The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 893: Crushing (four more for flowers)

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The scarlet sword was scattered, and a light laughter passed into everyone's ears. Then, an incredible scene for everyone appeared in front of everyone.

In the eyes, Yuan Feng had a light smile on his hands and a slight smile on his face. Although his clothes were slightly ragged, it was obviously unscathed. It looked like a wolf's sword in the daytime.

However, everyone present could clearly see that during the day, the sword of the wolf's sword was actually applied to Yuan Feng's body, and I am afraid that there was no trace of waste.

How powerful and terrifying is the attack of the Great Destruction Perfectionist. However, it is such a sword that even one of Yuan Feng's hair has not been cut off. This scene is far better than Daomang. Even more appalling.

"What? How is this possible?"

Behind the wolf in the daytime, the four annihilated people were full of eyes, and their faces were incredible. As people who have been with the day wolf long ago, they naturally know that the day wolf is a fierce sword. In the face of this move, none of them may have the strength to retreat from the whole body.

However, it was such an overbearing move. The guy on the opposite side did not even hide, and directly resisted so lightly. This scene is almost like a nightmare.

"Such a thing like this?"

Holding a long knife in his hands, the pupils of the wolf shrank suddenly during the day, but their hearts were a little cold.

His **** mad knife is almost one of the strongest of his many methods. He doesn't have Xiaoyan Yuanfeng, so he uses a killing stroke. Moreover, even if this trick is not used, it must be at least 90% powerful, but the other party did not hide, and directly carried this trick. This scene seems to be beyond his cognition.

After practicing for so many years, he has seen many strong men and played against many strong men, but he has never encountered an opponent like Yuan Feng before him. Frankly speaking, just this scene seems to have made him somewhat Fearful.

The realm of annihilation is completely different from that of ordinary annihilators. Masters of this level have strong attack power. Even the people in the cave can't resist with their bodies. This, I am afraid that Everyone knows.

"Wolf in the day, right? You have a good trick, but there are other ways? Just take it out and see!"

Yuan Feng still had his hands behind his back, and the fire spirit sword in his hand did not know when he was put away. Obviously, he just wanted to tell his opponent that he really didn't put his opponent in his eyes.

"What kind of person is your lord?" The wolf didn't rush to shoot again. Yuan Feng's power was completely beyond his foresight. At this moment, he seems to have to reconsider his attitude towards Yuan Feng.

"I'm a person, and you can't recognize it when you say it. I'm not going to talk about nonsense. If you can use it, wait for my turn. I'm afraid you won't have a chance."

Shaking his head and smiling, Yuan Feng's face was full of jokes. The magic skill of the third turn of Jiuzhuan Xuan Gong, facing the great attack of annihilation, can be said to have no pressure at all. Right now, he really looks forward to practicing the fourth-time Xuan Gong. , Even if you are in the cave, you should be able to resist the latter's attack!

"Since you do not want to be named, don't blame me for being polite, blood knife !!!"

The daytime wolf's eyes were full of dignity. Yuan Feng's disregard for him did not let him lose his measure. Instead, he felt Yuan Feng's power. At the moment, since Yuan Feng still wants to attack him, then of course he doesn't Will miss such an opportunity.

"Om !!!" The huge blood-colored long knives were held high, and the surrounding auras of heaven and earth instantly gathered from all directions, and around the long knives, one by one, the faces were phantoms, like evils. Ghostly, flashing on the blade of the long knife.

Obviously, these phantoms should be the medals after this **** sword slayed the opponent. I don't know what method was used by the day wolf, but it was integrated into the moves and weapons.

"It's a very evil move. People in the realm of law can use such evil swords. It seems that you really have too many lives on your body!"

Yuan Feng's brow frowned slightly. When he saw the face of the other person's long knife on the sword, he knew that there was nothing wrong with his shot.

"Turn qi into anger, this knife should be the strongest move of the other party!" With one heart in mind, Yuan Feng couldn't help secretly operating his true energy, strengthening the operation of Jiuzhuan Xuan Gong. The opponent's move, even him, really felt a hint of threat.

"Please try this one again, kill !!!" There was a hint of ruthlessness in the eyes of the wolf during the day, and the sword trembled sharply. A blood-red razor was cut directly at Yuan Feng. At the same time that the knife was cut out, there was a strange flash of light under his eyes. Then, no one saw it. In his sword, there was an extra black mist.

"Boom !!!" This Daomang mixed with countless imaginary faces was severely chopped on Yuan Feng's body, and at the moment Daomang regained himself, Yuan Feng obviously moved slightly, avoiding Opened his own head, and let Dao Mang chop on his left shoulder.

