The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 882: City of Portals (2)

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Above the jungle, Yuan Feng was behind his hands, with a touch of excitement on his face.

I have to say that according to the ancient fierce beast that swallowed the sky, in fact, there was violent blood flowing in his bones. This time he came to the realm of chaos. Although he has not entered the topic yet, the violent atmosphere has already Began to stimulate his nerves.

At this moment, I encountered these three half-way robberies. He originally wanted to restrain his thoughts for a while, but obviously some of them were not easy to handle.

Yuan Feng killed and killed a quadruple person at random, Yuan Feng had a sense of happiness. His opponent should not be like this, in other words, such a small person is no longer worth his shot. But, of course, the other party is actively approaching you right now. Of course, he can't let the other party down.

"Hey, two, do you decide on your own, or do you help?"

With a grin, Yuan Feng's gaze turned to the opposite side, where the other two men were already pale and shivering violently.

"How, how is this, how is this possible!"

At this moment, the two men in the demise of the quadruple can't believe everything in front of them. They are really scared at this moment. They have seen strong, but they have never seen such a strong one.

The stabbing of the four masters of Destruction Realm was even grabbed by the blade of Yuan Feng casually, thinking about what kind of hand it was to be able to reach the soldiers freehand!

It can be said that even if it is replaced by a seven-eighth-strength annihilation force, it is absolutely not dare to pick up a spiritual soldier who annihilates the fourth-strength soul by hand. This is simply playing with fire, and accidentally, it is The result of losing Xiaominger.

"Boss ..."

The two men were shocked and angry at this time, and they were filled with endless fear. The three brothers were born and died for countless years together, but they did not expect today to be separated forever.

"Escape !!!" At this moment, they have no other thoughts at all. Yuan Feng's power is obviously completely beyond their foresight. This time today, it is obviously kicked to the iron plate! Do n’t run away at this time, when do you wait?

"Eh !!" The two looked at each other, but fled separately in the opposite direction. When they wanted to come, even if Yuan Feng was stronger, they could flee separately, at least one of them could survive. !!

"Since they have already started, why are they still trying to escape?" Seeing the two fleeing in two directions, Yuan Feng couldn't help but shake his head with a smile. If he didn't, then he would. , Then naturally there is no reason to let them escape. Moreover, he just came to the chaos domain now, and really needs someone to provide him with some information.

"Uhhhhhhhhh!" The wings behind him were spreading out, his figure seemed to be a streamer, and it was the first-come, first-come, coming to one of them.

"Go and accompany your brother!" There was a flash of coldness in his eyes, and Yuan Feng raised his hand. The fire spirit sword had appeared in his hand. It was directly annihilated in the air by the fire spirit sword, turned into a quiet heaven and earth aura, and returned to the embrace of nature.

"Brush !!!" One sword killed the other, Yuan Feng's figure flashed again, and he was chasing directly in the other direction. Based on his current cultivation of the Eighth Level of Dan Realm, that is the foundation of Qi that is comparable to the eighth level of Destroyed Realm. Even without the help of the Five Elements, it is almost the same thing to pursue a person in the fourth level of Destroyed Realm!

"Don't run, just stop!" Between the flashes, his figure appeared in front of the running man, the fire sword in his hand, I don't know when he had collected it.


The middle-aged man thought he could escape a disaster, but this was a time he couldn't breathe, and the other side appeared strangely in front of him. At this moment he realized that what happened to the three brothers today. A pervert!

I often walk near the river. The three of their brothers have done countless trades, and the strong ones who died in their hands are already countless. It seems that today it seems their turn to be lambs, and others are hunters!

Kankan stopped his body, a bitter bitterness appeared on the middle-aged man's face. Today's situation is now, he no longer has the illusion of running away, the opponent's power is beyond his prediction, and his two The brothers have fallen, but whether he can survive next, he becomes a little calm.

"Who is your Excellency? If you can, please report your name and let our three brothers die."

Shaking his head, this time the middle-aged man seriously looked at Yuan Feng this time. Before, they regarded Yuan Feng as an unnamed pawn, but apparently he wouldn't.

"Oh, I came to Chaos Demon for the first time, and you wouldn't know the name." Seeing the other side's face flashed calmly, Yuan Feng couldn't help but stunned slightly, "Give you a chance to shake the Chaos I will tell you about my situation in 1510. If I am satisfied, maybe I can let you go. "

The first time he came to Chaos Demon Realm, Yuan Feng needed a person to explain the situation for him. Moreover, for him, killing one more person and killing one person seemed to make no difference.

