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c_t; Within the realm of King Monson's territory, there are countless buildings, and in addition to King Monson's own palace, there are several places that also have good scenic reads ;. [Fast update, website pages are refreshing, and there are few advertisements. I like this kind of website most, so I must praise it]. For more recent chapters visit: ww. Please search for the most complete! Newest Fastest Novel

An area thousands of miles away from the palace of King Mencius, the town has developed into a small city. The whole city is unified, and the periphery is surrounded by natural mountains and mountains. In the middle of the city, there is a place similar to King Mencius. The general architecture of the royal palace is also towering into the clouds, but this palace is naturally much worse than the heavenly palace of King Mencius.

"Well, it is indeed the place of the Son of the King of God, and it really is not comparable to those poor mountains and bad waters!"

Over the city, Yuan Feng was flying behind Meng Guang while admiring the scenery in front of her. I have to say that this Meng Guang's territory can be said to be a fairyland on earth! At least, after coming to Divine Realm, this is definitely the most high-grade place he has ever seen.

"Brush !!!!"

After the unsatisfactory vengeance, the passionate test subject is the most promising

Later, the hostess of Fen Qiu Fang's cool sentimental examination saw that Xiao Ba began to practice, and Yuan Feng couldn't help but look forward to it.

Talking time, the two have already swept across the surrounding mountains, and in an instant they reached the area where the palace is located, and descended directly on a platform of the palace.

With the Meng Guang Road, naturally no one dared to stop them. In Yuan Feng's words, this Meng Meng son is simply the most perfect passport.

"Here, this is where I cultivate."

When his figure landed on the platform, Meng Guang's face couldn't help but have a touch of self-confidence. No matter what, this is his own place. When he returned here, his safety was definitely guaranteed.

Frankly speaking, he really didn't expect that Yuan Feng would follow him back here. When he wanted to come here, no matter what, it was his place, and it was not too far from the realm of King Meng Yue. Somewhat dangerous for Yuan Feng.

Of course, after all, his "life" life has been linked to Yuan Feng, regardless of whether Yuan Feng cares about his "life" life, but he must find ways to ensure Yuan Feng's safety. After all, once Yuan Feng He's dead, so he's finished.

Sun Qiu Qiu Qiu Ghost Cold Technique Coldly Connected

"Yes, arrange a training place for me, and then you will do what you do as usual!" Nodded, Yuan Feng is undoubtedly very satisfied with the environment in front of him, although this is Meng Guang's site, But the other side's every move is in his grasp. In addition, even if there is something going on here, there will be no trouble.

The so-called most dangerous place is the safest place. Who can think that in the place of Meng Guang, the great young master, there will be a "big villain" like him?

"Go to the top secret practice room. There is no place for me to practice on the weekdays. There is absolutely no safety. (Advertising)" Since Yuan Feng must be kept safe, of course, the more careful he is, the better his practice secret room is. Production, let alone ordinary warriors, even ordinary kings, it is difficult to enter them for a while.

Yuan Feng is of course no problem. Meng Guang's cultivation room must be of first-rate conditions, and now he really needs a quiet place to organize his next actions.

Keyuan Kefang's Secret Secret Reckoning

Keyuan Kefang ’s unique secret place is located a thousand miles away from the palace of King Meng Yue. This area has developed into a small city. The entire small city is unified, and the periphery is a natural mountain. Surrounded by the city, in the middle of the city, a building similar to the palace of King Mencius is also towering into the clouds, but this palace is naturally much worse than the palace of King Mencius.

The current situation can be said to be pretty good, but his situation is still a bit awkward. After all, when it comes to strength, he has a long way to go before the king's realm. As compared to the first **** Wang Mutie, I am afraid that It's worse.

He wanted to rescue Chu Yanchen from Mu Tie Shen King. Even if he was not as good as Mu Tie Shen King, at least he had the strength of the King.

If you ca n’t reach the state of the king, let alone save people, even if you are protecting yourself, I'm afraid you can't catch it!

Meng Guang's practice of the secret room is indeed a rare and good place. When Yuan Feng was arranged by the other party, both the safety of the secret room and the cultivation environment in it made him feel very satisfied.

Sun Qiu Qiu Ke Ghost Unicorn Secret War Investigation

Meng Guang was sent away, and Yuan Feng arranged the Jiuqu Yellow River Array in the back room, adding a lock to his own security. In this way, he did what he could really do this time;

The top priority is undoubtedly to promote his own cultivation. The improvement of cultivation is not achieved overnight. Although he wants to make himself stronger, but the opportunity has not yet come, he has no way.

However, to improve your strength, you may not only have to start with yourself. You know, beside him, there is another talented and talented little eight!

"Xiaoba, you can use the treasure we got this time. You can use it whatever you want. I hope you can advance to the realm of God as soon as possible, so that I can share my concerns."

In the back room, Yuan Feng and Xiao Ba were sitting opposite each other. The latter's face was a little somber, because he knew that he had relaxed for so long, and now it was time to make himself nervous again.

"Brother, I will definitely work hard and strive for an early promotion to a stronger realm !!!"

