The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 863: Goodbye Yunlong

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The Excalibur Law Enforcement Team, one of the splendid halls of the golden temple, at this moment, the six members of the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team are once again rare together.

"Brother Yuan Feng, where have you been for more than a year? Without you in the team, some of us have been performing tasks, which is really not easy."

"That's it, Yuan Feng, but this time you're not right. You leave without a word. You don't even talk to your brothers. You must punish you for a few more drinks later."

"Haha, how many more drinks is enough, and he will be punished to practice sword skills for everyone. When will everyone be satisfied and when can I stop."

In the hall, several members of the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team were excited at this time. For more than a year, Yuan Feng had not been a pioneer for them. Not to mention the ground-level tasks, even the Xuan-level tasks were not completed. A few, let alone how depressed.

Captain Lie Xin previously told everyone that Yuan Feng had something to do, so he had to leave for a while. As for what was happening, even Captain Lie Xin didn't know, and naturally there was no way to explain to them.

"This ......... Brothers, it was indeed my brother's fault before, my brother will never dare next time."

Seeing a familiar person complaining to himself, Yuan Feng's face showed a touch of warmth. Although joining the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team has not been long and there is not much time with everyone, even after several missions, their friendship with each other is equally deep and deep.

Although the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team did not help him much, it did bring him a lot of opportunities. If he did not join this team, he may not have the current gains.

Therefore, from the bottom of his heart, he is still very grateful to everyone present.

"Yuan Feng, are you coming back this time, but are you leaving?"

Aside, Captain Lie Xin also had a faint smile on her face. When Yuan Feng was there, she really felt so relaxed. Whether it was a big thing or a small thing, it was nothing at all on Yuan Feng's body, but on her. , But it takes a lot of effort to complete. This is the gap, the * naked gap.

"Uh, this ......... Hey, don't hide it, I'm here to quit with everyone this time."

Hearing the question from Captain Lie Xin, Yuan Feng's complexion was slightly stagnant, but he still told the truth.

Some things can't be concealed. Although he didn't want to say farewell, but he was destined to leave. Even if he said it later, he still had to say it.

"What? Resign?"

When Yuan Feng's words came down, the other five people in the entire hall were all in a look of expression, one by one standing up, obviously all of them could not accept Yuan Feng's statement.

"Yes, just resign!" Seeing the reactions of several people, Yuan Feng's heart was helpless.

There is an unbroken feast in the world. He joined the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team. He had a temporary intention and was destined not to stay long. Now that the time has come, whether to go or stay, he has no choice at all.

"Hey, are you leaving anyway?"

After a brief shock, the five members of the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team looked at each other, then shook their heads one by one, becoming bitter.

At the beginning, Yuan Feng said that he would leave the realm of law. At that time, they were actually ready for it, but after the incident happened, they were still unwilling to accept it.

Yuan Feng is too strong. Even a strong defender is not qualified to control it. Such a super strong, if he is nestled in the Sword Enforcement Team, is really a waste of time.

"You guys, there is a feast all over the world, my brother does have something to do, but when I settle the matter, maybe I will come back, you don't need to do this at all."

Seeing everyone's emotions were not high, Yuan Feng's mood was a little heavy, and he shook his head between words, a bit bitter way.

"Yes, yes, everyone, don't frown. Rarely Yuan Feng comes back and walks around. Let's go for a few drinks.

"Haha, what the wind is saying is, walk around, let's drink, and others, don't talk too late when we wake up!"

"It's just that it's a rare gathering, so be sure to drink today!"

Now that things are over, it is useless to be sad and mournful. As Yuan Feng often said, there is wine today and drunk today, and tomorrow's sorrow comes to tomorrow's sorrow. For now, let's talk about old things first.

"Okay, have a drink with everyone today!" Seeing everyone returning to normal one by one, Yuan Feng also looked slightly slower, with a big wave of his hands, so happy to decide!

Parting is imminent, and everyone's hearts are naturally full of perseverance. This banquet will naturally last for a long time.

Captain Liexin didn't talk much, but she was drunk with the same drunkness today. Yuan Feng's departure, she was probably the most reluctant one. But these words, she couldn't say anything, but she could only be in the wine. Swallowed.

From the sunrise to the sunset, Yuan Feng drove his sword skills more than once by drunkenness. His sword skills have reached the pinnacle nowadays. Every move and every style has unimaginable for the five people present. The significance, perhaps, is that with this exercise of his, the five of them may be able to reach the realm of Yijian in the future.

