The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 873: Ichinomiya (Second)

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The world of Dongtian, the master of the Blue Jade House, really opened up Yuan Feng's eyes and made him gain a lot. As for what kind of gain he has, it is not what outsiders can imagine.

In the following time, Yuan Feng did not waste this rare opportunity. Although the cave world of the blue jade mansion ca n’t be randomly scrambled, it should be fine to study it carefully. He has a high level of mind, and with some care, at least he will not be found by Yunlong Guardian.

The cave world of Sapphire Mansion is almost a brand-new world that has not been polluted. The space level of this world is probably higher than that of the Tianlong Dynasty. At least he believes that here, it is absolutely difficult for Dongtianjingqiang to easily destroy the space here.

I do n’t know where the Sapphire Master will take them this time, but it ’s clear that the place seems so far away that they waited a full half an hour in the cave world of the Sapphire Master. Haven't reached their destination yet.

The seven major protection methods are relatively quiet. Of course, if there is a communication in the back, it is not known to others. At least, Yunlong protection methods have been talking with Yuan Feng, but they have not stopped for a moment. Too.

"Yuan Feng, I forgot to ask you, during this time you were with the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team under my seat, but how did it help them in swordplay?"

Previously, he handed over Yuanfeng to the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team. He wanted to let Yuanfeng take care of him. Secondly, he also hoped that Yuanfeng ’s swordsmanship would allow some of the Excalibur Law Enforcement teams to understand and strengthen God The strength of the sword enforcement team.

The strength under his seat is relatively weak. Naturally, I hope that each law enforcement team is stronger, so that it will not be compared with other teams under the law protection seat.

"Some of the older brothers of the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team are not bad. Today, the five Excalibur Enforcement Teams are already in the realm of the Heart Sword Realm. The boy did not have the trouble to protect the Master."

Hearing Yunlong's law enforcement mentioning the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team, Yuan Feng couldn't help thinking of those familiar figures, but unfortunately, this time, I really do n’t know when I can see you again!

"Oh? Have you reached the state of heart sword as much as possible? Your kid really has a way!" Hearing Yuan Feng's words, Yunlong's law protection was a look of joy, and the overall strength of his team was weak. Now there is a The team that supports the Sword Realm might be able to give birth to several powerful players in the future!

"The boy dare not take credit, these are the reasons why the old brothers have a high level of understanding." With a slight smile, Yuan Feng was not greedy, and he didn't feel anything for his own effort! The so-called encounter is fate. He was able to have such an experience with everyone in the Sword Enforcement Team. It can only be said that everyone has a good fate.

"The Divine Sword Law Enforcement Team is a more promising team under this law protection seat. Unfortunately, their personal strength is too weak. I really hope that they will be able to make more progress and build up as soon as possible."

Obviously, Yunlong's law protection does not know what the current Sword Enforcement Team has become, but they thought that the cultivation of those people was still hovering in the annihilation level.

"Hey, everyone is more motivated. I believe that the next time the adult guardian sees them, their cultivation will be improved. Maybe the adult guardian will have a surprise!"

Hearing the feeling of Yunlong protecting the law, Yuan Feng couldn't help but smile, but didn't say anything. With the help of the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team, all of them are now as they were before. I would like to wait for Yunlong to protect the law, and there will be a big surprise.

"Stop that, boy Yuan Feng, you said you were going back to the Tianlong dynasty, but you have something to help your loved ones improve? There are some gadgets in this method, which may be helpful."

Sending Yuan Feng back to the Tianlong dynasty is a matter arranged by the owner of the Blue Jade House. He naturally has to do his best to do it. In addition, Yuan Feng will enter the underworld of the Moro Realm in the future, and is likely to become a hero of the French realm. Yuan Feng has a high level of understanding and qualifications, and may become a superpower in the future. Making some investments now is a profitable business that only earns no loss.

"Thank you, Master Fa for your kindness, but when the kid performed the task with the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team before, he was lucky enough to get a Ning Dan fruit tree, which is enough for his family to complete the Dan.

For those of their own family, as long as they can complete the formation of Dan, then it is already an unimaginable leap. As for the later state, he hopes that those people can practice slowly on their own, without using external forces, or It's better to borrow less.

Of course, if there is no other way, it is not too late for him to help them figure out a way.

