The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 851: Snow Dragon Mountain (five more)

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For the name of the Void Dragon Beast, Yuan Feng had heard Captain Liexin say to himself when he was in the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team, and the second-ranked sky order task on the task crystal card was to kill an adult. Nether Dragon Beast, take the body of Nether Dragon Beast in exchange for a reward.

However, one point is that Yuan Feng is very clear that the adult Nether Dragon Beast exists at the level of the cave heaven, and that level of Nether Dragon Beast, let alone the annihilation warrior, even if it is a strong person in the cave, has not caught it at all. Possible. In other words, in fact, the tasks on the task card are simply impossible tasks.

I don't know which government owner issued such a task, and what was the reason, but in fact, for this task, any one of the defenders will not easily try.

The Nether Dragon Beast is very weird. The adult Nether Dragon Beasts have the terrifying power of the heavenly realm, and supplemented by their amazing space skills, even if they are the masters of the prefecture, they are basically Difficult to capture. Moreover, once the Nether Dragon Beast soars and sincerely wants to retaliate against a person, it is absolutely impossible to prevent.

Therefore, the task on the task crystal card to kill the Nether Dragon Beast has always been ranked second in the task crystal card, but it has not even moved.

Adult Nether Dragon Beasts ca n’t capture them, but now the Nether Dragon Beast's cubs are appearing in the field of frozen ice protection. This will undoubtedly make a lot of people's hearts move. I wish I could catch the Nether Dragon Beast's cubs in a hurry. Then try Go submit the task.

Of course, the task on the quest crystal card clearly states that it will be an adult Nether Dragon Beast and a young Nether Dragon Beast. However, even if it is just the young Nether Dragon Beast itself, it is worthy of any annihilation warrior.

Nether Dragon Beasts have a unique affinity for space by nature. Even the newly born Nether Dragon Beasts have the ability to shuttle space, and the strongest in the heavenly realm are strong in the power of space. Naturally, those annihilated People in the realm will think that maybe the hunting of the Nether Dragon Beast is likely to get some spatial insights and make some preparations for the future impact on the cave world!

Therefore, when the cubs of the Nether Dragon Beast appeared in the domain of the Nether Guardian, I don't know how many strong people have embarked on the journey to find the Nether Dragon Beast cubs.

According to eyewitnesses, the cubs of the Nether Dragon Beast ran to the periphery of Xuelong Mountain and then directly entered the Snow Dragon Mountain. The temperature in the Snow Dragon Mountain was extremely low, and even the space inside was frozen. The ability of the beast, in the middle of Xuelong Mountain, is difficult to carry out long-distance space shuttle.

It can be said that the Nether Dragon Beast fled into Xuelong Mountain. Although it avoided some people's pursuit, it also found itself in great trouble. In all likelihood, this Snow Dragon Mountain is the place where it is buried.

Xuelong Mountain is a vast expanse of snowy peaks. The entire Xuelong Mountain is covered with snow all the year round, and snowflakes fall from time to time. Wherever the snow is, the temperature must be extremely low, even if it is annihilated. The strong, dare not set foot in it easily.

"Is this the Xuelong Mountain? By comparison, it is much more beautiful than Wanli Mountain."

Beyond Xuelong Mountain, a young figure hangs quietly and overlooks the entire panorama of Xuelong Mountain. Unfortunately, even with his eyesight, it is impossible to see the Xuelong Mountain in full view. It's nothing more than a small corner.

"It looks very cool, at least not to heat it."

Yuan Feng's eyes flashed a smile, it was a rare joke with himself. Previously in Wanhuo Cave, he had just experienced a baptism of underground lava. Now he came to Xuelong Mountain, just to cool down.

After learning that the cubs of the Nether Dragon Beast ran into the Snow Dragon Mountain, Yuan Feng made a brief inquiry and hurried straight to this cold mountain range. Obviously, he was also full of curiosity about the Void Dragon Beast, which ranked second on the task list.

"Dahei, what good way do you have for space Warcraft?"

Standing outside the Snow Dragon Mountain, Yuan Feng did not enter it for the first time, but instead sought advice from the Black Dragon on his wrist in advance.

On the way, he had already talked to Dahei about the Void Dragon Beast. Although Dahei had never heard of the name of the Nether Dragon Beast, he would naturally not feel too surprised by his knowledge.

"The Warcraft in space is very weird. If you want to catch this kind of Warcraft, you can't do it by virtue of your strength alone. If you want to catch it, you must use the Jiuqu Yellow River Array."

Dahei gave a more pertinent opinion, which involves the level of space laws. It must be of no help. Everything depends on Yuan Feng's own ability.

