The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 867: Sapphire Mansion Master (Seventh)

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There are seven major guardians of the Blue Jade House. Five of them have been gathered in the talking room. Each of these five guardians has the ability to penetrate the world. Each of them is a high weight, and can control the lives and deaths of countless people.

After seeing these powerful Dongtianjing strong men, Yuan Feng slowly put away the trace of pride and self-confidence under his heart. He knew in his heart that if there was no careful preparation, then these characters in front of him, Any one can destroy him, even if he can't be killed, but if he is sealed or thrown into the dimension space, then his life will probably be ruined.

You must know that each of these strong law-protecting powers under the main seat of the Blue Jade House is not the kind of existence that has just been promoted to the cave heaven. Even if it is repaired as the weakest Yunlong law-protection, it also has the cave heaven dual sky. Level, and the previous great merit, obviously made him get a lot of rewards, now he is probably at least in the triple sky level.

According to rumors from outside, the seven guardianships of the Blue Jade Mansion and the Yunlong guardianship are the weakest. They are nominally the Heavenly Heaven Dual Sky, but now it seems that they should have secretly broken into the Triple Heaven sky. What came down was He Xing's law protection, which should be the same as the cave heaven's triple heaven's state, like the current Yunlong law.

Going up, except for Han Ning, who is a strong man in Dongtianjing Sixth Heaven, the others are all in the fourth and fifth heavens. This practice is indeed extremely rare when looking at the major worlds. The presence.

You know, Dongtian Realm is not easy to break through, and once you enter Dongtian Realm, it will be more difficult to break through every realm afterwards. If you want to improve the level, if there is no special reason, I am afraid it is at least thousands. Tens of thousands of years.

Yuan Feng doesn't know much about the protection of these cave heavens, but from the perspective of these people, Han Ning's protection is undoubtedly the strongest, and the ice freezing method is obviously not weaker than Han Ning's protection. As for the other people, the difference between the top and bottom is not much, at least it is why they don't want to be with each other.

Five of the seven major protection methods came, and the last two did not let everyone wait too long. Almost half a quarter of an hour after the ice protection method arrived, there were four more people in the white space world. It was Xing Yuan and Fa Yang Yan who brought them together.

"Let you wait long, sorry!"

The opening is Yan Yang's law protection. Among the seven major law protections, his strength ranks in the middle and upper reaches, but it is a level weaker than Xing Yuan's law protection. This time, it comes a little bit apologetically.

Xing Yuan's protection method also nodded slightly. Among the crowd, his practice was comparable to that of the frozen ice protection method, but he was only one level weaker than Han Ning's protection method. Although he was late, no one would say anything. !!

"Xing Yuan, Yan Yang, I have heard about you, two of you are sad!"

At this time, Xing Yuan's law protection and Yan Yang's law protection must not be arbitrarily provoked, even if it is best to say less, and at this time dare to talk to the two, naturally only Han Ning law protection.

As the first person under the Blue Jade House, Han Ning's law protection has unparalleled superiority. No matter whether he is right or wrong, at least no one dares to refute it casually.

"Thank you Han Ning for protecting the law." After hearing the condolences of Han Ning for protecting the law, Yan Yang protecting the law quickly arched her hand and thanked slightly respectfully. Han Ning's practice of protecting the law is two levels higher than him, and he is famous for his quiet and inaction. There will almost never be a conflict of interest, even he is secretly admired.

"Thank you!" Xing Yuan Hufa nodded coldly, but his face was still not very good. His favorite son died for no reason, which made him hard to release. The main thing is that, until now, apart from being able to ascertain that his son fell on Mount Wanyu, there is still no deeper clue.

"Are these two of Xing Yuan's Fa and Yan Yang's Fa? Are they both strong!"

At this time, Yuan Feng watched the two major protection methods just arrived, and could not help secretly sighing.

It can be heard that the two still did not find any clues about the death of Xing Ren and Yan Long, and he really wanted to burn a pillar of incense.

Although he was very clean at the beginning, and was still in the Wanlishan area of ​​Wanli Mountain, but he was the son of protecting the law, he was really worried that the two would find clues.

Frankly speaking, he may not be afraid of these two people himself, but once things are exposed, then the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team and the Demon Moon Enforcement Team, I am afraid that no one wants to survive, which is absolutely what he does not want to see.

"The paper can't hold the fire. It seems that we really need to find a way to promote cultivation as soon as possible, at least we must reach the power of Dongtianjing, so that we can not fear the revenge of these people." It sounded the alarm for him and strengthened his belief in quickly improving his strength.