Once promoted, the life span can be extended hundreds of thousands of years, or even longer, and for such a long time, he can undoubtedly have a lot of time to help them find a way.

"Ning Danguo? You guys have good luck!" Hearing Yuan Feng's answer, Yunlong Hufa sighed. Although the Ning Dan fruit is not a precious thing, it is really rare to get a Ning Dan fruit tree. There is a Ningdan fruit tree, but he has nothing to do.

"When the test is over, I will contact Fazheng and others to send you to the Nether." He saw that Yuan Feng really wanted to go back, but now they need to be tested, no matter how urgent, but also Wait until that happens.

"Let's prepare, the destination is about to arrive, and the government will enlarge the house later."

As soon as Yunlong Hu Fa had finished speaking to Yuan Feng, and before Yuan Feng said words of gratitude to the former, the sounds of the seven masters and Yuan Feng's ears came again, listening When it came to the latter's voice, the Seven Major Guardians and Yuan Feng's seven people were all shocked, and everyone was suddenly energized.

"Are you there? I don't know where the Lord Lord brought us!"

Everyone's heart began to faintly look forward to it, which also includes seven major protection methods. Even a strong man like the owner of Sapphire Mansion flew half an hour before arriving, and it must be a long way from Sapphire Mansion. As for what exactly it is, they have some speculation in their hearts.

"I don't know what kind of test we are going to test next, and who is going to test us!"

Yuan Feng's heart was full of expectations, and she was a little nervous at the same time. It's about whether he can go to the Mo Luo world, but it doesn't allow him to have the slightest negligence. According to the Sapphire Manifestation, not only will they have to be tested next, it seems they will also be tested by some people. Even the Sapphire Mansion ’s test is not final, and no one knows who will test them.

With a trace of tension and expectation, Yuan Feng, like everyone else, held her breath and waited for the transfer of the master of the blue jade house. Such a wait, which lasted for about three minutes, finally came to fruition. .

That kind of unstoppable force came again, Yuan Feng felt himself tight, and then his body left the place. When it appeared again, it appeared in a beautiful purple world.

When he opened his eyes for the first time, Yuan Feng saw a purple starry sky, stars with different rays, like dust in the air, and filled the starry sky.

In the distance, a palace that is so large that it cannot be described is like a giant pillar, towering amidst the entire purple starry sky, and this huge palace is actually much larger than those stars. Times, it's almost a big world.

It can be seen that their location at this moment is a long way from the huge palace, but even so, the palace seems to be quite high and not so high.

"This, what is this place? This palace ... ... seems a bit exaggerated!"

Yuan Feng's pupils shrank sharply, and a horrible look flashed across her eyes.

It has to be said that after being exposed to several major law-enforcement methods, as well as masters at the level of blue jade master, what he saw and heard was very different from before.

The blue-purple cosmic starry sky is a huge palace even larger than the stars. All of this is not what he could imagine before. At this moment, he really opened his eyes.

"Is there 36 palaces in the French palace, is this palace ..." The color of shock flashed away, and Yuan Feng suddenly flashed an incomplete name in his heart. He believed that if he did not guess wrong In that case, in front of this huge palace that is not so high, in all likelihood, it is the so-called first palace.

It was just that he never thought that the so-called first house was actually in the cosmic starry sky. This scene was really shocking.

A peek at the others, including the Seven Guardians, all looked dull, and they looked at the huge palace surrounded by stars in the distance, and everyone was obviously shocked.

"Everyone is mentally motivated, so don't lose my blue jade face."

Just as the crowd looked at the huge palace in the distance, the voice of the sapphire master resounded, but they suddenly pulled everyone's mind back.

The seven major protection methods all hurriedly adjusted the whole look, one by one, the eyes could not help but flash a bit of embarrassment. They are all super strong defenders of the law, and they were also shocked by Jos, but they are really not supposed to be.

However, I have known for a long time that there is a detached presence above the thirty-six houses, but this time I saw them for the first time, but they could not bear them.


Just as the reminder of the Sapphire Mansion had just fallen, a light suddenly lit up beside the crowd, and then a chuckle was heard suddenly, ringing in everyone's ears.

"It's been a long time, and the main style of Sapphire Mansion is still!"

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