En Yuan Qiu Yuan Gui Gui Gu Yu can not help the secret of the moon

En Yuan Qiu Yuan Gui Gui Gu Yu could not help Yue Mi, Yuan Feng had prepared a lot of training resources for him. Needless to say those **** crystals that could not be used up. In addition, Yuan Feng also took the treasures from the three men of Meng Guang All of them were 'paid' to Xiao Ba, including some precious heavenly spirits and treasures, and some rare energy stones.

With his fist punched, Xiao Ba's eyes are full of perseverance, and obviously, he is very confident in his promotion to the realm of God, and even a stronger one.

Along the way, he can always stand up when Yuan Feng has nothing to do and can turn the tide. Now Yuan Feng is in adversity again. As a brother of Yuan Feng, of course, he has to stand up and worry for Yuan Feng.

"You don't have to force yourself too much, everything must be done step by step. Remember, don't ignore the danger because you want to be stronger."

Seeing Xiao Ba's expression, Yuan Feng knew that his words were a bit heavy. He knows Xiaoba best. Although he treats the other person as his own brother, in fact, Xiaoba himself treats him more as his magic pet, as long as it is in his favor, Xiao Ba will do his best to do it.

Sun Di is not cool

Sun Kediyuan loves ghosts too much

However, it is impossible for him to disregard the safety and death of Xiao Ba because he is going to save Chu Yan Chen. After all, if really speaking, Xiao Ba's status should still be above Chu Yan Chen.

Sun Kediyuan loves ghosts and technology too. "Big brother, I will definitely work hard to achieve an early promotion to a stronger realm !!!"

"Brother rest assured, I know how to do it."

Nodding his head, Xiao Ba's face barely smiled, and as he spoke, he sat down cross-legged and went straight to cultivation.

Yuan Feng has prepared a lot of training resources for him this time, and those goddess who can't use up needless to say. In addition, Yuan Feng also gave all the treasures from the three men of Meng Guang to Xiao Ba, and many of them Some precious heavenly earth treasures, and some rare energy stones.

These things are of little significance to him now, but for Xiao Ba who has not yet reached the realm of God, almost everything can be described as a rare treasure. It can even be said that these treasures are used in a place that is not in the realm of God. On the small angle 'color', it is really a bit of a 'wave'.

"This little guy is so qualified that it would not be a problem for him to want to come to the realm of God, just don't know if his cultivation can reach a higher realm."

Not far away, hatred and cool feelings are too invisible

Seeing Xiaoba started his practice, Yuan Feng couldn't help but look forward to it.

He knows the situation of Xiaoba best. This guy is an alternative. As long as he gives the other party enough energy, the promotion is not a problem at all. This has been felt for a long time in the past.

If Xiao Ba can advance to the realm of the middle god, then he should be able to produce a lower-level **** of warcraft, and a lower-level **** of warcraft wants to look at places like the gods, but it is not impossible At least, if it is a group of lower-level gods of Warcraft who go on mining, the efficiency is by no means comparable to that of Warcraft below God's realm.

Of course, if Xiao Ba is more aggressive, but he directly reaches the realm of the higher god, then the situation will be completely different.

Endlessly love the cool recipe to test the secrets of earth sciences

"Take your time, there is no rush."

The endless sentiment of the cool square test of the earth sciences sent Meng Guang away, and Yuan Feng arranged the Jiuqu Yellow River Array in the back room, adding a lock to his own security. In this way, this time he was true You can do whatever you want; reads!

At last, glanced at Xiao Ba, Yuan Feng's figure flickered, but she pulled away from Xiao Ba and sat down cross-legged in another space.

"It's time to take a closer look at this baby, and I don't know if this thing will be as useful as before when it reaches the realm of God."

Sitting cross-legged, Yuan Feng lifted his hand and took out the colorful stone plate as soon as possible.

This colorful stone plate is something that even the Iron God King likes endlessly. His previous state was not enough to study this thing thoroughly, but at this moment he already has the power of the top **** and should be able to research More about Shipan.

"According to Zao Wou-Ki, this colorful stone plate has the magical effect of" hiding "the heavens, and I came up from the Nether before, and this thing did show an indescribable terrorist power. I just do n’t know if I can borrow this , Take my cultivation to the next level. "

For him now, upgrading is an urgent task. However, in the conventional way, it is difficult for him to improve himself. However, the colorful stone plate itself cannot be measured by conventional circumstances. As he progresses, he can only study this special stone.

Putting the colorful stone plate in front of my eyes and looking over and over again, but from the surface alone, I really can't see any difference.

In general, the texture of this colorful stone plate is hard. It seems that with his current strength, it may not be able to damage the stone plate. The breath emanating from the stone plate, in addition to feeling a bit old, also Nothing too special.

"Take it slowly, since this thing has so many uses, it may not be able to find a method 'gate' that will help me to improve to cultivation. Anyway, the cultivation of Xiaoba also requires some time. Before that, I will study this with ease Something is fine. "

Before Xiaoba did not advance to the realm of God, he naturally would not easily move, but Xiaoba ’s cultivation also takes time, and it may be a short time, leaving him time to study the colorful stone plate. Not a lot.

Thinking about this, he no longer thinks about whether he can take himself one step further with the help of colorful stone plates, depending on his luck.


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