The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 808: Make bait? (Five more)

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A long time ago, when the demon moon law enforcement team went out to perform their tasks, the Ningbing Law had been ordered to them. There is a class of people who must walk around and hide as far as they can. The so-called guardian of the law.

It's not that all the defenders are scumbags, but if you can find one out of ten, it's very rare. No way, the superior environment of this type of people allows them to be born without too much knowledge of human life, which is a character created by status.

I met Xing Ren and Yan Long, two of the law-protecting sons, and "out of fame", frankly, Captain Ziyue could not wait to take his own teammates and run away now. In that case, there may be a little way to live.

Unfortunately, such an idea can only be an idea. Right now, there are six superpowers. They are not likely to escape if they want to escape.

"Well, everyone, no matter which law enforcement team you are under, and no matter who you were the captain or the team members, from now on, all of you will be under the command of me and brother Xing Ren, understand? "

Yan Long's voice sounded again, and the tone of the command and threat was unabashed. They are superior, they can do whatever they want, the thirteen people in front of them, the strongest is nothing more than annihilation, and the rest are almost all annihilation, there are only a few of annihilation, such a group of people , In their eyes is no different from the ants.

However, although it is ants, it should be enough to let these ants make bait. In this case, it is the province's loyal subordinates who have worked hard to cultivate.

"It is my pleasure to be able to do something for Master Yan Long and Master Xing Ren."

Bite her scalp, Ziyue stepped forward with her teeth, facing Yan Long and Xing Ren. At this time, she had to stand up. The others did n’t understand the situation. Only she knew the danger of the two guys in front of her. So, if possible, she would like to keep them stable, at least not to let them treat her. Sisters do it.

"Hahaha, I know you, Master Ben likes it!" Captain Ziyue's voice dropped, and Xing Ren on the other side couldn't help laughing, looking up and down Captain Ziyue, "If Master Ben didn't guess wrong, you guys It should be the Yaoyue Law Enforcement Team of Ningbing Protector! It's not bad, it's really better to meet! "

The evil color in his eyes flashed away, Xing Ren really had the impulse to taste something new. Unfortunately, there are still bigger and more important things to do now, otherwise, today, this well-known team in Sapphire will be picked anyway.

"Master Xing Ren has good eyesight. Before Master Yan Long said that he would be requisitioned, etc., but I don't know what tasks the two young masters need me to do? Please also show the two young masters."

Ziyue tried to keep herself calm, but her heart was difficult to calm down anyway. Right now, they can only use their tasks to divert their attention. If these two guys deviate, their women may be miserable.

"Hahaha, it's worthy of being one of the best teams under the Ningbing Guardian. Very good, very good!" Yan Long's eyes also had a strange light flashing. He already had some ideas for the Yaoyue Law Enforcement Team. Right now this A fascinating team is right in front of him. If the environment does not allow it, he really wants to go straight up.

"Come along with us, the task is not difficult, and if it can be completed, your benefits will be indispensable."

Compared with the temptation of beauty, they are more concerned about the inheritance of the powerful Dongtianjing. Therefore, it is natural to take the business as the priority at the moment. Of course, if these people are still alive after performing the task, they must be treated differently. Never mind.

The crowd did not dare to hesitate, and was directly carried by the six strong men, and soon came to the dark hole.

Except for Captain Ziyue speaking, no one else said anything. However, the communication in the eyes of everyone has been maintained virtually.

Yuan Feng was calm at this time. Almost everyone in the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team was veiled behind him, and in his body, whether it was the power of the avatar or the power of Xiaoba, he had borrowed as much as possible.

The current situation is obviously not very optimistic. The two guardians who suddenly emerged, and the four strongest powers of the annihilation, frankly, even he felt a little dignified.

Judging from the performance of these two guardians, it is clear that they are stumped by some circumstances. As for the requisition of them and letting them help, the fools can see that this is absolutely terrible.

However, no matter how dangerous it is, they are obviously unable to refuse it. The two law-protecting sons in front of me are not good men and women at first sight. If they violate them, the results may be imagined.

"This is really troublesome. From the perspective of everyone's strength, if you want to escape from these six people, the hope is not great. As for resistance, let alone let it go."

