The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 908: Not alone (three more)

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For Yuan Feng, the opportunity at hand is a god-given opportunity that is difficult to find with a lantern. He urgently needs hundreds of annihilations to complete the body of warcraft to temper his body, and in one fell swoop, he is able to practice the Ninth Zhuan Xuan Gong and the fourth Zhun Gong. , But want to get together hundreds of annihilation of the Great Warcraft, how difficult it is.

However, at this moment, the double-tailed python beast in front of me is about to be promoted to the level of Dongtianjing. At this time, let alone the hundreds of heads of the annihilation realm of Warcraft, even a few hundred heads of annihilation. The great consummation of World of Warcraft should be more than enough.

As long as this python beast can be beheaded, then his body and avatar must be able to reach the state of the 9th turn and the 4th turn of the Xuan Gong in one fell swoop. What a wonderful thing!

So tempting in front of him, Yuan Feng is naturally unable to resist. Therefore, when he saw the python beast and was about to break into the cave heaven, he finally couldn't help it.

Once the python monster is promoted to the cave heaven, then in such a hasty situation, he is extremely difficult to kill it, but now the other party is at the critical moment of breakthrough. At this time, the python monster must not be disturbed. At this time, it can be said that it is definitely the best time to make a shot at this time.


Although the python monster is making a breakthrough, its vigilance is not weak. When it feels that it is approaching, its mouth subconsciously issues a business-like warning roar, and the sound is shocking, and it is accompanied by a burst The huge wind, like a wind blade, went straight to the nearby Yuan Feng.

However, just when this strong wind was blowing towards Yuan Feng, the Chixiao sword in the latter's hand was finally cut down.

"Big guy, see if you're fierce or me fierce, oblique moon cut !!!"

Seeing the strong wind that was blowing towards himself like a sharp blade, Yuan Feng's eyes couldn't help flashing a tinge of shame, but he couldn't avoid it at all, still cut the sword out of his own care, and let the other's The strong wind cut on his body.

If this is an ordinary great perfectionist, if you do n’t dodge or dodge, you must be directly destroyed by the dark wind of the python, even if you can save your life, it is the poisonous black wind. It's enough to cost him half a life.

However, it is very unfortunate that Yuan Feng is not an ordinary great conqueror of annihilation. His existence is not what ordinary great conquerors dare to imagine.

"Well !!!"

All the strong winds were chopped on Yuan Feng's body. However, it was the strong wind that could kill and kill the great conqueror. When it was chopped on Yuan Feng's body, it made a muffled sound, and then it was Dissipated as much as possible without causing any threat to Yuan Feng's body.

It was those black mists that invaded Yuan Feng's body in an instant. Unfortunately, these black mists had just invaded Yuan Feng's body, and they were directly sucked by a force, leaving no trace.

"Roar !!!" Obviously, the python beast also noticed Yuan Feng's situation. Seeing that Yuan Feng fluttered and resisted its attack, her fierce pair of big eyes was full of humane puzzlement. The color of shock, when it wanted to come, this strong wind attack was enough to let Yuan Feng fall on the spot, but the final result would be like this.

"Hahaha, it's my turn now !!! Dead !!!"

He easily took the attack from the python, and the sword awn cut out by Yuan Feng, at this moment, also reached the body of the python.

"Ugh !!! Hmm !!!"

The horrifying swordmang, urged by the Chixiao sword, the sharpness is simply incredible. This sword just scratches the back of the python, and with the swordman wing, the python Pride's horrible defense, this moment is almost like rice paper, weak and vulnerable.

"Puff puff!!!"

Jian Mang cut through the fine scales of the python, and then penetrated into the body of the python, and the red blood suddenly burst out from the python's spine. The situation was shocking beyond words.

"Ahhhhhh!" A big cut was drawn above the spine, and the python screamed a terrifying scream. How could it have never thought that it could almost bear the cave heavenly strongman and the scale armor. It will be broken by the existence of a small ant, but this time, it will directly interrupt its promotion.

"What? It just made a cut?"

Yuan Feng was also shocked by this scene. He thought that his sword would go down and the python beast would be directly divided into two. However, he did not expect that the other party was only cut through a blood hole. Meaning of being split.

"I don't believe I can't break you, Chixiao sword, open me !!!"

Yuanjian's shock was only a flash, his response was extremely fast, and he did not wait for the boa constrictor to reflect on it. He suddenly shook the five-winged wings, and his body instantly reached the back of the boa constrictor.

With his sword in his hand, this time, he actually held the sword in person and used the Chixiao sword to fight directly with the opponent.

"Brush !!! Hey !!!"

Although the Chixiao sword was only three feet long, after being urged by Yuan Feng, the light on the sword's body extended a few feet long. Between the golden lights, there was a terrifying power that opened up the world. .

