The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 878: Weird woman (three)

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Yuan Feng is not an impulsive person, but when he came to the Star Palace, he really couldn't restrain his curiosity. In addition, the so-called art master is bold, and his devastating martial arts spirit has injected him with strong confidence.

There is nothing worthy of his exploration in the space that is equal to himself. After a little consideration, he decides to explore to a higher place to see what is happening above this star house.

The Wu Qianxing ambassador, maybe he will run back suddenly at some point. I'm afraid he won't have too much time. The next time, he wants to see how tall this super palace is. the height of.

"Swallow the sky martial spirit, you have to give it a little more effort! Go !!!"

Gritting his teeth suddenly, Yuan Feng's mind rushed out towards the top. This time, he didn't care what kind of space the mind saw. His only purpose was to probe his mind to endless height. To see if you can reach the top of the Star Palace, you will be the top Ling Ling, a glimpse of the mountains!

"Hey !!!" Pieces of space are pierced by Yuan Feng's mind one after another. These space shapes are different and almost in any case. However, Yuan Feng now only wants to explore the extreme of the Star Palace, so for these, Space, he was too lazy to observe.

"Well? Seems more and more difficult!"

The mind stretched upward, Yuan Feng slowly realized that as his mind climbed higher, the climbing rate would slow down, and the difficulty would obviously increase when passing through those spaces and space barriers. .

Obviously, the higher the star house, the higher the level, it seems that you can't just keep exploring.

"It seems that when I go up this time, it is impossible to detect the extreme of the star house, that is, I don't know what height I can detect this time, and what kind of scene I can finally see."

Anyway, since he has let it go, it must be done to the utmost extent. He wants to wait until his mind has reached the extreme, and he should have reached the very high place of the Astrological Palace!

The mind was shuttled, and gradually, Yuan Feng had felt a sense of weakness and weakness slowly breeding out. He knew that his mind was limited after all and could not be explored endlessly, and according to his estimation now , The height of his mind spread, I am afraid there have been tens of thousands of battles!

"No, it's about to reach the limit! It seems that with my practice, I can only extend the height of about one hundred feet, which is difficult to continue."

The sense of weakness is getting stronger and stronger, Yuan Feng knows that he really has reached the limit and wants to explore higher heights. With him now, he is really more than a star.

"Well !!!" At a certain moment, Yuan Feng's mind came to a space barrier, and just when he wanted to go straight through, there was a huge wave of suddenness over the space barrier. The elastic force blocked his mind directly to the outside.

"Uh, good power !!"

Suddenly, he bumped against the wall and was bounced back. Yuan Feng suddenly felt dizzy, and his mind was forced to stop, making it difficult for him to continue upward.

"What's going on? Obviously I can continue to look up, why is this space barrier blocking me back?"

Brows frowned slightly, Yuan Feng could feel that his mind could still detect the height of hundreds of feet, but when he got here, he couldn't pass smoothly, as if the space barrier in front of him was not the same as the space barrier in other places. It's the same.

"Well, I don't believe it. With the mind of Devouring Wuling, I can't go in here! Devouring Wuling, let me get up!"

The space barrier in front of him obviously aroused the anger under his heart, but Shiji didn't hit it lightly at the moment. Fortunately, no outsider saw it, otherwise he would really lose face.

The more he couldn't get in, the more he had to look into it. He had to see what was behind the space barrier, what was so special that he could stop him.

"Om !!!" The Tian Wu Ling apparently felt Yuan Feng's anger and dissatisfaction, and he trembled violently when speaking, but with an unusual mysterious energy, he escaped directly and merged into the mind of Yuan Feng. in.

"Uhhhhhhh !!!" Blended with the special power of swallowing martial spirits, Yuan Feng ’s heart is like a drill bit being added with steel, and it instantly becomes sharp and indestructible, and probes directly into this space barrier. Go in.

Of course, this kind of exploration is not like it was before, it was explored at once, but it was penetrating trace by trace. Obviously, it takes some work to completely pass through this space barrier.

