The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 869: Four Swords (two more)

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Xiuwei has reached the level of Dongtianjing. No one will be a brainless person. Although the words spoken by Yunlong Hufa surprised everyone present, but this time no one questioned.

Since the Yunlong Guardian dares to say so, then naturally it has his reason. All they have to do is listen to the Yunlong Guardian, and then consider whether the Yunlong Guardian is right or wrong. Of course, yes or no, everything has to be decided by the owner of the blue jade house. They are only one side watching.

In the presence of the Lord of the Blue Jade House, they were only worthy of passers-by.

"Oh, Yunlong, let's talk about this young man carefully. Listen to what you mean. This should be a very interesting little guy." The master of the blue jade really came to the spirit at this moment, and said to Yunlong Hufa Of course, Yuan Feng has almost no rivals at the level of Jiedan, and he is naturally very curious.

Moreover, from the mouth of Yunlong's Fa-protection, he even heard the word credit, but he didn't know how the young man in front of him could be affected by the credit.

"Master Fu, everyone protects the law. Although Feng Fengzi has only eight-fold cultivation of Jie Dan Jing, and he is still young, he has a top-notch skill. With this method, Jie Dan Jing Realm, it is really difficult to find an opponent. "

Yunlong's protection method slowly calmed down. All he had to do was explain the situation of Yuan Feng, and he believed that as long as everyone knew all the situation of Yuan Feng, he would have a new understanding of Yuan Feng.

"Top skills are in you? The top skills you said are ..." The more Yun Yun Hu Fa said, the more the blue jade master became more curious, he looked at Yuan Feng while talking, " Little guy, even Yunlong praises the skill, but do you mind showing it? "

No matter how much you say, it is better to let Yuan Feng demonstrate it for yourself, so that everyone can see it more intuitively, and fortunately, you can have a more objective judgment in your heart.

"Boy Yuanfeng, I've seen the owner of the house. Since the owner of the house is alive, wouldn't he dare to obey?"

At this time, Yuan Feng stepped forward from behind, paying respectfully to the owner of the Blue Jade House, and then the voice was loud and authentic.

At this moment, he had no choice, and he naturally knew what the other party was referring to in the technique of Yunlong Hufa. Of course, to say that his strongest skills nowadays may not be the swordsmanship of Yijian Realm. Perhaps the existence of Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong has replaced the status of Yijian Realm.

Of course, the current Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong is still a little worse. If it is a step further, or even a few steps away, it is definitely more powerful than the sword technique of Yi Jian Realm.

The time between the words, Yuan Feng did not hesitate, when he raised his hand, he recruited his fire sword.

"Master Fu, everyone protects the law, please forgive me for being rude !!!!!!

The Fire Sword is in hand. Yuan Feng knows that he has to show his hand. He wants to get a place in the world of Mo Luo, then he must show his advantages. Otherwise, he may be defeated. .


A terrible swordman flashed away, and with the emergence of the swordman, the entire huge white space suddenly trembled. Those white mists were absorbed by the sword light in an instant, and all the white The mist turned into a glimmer of strength in the sword-mansions and merged into the sword-mansions.

"Om !!!"

The sword was chopped in the air, however, even if it was chopped in the air, the sword still made a loud deafening noise, and that kind of power was almost like a superman's big move.

"This ......... this is ..."

When Yuan Feng's sword was cut out, everyone in the room suddenly shrank their pupils, one by one with an incredible feeling, especially those who were brought by the major protectors. His complexion looks like soil, and he feels self-defeating.

Several major protections were completely stunned. The moment Yuan Feng appeared in front of them, they could see that Yuan Feng's years of practice were not even forty or fifty years, and she was completely a young chick. child.

However, what they couldn't imagine was that it was such a young boy who had cut out such a terrifying sword. To be frank, if you don't use the power of the cave, this sword may be enough to hurt their bodies.

The young Jie Danjing who followed He Xinghu Fa was very pale now. He was absolutely certain that Yuan Feng only had the eight-fold cultivation of Dan Danjing. He may be able to destroy it with one hand, but now it seems that if he fights against the sword of Shang Yuanfeng, he may be instantly turned gray. Right!

"The Sword Realm !!!"

Almost at the same time, the same vocabulary flashed in the minds of several major guardians, but when this vocabulary appeared in their minds, even if they were well-informed, they would inevitably have an incredible feeling.

Obviously, Yuan Feng has inspired the situation of the heavens and the earth, almost reaching the sword of killing and destroying the power of the realm. It must be the realm of the meaning of the sword. However, a young man who has been practicing for less than 40 or 50 years has realized it. In the realm of Yijian, frankly speaking, for such a fact, they were really a little hard to imagine for a while.

