The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 853: First soldiers (one more)

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It was determined that the Nether Dragon Beast was in the cave in front of him, and Yuan Feng's heart could not help becoming a little fiery in the snow and ice.

Although the cubs of the Nether Dragon Beast cannot be used for missions, they are all space-based Warcraft, and there may be space-related things in the body of this thing. Maybe it will be good for the future promotion of the cave heaven. So, since he was encountered by him, he would get the Nether Dragon Beast anyway.

The cave in front of him, he had already sensed it, it was so cold that it was scary. I am afraid that even if he was a great conqueror in the annihilation realm, he would soon be frozen into an ice sculpture. However, for him who is based on Jiuzhuan Xuan Gong, the chill is just the same as taking a cold bath.

"It's really a lot of masters. Twenty or so people, there are as many as five in the annihilation. If I rush in now, without any argument, I am afraid it is difficult to justify it."

Although he is very interested in the cub of the Nether Dragon Beast, Yuan Feng also understands that there is more than one of him at present. If he rushes into the cave now, there is no statement, even if he gets the Nether Dragon Beasts must also be a big problem.

Right now, there are five of these 20 or so people who are in complete annihilation. Although he is not afraid of these people, but causing trouble for no reason is not the result he wants.

"It seems that we have to wait for at least one word before we can go in, so as not to become the target of criticism." His frown was slightly frowned, and his eyes were more on the five people standing in front.

The five people standing in front of them are exactly four men and one woman. Each of them has a shocking energy wave rippling with the Great Desolation Power. Of course, such energy fluctuations are not too much pressure for him now.

These five were undoubtedly the strongest among the crowd, but even so, they did not dare to enter the cave directly. Speaking of which, the physical strength of the annihilation great conqueror is not much stronger than that of annihilation yae, and it cannot hold the coldness inside.

"Dear people, this is not the way to go. The Nether Dragon Beast has been severely damaged at this time. Now it is hiding in the cave. If it is restored, it will be difficult for everyone to find its trace!"

After all, Shen Jing was broken, and one of the top five great consummates in front of the mouth was spoken. It can be seen that among the crowd, his strength is obviously the strongest, which can be seen from his central position.

"Mr. Gongjiang is right, the Nether Dragon Beast is hiding in the cave, and I don't know what the situation is, but if I wait like this forever, then no one should want to get the Dragon Beast inside."

When the voice of the middle-aged man came to an end, the woman among the five spoke up, but agreed with the former.

"Oh, Mr. Gongjiang and Captain Shui Jinyu said, everyone knows it, but the temperature in this cold cave is so low that they can't even detect it. What can we people do?"

Among the five, a thin old man with a thin body and a smile on his face always took the stubble and directly uttered the most critical question.

"Brother Feng Kai is right. Right now the Nether Dragon Beast has hid in this cold cave. How to get it out is the most important thing. The cold air inside should prevent it from escaping, but if you wait for it, After recovering from the injury and adapting to the temperature inside, we may have to run for nothing on this trip. "

Another great conqueror stood out, his voice deep and authentic.

Most of the people present were the well-known strong men in the ice-protecting law territory. Among them, there was no lack of law enforcement team members. Everyone knew that if they were delayed for an extra minute, the void dragon beast inside would have a greater chance of escaping. Moreover, the news of the Nether Dragon Beast has just spread for a day, and it has not yet spread to the outside. If the other guardians get the news, more powerful people will be attracted by then, and the possibility that they can get the Nether Dragon Beast will inevitably increase small.

The ice protection method is not the same as other protection methods. She has no children under her knees. If it is replaced by other protection methods, then the children of the protection methods have already been reserved. Where will they be given opportunities?

"Everyone present, but who has any good way, can't help but come forward to let everyone listen."

Among the several great perfectionists, Mr. Gongjiang, who spoke first, turned around and said to everyone behind him.

Speaking of them, the five great conquerors stood at the forefront, but they blocked the people behind them. The five of them only knew that they couldn't do anything, but they didn't know whether these latter people were equally helpless.

In any case, the most important thing right now is to get out of the Nether Dragon Beast *, and then show their abilities, who gets who.

"What to do? This void dragon beast hides inside, how can it be made out?"

"Should everyone attack with fire?"

"Forget it, the cold inside is so scary, where can a fire burn? What's more, the temperature inside is so low that even if you can use fire, I'm afraid it's just heating the Nether Dragon Beast."

"Want me to say that it would be better to report the situation to the Lord of the Guardian, and let the Lord of the Guardian personally come over to get the cubs of the Nether Dragon Beast!"