However, Yuan Feng was obviously on the bar with this space barrier, although he could bypass this space barrier and explore from other directions, but he didn't want to do it at this time.

"Oh!" A little bit of mental power, like an ant gnawing an elephant, slowly penetrated into it, and this infiltration lasted for about half an hour or so, Finally there are gratifying results.

"Oh!" With the last space barrier being broken by Yuan Feng, his mind finally passed through this special space barrier and plunged into an unusually dreamy space.

"Success !!!!"

The mind penetrated the space barrier, Yuan Feng immediately looked happy, anyway, if he can penetrate this space barrier, then it is a victory for himself. As for what he can see, it is not so important.

"Well? This space ..."

Just when Yuan Feng felt rejoicing because of his success, he suddenly discovered that at this moment, the space where his mind came to was obviously not the same as the space he had swept before.

In his feelings, this space at present is obviously more stable than other spaces, and even has an unusually sticky feeling. When his mind enters here, it is as if a person has fallen into the mud. It is difficult to move freely.

"What a weird space, you have to look at what's in it!" The strangeness of this space now naturally aroused his interest. The time between speaking, he just began to fill his mind slowly. This space, watching the scene in this space.

Exploring space with your mind, it ’s not looking with your eyes. You can only see the scene clearly if you extend your mind to a certain place. Now he wants to see the whole space, so the first thing is to fill the whole mind. Space is fine.

A hint of divine power spread into the surrounding space. Yuan Feng can see more and more scenes. In the eyes, the purple space feels so dreamy and charming, and a touch of energy coercion is Make him a little nervous and excited.

Although the entire space has not been filled with heart and soul, at this moment he can feel that in this space, there seems to be a military presence.

Obviously, if it can appear in this special space, then the people here must not be too ordinary people.

His heart was full of caution. Yuan Feng ’s mind finally extended to the central position of the space, and when his mind passed over the central position and felt a place in the central position, he was violent. With a tremor, he almost scared himself to recover.

"His ... This is ..."

After a sudden start, Yuan Feng slowly stabilized his mind, but it was difficult to control and continued to watch the existence in the center of the space.

First feeling, powerful!

When his mind was in contact with the existence of the central position, he could feel that the whole body was covered with an inexplicable and shocking energy wave, and that energy wave was definitely something he had never felt before. Even the owner of Sapphire Mansion, there is no way to compare it with the existence in front of him.

"How could it be so powerful? What level of power is this or this? Dongtianjing is a great success? Or ..."

Feeling the strength of the other side, Yuan Feng really felt a little tremor. Frankly speaking, at this moment, he really should take back his mind and stop exploring the other side. It ’s wonderful, but the curiosity under the heart The urge to take risks left him unable to stop.

If the other party finds out at this moment and then fights back, his mind will be damaged, or even seriously injured, but now he is like a demon, and there is no way to stop himself.

Spreading out his mind carefully, in the end, he relied on his courage to finally wrap the entire existence in the center of the space in his mind, and clearly see the appearance and state of the other party.

"Uh, this ...... beautiful ..."

In the mind, a plain woman with a holy woman covered her body is like a fairy who ca n’t eat the fireworks on earth. She sits quietly on a futon, her skin is white and beautiful, and her silk is natural. The ground dangled behind her beautiful face, but it seemed as if there was a thick sorrow that could not be turned away.

Seeing the sorrow in the woman's eyebrows, Yuan Feng had an urge to reach out and touch it, to erase the sorrow!

Compared with the woman in front of him, any woman he has seen has lost its color in an instant. It's not that other women are not as pretty as the ones in front of them, but that natural noble temperament is something that other women simply cannot learn.

Yuan Feng's mind watched this woman quietly, and her eyes couldn't help showing a strange look. This weirdness is not a kind of obsession between men and women, but a very pure admiration, and a throbbing movement that he could not even describe. Looking at it, he had forgotten everything and slowly got drunk.

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