The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 829: Three things (one more)

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The acquisition of Nine Turns Xuan Gong was an unthinkable gain for Yuan Feng. At present, his attack skills are more than enough, and this time he obtained the Red Xiao Sword, it has greatly increased his attack power, even if it is With many annihilation powers, he also has the capital to be comfortable.

Once Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong is completed, he will improve his practice by several levels at that time. He can almost foresee that he will have the capital of the Pandong Heaven Realm in the future.

Yuan Feng didn't cherish his blessings for this step, but when he passed on this super power to others and let others watch it together, everyone was almost depressed and vomiting blood.

As for Yuan Feng, everyone is not very enthusiastic about Yuanfeng, but when they saw the terrible power of Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong, they were naturally a little enthusiastic about this magic.

It is a pity that when everyone tried to watch this magic work, they all felt dizzy, and it was difficult to sort out the slightest thoughts, and even they knew that if they forcibly cultivated this magic work, they would In all likelihood, he will go into a demon.

In the end, everyone can only regard this magic as a chicken rib martial art, and it is a persuasion that Yuan Feng should never be trained to avoid martial arts.

Yuan Feng agreed to the people's orders very seriously, but he knew in his heart that even if he took the risk of going into the devil, he would definitely practice this magic. In addition, he who had swallowed up the heavenly spirits was not able to cultivate at all.

"You guys, you have already walked two cave heavens. Now, there are three cave heavens here. Do you want to go with me again?"

After everyone had watched Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong, Yuan Feng put away this super power, and then smiled at everyone.

"What? There's one more? This ...... there are so many?"

When Yuan Feng's words came down, everyone was shocked. After exploring a blissful place, they thought it was over, and did not expect Yuan Feng to take them into the second building. But now, Yuan Feng told them that there was one more, and everyone felt like they had entered the maze.

"Yes, there is indeed one, and it should be the same place as these two caves. As for what is there, it is not easy to say now."

With a slight smile, Yuan Feng knew that everyone would be a bit surprised at the situation at present. After all, they all thought that there was only one cave in the sky!

"Brother Yuanfeng, why do you and you seem to be very familiar with this place? Are you not here, or do you know the host here?"

After a brief shock, the enemies of the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team first stood up, and looked at Yuan Feng up and down, and asked with a smile.

After entering the Heavenly Blessed Land, Yuan Feng's performance was too unimaginable. Looking at Yuan Feng ’s posture, it is obvious that everything is under his control. This scene, everyone sees it, but is curious in his heart. .

Obviously, those who are curious about this are not just asking Tian Tian. When the voice of asking Tian Tian falls, everyone looks at Yuan Feng with a look of inquisitive expression.

"Oh, this ... it ’s not without reason, but the specific situation is really hard to explain to everyone, if you can trust me, you still have to ask, know too much, I am afraid for everyone It's not a good thing. "

With a look of embarrassment, Yuan Feng also understood that these people were more savvy than one, how could they not see anything? However, there are some things that cannot be explained. If everyone trusts him, there is no need to explain them!

"Well, ask God, you should not be so curious, you should say, Brother Yuan Feng will definitely tell everyone, shouldn't say, it's for the sake of everyone, so just bear with your curiosity! "

Aside, Yan Yan stepped forward and patted Wen Tian's shoulder, patiently persuading to the other side.

"Yuan Feng, son, I am able to follow Yuan Feng to see such a sacred place, and I'm already satisfied." Captain Ziyue also stood up at this time, and said that she actually liked the situation now. They have never thought of any further gains, but as long as they can follow Yuan Feng for a long time and then have a good relationship with Yuan Feng, this is already very good.

"Thank you for your understanding. In this case, let's go to the next place and be blessed now."

After being understood by everyone, Yuan Feng smiled slightly, turned around and walked straight to a wall.

Obviously, the wall at this place must be the passage between this dojo and another dojo.

"Well, the miracle is about to be performed again!" Seeing Yuan Feng walked towards a wall without hesitation, everyone knows that Yuan Feng should have secretly mastered the passage to the next cave heaven, and for Yuan Feng's familiarity with it made everyone curious.

Curious and curious, with the previous scene, this time no one asked any questions.

