The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 816: Kill the vanguard (second)

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wuling World!

Outside the dark cave, the two guardians of the law, with their four annihilated powerhouses, waited patiently outside the entrance of the cave, waiting for the good news from the Sword Enforcement Team and the Demon Moon Enforcement Team.

They are not worried about the monsters of the Yaoyue Law Enforcement Team and the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team, because they have made it very clear that if they cannot complete the task, they will all die. Under the threat of death, they did not believe that the others would dare to work hard.

Time goes by, and the time of the day is fleeting. Outside the cave, Xing Ren and Yan Long are still hiding in the dark, waiting for everyone in the Yaoyue Law Enforcement Team to draw out Warcraft, and then they can rush in directly.

However, for a whole day, no noise was heard in the cave. The feeling was as if Yuan Feng and his party had entered the cave directly, and then they were eaten by the Warcraft inside.

Although the two were very patient, there was no trace of movement for a whole day. No matter who they changed, it may be difficult to keep calm!


Almost at the same time, Xing Ren and Yan Long brought their own people out of the dark, and once again stood directly opposite the entrance to the deep black cave.

"Brother Xing, it doesn't seem right. In one day, there isn't even a single movement. Those guys, shouldn't they all be eaten by Warcraft?"

Yan Long's brow had slightly frowned. Originally, when he wanted to come, after the crowd entered, he could see the result almost immediately. For a whole day, let alone see the result, they even made a sound. They Did not hear. Regarding this, even if he thought about it with his toes, there must be something wrong.

"No, the team of thirteen, no matter how bad, it is absolutely impossible to be eaten all at once, and even if it is eaten by Warcraft, it should be called a bit."

Shaking his head, Xing Ren's brow was also tightly frowned together. He did not believe that so many people were eaten by Warcraft. The Yaoyue Law Enforcement Team had a good reputation and they were all good. Warcraft. Therefore, such a possibility can be completely excluded.

"Not eaten by Warcraft, then there seems to be only one possibility-these people are working passively, maybe they are hiding in the cave now!"

With his eyes narrowed, Yan Long's eyes were all cold. They all know that the Yaoyue Law Enforcement Team and the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team are absolutely afraid to take orders, but it is entirely possible to be passive.

This cave is so deep. After these people entered, they were on the halfway and couldn't go in and out. Obviously they couldn't take other people. And if these people really stop halfway, they will not be able to wait for World of Warcraft, even if they wait until they are old.

"Huh, a bunch of cheap bills, dare to play with us, it seems they are really impatient!"

Xing Ren's complexion was suddenly ruthless. What are their identities? Those members of the law enforcement team dare to shake them up this way, which is absolutely intolerable. In their hearts, serving them, even death, is something to be proud of.

"The four of you go in and take a look. Remember not to go too far. If you see those cheap bills are lazy, give me a hard lesson. If necessary, kill one or two as a warning."

With a little groaning, Yan Long finally looked fierce, turning back to the two people behind him, and the two people behind Xing Ren.


The four agreed to this task without hesitation. Just letting them investigate the situation of the Yaoyue Law Enforcement Team and others, not letting them lead Warcraft, this task is simple for them. They are all powerful annihilators. It seems that the difficulty is not difficult to kill the former group.

At least they think so.

"Well !!!" After taking the command, the four of them entered the cave directly, without any hesitation. In their hearts, the members of the Yaoyue Law Enforcement Team may be passive, but they dare not count them. Therefore, when the four entered, they were not even prepared for the defense, and they just swaggered in.

"It seems that our bait is not very obedient!" When the four entered the cave, Yan Long and Xing Ren couldn't help looking at each other, but they all showed a smile. They really didn't believe it. After a while, their subordinates beheaded several people to kill chickens, tamarins, and monkeys.

After the four masters of the annihilation stage entered the cave, they did not hesitate and flew directly into the depths of the cave.

Although their minds are difficult to probe too far, their eyes can still see far away. At the moment, their goal is to find the people of the Yaoyue Law Enforcement Team. As for the others, they are too lazy to look.

Flying at such a rapid speed, very soon, the four of them have penetrated the cave by a distance of about several kilometers, and this distance is almost half of what they had entered into the cave.