"Okay, at a young age, you can make the mood of the sword so horrible, so good !!"

Above the platform, the master of the blue jade also subconsciously called out, his eyes were bright.

Yuan Feng's sword really opened his eyes. Frankly speaking, in terms of swordsmanship alone, even he had to say admiration to Yuan Feng. Moreover, he felt more than just the sword skills of Yuan Feng's Sword Realm. Yuan Feng's oblique cutting of the sword was a magical sword in its own right. I am afraid that among the sword techniques he has seen in his life Can also be in the forefront.

"Thank you, Lord Fu for praise!" Seeing the smile of Lan Yufu, Yuan Feng's heart could not help but move slightly, and then he was kind. Anyway, the owner of the Blue Jade Mansion is obviously very satisfied with his strength. This first pass should be considered a pass!

"Little guy, the sword move of this sword should be your own. I wonder if you have other moves?" The blue jade master's eyes were like a torch, and at a glance, Yuan Feng's sword should be from Creative swordsmanship.

Although the swordmanship has its strengths and weaknesses, it is the one that is best suited to a person, but only created by himself. Judging from Yuan Feng's control of the sword just now, this sword is definitely Yuan Feng's own sword move.

"The master of the house looks like a torch, the boy admires it!" It was nothing to be surprised if Yuan Feng was broken by the words of the other party. If such a cowman can't even see this, then he should really be surprised!

"Without concealing the master of the house, the boy created two swords in total. This sword is the first and second style. The boy dare to ask the house master to experience it."

Simply outbreak today, he simply let himself out. Now that the sword skills of the realm of the sword have been revealed, then he let the people present know what kind of realm he has on the path of the sword.

"Maple kid, don't be rude !!!"

Yuan Feng's words fell, but Yunlong's guardian law on the side was shocked and hurriedly stood up and scolded. To be honest, even Yuan Feng's sword skills were a little surprised, because at the time of the Tianlong dynasty, although Yuan Feng had also used this sword, the power gap between them was quite different.

Of course, there is no excuse for thinking about it at that time. Yuan Feng had not yet broken through Jie Dan's realm, and now Yuan Feng has reached Jie Dan's realm, and the middle is indeed a hundred thousand miles away. And thinking of Yuan Feng's progress in these short years, his heart was filled with surprise.

"Oh, anyway, since this little guy wants to let this house feel for themselves, then this house will do you well."

He waved at Yunlong Hufa, the blue jade master signaled the other party to be calm and impatient, while talking, he was a figure, fluttering flutteringly, "little man, show your sword tricks to the fullest, No need to worry. "

Based on his cultivation, naturally he would not worry about being hurt by Yuan Feng, but he was really curious about Yuan Feng's second style of sword moves.

"Thank you Lord Fu for your success. In this case, the kid offended !!! Watch the sword !!!

There was a dignified flash under his heart, Yuan Feng drank abruptly, and when the sword of fire spirit moved, he was cut out with a sword against the master of the blue jade.

"Brush !!!" The strange Jian Mang appeared in the eyes of everyone present, but for this Jian Mang, other people who watched it did not find anything unusual, and even felt that the power of the sword was obvious. Still under the previous sword.


However, others did not feel the anomaly of this sword, but the owner of the blue jade house was different.

"This sword ..." His face suddenly coagulated. At this moment, the owner of the Sapphire Mansion had a completely unbelievable feeling.

At Xiuwei's level, he can confidently see through any attack. However, at the moment, the sword cut out by Yuan Feng, he can't understand the course of the sword at all.

"So weird swordsmanship, left or right?" His eyes flashed, and the sapphire master found in horror that he didn't even know how to avoid the attack of this sword.

"Brush !!!" At the last moment, the master of the Sapphire Mansion moved half a position toward the left, just to let the sword pass.

"Oh!" However, just as the Sapphire Master felt he could escape the sword, an incredible scene appeared to him.

With a muffled sound, Yuan Feng's sword was just chopped on his shoulder, but if it was not at the last moment, he ran his cavernous power to block the attack of this sword. On the shoulder, it is possible to hang the lottery. Of course, his body is extremely solid, but he may not be injured, but even if he is torn into his clothes, it doesn't seem to look too good!

"Okay, the sword of genius, it really is a natural sword !!!"

With his eyes fixed, the owner of the Blue Jade House did not hesitate to praise his words, but when he heard his praises, the several major protection methods on the side were completely shocked.

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