The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 847: Added ground mission (one more)

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It only took a few days to leave the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team, and Yuan Feng went back and returned. However, no one knows what he has achieved in these short days.

Xiu is a big deal to improve to a higher level. The most important thing is that his 9th Zhuan Xuan Gong practice has reached the third, and the whole person is comparable to Lingbao. The next journey, under the cave world, he It can already be fearless, and even if you encounter the strong man in Dongtianjing, it is absolutely impossible to eliminate him easily.

Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong is the strongest refining divine power in the Three Realms. That's not to say. You can practice this Xuan Gong to the third level. Even the worst people can't be underestimated. Moreover, Yuan Feng is not bad. On the contrary, he has the sword art conception that swallows the heavenly spirit and has the sword conception. He is the genius who really stands at the top of the entire French realm.

Back to the Divine Sword Law Enforcement Team, Yuan Feng didn't bother the others. Now that he has accomplished a great job, he urgently needs to improve Jiuzhuan Xuan Gong steadily, and the two ends of his body are perfect for World of Warcraft. Good ingredients.

These two World of Warcraft, which have achieved a great success in the annihilation, obviously do not need to keep practicing the 9th Zhuan Xuan Gong of the 4th turn. After all, compared with the requirements of hundreds of heads of Warcraft for the 9th Zhuan Xuan Gong of the 4th turn, the two Warcrafts are really It's cheap.

However, these two World of Warcraft are used to fill the body and stabilize the current state, it is quite suitable.

With Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong in his body, Yuan Feng ’s body has begun to become a bottomless pit. Now, even if there are so many tyrannical bodies of Warcraft, he can use Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong to refining and become his own flesh and blood, and Part of the bones and veins makes your strength stronger and stronger.

Quietly returning, Yuan Feng quietly practiced for a few days this time, converging all the breath of the abnormally fierce flood monsters all over him, which ended these days of cultivation. Of course, those two World of Warcraft with great annihilation are naturally used by him completely.

"It's still a year and a half before we can reach the two-year period agreed between Yunlong and me, and it seems that there is nothing to worry about this time!"

Jiuzhuan Xuan Gong was trained in the third one. Nowadays, he does have the capital to look down on the heroes. When it comes to preparations, he is now ready to go to the world of magic.

"Nine transfers to Xuan Gong, it is obviously impossible to cultivate for a while and a half, but it seems that I have another method to practice. After I master this method ..."

After the rest of these days, Yuan Feng's heart began to ponder a new method of strengthening his strength.


Between the raised hands, a bamboo roll has appeared in his hand, which is one of the three treasures previously obtained-Jiuqu Huanghezhen!

"This super formation is almost a combination of fantasy formation, kill formation, and even various other effects. If it can be successfully cultivated and exhibited at that time, there will be no challenge at the level of annihilation. I just do n’t know if in the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation, can the people in Dongtianjing escape? "

With his eyes narrowed, Yuan Feng had longed for this Jiuqu Yellow River Array. Jiuqu Yellow River Array. This mysterious array is definitely effective against the people in the cave heaven. This ancient array is a space world of its own. By then, with the power of the formation, and supplemented by the red sword, even if it is a person who destroys a cave heaven, it seems not impossible. what!

"Before practicing Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong, the swallowing of Wutian Ling was a complete mess. I do n’t know how the effect of practicing the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation will be!"

Tian Tian Wu Ling has demonstrated a strong understanding of Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong. Right now, we must look at the situation of the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation. If we can learn the layout of this large formation smoothly ...

"Wow !!!"

At his will, the bamboo slips of the Jiuqu Yellow River Array have been spread out by him. The above text is one by one, and he is thrown to the devouring Wuling.

Jiuqu Huanghe Zhen, how exactly this thing came, I am afraid that few people can really understand it. It can be said that this super array is definitely a bead of words and words, each word has mysterious and profound power. However, if only in his own case, it is definitely harder to understand such a large array than to reach the sky.

At that time, the floods were sealed, and the Jiuqu Yellow River Array didn't know how many super-strong lives were harvested and how many strong-paths were ruined. If you can easily cultivate successfully, I am afraid the whole flood-wild land will be disorder Already.

One by one, the fonts entered the sky and martial arts. It didn't take long for Yuan Feng to appear comfortably.

As each typeface entered the Devouring Wuling, Yuan Feng found that the excitement came again from the entire Devouring Wuling. Obviously, for the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation, the Devouring Wuling also likes it very much. .