"Is the Jiuqu Yellow River Array? This is a bit difficult to handle." Frowning slightly, Yuan Feng's heart was inevitably a little bit worried. The Jiuqu Yellow River Formation, he initially practiced this thing, but now, when he came to Xuelongshan to find the Nether Dragon Beast, how could he arrange a large array in advance and wait for the Nether Dragon Beast to drill in?

"Of course, you can also kill it directly. If you can kill it, you will naturally not be afraid of the other's ability to escape." It seems that he felt the embarrassment of Yuan Feng, Dahe continued to add.

"It depends on the situation. If you are lucky enough to meet the Nether Dragon Beast, if you don't have time to set up, you can only kill it." Shaking his head, Yuan Feng no longer thinks about it. When he came to Xuelong Mountain, he had nothing more than to make fun of it. If it weren't for the fact that Captain Ziyue had also come to Xuelong Mountain, he would not necessarily come here.

"Let's go, go ahead and see!"

At the foot, Yuan Feng no longer hesitated. In a flash, his body landed directly in the middle of Xuelong Mountain.

"Brush !!!" As he entered the range of Xuelong Mountain, and the snow below was getting closer and closer, a terrible cold suddenly rushed on his face, the extremely cold low temperature, I am afraid that it would instantly wipe out an annihilation The triple person freezes into an ice sculpture, and those who destroy the fourth or fifth tier of the realm will also be instantly frozen and lose their combat power.

"Good guy, it's truly a place that only those who have been destroyed by Yae may enter. This place is really cold and scary."

Although the 9th Zhuan Xuan Gong in the third turn made him completely unaffected by the ultra-low temperature here, he still felt the surprise of this snow-capped mountain's terrible low temperature.

"This is also good, at such a low temperature, there should not be many people competing!" With a bright eye, Yuan Feng believed that the number of warriors in this Snow Dragon Mountain would not be too many.

The view of Xuelong Mountain is very wide, and some small hills do not look very obtrusive. Wherever you look, you can almost see the end. Finding a target in such a region seems to be a relatively easy task. .

Of course, if the target is willing to hide, then it is another matter.

After entering the area of ​​Xuelong Mountain, Yuan Feng began to shuttle directly in this vast area.

There is no good way to find the Nether Dragon Beast. It can only be scrambled around like this, which is almost equivalent to luck. If you are lucky, you will naturally say that if you are unlucky, you can only do it. .

According to information, the cub of the Nether Dragon Beast does not have the ability to open up space. That is to say, if this guy wants to hide, he can only hide between some snow caves in Xuelong Mountain, as long as it releases the breath. Outside, it can be noticed.

The cubs of the Nether Dragon Beast were frightened, and hiding was almost the only possibility, but it was not so easy to determine exactly where they hid.

Yuan Feng was not in a hurry. He came over to make this lively and did not force himself to find a Void Dragon Beast. He could see nature well, but he would not feel sad if he could not see it.

He just kept his speed to a maximum without anyone paying attention. That appalling speed made him soon reach the depths of the Snow Dragon Mountain, passing over the hidden dragon beasts that were unlikely The place.

"Well !!!"

Just when Yuan Feng had just reached the deeper area of ​​Xuelong Mountain, a sound of wind breaking came from the side. Hearing the sound, Yuan Feng quickly lowered his speed and waited for the other party to appear.

"Did you meet someone? I don't know who it will be!"

When he entered Xuelong Mountain this time, he didn't have to carry other people's thoughts. Anyway, there wouldn't be a few people in the world who knew him, so there was no need to hide himself too deeply.

The time spent talking, after a high peak on the left, a team of four people appeared. These four people are obviously looking for the Nether Dragon Beast, and they are at a certain distance from each other. Obviously It is a temporary team, not a small team like a law enforcement team.

The four crossed the mountains, and it was obviously the first time they saw Yuan Feng, and when they saw Yuan Feng, it was inevitable that there would be a flash of surprise in their eyes, and there was a hint of vigilance that could not be concealed.

"A few are polite!"

Yuan Feng actually behaved very calmly. The four people in front of them are not weak, obviously they have reached the realm of annihilation. Such a four-person group has considerable strength, but for today's He said that such a foursome really didn't need to be taken seriously.

"It seems that this little brother is also looking for the Nether Dragon Beast cub. If it does not dislike it, he will not join the team. When he discovers the Nether Dragon Beast, it is possible to increase the possibility of capturing it."

When Yuan Feng's words fell, one of the four men raised an eyebrow, and then took a step forward and sent an invitation directly to Yuan Feng.

"Join your team?"

Hearing the other party's invitation, Yuan Feng couldn't help squinting his eyes, and there was a hint of thought in his eyes. However, just a moment of hesitation, his brows were stretched out, "Thanks to a few who can look down on it, I still hope that you can take care of it next."

During the talk, he agreed directly.

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