The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 826: Chixiao Sword

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Finally got the treasure in Dongtianfudi, Yuan Feng's mood was simply beyond words of joy. He didn't expect that the treasure left by the senior man turned out to be an ancient magic sword!

As a man of the Three Realms, he certainly understood what the ancient Chinese sword meant. According to legend, each ancient soldier is an earth-shattering existence. These soldiers were born from chaos, and each one has the power to destroy the heavens and the earth. Anyone who can obtain such a soldier is truly Powerful man.

At this moment, he even got such an ancient excalibur sword. In response, he had an impulse to raise the sky.

"Yuan Feng, this sword is called Chixiao, but it is a true sword of Emperor Dao. Although it is not as famous as Xuanyuan Sword, it is not worse than Xuanyuan Sword. In addition, this sword was borrowed by an emperor of the year, which made the sword gain a lot of merit and even more power. "

At the beginning of the chaos, countless spiritual treasures have appeared in the world, and the Red Sword came into being. It was obtained by a powerful person, but it has not been revealed too much. However, those who are really strong know that if only power and In terms of quality, Chixiao Sword is not worse than Xuanyuan Sword, but it is not as famous.

"Red Xiao Sword? Excalibur not worse than Xuanyuan Sword? This ..." Yuan Feng was playing with the Excalibur in his hand. Hearing the words of the Black Dragon at this moment, the whole person was shaking and his heart was full. Startled.

Frankly speaking, he is really unfamiliar with the name of Chixiao Sword, but he is not familiar with the famous Xuanyuan Sword. The Chixiao sword now can be compared with Xuanyuan sword. What kind of treasure is this?

"Boy Yuanfeng, this Chixiao sword is a true congenital soldier. Seriously, you are not fully qualified to control this sword, but the devouring beast on your body is also born of chaos. Among them, the Red Xiao Sword can be tamed by you and used by you, I am afraid most of the reason is because of the relationship between swallowing the gods and beasts. "

Ancient magic soldiers, of course, not everyone can control, if you want to control such magic weapons, when you look at opportunities, the second is to look at strength. With the opportunity, then naturally control the soldiers. If there is not enough opportunity, then you can only control it with a huge amount of power, but I am afraid that the required power will be very large.

What's the chance of Yuan Feng, it's not easy to say. As for strength, it's far worse. However, Yuan Feng ’s devouring beast is a real super existence, and the devouring beast and Chixiao sword are also born in the chaos. Naturally, there is a kind of closeness between the two.

It can be seen that most of the reasons that Yuan Feng was able to control the Chixiao sword were because the latter regarded him as a devouring beast.

"A strong sword, with this sword in hand, my strength is simply increased by countless times! Now let me play with the two guys before the battle. Where can I use Xuan Zhen to help? As long as one sword, you should be able to Kill as many people as possible! "

While listening to the introduction of the Black Dragon, Yuan Feng stroked the sword body obsessively, and that kind of shocking power made him intoxicated and difficult to extricate himself.

What is a magic soldier? This is the real magic soldier! Compared with this Chixiao sword, the fire spirit sword on his body is like burning a fire stick! He had a feeling that even now, when he was holding the sword, he could completely kill a super expert in the cave world.

This is not bragging, but the confidence given to him by the power of the Excalibur.

"Hey hey, boy, Yuan Feng, listen to me first, Chi Xiaojian is yours now, and you will have time to appreciate it in the future."

Seeing that Yuan Feng had been obsessed with the sword in his hand, he didn't seem to listen to himself, and the Black Dragon couldn't help feeling a little unhappy.

"Oh, Dahei, you say, I'm listening!" Being reminded by the black dragon, Yuan Feng hurriedly looked up, listening to the explanation of the black dragon.

"This red sword is in the so-called legal realm. It should be a taboo. The master came to this world and never dared to reveal the red sword, because once it is revealed, I am afraid that the world's fortune will be strong. Everyone will be mad to snatch. I said so, but you understand? "

Although there is a magic weapon in the magical realm of France, how can those ordinary irons be compared with the ancient magic sword? It can be said that even if all the so-called magic soldiers in this world are added together, they can not reach the hilt of the Chixiao sword.

In other words, Chixiao is simply something that should not exist in this world. It is conceivable that once such a magic weapon is present, even the few people standing at the top of the French realm will inevitably come to compete.

