The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 832: Rest (four more)

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The blue jade house, the territory of Yunlong's law-protection, and a huge teleportation mystery array suddenly light up. Then, the figure of five men and one woman appeared from the teleportation array.

"Huh, finally back. Although the territory of Lord Yunlong Protector is smaller, I still feel that the air here is the freshest, hahaha!"

As soon as he showed up, the six of them were chasing the wind and laughing.

As the saying goes, gold nests and silver nests are not as good as their kennels. Although the territory of Yunlong Protector is a bit smaller, of course, as a native of this place, of course, he has an unusually different feeling for this place. What a perfect place is absolutely difficult to replace.

"Follow the wind, you have said so many words, this sentence is the best!" This time it was Yan Yan who spoke first. Obviously, the phrase "Follow the Wind" resonated with him. In fact, after returning to this soil, he also felt much more comfortable than outside, at least not need to be too restrained.

Before going to Xing Yuan's territory to protect the law, whether it was in Xing Yuan's territory to protect the law, or in the mountains of Wanyu, they have always been in a state of restraint, but now they have returned to their homeland, they can completely relax.

"Hum, how come there are so many emotions? How many years have I lived again, and I still haven't been enough!" Gu Yue, who was also not very talkative, was also skeptical at this moment.

"Haha, it seems that everyone is out to perform this mission, it should be a rewarding experience!"

As long as a few people talked, a long laugh came suddenly, but here is the guardian who conveyed the mysterious array, Mr. He, who has come from one side to the front, and greeted several people.

"It turned out to be Mr. He, made Mr. He laugh!" On formal occasions, the only person who could speak as a representative was naturally Captain Lie Xin. After seeing Mr. He came near, Captain Lie Xin could not help but smile slightly and pay back to the other party. Road.

"Captain Liexin, shouldn't you really complete the task of Master Xing Yuan to protect the law?" Mr. He's attitude is obviously more respectful than before. At the time of the repair, he dared not have the slightest arrogance, and later he passed on the message to the left messenger, who later ordered him to stop provoking the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team.

The six rebuilds of the annihilation of the annihilation are complete, and the demon moon law enforcement team is very good at fighting one another. Of course, such a strong team must be well maintained.

"It is still complete. It is good to be able to return with a small life." Without waiting for Captain Liexin to speak, the wind behind her was to lead the way. "The danger of Wanyu Mountain is simply not a place where people can go, Fortunately, we withdrew after a while, otherwise we might not be able to come back! "

Previously, when returning from Xing Yuan's protection, the strike had been unified. As long as someone asked, they said that they were back within a few steps and did not go deep into Wanyu Mountain.

Such excuses can be regarded as quite satisfactory, because in this case, there are literally everywhere in Wanyu Mountain. Many strong men who have reached Wanyu Mountain will evacuate directly after a few steps. Obviously, this kind of This approach is indeed a good choice.

"It's the greatest joy to be able to return home safely, everyone has worked hard."

Mr. He did not dare to neglect. He felt that after the Sword Squad Enforcement Team went out, everyone's strength seemed to have improved a lot. Right now, I'm afraid I just pulled out a person from the Sword Squad Enforcement Team. He's afraid They are not opponents.

In this regard, his heart can not help but a little helpless, but unfortunately he is only responsible for guarding the mysterious array, to improve the opportunities for cultivation, but there are really not many.

"Mr. He is really hard!" Captain Liexin smiled a little casually, and then continued, "I will just go back and make some adjustments.

The words fell, but she did not wait for the other to say more. It was the first one to rise up and go straight to the house of the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team.

"Farewell !!" The others also learned everything, and arched their hands at Mr. He, and then left. In the meantime, Yuan Feng had not spoken, but was ignored by Mr. He.

The teleportation mysterious array was not close to the mansion, and everyone flew for a long time before returning to the mansion of the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team. After returning to this mansion, everyone's mood naturally became more relaxed.

"It's still the most comfortable here. It seems that even if it gives me a good place, I would rather choose my nest."

I found a bench smartly, and chased the wind first to lie down and enjoy this rare relaxation and coziness.

"Ha, born in sorrow and died in peace. If you lie here every day, it will not be far from you to lie here forever." Seeing Laziness lazily, Tian asked with a smile.

"This ......... just relax once in a while, it's so scary to see what you said!" Putting aside his lips, chasing the wind is a bit uncomfortable.