When Daoman was in contact with his body, it was a blasting sound. After that, centering on Yuan Feng's location, a huge blood-colored energy cloud detonated violently.

"Look how you die now !!!"

There was a flash of excitement in the eyes of the wolf during the day. This sword was his strongest move. Speaking of which, in order to accumulate this move, he had to harvest the lives of countless strong men. In other words, After this move, if he wants to perform the same move again, he needs to rebuild his life.

"Thanks for the big boy, Sirius's blood knife, even the strong man in the cave of heaven will not dare to take it!"

"Oh, this kid is seeking death by himself, but he can't blame others. Then again, this trick of Sirius is really getting stronger!"

"That's natural. The boss of Sirius has different talents, and it's not easy for ordinary people to create such a skill. It is said that if there is such a method in the Moro Realm, he just doesn't know how to interact with Sirius. Compared with this method, stubbornness is weak. "

In the French realm, few people practice such **** and cruel moves. The creation of the wolf in the daytime can be said to be against the purpose of the legal realm. However, this is the realm of chaos. Although it is in the realm of law, it cannot be regarded as the real realm of law.

The violent energy has not been dissipated for a long time. This day wolf's sword really shows the power of the great annihilation perfection strong, and the sword's suffocation of countless strong is integrated into this sword. The power is far from ordinary. It can be attained by those who have achieved great success.

It is conceivable that if the day wolf is confronted with a person who is in a perfect state of annihilation, then by this trick alone, he can almost have an advantage in the same level.

Of course, if he performed this trick outside, then I don't know how many people would consider him a stranger. At that time, I am afraid that even those law-protecting strongmen in the heavenly realm will kill him without hesitation.

In fact, during the daytime wolf came to the chaos from the outside world because he practiced evil martial arts outside, hurting countless lives, and even experienced the slaughter of several large families. On the outside, he was completely indifferent. The world accepts it. Wu Qianxing did not have a strong player of this level on the list handed to Yuan Feng, but in fact, the name of the day wolf was on another hunting list.

"Scattered !!!"

When the energy aftermath is getting weaker and weaker, the wolf ca n’t help but smile, and then raises his hand to disperse the last energy aftermath. He believes that under this knife, let alone a person who destroys the state, Even the strongest in the sky, it is absolutely impossible to be safe and sound.

The mist dispersed, and the entire space slowly restored its clarity. However, when the space was restored to the bright and clear, the smile on the wolf's face during the day was frozen in there, but it was directly choked!

"This knife is a bit stronger than before, and the poison is not bad, unfortunately! It's still a little worse."

The energy is gone, and at the moment, Yuan Feng still maintains the smile that he had before. At the moment, his eyes have an inexhaustible color, while shaking his head, he is a little pitiful and authentic.

Frankly speaking, the other party's move that incorporates qi is really shocking, and the hidden poison in the tactics is enough to allow a powerful man in the annihilation circle to eat a hidden loss. It is a pity that not only does he have Jiuzhuan Xuan Gong's bodyguard, but also the inferior object like Devouring Martial Spirit, whether it is the opponent's suffocation or the secret poisonousness, it is nothing for him. Threat.

"This, how is this possible?"

The day wolf was really scared this time. Now, Yuan Feng has shown him to him, which is an immortal body! He had done everything he could, but the other party has not even broken a bit of skin until now!

"Monster, this is a monster !!!"

The long knife in his hand trembled, and the wolf was totally at a loss at the moment during the day.

"It's my turn, Your Excellency is optimistic! Bewildered !!!"

Watching the day wolf was stunned and stunned, Yuan Feng's mouth twitched slightly. After a low drink, the Fire Spirit Sword appeared, and the sword was raised in his hand, and he was chopped directly at the day wolf.

"His ... is this ... a sword attack?"

During the day, he couldn't bear much thinking. When he faced Yuan Feng's attack in person, he suddenly understood why the former Mr. Hua was too late to dodge when facing Yuan Feng's sword.

"The strong man in Yijian Realm is actually the strong man in Yijian Realm !!!" After a cold heart, the wolf did not have time to think too much at this time because Yuan Feng's sword attack has already It's before him.

"Well !!!" Although he tried to hide, but when the wolf thought he could escape during the day, one of his arms suddenly broke away from the body and flew high into the air.

"What?" The arm detached from the body, and the wolf realized that during the day, the other person had been playing with him for a long time. At the same level, the Yijian Realm is strong, how can he be someone's opponent?

"Stop, I give up!"

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