The sun was sinking to the west, and night came soon. Everyone who drank for a whole day ended up falling asleep, just like an ordinary person.

Speaking of it, if Yuan Feng wasn't there, everyone would never let themselves drink so drunk, but with Yuan Feng being, they naturally felt safe, even if they were drunk no matter how drunk they were. There are no concerns about security.

Yuan Feng also fell asleep, but he has both a black dragon guard and a practice in Dantian space, so don't worry about safety at home. However, before the sun rose, Yuan Feng was already awake.

After waking up, he did not say goodbye to everyone again. What he wanted to say was already said at the wine table yesterday. After waking up, he left the mansion of the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team directly and quietly. .

Life and death, these things he hates most, leaving so quietly seems to be a good choice.

Facing the rising sun, Yuan Feng flew straight to the mansion of Yunlong Protector. It's almost time, and he believes that Yunlong's protection should begin to prepare soon, maybe he is waiting for his report now!

Outside the mansion of Yunlong Protector, Yuan Feng did not look for the Yunlong Protector with great fanfare. He was very clear that the Yunlong Protector was in his own different dimension of the world. The other party did not want to see guests, and outsiders could not enter.

At Yunlong's mansion, he simply found a place outside the other's mansion to rest for a while, but at the same time, he released his mind into Yunlong's mansion. As long as the other party wakes up, he will definitely feel His inquiry.

Shouting loudly is a bit impolite, but such a gentle reminder undoubtedly looks much better.

Obviously, Yunlong's law enforcement was very punctual. It was a few days away from the time originally agreed, and in these days, Yunlong's law enforcement did not show up. However, Yuan Feng was not in a hurry, just waiting quietly outside the mansion of Yunlong Protector, waiting for Yunlong Protector's reception.

Almost on the third day, Yuan Feng still covered the entire house of Yunlong Guardian with his heart and mind as he used to, but while he was waiting boredly, the depth of Yunlong Guardian's mansion suddenly had a secret. The energy waves came. At the same time, Yuan Feng felt that a very large heart suddenly swept away from him, which was the heart of Yunlong's protection method that he was more familiar with.

"It's the mind-searching of the Lord Falun Gong !!!"

Feeling the enquiry of Yunlong's protection, Yuan Feng was immediately overjoyed, the color weakness was between his thoughts, and the sound of Yunlong's protection was ringing in his ears.

"Oh, little brother Yuanfeng, I didn't think you were here, come in and talk !!!"

The sound of Yunlong's law protection came, and then Yuan Feng felt his body tight and wrapped himself vigorously, causing him to move directly toward the depths of the mansion.

This power is very strong. When he was just arrived in the realm of the French Realm, he naturally did not have any resistance. However, if he wants to resist today, it is not impossible. However, he has been waiting for Yunlong to protect the law for a long time. Now the other party recruits himself in, how could he resist?


With a flash of light in front of his eyes, Yuan Feng relaxed his power and directly took himself into the different dimension of Yunlong's law-protection. When he opened his eyes, the Yunlong law-protection with several edges appeared again In front of him.

"I've seen the Lord Falun Gong, but I haven't seen him for a year, but the Lord Falun Gong has become more and more arrogant!"

Seeing Yunlong protecting the law, Yuan Feng smiled slightly, and then greeted the latter slightly.

"Hahaha, don't talk about me, it seems that in the past two years, you should not waste your time, but this strength is even more elusive."

He waved his hands casually, Yunlong's law guard could not help but stare, and looked at Yuan Feng in a strange way. Compared with before, Yuan Feng at this moment does change a lot too much. At least, his cultivation is from the former situation of Dandan, and has become the current situation of Dandan.

Two years span several realms, and this alone is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

"Thanks for the praise of the Lord of the Guardian of Law, but I don't know. At this moment, the junior is qualified to compete for the place that the Lord of the Guardian of Law claims."

Everything else is imaginary, and getting the qualification to go to the Mo Luo world, this is what he cares about most!

"Oh, it doesn't matter if you have qualifications. As long as you are willing to try, then this place will be directly gifted to you."

The answer given by Yunlong Hufa for Yuan Feng's question was simple, and when he heard his answer, Yuan Feng's face suddenly showed a touch of joy, but his heart slowly became calm.

As long as he was given the chance to compete, he really didn't believe that, with his own strength, he still couldn't win a place to go to the magic world!

ps: Brothers give it a little bit! Six more guaranteed, Xiaoyan see if there can be more! !! !! Seeking flowers for all support! !! !!

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