The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 885: Was it calculated? (Five more)

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wuling World!

Yuan Feng drank this wine very luxuriously, the best wine, he asked for three full pots, and in the end, just drinking a wine, he was a star who spent a whole 100,000 yuan, that kind of star crystal When the performance of money, let the present people shine one by one, can not wait to rob Yuan Feng now.

It is a pity that in the portal city, even if they borrowed their ten guts, they would not dare to do it!

By the time the three pots of good wine were under the belly, Yuan Feng's face was already flushed, apparently an outbreak of drunkenness, and drunkenness slightly fainted.

"Man, this is 150,000 star crystals. The excess is a meeting gift." Three pots of wine were drunk, and Yuan Feng directly drew the man to check out. Obviously he only had 130,000 yuan for the wine, but he gave 15 Million, the image of the big money is unreserved.

"Thank you, the guest officer!" Obviously, those who ran the court rarely encountered such a magnificent person as Yuan Feng. You know, because the chaos is in the middle of the space storm and space chaos, the heaven and earth aura is much thinner than the outside world. If you want to increase the speed of cultivation, Star Crystal is obviously the best choice.

"Well, please excuse me, this portal city is deep, but can you enter the deep area of ​​the chaos?"

Yuan Feng's face became more and more red, and her voice was getting louder and louder. Obviously, it was alcohol irritation, and she began to lose some sense.

"Of course it is possible. The range of the portal city is not too large. Go out to the right from here, as long as you go straight along, then you can see the teleportation array entering the depths of the chaos. Right, from the portal city Out, the Teleportation is free to try. "

Although the buddy's repair is higher than Yuan Feng, but in the light of the 20,000 stars that the other party gave him, he explained a few words to Yuan Feng very friendly. Of course, as for what he really thinks, only he knows it.

"Oh? There is free?" Hearing the explanation from his buddy, Yuan Feng's face couldn't help but a hint of surprise, "Ha, good, there is a free service in Chaos Demon Realm, you should feel what you say."

Standing up a little stunned, Yuan Feng seemed to remember something, "Yes, out of the portal city, to the depths of the chaos domain, shouldn't there be any danger?"

"Dangerous? Oh, huh, where is this little brother, as long as you don't provoke others and go your own way, of course there will be no danger."

There was a faint flash of light on the guy's face, and a slight groan, he smiled at Yuan Feng. The kind of sincerity was really hard to make doubts.

"That's good. I heard that the Chaos Demon Realm is very exciting. I'm going to see what it is today and say goodbye!"

Patting the man's shoulder, Yuan Feng no longer hesitated. He drank a wine drunk in his speech, and walked directly out of the door. The speed was quite slow.

The outside world has a lot of talk about the chaos, what is the so-called wonderful, this is the most popular statement. Of course, what everyone said wonderfully meant that there were more fights in the chaos and the atmosphere was more lively, but it could not be wonderful itself.

"Well, a good little guy, unfortunately, a place like Chaos Demon Realm is really not what you should come to."

Seeing Yuan Feng out of the restaurant, there was a smile on his man's face, and even a little regret flashed under his eyes. While talking, he glanced at the back of the restaurant, and nodded without a trace.

The portal city does not allow hands-on, but in fact, in this city, it is even more necessary to be careful, because once you show a different place in this city, it may bring you unimaginable trouble.

The domain owner of Chaos Demon Realm has formulated many rules, but these rules are for others to see. In fact, Chaos Demon Realm is his Chaos Demon Realm. People under his control can naturally do whatever they want. No matter what, he wants to keep growing the strength under him, so that he can maintain his position in the realm of law.

"Man, checkout !!!"

"I'll open the mouth here first and give us a knot!"

"Fuck, Lao Tzu has already stood up and gave us this table knot first."

When Yuan Feng left, the few guests in the restaurant rose up and began to yell one by one. Obviously, they did not hide their purpose.

"What's your name? Come one by one, and then you'll all be waiting for you here. You won't even have to drink the soup."

Hearing the crowd clamoring for checkout, before they were still a smiling runner, they instantly looked cold and shouted at the crowd politely.