"Big black, is it four fast and three slow?" Going under the wall, Yuan Feng groaned slightly, and asked the Black Dragon secretly.

"Yes, the passwords are the same between these channels, go knock!"

"Oh!" Affirmed by the Black Dragon, Yuan Feng smiled slightly, then went up to the front, and banged the wall again according to the previous method.

"BOOM BOOM BOOM !!! ......... boom boom boom ...... !!"

Four fast and three slow, the rhythmic percussion was completed, and then, this unsurprising wall surface suddenly changed slightly, turning into a transformation from the ordinary wall to the transmission channel.

"Hah, get it done!" Seeing the transmission channel appear, Yuan Feng didn't want to, and he was about to swipe away from the channel.

"Wait, it doesn't seem right!"

However, just when Yuan Feng was about to enter the passage, the black dragon on his wrist suddenly opened his mouth, preventing his movement.

"Eh? Isn't it right? Is there anything wrong?" With a stagnant figure, Yuan Feng stiffly stopped his shape and asked the Black Dragon with a little suspicion.

"Hey, it seems that this dojo was discovered by someone."

Hearing Yuan Feng's question, Heilong smiled, and returned to Yuan Feng. It is very familiar with the three dojos here. Where can I not feel the changes in the dojo? From the transmission channel in front of it, it felt that the breath of other people came from the opposite side, and more than one person.

"Oh? Was it the first person to board?" Heilong's voice dropped, Yuan Feng couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and said with a little suspicion.

"It's not easy to say if someone is going to get in first, but there is obviously someone in the opposite direction." There was no mood swing in the tone. Heilong moaned slightly, then he said to him, "You wait here first, let me check it out first!!"

After that, without waiting for Yuan Feng to answer, it suddenly jumped out of Yuan Feng's cuffs and got into the passage directly.

"Yuan Feng, what's going on? But is there anything wrong?"

Behind him, when they saw that Yuan Feng was about to move, but stopped again, the crowd couldn't help but hesitated, wondering what Yuan Feng was going to do!

"Someone on the opposite side, I've asked my friend of Warcraft to explore the road first, everyone will wait a moment." His eyes narrowed slightly, Yuan Feng would like to go to the other side to see, who is so fast, even entered In the dojo.

"What? Someone?"

Everyone hasn't seen outsiders for a long time. I heard that there are outsiders in Dongtianfudi, and they were all surprised. Like Yuan Feng, they can't wait to go to the opposite side now to see who it is!

"Wait a minute, I believe Dahei should be able to handle it."

Nodded, Yuan Feng suppressed the curiosity in his heart and smiled at everyone. He is very clear that those who can come here are definitely the real strong, maybe the sons of some law protectors, and for this level of characters, it is better to contact less if possible.

With his current methods and Dahei's help, there is no problem in killing the son of the Dharma Dharma's perfect conqueror, but he is not the kind of cruel and addictive person who kills if he sees someone. Is the devil?

However, if he contacts too many people and eventually does not kill those people, then it is likely to cause trouble for himself. You know, if you let outsiders know that there is a team like them in Wanyu Mountain, then the deaths of Xing Ren and Yan Long before are likely to suspect them.

Therefore, if it is possible at the moment, Yuan Feng does not want to contact too many people.

As a god-like being in the Three Realms, Dahei can see through these natures very well, so he entered another piece of Taoism by himself, without letting him and others pass.

Yuan Feng is very trusting in the black dragon of the Three Realms. For the dragon, they are disdainful to lie, and Dahei's performance from the beginning to the present has also made him very relieved. The main thing is that for the things in this third dojo, his mentality is more positive. No matter if he can get it, he will not be unhappy.

Everyone stood silently waiting, but this wait did not last long, almost less than half a quarter of an hour, the light curtain before everyone's eyes moved slightly, and then, the black body The shape is suddenly burst out through the light curtain.

"Yuan Feng, your luck is indeed good. The three treasures left by the owner are now all to you."

The black Shenlong came out of the light curtain, and everyone looked shocked. Yuan Feng heard the voice of Shenlong directly. During the conversation, a roll of bamboo slips that looked very ordinary was directly spit out by the black dragon and was thrown into the Yuan Feng's hands.

Obviously, this time, it just took out the treasure in the third dojo!

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