At this distance, the crowd of Yaoyue Law Enforcement Team had not been seen, and frankly, the four of them were a little confused at this moment.

Theoretically, if everyone in the Yaoyue Law Enforcement Team is working on a foreign worker, then it should not go too deep, but the depth at this moment is a bit weird.

"I said to you, those guys won't really be swallowed up by the World of Warcraft? The weird World of Warcraft, how strange it is, I'm really worried that those people have become the food of Warcraft!"

"Brother Li Jian, don't say anything wrong. If those guys are dead, then it's the four of us who are unlucky! You still pray that those people are all right now, just that they are hiding more deeply."

"Yes, yes, they don't die. If they die, then the work of the bait must fall on the heads of the four of us. By then, the four of us can survive one and a half. God blessed! "

The hearts of the four were very clear. If there were no members of the Yaoyue Law Enforcement Team, then the task of entering the cave to introduce Warcraft would have fallen on their heads, so now they really do not want Yuan Feng and his party. Something went wrong.

"Don't say it, let's continue. If you want to come a little distance away, you should be able to have results!"

Shaking their heads and sighing, the four did not say much anymore. Between the bodies flying, they continued to fly towards them.

After flying about another three to five hundred meters, the four still didn't see anything wrong. Between them, the four turned a corner and reached a relatively straight section of the cave.

Looking at it, the entire road is a straight section of thousands of meters. When we see the unobstructed sight in front of us, there is nothing hesitant to think about, and we continue to fly towards it.

"Om !!! Boom !!!"

However, just as the four people turned the corner and flew less than a hundred meters, the ground of the cave suddenly trembled slightly, and then a flame covering almost a full hundred meters suddenly suddenly Soaring into the sky, there was a black flame in the purple, and in a moment it swallowed up the four powerful annihilation powers, and even the surrounding stone walls were burned into a powder at this moment, and they all fell off. under.

"Ah !!!!!! No, it's a trick !!!"

At the moment when the flames rose, the four great powerhouses who had perished in the eighth stage felt the danger coming, but it was undoubtedly a little late to feel the danger at this time.

The blazing flames burned, and in a moment's work, the clothes of the four strong men disappeared, and their hair was turned into ashes. The surface of their bodies became scorched, and the inside was Scary red.

The physical body of the annihilation power is still very strong. Although such a flame is terrible, as long as they can escape faster, they should be able to recover after a little conditioning.


The situation of the body's imminent collapse left the four masters frightened. They never dreamed of this scene appearing. At this time, they all started to catch fire. If they really burned like this, even if they have Nine lives are over.

"Since it's here, why do you want to leave? The two teams of ice and fire, the two days of ice and fire !!! Change !!!"

The response of the Big Four is not uncomfortable, but how can they surpass the calculation speed of a caring person? Before they flew a few meters away, a sneer was ringing in their ears, the laughter didn't stop, the fiery flame below them, like a salary being drawn from the bottom of the kettle at once, disappeared instantly.

However, wait for them to rejoice because of the disappearance of the flames. A cold and cold chill suddenly came from all directions, instantly freezing their hot bodies and cooling them!

"Well !!!"

The hot, burning body was immediately frozen, and the bodies of the four cracked in an instant, and in a blink of an eye, it turned into a pile of pieces, and it fell to the ground.


When the four powerful annihilation powerhouses were frozen and decomposed one by one, the cold chill was suddenly disappeared. The whole cave was a mess, it was like going through a mess. This is an unimaginable catastrophe.

"Xiao Ba, go, let's eat it !!!" The cold air was gone, Yuan Feng's figure suddenly appeared from somewhere. As soon as he raised his hand, Xiao Ba rushed out and arrived instantly. Before the four annihilates the pieces of the Eighth Powerful, they sucked up suddenly, and swallowed the bodies of several people, turning them into pure energy to fill themselves.

In this way, even the four strongest powerhouses in the annihilation are no longer able to survive.

"Brush brush !!!"

When everything was over and the lights came on one after another, everyone at the Divine Sword Law Enforcement Team and Yaoyue Law Enforcement Team appeared at this time. Everyone was beating their eyes and staring at everything in front of them.

ps: begging for support! !! !! Come on, brothers! !! !!

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