The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 811: Black dragon, map (second)

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After unifying the decision to resist, Yuan Feng and others did not act on it in the first place, because the situation in the cave now seems to be more attractive to them.

A cave where the sons of the two law-enforcement guardians who are able to make a great deal of annihilation can be tempted. If there isn't much to say in it, it's really strange!

"Xiaoba, it's all up to you this time!" With the decision, Yuan Feng naturally summoned his super magic pet for the first time. The situation in this cave is full of unknowns, and of course he will not let everyone casually Enter, this time, naturally, is the time for Xiao Bada to show his skills.

"Squeak !!!" He whispered a few times, and Xiao Ba didn't hesitate. Soon, he annihilated the World of Warcraft with two heads, and a dozen of World of Warcraft were produced by him.

With its current energy reserves, it is a breeze to produce two annihilated World of Warcraft and more than a dozen of the end of the World of Warcraft. At the moment, the situation in the depths of the cave is unknown. It seems that it is not necessary to produce too many World of Warcraft to investigate. If it is broken, it is an unnecessary loss.

"Eh !!!" The two speeding Warcrafts with annihilation, with more than a dozen horror warriors that are good at hiding, entered the cave one after another, and went in for them to investigate.

"Let's wait a minute, you can come to the results soon." After sending out the investigation Warcraft, Yuan Feng sat on the ground simply with her knees crossed, but she began to think about how to deal with the people outside.

If he ran away with everyone, it was not too difficult to say, but if he wanted to kill six people, he would have to discuss it from a long-term perspective.

This kind of thing must be allowed to succeed but not failed, because once it fails, I am afraid to withstand the anger of the two cavemen who are strong in the sky, at that time, even the Dragon Guardian will certainly not be able to protect him.

"Everyone can keep up their energy and say that they can't wait for a tough battle to be fought."

Seeing Yuan Feng sitting cross-legged, the crowd no longer talked, and sat down cross-legged, while waiting for the investigation of Warcraft to return news, while adjusting his state to the best, in order to fight at any time.

Yuan Feng linked the spirit of investigating Warcraft with the mind of the avatar, and his deity is seriously thinking about the method of beheading and killing a few people outside, and mirroring the existence of magical powers, even if he is allowed to focus on one thing.

I do n’t know how deep this dark cave is. In the sense of Yuan Feng ’s avatar, this cave is like a bottomless cave. The two annihilated the World of Warcraft lead, and a group of hordes of Warcraft followed, and it took half a quarter of an hour Time, there is still no end.

However, this way of exploration, Yuan Feng also gained something, that is, the further into the cave, it seems that the greater the pressure on the operation of Zhenqi, the more it becomes slower to detect Warcraft from several heads. The speed can be seen.

"Eh?" At a certain moment, almost a quarter of an hour after the investigation of Warcraft had penetrated the cave, Yuan Feng, who was sitting cross-legged there, suddenly raised an eyebrow, her eyes closed slightly, and suddenly opened.


Just as Yuan Feng opened his eyes, a loud roar came suddenly, the sound apparently spread from the depths of the cave, and from this roar, everyone present felt a throbbing heartbeat. The power has spread to the outside, and the arrogance of that power makes people want to resist.

"Good power, this power ...... the absolute level of annihilation!"

Eyes froze slightly, Yuan Feng could not help but dignified. There is no need to perceive it by investigating Warcraft. You can hear it just by listening to this sound. The guy in it is definitely a World of Warcraft with a great level of annihilation.

"That is………"

After capturing the mind, Yuan Feng couldn't help but start to observe the images transmitted by the reconnaissance Warcraft. The two annihilated World of Warcraft sent out, plus a dozen hordes of World of Warcraft, the two annihilated World of Warcraft just swallowed up and were swallowed up by a mighty horror of World of Warcraft. It was directly submerged by a cloud of black mist that the big guy spit out. At this moment, there were only five heads left in the reconnaissance Warcraft he could use.

These five heads of Warcraft are the last echelon. It can be seen that the huge guy is obviously not looking at these five heads of investigation Warcraft and it is too lazy to move. Go outside and kill the five-headed guy.

Through the eyes of these five Warcraft investigations, Yuan Feng saw an unusually powerful and terrifying World of Warcraft. This World of Warcraft has beautiful black scale armor all over it. At this moment, it is lazy. Although the regiment can't see the specific length, if it's straightened, I'm afraid there are hundreds of meters.

Above the huge skull, a pair of crystal-like double horns, which are as beautiful as a sword, are fascinating. The long beards, like the whip, are scattered on the surrounding blue stone.

"Dragon? Is this a magic dragon?"

Taking a deep breath, Yuan Feng raised her eyebrows fiercely. The surprise under her heart was not what other people could imagine.