His cultivation is indeed not as good as those in front of him, but being a buddy in the restaurant under the master of Chaos Demon Domain, this is a status symbol. No matter how strong these people are in front of him, they are nothing in front of him!

Sure enough, after listening to the anger of the buddies, everyone looked different, but in the end, they sat down honestly and no one shouted.

Seeing the people become honest, the man in the ranch walked up to the ground and settled the expenses for the guests of the table and table.

Yuan Feng didn't know what the restaurant was like when he left, but he didn't care about it at all. When he got out of the restaurant, he went straight to the right and walked according to his buddy. The redness on his face was not only unabated, but it was getting thicker.

"Good guy, there's a big problem with the wines in Chaos Demon Realm. With my strength, drinking these wines has a kind of unconsciousness, and the whole body doesn't listen to the call, it seems that it is really added to it."

Walking on the road, Yuan Feng's heart couldn't help feeling a little emotional. It is said that there are crises everywhere in Chaos Demon Realm, and he is getting deeper and deeper now. Obviously, the guy just pushed him into the fire pit on purpose, and the other person gave him the wine before, so I was afraid that he had left it out in the morning. The purpose was to make him unconscious and let the other party put it at his mercy.

If this is changed to another person, even the strongest of the annihilation territories will be equally difficult to resist. Unfortunately, he is based on Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong, and he has swallowed up martial arts. This little trick, of course, cannot really affect him.

However, it is rare that the other party has such a mood, and he will directly calculate the plan. In this way, his own actions will be suspected. At least, everyone now knew that he was being led by his nose at this moment, and no one would have any doubts about his actions.

"Well, a lot of people. It seems that this time the whiteness has attracted a lot of guys."

It ’s not long since Yuan Feng feels like it. He has followed more than a group of warriors behind him. Among them, a group of people is obviously the strongest. The leader is a six-time master of annihilation. Four annihilated five people.

Except for this group of people, who had been drinking with themselves in the restaurant before, almost all of them came here now. Seeing the posture of these people, they seemed to be anxious to divide him up.

"The guys on the two lists are also here. It's nice and good. After killing the two of them, my task this time will be completed faster. And if I kill so many guys, I don't know if I can gain this time. How many stars are expected to make money from wine and city fees! "

Rejoicing, Yuan Feng suddenly discovered that the people in this chaos are really desperate. It is only his fat sheep that has attracted so many strong people to come. It seems that everyone's demand for Xingjing is really not ordinary.

The portal city is indeed not very large. Yuan Feng flew like this. After more than an hour, it passed the vast area of ​​the portal city and came to a large-scale teleportation array.

This transmission array was actually open at this time, and the light on the array was flowing. Obviously, it can be transmitted directly after going up. It is really a free service.

When Yuan Feng came to the front of the teleport array, his mind looked around and looked into the teleport array. Then he flickered and rushed directly into the teleport array.

"Brush !!!" When he entered the teleportation array, his body suddenly disappeared, and just after he disappeared in the teleportation array, behind him, a team of six appeared immediately. Before the array, without a word, it was immediately followed by the array.

"Well !!!" This six-member team entered the teleportation team, and the time between speeches was that there were several more teams. Everyone didn't tell the truth. They all knew each other's purpose. After looking at each other, they It was one after another, and one of the teams had a weak overall strength. After seeing so many people behind, they gritted their teeth and left.

Although Yuan Feng is bound to be a big one, their chances are really too slim in front of so many powerful people, so it is a waste of time to keep up with them, and they will have to waste the transmission costs back then. What's more, if they go out this time, if they are found by their enemies, it will be more worthwhile.

However, they did not know how wise the choice was at this moment. This time out of the city, aside from whether or not you can achieve gains, one thing is almost certain, that is-death!

Chaos Demon Realm is like this. The difference between one thought can survive, and the difference between one thought can also lose your life. Life and death are really only between one thought.

ps: Five more, please ask for support! !! !! !! In other words, Huahua is motionless! Ask for Li Ha! !! !!

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