The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2391: Real strength

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c_t; Meng Guang's sudden attack was undoubtedly unexpected by Yuan Feng. However, although there was a slight accident, he was not too anxious. [Fast updates, refreshing website pages, few advertisements, like this site the most, be sure to praise] -79xs-

As the so-called art master is bold, Meng Guang's strength should be similar to that of Meng Xun, regardless of whether it is Meng Guang or Meng Xuan, no doubt has not reached the point that made him fearful. The only thing that really made him fear is only God-level. Strong.

"Meng Guang, I do n’t know what the power of the source you said, I ’m not interested to know, I do n’t think so, you gave me a chance, I also give you a chance, now open the 'door' and let me Leaving, I can't blame for the past, you see?

Neither Meng Guang nor Meng Yue had anything to fear, but he had to worry about the King of Meng Yue behind them. In any case, the two of them are the eldest brother of King Mencius, and the other is the son of King Mencius. God knows if there is any means of contacting King Mencius on their bodies. If they have, it must be his attention.

In addition, it is said that there are several powerful kings under the seat of King Mencius, and those who want to come should be within the realm of King Mencius. At the moment, he does not want to face the existence of this level.

After the exam, hate to pass through the ship

After the test, I hate to pass through the ship. "Mr. Meng Guang, I do n’t know what the power of the source you said, I am not interested to know, I ca n’t see it like this, you gave me a chance, I also gave You have a chance, now open the 'door' and let me go. I can't blame for the previous things. Is this good? "

"Give me a chance? Hahahaha, boy, do you know who you're talking to?"

Yuan Feng's voice dropped, and Meng Guang, who was opposite, couldn't help but smile a little, and then laughed loudly.

As the eldest son of King Mencius, within the entire territory of King Mencius, even the superpowers must give him a three-pointer. At the moment, a small horn 'color' that has just been promoted to the upper level of God , Even dare to challenge him, this is undoubtedly a slippery world for him.

"Oh, it's nothing more than the son of a **** king. If you are a god-level powerhouse, it's fine." Seeing Meng Guang's mad expression, Yuan Feng couldn't help pulling his lips, and then glanced beside Meng Guang. Meng Yue, "Mr. Old, you are also an old man, why are you trying to help me?"

The enemy is not behind the enemy

For the impression of Meng Yue, he was still good at first. If the other party has different ideas, he should be very happy.

If the enemy is not able to meet the enemy, the so-called Yi Gao people are bold after receiving the enemy. Meng Guang's strength should be similar to that of Meng Xun, no matter whether it is Meng Guang or Meng Xun, no doubt he has not reached the point that made him jealous. The only thing that made him afraid was the god-level king.

"Little guy, it's a blessing for you to be Guang'er's subordinate. Why, don't you think you will be wronged?"

Meng Yue's expression is very different from before. After practicing for so many years, he has already become a smooth old fox. However, now that the door is closed, he no longer needs to do it for himself. What a cover up. [Fast updates, refreshing website pages, less advertising, like this site the most, be sure to praise]

"Ah, it seems that no matter where you go, no matter what race, in the end, the same reads ;."

After listening to Meng Xuan's answer, Yuan Feng was considered dead this time. He knew that in this world of strength, everything still depends on who ’s fist is big. As for the reasoning, it ’s the naive. Deceive yourself.

"Two people, I have always liked to be unrestrained, and I have never tried to be a subordinate of others. What can they do, even if they are used."

Now that everything has been said, he can only see the tricks, but he has to look at how capable these two close friends of the King of Mencius are.

"Hum, boy, this is your own death, come on, get me alive !!!"

Seeing that Yuan Feng had no intention of surrendering, Meng Guang was no longer hesitant. Between raising his hands, he had been waiting for the order of the two six wings. The first time he stood out, and Qi Qi confronted Yuan Feng. An offensive was launched.

In their hearts, no matter how strong Yuan Feng is, he is just just promoted to the higher **** realm, and such a small horn "color", two long-cultivated upper **** strong, should be enough to deal with.

Jie Yuan Kecha Tong Leng Ship by the rear secret

"Hum, I really look down on me !!!"

Jie Yuan Kecha Tong Leng Ship opened his eyes suddenly from Yuan Feng, who was in the form of the mysterious Yuan Shen at the rear. Then, a special energy instantly spread out with Yuan Feng as the center, almost in the blink of an eye. The first layer of space is shrouded in this special force.

Seeing the two upper gods flying towards him, Yuan Feng could not help but let go of his lips.

"The land of right and wrong should not be stayed for a long time, it is better to decide quickly, so as to avoid night long dreams!" His eyes narrowed slightly, and he couldn't help thinking about it.

Both Meng Zheng and Meng Guang are definitely opponents who cannot be underestimated. If these two guys are allowed to play to the fullest, he does not know how long it will take to kill them. Therefore, if you don't want to leave yourself in trouble, then the best way is to kill everyone present with a thunderbolt.

Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated. Between the moments of his thoughts, the primordial **** who swallowed the heavenly spirit was directly operating! !!

"Drive me !!!"

Yuan Feng in Yuanshen form suddenly opened his eyes. Then, a special energy instantly spread out with Yuan Feng as the center, almost in a blink of an eye. The first space of the entire cultivation tower was completely covered by this. The special strength shrouded.

