The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 900: Gong Chengshui retreat (seven more for support)

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On the whole mountain, this moment is truly a needle drop.

Yuan Feng stood up in the air, carrying the **** sword in his hand, and after absorbing the suffocation of the three people who died from the Great Perfection, the **** sword was obviously brighter than before. .

Speaking of, this long knife had already drank the blood of many strong men when it was in the hands of the wolf during the day, but this is the first time to taste the blood of the Great Destruction Realm.

It is foreseeable that after following Yuan Feng, this **** long knife will taste more powerful blood and absorb even more appalling radon. Perhaps, after countless blood baptisms, this **** long knife will eventually become a real magic weapon.

"That's it, the three annihilation areas have come to a great conclusion. This time really accumulated a lot of radon, enough to carry out many radon attacks."

Yuan Feng turned the knife in his hands, but there was some faint joy. This time with the black wind three old man, he also used radon to attack, but compared to the bit of radon he used, this time to kill the three great crickets, the Great Conqueror, he got the crickets Qi is almost worth several times the consumption.

The more powerful Xiu Wei is, the more radon will be generated when it falls. This is not a question. If Yuan Feng can kill a cave heavenly strongman, then the scale of that radon will be known by God. situation!

Of course, even if Dongtianjing is strong, I am afraid he will not be able to kill him even if he does everything. This is something he knows.

"Unexpectedly, in places such as Chaos Realm, you can even come to a hero to save the beauty. This is really a fate!"

Shaking his head and smiling, Yuan Feng shook his **** sword away, then turned around and looked at You Yue not far behind. At this moment, the latter obviously had not returned from the previous scene. When he came to God, he still opened his mouth slightly and looked at him side by side.


Yuan Feng didn't have any hesitation. In a flash, she appeared directly in front of Youyue, but kept a distance of more than five meters to avoid misunderstanding.

"Hey ... this ... you girl, right, you're safe now."

Scratching and scratching his head, Yuan Feng smiled timidly. The whole person looked slightly restrained, just like a green boy next door.

To be frank, for a young man like Yuan Feng who is so fierce, the opposite moon is a kind of humiliating country and the people. In front of such a woman, he can only hold it with his control. If this is For another person who has such strength, I am afraid that it has already been brutal and has jumped directly.

Yuan Feng is not a fledgling who knows nothing. On the contrary, no matter in previous life or in this life, he has tasted a taste. It is really difficult to resist the temptation of Youyue at this moment. rare. You know, in the realm of chaos, but there are countless strong people, because they can't hold it, this has become the ghost of Youyue's sword.

"Yuyue thank you for your life-saving grace!" When Yuanfeng started to speak, Youyue quickly hurried her whole look, and expressed her gratitude to Yuanfeng during the conversation. However, Yuan Feng was able to feel that even when she owed her thanks, she still kept enough vigilance, obviously not completely trusting him.

Of course, Youyue ’s gratitude is indeed from the heart. Obviously, if there is no Yuanfeng today, then she will probably be caught by Heifeng Sanlao, preferably As a result, I am afraid she also died with the three of them, and her lifelong practice has been lost! And that situation was obviously not what she wanted to see.

"Youyou don't need to be polite. You can't help but see the unevenness. I believe that no matter who you change, you won't stand idly by in this situation!" She waved her hands, and Yuan Feng's face showed a hint of hesitation. Raising his hand, and in his palm, there were now three crystal nanocrystal rings.

After coming to Chaos Demon Realm, he was experiencing being robbed almost every day, so he became more and more enthusiastic about this business without capital. This time killed the black wind three old men, the three people's nano crystal ring, naturally also confiscated by him.

"Girl Youyue, these three nano-crystal rings were left by the three old guys just now. What's in them? I haven't had time to explore them. I think so, people were brought by you. These three Najing ring, you two me, one, let's divide it! "

The words fell, Yuan Feng didn't hesitate, and when he raised his hand, he threw two of them into the opposite moon, but there was no expression of perseverance.

"This ........." Seeing Yuan Feng's Najing ring lost, Youyue subconsciously imprisoned the Najing ring in front of her, but did not pick up the two rings at the first time. For one thing, of course, she couldn't just accept Yuan Feng's assignment casually. Second, she also had some concerns about what Yuan Feng had done on it.