"It's all here, let's all talk!"

Just between Yuan Feng's thoughts, the kind of imaginary voice from before came again, but this time, the voice didn't come from all directions, but from the front of everyone.

The sound came, and the white mist in the front slowly dissipated. Then, a crystal clear platform appeared in front of everyone.

This is a platform that is almost three meters high. Above the platform, a gentle-looking man is standing behind his hands and looking at the people below with a smile on his face, his eyes shining with affectionate light.

Men are not outstanding, with their faces in their thirties and sharp features, they can only say that they look very spirited. At first glance, this looks like a very ordinary ordinary person. However, if you focus on this person a little bit and focus on it, then you will find that this man is like a starry sky, which is totally elusive.

"See the owner!"

When we saw the men in front of us, the seven slightly protective methods that were slightly loose, stood up respectfully, straightened up in a row, and bent over to salute the men above the platform.

Undoubtedly, no one appears here at this time, except for the owner of the Blue Jade House.

"Let's go flat, it's rare that everyone gathers together so relax."

The voice of the owner of the Blue Jade Mansion is still so gentle and unquestionable. With his voice, the seven major protection methods and the seven people behind them all have a feeling of looseness, as if the other person said , Has a general magic.

"His ... Is this the owner of the Sapphire House? One word can relax the body and mind, this means ...... It is really hard to imagine!"

Yuan Feng has been closely behind Yunlong Protector. Hearing the words of the Lord of the Blue Jade House here, he felt like he was bathed in the spring breeze, and his body was simply indescribable, just like his own. Everything has been given to the owner of the Sapphire Mansion in front of him.

"Great, one word can affect a person's mind. This person has to guard against it!"

Although the owner of the Sapphire House in front of him looks very gentle, as if there is no danger in the slightest, but Yuan Feng knows that such talents are the most dangerous. If you do n’t take a little precaution, I ’m afraid they are sold Still counting money for others!

Thinking of this, he could not help but secretly run his devouring martial arts spirit, keeping himself awake at all times, and unknowingly aware of the other's way.

"Yunlong, you haven't disappointed the efforts of this government, but the treasure that this government has given you doesn't just allow you to be promoted to the triple sky. Within a hundred years, I hope you can be promoted to the fourth sky.

The blue jade master's gaze swept over his seven guardians, and when he reached Yunlong guardian, he nodded slightly and smiled with a smile on his face.

"Thank you for your praise, the subordinates will do their utmost to maximize the potential of the gifts from the prefect, and strive to be promoted to the quadruple sky as soon as possible."

Hearing the words of the Lord of the Blue Jade Mansion, Yunlong Protector could not help but look up, and hurried forward to ensure. At the beginning he returned with the entry card of the Moro Realm. This great achievement can be described by his extraordinary achievements. The reward given to him by the owner of the Sapphire Mansion is absolutely unthinkable by others.

"Fourth Heaven? What kind of treasure did the master of the house give him, and it was going to shock Dongtianjing?"

Hearing the conversation between these two people, the other major protection methods are all under one's heart. They knew that Yunlong had done a great job in protecting the law, but they did not expect that the owner of the Blue Jade House gave him such a great reward. It would be impossible to say that he was not jealous.

Unfortunately, none of them have the same luck as Yunlong Hufa, but they can only be envious.

"This time let everyone choose the geniuses in their respective territories. Do you seem to be more attentive!"

Speaking briefly to Yunlong Protector, the eyes of the blue jade mantra turned to the seven people behind the Seven Protectors, one by one, looking at them.

His pair of stars is almost like being able to see through everything. At a glance, the seven people behind the Seven Guardians can feel as if they have been seen through and there is nothing to hide.

Of course, among these, Yuan Feng is naturally an exception. After reaching the border of Dandan, his Dantian has become a space of his own. Even the exploration of the strongest person can only feel the energy in his Dantian, but it is impossible to see the specific situation at all.

"It's not bad, it doesn't look bad, but the tasks performed here are very important. We can't tolerate the slightest carelessness. Please introduce yourself to the people you bring!"

Gazes glanced at the seven people, and the owner of the blue jade nodded without a trace, but they were not completely relieved, but in the end they looked at the seven guardians and instructed the seven.

This is to perform undercover missions. Aside from strength and potential, at least, he must ensure the credibility of these people and must not make mistakes in the general direction.

ps: Seven more completed, hey, ask for some motivation, please for comfort! !! !! I thought I couldn't keep up, but finally carried it down! Take a break, feel bored! !! !!

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