In this world, he has already seen Warcraft similar to a dragon, but he is sure that the magic dragon he has seen before is a lizard at best, but this magic dragon is absolutely different from ordinary magic The dragon is different.

At the first glance of seeing this black magic dragon, Yuan Feng thought of the kind of dragon he had in the original world. It can be said that the black magic dragon in front of him and the kind of dragon in his memory are just the same.

"Good guy, there really is such a Warcraft? This ..."

Frankly speaking, at the first sight of this World of Warcraft, Yuan Feng didn't think of killing this monster dragon. Such a World of Warcraft, he couldn't even like it! If he were to be killed, it seemed that he really couldn't let go.

Of course, even if you want to kill a dragon like this, it is not easy.

"The magic dragon, the real dragon!" With his eyes narrowed, Yuan Feng's heart was turning, but he couldn't give up the idea to kill the dragon.

"Eh? There is ..." Shaking his head and sighing, Yuan Feng finally glanced over the dragon and looked behind the dragon. There, on top of a huge piece of bluestone, there was an unusually simple animal skin picture. Quietly laid on top of the boulder, he could vaguely see the route above the animal skin map. Obviously, this was a map.

"Map? Turns out to be a map? This ..." I was still thinking that this cave can lead to the cave heaven and earth left by the strong man in the cave heaven, but now it seems that this cave has an end, and the whole cave Among them, in addition to this magic dragon, it seems that there are only two blue slate, and the map above.

"Wait, the map ...... where will the map go?"

With a shocked expression, Yuan Feng suddenly realized that this map guarded by the demon dragon seemed to be of great significance! The sons of the two defenders outside the law must be trying to get this map.

"Don't ... this is the real meaning of the task of finding the entrance to the Heavenly Blessed Land?" As his mind turned, Yuan Feng's heartbeat suddenly accelerated a bit. The map guarded by the Great Demon Dragon of the Destruction Realm, I am afraid this is the guide to the entrance of the Heavenly Blessed Land!

"Be sure to get this picture. With this picture, maybe you can find the way to the heavenly heaven and earth!" With a stunned look, Yuan Feng can't wait to jump right now and grab the animal skin picture. .

"Mr. Yuan Feng, what's going on inside?"

Seeing Yuan Feng's face changing back and forth, everyone on the side felt like a cat scratching his heart, and itchy. This kind of performance of Yuan Feng is obviously a performance of discovery, but what he finds, they cannot see.

"A black dragon with a length of hundreds of meters and a map of animal skins. If you guessed right, the two guys outside should be directed at the animal skins."

Taking a deep breath, Yuan Feng did not conceal what he saw. As a teammate, the most basic information sharing is still needed. Everyone has come together now. If they still hide their hearts, they will feel sad.

"Hundred-meter-long demon dragon? And the map of the animal skin? This ..."

After hearing Yuan Feng's introduction, everyone couldn't help looking at each other, and now they were all surprised. Hundred meters long magic dragon, they don't seem to have seen it. As for the map of animal skin in Yuan Feng's mouth, they even feel wrong.

"You, the demon dragon in it has super powers of great annihilation. Everyone wants to fight with him, I'm afraid I can't catch it, so in the next time, please allow me to act alone."

With a positive look, Yuan Feng suddenly spoke to the crowd beside him.

The demon dragon of the Great Destruction Realm can't cope with other people at all. Only he, when borrowing the power of Xiao Ba and the avatar, is supplemented by the sword technique of the realm of the sword, and also has the devouring spirit to deal with the opponent. Only in this way can he fight against the dragon. As for other people, entering is nothing more than a burden.

"Well, act alone? This ..."

After hearing Yuan Feng's words, everyone looked at each other subconsciously, but they didn't know how to answer. They also understood Yuan Feng's meaning, and frankly, after following Yuan Feng's actions, they were rarely able to help, and even, they have always been a burden on Yuan Feng.

Like in the underground world before, Yuan Feng himself could completely own all the spar, but in the end it was given to everyone. And this time, if it wasn't for them, then with Yuan Feng's strength, wouldn't it have been easy to escape?

"What should Yuanfeng do? Let Yuanfeng do it for him. As for us, it's all the son's order." Captain Ziyue looked pretty good. She didn't want to restrain Yuanfeng. Now it seems that Yuan Feng acting alone seemed more convenient than carrying them.

The law enforcement team who enjoyed their dignified demon moon turned out to be a drag on others. In this regard, they really didn't know what to think.

"Thank you for your understanding. Let ’s go deeper and take a rest. When I go there, I will have the big guy. After the result, I will inform you as soon as possible."

For the understanding of everyone, Yuan Feng was quite relieved. However, at this moment, all his thoughts were placed on the black dragon and the map inside. As for the others, he didn't want to think too much.

ps: Thank you Feixiang for your continued rewards, and 18767715895 for your great support! !! !!

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