However, after she had explored the ring with her own mind, she found that she was obviously measuring the gentleman's belly with a villain's heart.

"This boy, you are always killed by Heifeng San, these are all your spoils. I would not want them."

Shaking his head, Youyue couldn't help but be touched by Yuan Feng's open-mindedness. Fools all know that the black crystal three old Najing ring doesn't know how many good things are in it, but even so, Yuan Feng could not hesitate What a generosity and generosity to divide the nanocrystal ring to yourself!

However, as she said, the three old black winds were beheaded by Yuan Feng. In the middle, she did nothing at all. If she took these two nanocrystal rings, she would be too powerful.

So, thinking of this, she eventually returned the Najing ring to Yuan Feng's hands without any hesitation.

"This ......... hehe, let me see it this way, since the girl Yueyou thinks I have more credit, then these three rings, I will take two, and the girl Yueyou will get one, otherwise, I will I must feel sorry for it. "

Anyway, Heifeng San was always attracted by Youyue. If there was no other person leading the three, then he would not have the opportunity to kill the three, and there would be no immediate gain.


"Girl Moonlight, don't say it again. If you still don't agree, then I will discard this nanocrystal ring."

Youyue is still opposed, but was disconnected directly by Yuan Feng.

"Hey, that's all. In this case, I'm disrespectful." Yuan Feng said all about this, and if she resigned, of course, it would be a bit improper. Besides, she also believed that Yi Yuanfeng For superpowers of this level, I am afraid that the collection of Heifeng Sanlao may not be very important.

"That's right!" Seeing Youyue accepting the Najing ring, Yuan Feng showed a smile of satisfaction.

"Girl Youyue, this chaos is so chaotic. You, a woman, especially such a beautiful woman, really shouldn't show up easily, otherwise, I'm afraid there will be a lot of trouble!"

Yuan Feng didn't mean to look down on the woman, but the woman was really strenuous to act in the chaos domain, especially like the moon in front of you. I am afraid that any normal man who sees her will have the urge to commit a crime. This is human nature. There is nothing difficult to understand.

"Thank you for reminding me that I have something in my heart!" Seeing Yuan Feng's candor, listening to Yuan Feng's suggestion, Youyue couldn't help but smile a little, and she couldn't help but feel a little strange.

She has been out and about for so many years. It seems that no one has really said these things to her yet. I have to say that these simple words of Yuan Feng won her countless favors.

"The girl has something in her heart." With a smile, Yuan Feng glanced around. When she felt that there was nothing to deal with, she turned her head to look at Youyue again. "Since Youyue Girl has already There is no danger, so I will leave in the future, I hope to see you in the future, there will be a period later !! "

Taking a deep breath, Yuan Feng arched his hand against Youyue, and then, waiting for the latter to react, he was in shape and disappeared directly in front of the latter. The terrifying speed was to make you The month did not see exactly which direction he went.

"Huh, how fast, how can this person reach such a speed?"

When she reacts, where is the shadow of Yuan Feng? That feeling is like Yuan Feng moved directly. Of course, space is moved, that is the only way for the powerful Dongtianjing, Yuan Feng obviously cannot have.

"It's really simple to walk, even if you say go!"

After shocking Yuan Feng's speed, Youyue can't help showing an unusually charming smile on her face. This smile is very natural, but it is very tempting. If Yuan Feng didn't leave at this moment, then she saw the other party. After this kind of smile, I am afraid that I may really be unable to hold back and do something that should not be done.

In fact, the reason why Yuan Feng walked so hurriedly was actually because You Yue's temptation was too strong. Staying with such a woman for too long was simply a kind of torture.

"It's said that there will be blessings if you don't die. If you don't die, then you have to come out. Then you have to gain something anyway. And there shouldn't be too many strong men like Heifeng Sanlao!"

With her eyes narrowed, Youyue didn't think much. Although she had realized the danger of the outside world after this incident, she didn't want to give up this action anyway.

Thinking of this, she no longer thought about it. When she was in shape, she left the place and swept away in one direction.

ps: Seven more completed, nine hundred chapters! !! !! Please spend flowers to celebrate! !! !!

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