The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 814: New partners (five more flowers)

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wuling World!

This world is full of wonders, no matter whether it is Yuan Feng or the black dragon beast, they never thought that they could still meet people from the Three Realms in this world.

I have to say that the meeting at this moment really feels like a stranger in another country, although they didn't know it before.

Regarding Yuan Feng, the black dragon and the beast are more valued. Aside from Yuan Feng's current cultivation and strength, single unit Feng has the ability to swallow the heavenly spirit, making it have to give Yuan Feng a high look.

In addition, Yuan Feng ’s artistic conception of swordsmanship really made him feel shocked. He has been in this world for so long, and naturally understands what the artistic conception of the artistic conception of the sword means!

The Devouring Heaven Beast becomes a Wuling, attached to Yuan Feng's body, and it is not clear what kind of causal relationship there is, but in any case, the Devouring Heaven Beast is the Devouring Heaven Beast, and the Devouring Beast is the Devouring Beast There seems to be a fundamental difference between the two.

Right now, Yuan Feng obviously can freely control the Devouring Martial Spirit transformed by the Devouring Heaven Beast. As for whether there will be any changes in the future, it can only be seen in the future. Perhaps the devouring beast of the sky is indeed dead, and the swallowing martial arts spirit at the moment is nothing more than a coincidence. Such a possibility cannot be ruled out.

"Senior Black Dragon, what are you doing now? Why is it here?"

For this black dragon from the same world as himself, Yuan Feng did treat it as a senior man. Although the other party is just a dragon, not a person, he knew in the heart that in the original world, this black dragon I do not know how many times noble than ordinary people!

"Hey, I came to this world by coincidence with the host, and the host eventually fell because of the injury, leaving the Wan Laoshan and some of his heritage. I was fortunate enough to stay here and keep here. Never left. "

It seems that Black Dragon hasn't spoken to people for a long time. When I met Yuan Feng, a fellow fellow, it obviously became more and more. If someone else sees a person and a dragon talking here, I do n’t know if How many people startled their chins!

"Oh? In this way, this mandala is left by the master of the black dragon senior? What kind of strong man does the master of the black dragon senior have?"

From the previous explanation of Heilong, he already knew that the opponent was here with a strong man from the Three Realms, but it seemed that the strong man was unable to survive in the end because of the injury.

"The master is a mighty man. If it was not because he was injured too much in the cracks of time and space, he could easily kill the law-protecting figures in this world. Even those masters of the house may not be the master's opponent. Unfortunately, The reason is that due to the severe injuries, the strength of the master is equivalent to five or six characters in this world. "

Speaking of these, Heilong's tone can not help but feel a bit emotional, his master is indeed very powerful, although there is little fame in the Three Realms, but the real strong, I am afraid that few do not know.

It is a pity that no matter how strong the power is, it has disappeared and has become nothing.

"Eh, the strong man at the house level? Even if you are injured, there are five or six strengths in Dongtianjing? This ..." Only then did Yuan Feng understand that it is no wonder that Wanyu Mountain is so dangerous that it turned out to be so strong The legacy of the person.

"Little guy, unfortunately you came a little late. If the master did not go before, his means can still be inherited by you. As for now ..."

The means in the Three Realms are somewhat excluded in this world. People in this world cannot practice the means in the Three Realms, but Yuan Feng is definitely an exception and may try to practice. It is a pity that its owner is dead, and all these means have gone with it, and it is difficult to shine in this world.

"Ah, it's a pity." Hearing the words of Black Dragon, Yuan Feng nodded in agreement. He really wanted to try the methods in the Three Realms. For those magic tricks, he had been yearning for it. If he could practice the same two things, he would be able to brighten the eyes of countless people.

"However, you don't have to be too disappointed. In any case, you are here in time, and you won't get any benefit." Seeing the sadness of Yuan Feng's face, Heilong couldn't help but turn around, it was extremely humane and authentic .

"Well? Senior Black Dragon means ..."

"Noah, here is a map left by the owner. Following this map, you can get one of the three treasures left by the owner. Speaking of which, the treasure guided by this map is just right for you. "

Heilong said, the tail of the dragon was slightly swayed, and he took the animal skin map on the slate behind him and threw it into Yuan Feng's hands.

"Eh, this ..." Subconsciously took the map, and Yuan Feng's eyes couldn't help showing a weird color. It was so easy to get something that I thought it would take to get the most out of.