"Hahaha, okay, very good! Although the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation is difficult, it may not be a rare experience of Jiuzhuan Xuan Gong. Yellow River Formation! "

At this moment, Yuan Feng was truly indescribable. From the situation in front of me, it is clear that Tian Wu Ling has an exceptionally special feeling for things from the Three Realms, which can make Tian Wu Ling interested. The Jiuqu Yellow River Formation seems to have almost no doubt.

"Come on, the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation, lift up your mysterious veil! Let me see how strong this ancient-level formation is, and can it help me cope with the cavemen!"

He was calm and quiet, Yuan Feng no longer thought about it. Since the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation resonated with the swallowing martial arts spirit, he must be able to practice. Right now, he must at least set up a miniature Jiuqu Yellow River array and check it out. Power only.

Speaking of which, the practice of the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation is indeed not easy, but if you really want to compare it, the practice of Jiuzhuan Xuan Gong is naturally more difficult. At least, the layout of the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation does not require the Jiuzhuan Xuan Gong. Harsh, as long as a spar is used as the base, then this large array can be arranged.

Yuan Feng was immersed in the practice of the Jiuqu Yellow River Array. The layout of this large array was quite complicated. Even if Tian Wu Ling solved the mystery of the array for him, it was not easy for him to arrange it by himself. .

Obviously, if he wants to make great achievements in this big team, he must arrange it again and again, not only to be proficient, but also to be precise. Such a large array of ancient times can only exert its true power if it is truly accurate. A slight bit of error and omission will affect the power of the large array.

As time passes, the practice of the Jiuqu Yellow River Array takes more time than the Jiuzhuan Xuan Gong, but for these, Yuan Feng had already prepared mentally in advance. Anyway, he is already very strong now, and he is not anxious to improve his strength. He can spend more time on the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation.

The entire Yunlong law-protecting territory is exceptionally peaceful. As the bottom of the seven major blue law-protecting laws, the Yunlong law-protecting territory does not have too many disputes. The biggest dispute is nothing more than an intrigue between some law enforcement teams!

However, the calmness of Yunlong's law-protecting territory does not mean that the territory of other major law-protecting laws is also peaceful!

Although no one deliberately preached, the changes in the two territories of Xing Yuan and Yan Yang were still discovered by countless people. I don't know what way it was, the time is not long, the news that Xing Ren, the son of Xing Yuan's protector, and Yan Long, the son of Yan Yang's protector, are spreading wildly.

For the sons of the two major protectors falling for no reason, this naturally made countless people feel shocked and felt a little incredible.

It is rumored that the sons of these two law-protectors once appeared on the outskirts of Wanyu Mountain, and just happened to have been seen. Therefore, in all likelihood, the place where the two men fell was a short distance from Xing Yuan's law-protection territory Sheshan.

Both of the two guardians sent the strong men under the seat to enter Wanli Mountain, looking for traces of the fall of the two, but unfortunately, both of them fell into the Wanli qi area, where no one can enter at all Go, if you want to check the results, it must be unrealistic for a while.

It is speculated that the sons of these two defenders met the treasure in the Mangshan Mountains in eighty-nine years, and then died because of the uneven distribution of the stolen goods. There is also speculation that these two men encountered a space storm in Wanyu Mountain and were directly caught in the cracks in the space. They died, and there were no corpses left.

All kinds of speculations are divided, but no one knows what the facts are.

The powerful men dispatched by the two major law-protectors were unable to find clues for a short while, and the simple matter had already been exposed. The two major law-defense officers simply issued a reward task, issued a pricey task reward, and sought the whereabouts of Xing Ren and Yan Long, or This is the reason for the fall of the two people. At one time, the law enforcement teams under the major law protection seats received this task.

Step quest, find the killer! For a time, this task became almost the most popular task on the mission. Many law enforcement teams went to Wanyu Mountain in search of the murderers who killed Yan Long and Xing Ren.

The law enforcement of Yan Yang and the law enforcement of Xing Yuan naturally sent all law enforcement teams under their seat. These law enforcement teams do not need to find the killers. As long as they can find some clues, they can gain a lot. Under this kind of reward, I don't know how many people have entered Wanyu Mountain because of this, and have lost their lives because of this.

Countless strong people have poured into Wanyu Mountain, and it is foreseeable that no matter what the final result will be, this time I am afraid that many will die. Of course, even if so many people enter Wanlishan, no effective clues can be found, but at least some simple information can still be collected.

ps: In the middle of the month, everyone should have flowers in their hands, begging the most precious flowers to support the most industrious little smoke! !! Yesterday's six changes, today is at least five changes, for your support and motivation! !! !!

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