"Everyone relax. The tightness of this period of time is really tiring." After seeing a few of his teammates started to laugh, Captain Lie Xin also smiled, facing everyone.

"Look, the captain has said that you need to relax, so you pretend to be diligent." Hearing Captain Liexin said that naturally, the pursuit of the wind is more talkative, and when you talk, you just lie down again and do n’t forget Grimly asked the sky a glance.

"Captain, you and everyone should rest for a while. The training resources you get this time are enough for everyone to practice for a while." Yuan Feng didn't say much, and he returned to the mansion of the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team. He Then stood up and said.

"Yeah, everyone ’s practice is a little too fast. I just took this resource and practiced it seriously." Nodded, Captain Lie Xin looked up and down at Yuan Feng, and then continued, "Yuan Feng, do what you want to do. If there is no major matter, we will try not to disturb you. "

As the captain of the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team, Lie Xin certainly could see Yuan Feng's mood. Obviously, Yuan Feng is very anxious now. As for what is anxious, she can still think of it.

She and the others did not understand the Nine Turns Xuan Gong obtained before, but she paid attention to Yuan Feng at that moment. Obviously, Yuan Feng seemed to understand this strange magic work.

Seeing the rush of light between Yuan Feng's eyebrows, she knew that Yuan Feng could not wait to practice Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong.

"Ahem, then I'll go back first, and if anything, the captain will just call me."

Seeing through the mind of the other party, Yuan Feng couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, but at the moment he was in a hurry to practice, but didn't say much. After saying hello to everyone, he left the hall and went back to his secret room to practice.

"Brother Yuan Feng is too diligent. I'm going to practice just now. It's just a cultivation mad!"

Seeing Yuan Feng leaving in a hurry, the others of the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team all showed a trace of admiration. Naturally, if one wants to be strong, talent is important, but what is more important is the acquired effort. Obviously, Yuan Feng explained this very well.

"Well, there is a reason why Brother Yuan Feng is strong. If everyone can be as diligent as Brother Yuan Feng, then it should not be like now."

"Haha, forget it, Brother Yuanfeng is mysterious and mysterious. His strength is not simply because of the effort. It is simply not something everyone can learn."

"Yes, but then again, no matter what, the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team can have Brother Yuan Feng join in, that's all our luck!"

Everyone knows that Yuan Feng has too many secrets on his body, and aside from his own swordsmanship mood, his two Warcraft pets alone are enough to make countless people despair.

Although Yuan Feng said that the dragon was his friend, in their hearts, how can there be Warcraft to be friends? To put it plainly, isn't that Yuan Feng's Warcraft pet?

A small eight, a black dragon, these two heads of Warcraft, I am afraid they can match their entire team, and still more than enough.

"Brother Yuan Feng said before that one year later he had something to leave, and he didn't know if it was true or false!"

After joking, Yan Yan, who was more attentive, suddenly narrowed his eyes and said gently.

"Eh, yes, he seems to have said that, and I don't know if it is true or to shake the woman of the Yaoyue Law Enforcement Team."

Yuan Feng previously told Yan Xueer that he would go to see her after he returned to the French Realm, meaning that he would leave the French Realm. Although everyone did n’t say it before, they always thought about it. On this matter.

"It stands to reason that Brother Yuan Feng should not lie and deceive people. I think in all likelihood this is true!"

Herd can't lie down at this moment. Yuan Feng's strength makes the entire Excalibur Law Enforcement Team very powerful. If Yuan Feng leaves, then their team may be back to liberation.

Of course, the arrival of Yuan Feng has already promoted too much for them. Today's Divine Sword Law Enforcement Team, under the Dragon Guardian seat, can already walk sideways.

"Hey, what about the real fake? Brother Yuan Feng was arranged here by the defender. I'm afraid it may not be a long-term solution. It may be temporary. If Brother Yuan Feng is leaving, we can't keep it. "

Shaking his head and sighing, Gu Yue was more thorough and more open, but what he said was indeed true. Yuan Feng had to leave, and they could not keep it.

"Everyone don't think about it, rest in peace, and then practice carefully. No matter how many people in the future Excalibur Law Enforcement Team, we must be the strongest team."

She waved her hand and Captain Lie Xin stopped everyone from talking. She knew most clearly that Yuan Feng was not the kind of person who would lie. It seems that his time in this team is really short.

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