Along with the golden long sword being chopped down, a muffled sound suddenly spread. This time, the python beast was obviously not so lucky. The Chixiao sword was added, its scale armor was good, and its musculoskeletal was nothing. Become vulnerable, with only one sword, the huge body of the python beast was split directly.

"Om !!!" The body was split into two at once, and the python was clearly not dead. For it, this split into two injuries is not enough to be fatal.

Between the shocks, the two halves of the python beast began to move closer together. At this level, if there was no external force intervention, the whole body could be reassembled even if it was turned into pieces.

"Want to reorganize? Dreaming !!! I chopped !!!"

Seeing that the two halves of the python beast actually started to gather together, Yuan Feng said nothing, and raised his sword in his hands, and then several swords were directly cut on the two halves of the python beast. From two halves to a piece by piece, flesh and blood scattered.

"Well !!!"

However, just when Yuan Feng thought he could annihilate the other party by smashing the other block by eight pieces, the flesh and blood of that period of time suddenly gathered together, and the time between speeches was brought together again and became A few paragraphs.

"His, so tenacious vitality !!"

Seeing that the World of Warcraft that had been cut off suddenly gathered together in an instant, Yuan Feng took a deep breath, but he did not hesitate, and raised his sword in his hand to fight with each other.

The pythons gathered together, and he cut them off. The feeling was like he was gathering with the pythons faster than the speed. Whoever is slower will suffer!

Before, he had the advantage of a sudden attack, which split the opponent into two halves with one sword. If he brought the two halves of the opponent together, it would not be easy to split the opponent again. Already. So, no matter what, he can't let the other party have time together.

"Puff puff!!!"

Yuan Feng's sword speed is indeed very fast, but sometimes, when he goes down, it is like cutting the other side's flesh directly into a gap, and the other side recovers instantly. If it weren't for him standing in the middle of the two pythons, I'm afraid the two big halves of this guy would be together now.

"Well, when is it going to continue like this? This guy will be like an undead body."

Yuan Feng did not expect that this World of Warcraft, which is about to break into the cave world, has such a perverted recovery ability. It seems that the red spirit tree and black fruit that this guy swallowed before should help it a lot. .

"No way, if I go on like this, I won't kill it at all!" The current situation is naturally not what Yuan Feng wants to see. If this big guy is let out of breath, it will be him who suffers.

"Clone! Now !!! Big Black, Little Eight, all come out for me !!!"

Now that I can't figure it out, of course I have to move the soldiers. Although in the realm of chaos, he never wanted to let his avatar and two World of Warcraft show up, but at present the situation is critical and he really has no other choice.

"Brush !!!" The light flashed, beside him, the clone with which he shared his mind, had already told the situation to the **** in the world of Dantian. As soon as he appeared, the clone directly found the python. A section of the Moon Beast banged out with a punch.

The avatar is the same as the main body. It has devoured dozens of annihilation realms and completed the third turn of Jiuzhuan Xuan Gong. His power is no less than that of Yuanfeng. Under this punch, the body of the python and beast was directly blown away by him, and it immediately followed, and sealed the body of this section with all the vitality, and directly lost the Dantian World. among.

"Ang !!!" Dahei has been explained by the avatar, and now naturally knows what he should do. Although there are still a lot of doubts in his heart, he is now directly killing the python. .

Its power today is not as good as that of Yuan Feng and Yuan Feng, but it is relatively easy to deal with a small body of python.

"Squeak !!!"

The most powerful is not the avatar, nor the big black. The call spreads. Xiaoba produced more than a dozen annihilation warcrafts in almost an instant. When these dozens of annihilation warcrafts appeared, Yuan Feng also deliberately cut them. In the next paragraph, the body of the python monster is directly controlled by these small Warcrafts, and it will not be allowed to recover again.

Dozens of annihilation Warcraft, plus Xiaoba's eight large tentacles, instantly opened the body of the python python, and the avatars completely empty were python pythons one by one. The body of each body is equipped with a nanocrystal ring, and the violent black is a piece of flesh that can fly to the other side with one tail, which makes the body of the python and the beast flying around in the whole mountain belly.

"Hahaha, okay, okay!" Seeing that the body of the python scorpion was split and scattered everywhere, one by one, the small eight and the **** seal, Yuan Feng's deity, and finally fell down at the moment When he opened his hand, he raised the hands and sealed the halves of the pythons separately. The time is not long, and there is only a small part of the pythons body left. It is no longer possible to recover.

"It's done, it's successful !!!"

When the last part of the body of the python monster was sealed by him, his face finally showed a trace of joy and excitement that could not be concealed. This time, he really got a Super Warcraft body that was comparable to hundreds of annihilation levels. The joy is really not inhumane!

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