossible to hinder his cultivation.

The body of the boa constrictor was broken into flesh by section by section, and then the huge energy of the blood was absorbed into the body through Jiuzhuan Xuan Gong, and integrated into his own body, and part of the feedback was Meridian bones, skin flesh.

The absorption of a python's flesh is equivalent to absorbing a few World of Warcraft with great annihilation. With these injections of energy, his practice does not seem too difficult, but the speed is really slow.

Time passed day by day, Yuan Feng was not in a hurry, and he practiced so patiently. Because of the previous three turns of magic, he had been tortured, so although this time was just as painful, he just wrinkled. Frowning, just straightened it down.

This is also due to the blessings of the first three turns of Xuan Gong. If it is not for the first three turns of Xuan Gong, he may not be as happy as he is now.

The 9th Zhuan Xuan Gong in the fourth turn is still relatively smooth. Yuan Feng can feel that as long as he can stand temper, not rush and impatient, and slowly polish it with time, then the 9th Zhuan Xuan Gong in the fourth turn, There is no difficulty at all.

As time goes by, Yuan Feng's whole person has fully entered the practice of the fourth revolution of Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong, and while he is practicing the magic of the fourth revolution of Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong, he killed the two-tailed python before him. Before the beast's cave, a group of people came.

This group of people is full of eight people, headed by a man who looks abnormally young, and the man is very good at selling, but he is riding a giant fierce tiger that is extremely fierce. This tiger does not look like Vulgar, but it is a tyrannical obliteration of the Great Warcraft.

Behind this young man, seven men stood in a row, and each person's body was surrounded by the energy fluctuations of annihilation. The energy fluctuations were not worse than the previous Black Wind Sanlao.

After a brief silence, he waved for the young man who was riding on the devil, and then two of the seven people stood out and stormed into the cave in front.

After a short time, the two men came out of the hole and whispered to the young man. Then, these people fell apart and did not know what to do!

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