"Eh? You, you ..." Hearing Yuan Feng said that he wanted to give himself a chance, an incredible look flashed across the middle-aged man's face.

"Let ’s say, there is no problem with chaos, you can say as much detail as you can, remember, don't be a little bit false, otherwise you will surely die wherever you escape."

When the voice dropped, Yuan Feng lifted his hand, but hit directly into the other person's body, apparently telling the other person that there is this true energy in his body, so no matter where he hid, he would find out .

"Thank Your Excellency!" The middle-aged man is no longer hesitant. He doesn't care if Yuan Feng is lying to him. For him, this is a rare opportunity. Of course, if he can survive, he certainly doesn't want to be so unknown. Hang up for nothing.

After a little groaning, the middle-aged man organized the language, and then explained the basic situation of the chaos domain to Yuanfeng in fifteen and ten. Because it was about his life, he explained it was an extraordinary effort. It seems as if he can't wait to pull out his memory for Yuan Feng to see, so as to reassure Yuan Feng.

Yuan Feng listened very carefully, and after listening to the middle-aged man's explanation of the chaos and demon domain, his understanding of the chaos and demon domain became a little different.

Obviously, the chaos domain of rumors outside is quite different from the real chaos domain. In other words, the outsiders' perception of the chaos is obviously taken for granted.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. Similarly, where there are people, there must be rules. This is even the chaos.

Yuan Feng did not worry that the middle-aged man lied and lied to himself. With his cultivation, he could naturally feel each other's every move. As long as there was a trace of falseness in the words spoken by the latter, he would definitely be sensed by him. Moreover, he had previously injected a qi into the body of the opponent, and the true effect of that qi was actually for the trial at this time.

After speaking for almost a full quarter of an hour, the middle-aged man finally told Yuan Feng about the situation in the Chaos Demon Realm he knew about, and after listening to his story, Yuan Feng's brow was Could not help wrinkling.

"The chaos domain, it turns out that this is the real chaos territory! It sounds like it looks interesting!"

With his eyes narrowed, Yuan Feng rubbed his chin, and his heart became more and more interested in this chaos.

"Let's go, next time I remember, see the target before the robbery, not everyone will be as soft-hearted as me." After arranging the situation of the demon domain, Yuan Feng got his whole look and turned back. With a middle-aged man.

"Thank you for your grace for not killing me. I said goodbye !!!" Hearing Yuan Feng said to let himself go, a flash of joy flashed on the face of the middle-aged man, and he arched his hands against Yuan Feng. He just didn't want to. Escape also flew away distantly toward the distance, but the speed was more than twice as fast as usual.

"Oh, why do you run so fast, I'm not the kind of person who is indifferent." Seeing the other party fled quickly, Yuan Feng couldn't help smiling. Since he has said that he will let the other party go, of course, he will not shoot at the other party. In fact, a person who annihilates the quartet is really too small for him.

He is not afraid of retaliation. If the other party really wants to retaliate against him, he is willing to give the other party this opportunity.

"The chaos domain actually turned out to be normalized here. It seems that the top powerhouse in chaos domain knows that it needs centralized management and can't continue to chaos like before!"

Ripped his lips, Yuan Feng's understanding of Chaos Demon Realm is indeed more comprehensive and detailed than before. Next, it is to enter Chaos Demon Realm and truly feel the wonderfulness of Chaos Demon Realm.

Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated. When he was in shape, he started to rush again.

With the previous explanation from the man, he is on the road again, and he has a lot of self-confidence in his heart. Chaos Demon Realm has far more rules than he imagined, but the rules are dead and people are alive. No matter how you say, it is a place composed of a group of desperate people. The final rule, I am afraid, it will eventually come down to a rule of the size of a fist.

Flying quickly, Yuan Feng did not encounter other people who robbed halfway. Soon, after passing through a lush mountain, a huge city appeared in front of him.

"Well, the portal city of Chaos Demon Realm looks really mighty!"

A glance at the entire huge city from a distance, Yuan Feng's eyes can not help flashing a hint of bright!

ps: go for five more, if you can't write, then four more! !! Brothers, Huahua hasn't moved for a long time! !! !!

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