The mind is turning, Yuan Feng is thinking of all feasible ways at the moment, but after thinking about it, it seems that the current situation can not find an excellent solution.

If he was the only one, then he would be fearless, even if he was a two annihilation great consummates and four annihilation masters, he would never want to keep him. However, at this moment they have so many people, it is absolutely impossible for him to leave the others and run away.

"The poisonous mist and gas around it seems very dangerous. Even if I can escape, I'm afraid the possibility of survival is not high. It seems that I can only see the super dismantling move and take one step to calculate."

With a sigh in his heart, Yuan Feng finally got rid of it. Speaking of which, his heart was also very depressed. He was still thinking about coming out of the underground world, which can save a lot of trouble, but it is better now, although I do n’t know if it saves a lot of trouble, but now they are really in trouble Already.

"Everyone, there is a Warcraft in this cave, which is quite strong and will use poison. Your task is very simple. That is to enter the cave and draw out that Warcraft, as far as you can draw Warcraft. Excuse me, Brother Xing Ren and I must be grateful. "

When the crowd arrived at the entrance of the cave, Yan Long's voice spread again and introduced to the crowd.

Thirteen people annihilated people above the sixth level, but the number is really quite a lot. If they want to come, they will be able to draw out the Warcraft inside. Once Warcraft has left the cave, they can enter it and find the picture inside. , And then you can go to the inheritance of the Dongtianjing strong and go against the sky to change your life!

"Uh, this ... let's go to Warcraft?"

When Yan Long's words fell, everyone in the audience suddenly changed colors, all of them sinking.

Everyone understands people. When they enter this cave to introduce Warcraft, this is simply making themselves a bait, almost like feeding Warcraft! Although they don't know what's going on in the cave, the cold and cold breath that can be emitted from it, and even a trace of heart can't detect it. Only these two points show the dangerous situation.

In addition, even Yan Long said that he was very strong and would use poisonous Warcraft. How could it be described by a strong character? It seems that this so-called simple task is nothing short of a lifetime!

Yuan Feng's face also changed, but in the end it was a touch of calm. Nothing is absolute. Although this mission from Warcraft sounds very difficult and dangerous, but if you think about it, it seems to be an opportunity for them.

"Eh? Wouldn't you not want to do this for me? Don't hide it. The two of us are not very good-tempered. To put it bluntly, everyone can only succeed in this task and not fail. If it fails, then Brother Xing and I may be very unhappy! "

Seeing the hesitation in the eyes of everyone, Yan Long's eyes froze slightly, and the whole body suddenly released a cold cold intention. Apparently, he told everyone clearly that if they did not complete the task, then wait for them. Yes, there is only a dead end. This is an undisguised threat.

"Hey, it's our pleasure to work for the two young masters. No matter what's in it, we will definitely draw them out."

Just as everyone was hesitant, Yuan Feng suddenly stood up at this time, and the hippie smiled at Yan Long and Xing Ren. Captain Ziyue has been so speechless now that someone must stand up at this moment. Of course, this person can only be him.

Moreover, when he stood up at this time, he still had his own ideas. If Ziyue was still the representative, he was really worried that he would be messed up.

"Hahaha, okay, okay, you kid can talk and wait for your benefit."

When I saw Yuan Feng's hippie smiley face, he pleased and stood up. The two young masters both laughed aloud, but they didn't take Yuan Feng as a small character. At the moment, they only need everyone to cooperate, as to who is responsible They are too lazy to care. As long as they can bring out Warcraft, it will be enough for them.

"Hey, thanks to the two young masters, we will definitely work hard." Yuan Feng's performance is very expressive, if you do not understand him, I am afraid that it will really be regarded as a kind of irritating The villain looked at it.

"Let ’s go, a rare opportunity. Everyone must work up their spirits. Do not let the two young masters down!"

Turning around, Yuan Feng winked at everyone without a trace, and then he couldn't wait to perform and summoned everyone into the hole.

Seeing the bright colors under Yuan Feng's eyes, everyone was moving. Everyone was able to understand, and they became relieved one after another, and entered into the dark cave directly with Yuan Feng.

Fortune and misfortune depend on each other, who knows that this crisis will not turn into an opportunity?

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