"Kaka Kaka ..."

The horrible frozen sound instantly rang in my ears, and the world instantly became a frozen blue and white 'color'. Obviously, Yuan Feng at this moment was the first time to release his own means of boundary. .

After he was promoted to the realm of gods, his realm means are already in full swing. How he wants to show it, of course, he can use it naturally. In terms of his current strength, his realm means can completely crush any superior. God-level strongman, he has absolute confidence in this!

"Kacha !!!!!!"

The two gods who are approaching quickly are frozen by the horrible freezing gas for the first time. Although they are not completely frozen, their bodies are in such a situation that they are caught off guard and the gap is wide. It is no longer possible to carry out any attack.


Freezing two high-level godbird people, Yuan Feng could not help but wave at will. Suddenly, the two high-level superpowers just exploded and became ice crystals!

"It's too weak. It seems that this ordinary superior **** is really no threat to me !!!"

After annihilating the two super god-level super powers, Yuan Feng seemed to have done something small that couldn't be smaller, but he had no sense of accomplishment at all.

However, although he did not have a sense of accomplishment, at this moment, the other two people who witnessed it all with their own eyes had completely different feelings.

"This this………………"

Meng Guang and Meng Xie did not know when they had leaned back to back, and their faces were filled with inexplicable terror and shock.

Everything around them can be seen very clearly. They can feel it. The boundary space that surrounds them at this moment is just like the scary reads of Shura Hell ;. And the most terrible thing is that such a terrible realm of the world actually came from the hand of a little god-level person! !!

They also have their own boundary means, but at this moment, they do n’t even have the idea of ​​using their own boundary means, because they know very well that in such a terrifying world of boundaries, once they force their own boundaries, it is simply Hit the stone with a egg and ask for it!

"How can this be? He, how can he cast such terrible realms?"

The earth of hatred refers to the war sails of the moon ship

Sun Budi hates showing that it is not cool to be alone

In their cognition, only powerful men at the level of kings can exhibit such terrible realms. As for the powerful men at the upper level, that should not be done at all.

If they hadn't seen with their own eyes the two superior gods were instantly frozen and shattered, they couldn't believe everything they saw.

Yuan Feng's voice sounded again, and while talking, his figure came to the top of Meng Guang and Meng Xuan, behind his hands, looking down at them.

"You, who are you?"

Efforts to calm down a bit, Meng Guang at this moment, no more arrogance before.

The horrible cold around him made it even difficult for him to breathe, and his body was slowly freezing, making him even more uneasy.

Only those who have personally experienced it will understand that Yuan Feng's realm is too horrible. If it were not for the first time to use his power to resist, I am afraid it would have frozen into a popsicle.

Meng Yue's condition was not much better, and at this moment, he suddenly realized how naive he was. How can a guy who can devour the power of origin use common sense to spend it?

"It doesn't matter who I am. What's important is that you and this old gentleman's 'life' is in my hands. Now, the two are willing to leave and leave?"

Picking a corner, Yuan Feng completely took the initiative at this moment. As for what to do next, it all depends on his mood.

"Well, don't think that you have killed Master Ben's two subordinates, you can really do what you want, why, do you dare to kill Master Ben?"

Hearing Yuan Feng's words, Meng Guang's heart was extremely upset. He didn't like the feeling that ‘life’ was controlled by others, especially the other party threatened him with this reason.

"Oh? Hehe, it seems like that, killing you seems to be really no good to me."

The enemy Yuan Ke hates Mo Yuan after the month

After the enemy Yuan Ke hated Xianmo, Mo Yuanqiu was the most embarrassing. He knew that Meng Guang was not in a position to bow to Yuan Feng because of his face. At this time, only he stood up to be a boneless man.

With her eyebrows raised, Yuan Feng couldn't help but "exposed" thinking, as if she was really thinking about whether she was really going to risk killing the other two.

When I saw Yuan Feng's expression, whether it was Meng Guang or Meng Yue, they were a little light. Obviously, they were really worried that Yuan Feng would kill them, but now it seems that Yuan Feng should not dare That's crazy.

"Little brother, a misunderstanding, I think that's it for now. You closed the realm, and Guanger and I will let you go, and will never entangle you again from now on."

Meng Xun's face changed in color, and eventually she stepped forward to compromise with Yuan Feng.

He knew that Meng Guang was humbled by his face and would never bow to Yuan Feng. At this time, only he stood up to be a boneless person.

Meng Guang didn't say anything. He was waiting for Meng Yue to stand up and give in at this moment. However, he was actually scared anyway. After all, the two powerful guards before did not even have the chance to resist. It was easily destroyed by Yuan Feng.

"Hehe, turn Gan Ge into‘ Jade ’帛, this way I like, since it ’s so ......... then pick me up again, turn it !!!”

Hearing Meng Yue's words, Yuan Feng seemed to agree with the other party's proposal, but just as Meng Guang and Meng Yue waited with anticipation for his response, his face changed slightly. As soon as I raised my hand, the originally frozen world instantly became a sea of ​​flames, and Meng Guang and Meng Yue who were trying to resist the cold, were naturally engulfed by the sea of ​​fire, and the whole person was burned at once. .


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