If it was his master, in his heyday, relying on the Chixiao sword, he was not afraid of those super powers. As for Yuan Feng, in his opinion, now Yuan Feng is holding the Chixiao sword, supplemented by his strength Swordsmanship should be able to deal with ordinary Dongtianjing strong, but you can only meet the super strong at that level, and you can only obediently give the baby to others.

"His ...... whatever the powerful creatures are going to snatch? Doesn't that ... mean that even if I get this Chixiao sword, can't I just take it out?"

When the words of the black dragon came down, Yuan Feng realized that the ancient soldiers who seemed to have obtained them seemed to be a hot potato! Well, it looks like he is going to be guilty of being guilty.

"Yes, before you reach the world's so-called Cave Heaven Realm Seventh Heaven Realm, Chixiao Sword must never reveal others, otherwise, you should understand the consequences yourself."

When he and his master came to this world at first, they felt an extraordinary apprehension of divine knowledge. In front of that kind of force, only Yuan Feng, who had reached the seventh heaven of the cave, could protect himself with the Chixiao sword.

"Eh, Dongtian Realm Seventh Heaven? This, this ..." After hearing Hei Long's statement, Yuan Feng suddenly had a black line on his face. Dongtian Realm Seventh Heaven, if he can reach that realm, where else does he need a magic sword?

"Of course, this is not absolute. If you are in a critical situation, you can rely on the Chixiao sword to save your life, but you must be very careful to show it, and it must not be felt by the powerful creatures of this world.

Seems to be aware of Yuan Feng's depression, Black Dragon hurriedly added to Yuan Feng again. It is actually a more conservative statement in order to make Yuan Feng more careful. In fact, if it's just ordinary display, then even if it is a powerful person in this world, it may not be able to feel it. After all, characters of that level must have their own big things to do, so how can they explore all day?

"Yes, thank you for your guidance." Nodded, Yuan Feng also understood that if it was not a last resort, this Chixiao sword could not really be used casually. Even if it is used, it must be used. Hurry to collect the sword, and then travel thousands of miles away, absolutely must not be noticed by outsiders.

The formidable powerhouse, if he is really followed by a character of that level, he will not escape the palm of his hand, even if he gets into the ground! However, as far as he knows, the owner of the thirty-six provinces is nothing more than a person with a great consummation in the heavenly realm. As for the powerful realm, he does not know where it is.

"Well !!!"

In the time between Yuan Feng and Black Dragon talking, a sound of breaking wind came, but it was the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team and Yaoyue Enforcement Team that finally came to him.

"Good guy, brother Yuan Feng, what kind of baby are you and you holding? This is too exaggerated!"

When I came near, everyone looked at the red Xiao Sword in Yuan Feng's hands. From above the Divine Sword, they felt a terrible coercion, and intuitively told them that they must stay away from this thing. Otherwise, I am afraid that I will be hurt by this thing.

"All of you, this is the treasure in this heavenly heaven and earth. Forgiveness is selfish. I am afraid that this sword cannot be shared with everyone." Seeing the crowds gathered, each one looked at the Chixiao sword brightly, Yuan Feng couldn't help looking Yizheng, facing everyone.

He can take out other things to share, but this Chixiao sword is definitely not. On the one hand, no one at the scene could control the sword, and on the other hand, even if they gave them the Red Xiao Sword, I am afraid they could only harm them.

"Where is the son of Yuan Feng? This sword was originally discovered by you. Naturally, it is your control. Why do you say it for your own sake?" Captain Ziyue first stood up and smiled at Yuan Feng.

"Yes, the whole process is that you are working alone, and, with your sword skills, this sword is only controlled by you, and we all have no complaints."

Captain Lie Xin hastily stepped forward to express his opinions and ideas.

No one will dislike the Chixiao sword in front of you, but everyone knows that this thing is definitely beyond their control. The terrifying power uploaded from the sword body, with their strength, it is impossible to tame. .

Moreover, this magic sword was found by Yuan Feng, and they have no reason to speak. Right now, the only thing that surprised them was what kind of magic soldier this sword was, and it could be so powerful.

"Thank you very much for your understanding, thank you very much !!!"

After getting everyone's answers, Yuan Feng showed a smile of relief.

He was really a little worried that the crowd would be dissatisfied with him directly receiving the Chixiao sword, but now it seems that the crowd does not have any dissatisfaction.


As soon as he raised his hand, he put away the Chixiao sword for the time being. For safety reasons, he did not randomly release the Chixiao sword, but directly retracted it into his own Dantian space.

With this magic sword in his body, future actions, he is an extra means of life-saving, and it is a real super-means.

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