The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2381: Heavenly care

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As soon as he reached Divine Realm, Yuan Feng was lucky to kill a four-winged birdman, but unfortunately, after coming to Divine Realm and killing the birdman again, the purple-black energy was absent. It is inevitable that there is some uncomfortable under his heart.

Speaking of which, now that he has reached the realm of the gods, he urgently needs a lot of resources to improve himself, so that he can have more self-protection. But it is obviously not a good sign to start badly at the moment.

"Hey, just stop, don't want that much. I fled a four-winged birdman before, maybe that guy has already sent a message. I'll just disguise myself and leave here quickly."

Too far away from the enemy

At this moment, it is useless to think of more. Now, when it comes to the realm of God, there are a lot of powerful people stronger than him. From now on, he must do his talents with his tail in his hands, but he can no longer be like in the lower world Deliberately in order to.

"Zhao Wuji, come out !!!"

If you want to camouflage, then of course you have to refer to Zhao Wou-ki's modeling, so between motions, he is the first to summon Zhao Wou-ki from his own physical world.

"Divine Realm? Am I really back in Divine Realm?"

Summoned by Yuan Feng from the physical world, Zao Wou-ki felt the familiar atmosphere for the first time. When he saw the familiar scenery around him, his face was full of inexplicable expressions, and his mood was obviously very complicated. .

It's been many years since he fled from the divine realm to the lower realm, but now he has returned to the divine realm in such a form, and of course he has all kinds of complicated emotions in his heart.

Sun Di is not far away, the enemy is too noisy

"Don't be emotional there, now that you're in God, you won't wait for me to serve you, right?"

Seeing Zhao Wuji's complex surroundings, Yuan Feng was able to understand, but this is not the time when the other side is feeling, after all, what they need to consider now is how to survive in the divine realm.

"The subordinates **** it, but they haven't returned to the **** world for many years. For a while, I felt a little bit sorry, and I hope the owner forgive me."

Zao Wou-ki also knew that he was a bit out of shape, and when he was speaking, he bent down towards Yuan Feng, and said he had a wrong expression.

"Well, I didn't blame you, where are we now?"

Shaking his head, Yuan Feng naturally wouldn't really blame the other person. Speaking means pointing around and asking softly, while talking, his body also began to change rapidly. In an instant, he His appearance was changed, and behind him, four wings soon grew, which was actually the same as the four-winged birdman killed by him before.

After the invincible land moon Yushu too ship war

As for his breath, at this moment, he borrowed the breath of Zhao Wuji, and merged some of his own breath, and most people would not be wrong.

In the blink of an eye, he was transformed from a good human warrior into a flawless four-winged birdman. Such a change made Zhao Wuji in front of him completely confused, and he could not return to God for a while.

Frankly speaking, if it wasn't for knowing in advance that Yuan Feng was definitely not a protoss, Zhao Wuji would even think that Yuan Feng had always hidden his identity, but it was actually a real protoss!

"Oh, master, although the subordinates were not weak in the Divine Realm at first, but the Divine Realm is too big, and the subordinates have never been to too many places. As for where is it, my subordinate ......... ... "

The enemy is far away from the Cold War

Scratching his head, Zhao Wuji's eyes flashed helplessly. The divine realm is too big, and the places he has been to are very limited. Of course, he cannot know where this is right now.

"It's ......... yeah, it's a bit difficult for you."

With an eyebrow raised, Yuan Feng was able to understand each other's situation. Seriously, if Zhao Wuji knew every prescription in the realm of God, then he was really seeing a ghost!

"By the way, I met two four-winged birdmen before. According to them, it seems that this is the territory of King Mencius. The fleeing guy also said that the ascendant came to **** the **** crystal mine ... ... "

His thoughts turned, and he naturally remembered the words of the two four-winged bird men. According to the two four-winged bird men, this seems to be the territory of King Mencius, and what **** crystal mine, He didn't even know what was going on.

"What? The realm of King Mencius? God crystal veins?"

Just when Yuan Feng's words had just fallen, Zhao Wuji on one side jumped up suddenly, and the whole person suddenly became unusually excited.

"Master, who are you talking about, whose territory is this?"

Enclosing the enemy after the moon

It seemed that he couldn't believe everything he heard, and Zhao Wuji couldn't help but look right and asked Yuan Feng again.