"Nonsense, Lord Falun Gong has taken away the Nether Dragon Beast, what can we people get? Besides, Lord Ngaruda may not be interested in such a Nether Dragon Beast cub."

"What do you do? Can you just wait like this? When is this head? There is obviously a source of cold in this cave, and the temperature will only get lower and lower."

After hearing the strongest Mr. Miyae's question, all the people present were you to look at me, and I looked at you to talk, but in the end, I couldn't find any good way to be able to bring out the Nether Dragon Beast *.

"Hey, it seems that I can only wait like this. The little guy really hides, even hiding here. The temperature here is probably enough for him to drink a pot. If this guy has been frozen to death Inside, I'm afraid those of us will never think about it. "

After hearing the opinions of everyone, the last one of the five Great Perfectionists was dressed in white, and the old man with a fairy breeze finally said, but they all felt a little fate.

"Ahem, everyone, I wonder if I can enter this cave for a while?"

However, just as everyone frowned and was helpless, a soft cough came and broke the deadlock at the moment.

"Eh?" Along the voice, everyone's eyes were on the speaker, and then, the weirdness of each person's eyes was exposed.

"Zhu Dan Jing Wu Zhong? This person has such a powerful hiding ability that I can't even see the actual repair!"

"Funny guy, he actually wants to enter the cold cave? Does this mean that the baby wants to go crazy?"

"Well, it's either a lunatic, or he has a means to resist the cold, I hope it's not the former!"

The strong eyes looked at the speaker, and at the same time they whispered.

"You want to go straight into the cave?"

The five great perfectionists were not able to laugh at this moment. The five eyes stared at Yuan Feng tightly, and looked at him up and down, as if to see him through.

"Oh, yes, it's not sensitive to cold in the next day, maybe it can hold the low temperature inside."

After being looked up and down by everyone, Yuan Feng didn't feel anything wrong. In speaking, he had taken a step forward and stepped out from among the eight powerful men who had perished, and came to the five great conquerors. before.

He was still thinking about how to enter the cave. Now that someone mentioned it, he just stepped forward to show it.

"Oh, since this little brother wants to try, of course, we people have no right to stop. Little brothers please help yourself." The skinny old man among the five strong ones narrowed his eyes slightly, and the first one gave way.

"Mr. Feng Kai is right. This cave does not belong to anyone. If anyone wants to go in, he can go straight in." Another great conqueror gave way and signaled Yuan Feng to ask for help.

Speaking of which, everyone would like someone to look into the cave. Someone stood out at the moment. Of course, they agreed with 100 people.

"You guys, you have to think about it. The temperature inside is extremely low. Even if you are inherently insensitive to cold, you may lose your life."

Just when four men of the five Great Conquerors had agreed, the woman among them suddenly stood up and reminded Yuan Feng.

"Well, where is Captain Jinyu, since this little brother dares to go in, naturally he has the confidence of others, so you should not follow blindly."

"That is, how can this little brother have such courage, how can we pour cold water?"

Shui Jinyu's voice dropped, and the four great successful men on the side hurried to stand up, winking at the former one by one, apparently telling the other party not to talk nonsense.

They don't care about Yuan Feng's life or death. For now, if Yuan Feng can really enter the cave, even if he freezes to death, he may scare the Nether Dragon Beast. Of course, if Yuan Feng can catch the Nether Dragon Beast, Then when Enron came out, it seemed even more wonderful.

"you guys………"

"Stop Captain Water, don't you want to keep everyone waiting like this?"

Shui Jinyu had yet to say more, but was directly interrupted by the Mr. Gongjiang, whose tone was obviously warning, and seemed to be a little angry.

"Hey, thanks for the reminder of the water captain, but I still want to go in and try."

Yuan Feng smiled and took a step forward at this time. His eyes could not help but pause for a while on Shui Jinyu's body, but he did not expect that among these guys, there really were people who thought about others.

I have to say that Shui Jinyu in front of him had a good first impression.

"Also, since you are determined to try it, it's up to you, but remember that safety comes first. If nothing can be done, it's better to stop it soon."

Shui Jinzhen was not scared by others. This is her principle of doing things. If you don't even care about these principles, what is the meaning of cultivation?

Yuan Feng did not speak this time, but nodded to Shui Jinyu. Frankly, he really admired him for being able to do this.

"Everyone, since everyone thinks that this cave is an ownerless thing, the void dragon beast inside is also an ownerless thing. If you get the dragon beast in the next time, I hope you won't be embarrassed.

With a slight smile at the crowd, Yuan Feng suddenly stepped on his feet. In a blink of an eye, he rushed directly into the cave. When the crowd went to see it again, his body had already fallen into the cave.

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