"Little guy, the master left three treasures in total. You can only find one of them in this picture, while the other two treasures have other maps, but those two maps may have been taken by now. I found it taken away. "

Speaking of which, neither it nor its owner knows about the world and their fellow villagers. If they had known it, then all three treasures would have been left to Yuan Feng. Now it seems that it can only be the same as Yuan Feng.

"Fortunately, I lost my life. It is a great honor for the juniors to get the same treasures left by their predecessors."

With a slight smile, Yuan Feng was not so greedy. Baby wants everyone, but if this is the case, but also forced not to come. Anyway, he can get at least one treasure!

"Hoo roar, the mentality is good, but it is not absolute. The two treasures are the things that the owner loves very much. Even if you get the map, you may not be able to obtain the treasure, maybe you still have a chance."

With a few laughs, Black Dragon's attitude towards Yuan Feng was more and more praised.

"Senior Black Dragon, do you have any plans next? Since your master is no longer there, you will continue to stay here and guard this mountain of mansion?"

Putting the map away, Yuan Feng's gaze looked at the huge dragon's eye of the Black Dragon, and his face asked innocently.

"Hey, I stayed before, just to find someone for my master who is qualified to control this treasure. Now that you are here, it doesn't make much sense for me to stay!"

Manchurian Mountain has already been transformed into a dangerous forbidden area by its owner. There is really nothing to stay here. It has been in this world for countless years. In fact, it wants to walk around. Unfortunately, its existence is quite different. Worried about being caught by the strong in this world and slicing for research.

"Eh?" Hearing the answer from Heilong, Yuan Feng blinked. I have to say that the answer from the other side is simply too much to his liking.

"Oh, senior Black Dragon, you might as well leave with the younger generation. Although the younger generation hasn't come to this world for a long time, it is still quite adaptable. The senior Black Dragon and the younger generation work together in this strange world. , What did Black Dragon seniors say? "

This is an absolutely rare opportunity. Although it is not clear how strong the black dragon is right now, Yuan Feng believes that if this guy is around, it will definitely be a huge help.

Thinking back to my previous confrontation with the opponent, the terrible sword skills of his own sword realm did not cause any damage to the opponent. The defense ability of the opponent alone is already appalling.

In addition, it is not a shocking means to bring out the wind blade and poisonous fog of the other party. At least, for those who have achieved a great success in the annihilation of the world, it is hard to pose any threat to the black dragon.

"Work hard together?"

Hearing Yuan Feng's proposal, the black eyes of Heilong couldn't help flashing thought. Frankly speaking, it wants to walk outside, I am afraid that acting alone is really not feasible. If it is with Yuan Feng, it seems to be much easier to handle.

"Little guy, it's not impossible to walk with you, but even if you and I are friends, I don't recognize you as the master."

Although Yuan Feng comes from the same world as it, after all, it doesn't know much. If it doesn't have any precautions, of course it can't be justified.

"Well, the seniors of the Black Dragon joked. If the seniors of the Black Dragon can be with their juniors, the juniors must treat you as an elder. As for confessing the Lord ... this kind of thing must not exist."

Let a black dragon beast be his slave. He didn't have that crazy idea yet. Speaking, if the other party could follow him and help each other, he would be satisfied.

"Okay, in this case, that God will be with you." Heilong is also simply, it really stayed here, and now it just happened to meet Yuan Feng, but it was also an opportunity for it.

"Ha ha ha, okay, thank you for the trust of senior Black Dragon."

Hearing that Heilong had agreed to his proposal, Yuan Feng was overjoyed. He thought he needed some words, but he did not expect that the other party agreed so easily.

"Well, senior Black Dragon, can you be smaller? I'm afraid I'm going out this way now ..."

The situation of the Black Dragon is really special. If he followed him with such a big swing, I don't know what kind of sensation it would cause!

"Nature is okay !!" Hearing Yuan Feng's words, the black dragon suddenly stunned, and in the blink of an eye, it shrank sharply, and eventually turned into a little bit, and went directly to Yuan Feng's sleeve among.

"Uh, how can it be so small?"

Feeling that the Black Dragon turned into a little bit, wrapped around his wrist, Yuan Feng was almost scared by the other party.

"It's worthy of Xianjia's methods. It's amazing. It's really amazing."

World of Warcraft can be reduced to this. He has only seen one of the eight. Now it seems that for a beast of the level of the black dragon, this seems to be a piece of cake!

Yuan Feng didn't know. If it wasn't for the restrictions of this world, the Black Dragon could not only shrink, even if it turned into a human form, there would be no problem.

ps: Five more complete, five days and twenty-eight more, really tired to say, ask for support! !! Flowers reward floating! !!

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