"Why are you so excited? Didn't I all say that? The two four-winged birdies of Shicai said, what is the territory of King Mencius? Why is there anything wrong?"

Frowning slightly, Yuan Feng was stunned by Zao Wou-ki's violent reaction. He didn't really understand why the other party behaved like it was a big happy event.

"The realm of King Mencius? It is really the realm of King Mencius !!! Master, we have developed, we really have to develop, hahaha !!!"

After being confirmed by Yuan Feng, Zhao Wuji immediately burst into laughter, and his performance no doubt made Yuan Feng even more curious.

"Okay, don't laugh, just tell me what's going on."

The expression on his face seemed to be no bad thing. For a moment, he couldn't help itching.

"Master, you do n’t know. King Mencius is in the Divine Realm, and that is also a very famous old king. Although his strength is not as good as that of the former Iron God, but everyone knows in the whole Divine Realm. It is the richest king in the **** world, because in his territory, there are many **** crystal veins that have been mined and to be mined, which can be said to be a real treasure. "

There are many kings in the divine realm. Among the well-known **** kings, King Mencius has been recognized as the richest king because the territory is full of **** crystal veins. It is said that it is because of his rich territorial resources Even a few new kings are willing to follow him and become their ordinary existence.

Of course, there may be deeper reasons for this, but at least the ordinary kings on the surface are directed at the resources here.

"God crystal veins? So, are we entering a geomantic treasure?"

After listening to Zao Wou-Ki ’s brief explanation, Yuan Feng still did n’t understand. After a long day of trouble, he even left the Grand Canal and accidentally came to the rich area of ​​the **** world.

"Absolute treasure, according to the owner, there were two median gods who had met the owner before. If the subordinates expected it to be good, this should be a **** vein to be mined under the control of God Meng Xuan. The two guys should be guarding this. It is said that there are many such places in the realm of King Mencius! "

Gazes swept across the reckless deep mountains, and Zao Wou-ki became more determined. The ancient jungle in front of me has never been mined, and the characteristics of this ancient jungle are exactly the same as those of the mining area to be opened.

"Master, while no one is here, let's go and try. If there really are veins of **** crystals, then we will be developed this time."

The **** crystal veins that have not been mined are absolutely real treasures, because once they are mined, they will definitely get a lot of **** crystal resources, and they may even get more valuable incidental things than **** crystals.

"It sounds tempting ..............."

Holding one's chin with one hand, Yuan Feng's heart also started to feel active. He now reaches the realm of God, and most of all needs a lot of resources for his spiritual practice. If he can dig the veins of the **** crystal, it is simply a lucky burst.

"What are you still doing? Let's do it !!!"

After a brief thought, Yuan Feng couldn't help but stare, and directed to Zhao Wuji.

"Subordinates obey !!!"

After hearing Yuan Feng's order, Zao Wou-ki, who could not wait for a long time, said nothing. His body flashed, and he went straight to the dense forest below. Then, a muffled sound followed, and it was clear. He has already begun a large-scale excavation, and vowed to find out where the Jingjing veins are.

"The range of this ancient dense forest is not small. The guy who escaped before does not know when he will find someone to return. In this case, try to find something."

The escaped guy from his previous encounter with the birdman was not too fast, at least not to move the rescuer back so quickly. As a result, he and Zhao Wuji have some time to find the veins of the **** crystal, And carry out some excavation and mining.

Of course, the premise is that there are really **** crystal veins in the depths of this dense forest, otherwise, this time, I am afraid that the risk will be in vain.

"Ha ha ha, developed, master, we are developed !!!"

Just as Yuan Feng frowned and weighed the proportion of benefits and risks, a familiar laugh suddenly came from under the dense forest. Listening to the voice, who else is not Zao Wou-ki?


With an eyebrow raised, Yuan Feng's heart could not help but twitch slightly. He was very clear that Zao Wou-ki was not the kind of person who had never seen the world. He laughed so happily that he obviously encountered something that made him happy.

Thinking of this, he didn't think too much. When he was in shape, he went straight to the direction of laughter.

Immediately came to the dense forest, Yuan Feng could not help but take a sigh of cold air, and then, as calm as him, could not help but show excitement, and even began to tremble.


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