The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2377: Things in the Divine Realm

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c_t; For Zao Wou-ki, he was really scared this time. Yuan Feng said that he didn't really believe it, but after thinking about it, there was no reason for disbelief. [Fast updates, refreshing website pages, few advertisements, like this site the most, be sure to praise] -79xs-

Yuan Feng easily captured him before. The scene was still in front of him. At that time, Yuan Feng didn't seem to be so powerful now, but even so, I am afraid that it would not be weaker than the energy projection of King Mu Tie Shen. .

Right now, Yuan Feng's strength is obviously much stronger than before when he captured him. It is not surprising that the other party destroys Mu Tiejin's clone.

"Zhao Wuji, your patron has been destroyed by me. Although he still has the deity in the **** world, it is impossible to continue to protect you if you want to come. How about, should you consider taking refuge in me?"

Seeing Zhao Wuji's ‘color’ change, he did n’t dare to say a word. Yuan Feng could n’t help but smile slightly, and asked a little slyly.

"I call on ..."

After hearing Yuan Feng's words, Zhao Wuji could not help but breathe a long sigh of relief, which made himself as calm as possible.

"Hey, I really can't think of it. In a small place like the Nether, there will be such a terrible existence as you, so far, I'm afraid I have no choice?"

Knowing the current affairs man is Junjie, he is very clear about his current situation. Speaking of it, following Mu Tiejin is indeed his way out, but then again, the so-called companion is like a tiger, Mu Tiewang can complete him, naturally You can also destroy him at any time. This is no different from Yuan Feng in front of him.

Therefore, when Yuan Feng threw out the olive branch, he almost didn't hesitate, just obediently agreed.

"Ha, you are quite sensible, yes, yes !!"

With a smile, Yuan Feng did not expect that this Zao Wou-ki agreed to take refuge in himself so happily. Originally, he thought the other party would oppose it!

Frankly speaking, the reason why he has to ask this question is, in fact, that he just wants to test the other party. After all, even if the other party doesn't want to trust himself, he doesn't care.

"Well, since you are so sensible, I will not embarrass you. From now on, you will obediently do things for me and help me to climb to the pinnacle of the **** world, come here !!!"

When the voice fell, he suddenly raised his hand, but grabbed the opponent directly in his own hand, and he couldn't tell the difference, he just pressed the vacated arm directly above the opponent's head.

The verbal surrender is certainly impossible to reassure him, and now he naturally has a better way to make the other party obedient.

Xiu was promoted to six transitions in the semi-divine realm. Nowadays, his soul is already strong to an unimaginable state, and such a soul is certainly enough to support him to perform the magic of blood curse.

Zhao Wuji's face was full of panic 'color', but at this time he simply did not have the slightest resistance, naturally he could only watch Yuan Feng let go of his actions, and for a short time, he felt Until his own soul was torn halfway by Yuan Feng, Yuan Feng was finally in his hands.

"This, this is ............ the blood curse?"

When he saw his own soul and was caught by Yuan Feng in a special situation, Zhao Wuji's pupils suddenly enlarged, and the whole person seemed to have been struck by lightning. Unfortunately, he could not speak at this moment. Otherwise, it must be called out.

As a strong man in the divine realm, he was not too familiar with the blood-cursing magical powers performed by Yuan Feng, but he still heard about such a method in the divine realm. What just didn't make him realize is that this kind of practice that has almost been lost will be seen today in the Nether.

To be honest, after seeing Yuan Feng's magical power of blood curse, his heart can be said to be completely calm. What's so good about someone who has mastered such a skill?

"Well, Zao Wou-Ki, this time, we are completely our own. From now on, you will follow me."

Yuan Feng didn't notice the strangeness of Zhao Wou-ki. Speaking of them, everyone controlled by him had an expression similar to that of Zhao Wou-ki, so naturally he wouldn't let him think too much.

Right now Zhao Wou-ki has been completely controlled by him, and naturally he doesn't need to worry about the other party's indifference.

"Tongtong !!!"

"The villain is willing to follow the master. From now on, the master is the leader!"

Waiting for Yuan Feng's words to drop, Zhao Wuji simply knelt down, and even honestly set himself up as a servant.

In the presence of Mu Tie Shen Wang, he originally wanted to give himself a bottom line, but now he is completely under the control of Yuan Feng. In this life, there will basically be no turning day. In this case, the master, It's taken for granted.

"Well, you guy is really sensible, rest assured. As long as you obediently do things for me, the benefits I give you may not be worse than that Mu Tie Shen Wang."

He didn't expect Zhao Wuji to go on such a journey. It seems that this master of the gods is really a born slave, but it is best to say that such a servant is what he really needs.

"Tell me about the basic situation of the divine realm, such as the level of cultivation in the divine realm, and what kind of strong man is the Mu Tie God King in the divine realm. Is there a big one under my hand? Power? "

Although he already knew the existence of the divine realm, he did not have any accurate information about the situation of the divine realm at this time. Obviously, all of this must be answered from Zhao Wuji.

"The master is anxious, and his subordinates will come here one by one."

Nodding his head, Zao Wou-Ki calmed down a little bit at the moment, and made a slight Shen ‘yin’, then continued:

"The Divine Realm is the end of this universe, and there are countless superpowers out there, but in general, the Divine Realm is divided into two camps, one is the indigenous people of the Divine Realm, that is, The so-called Protoss, and the other type, are flying up from the Nether. Two camps, one deeply entrenched and one genius are countless. They are considered equal, no matter who wants to destroy each other, it is not easy. Things reads ;. "

Regarding the pattern of the divine realm, this nature is not a secret. If you want Yuanfeng to understand the divine realm, then the matter of the two camps is naturally the first thing to tell.

Yuan Feng didn't say anything, but her brow frowned. The two camps, such a divine realm, really surprised him a little, and at the same time they were naturally surprised by the expectation.

Obviously, if he goes to the **** realm, then he naturally belongs to the Ascension camp. In this way, he can find his own organization to seek asylum, and there is no need to worry about being chased and killed by Mu Tiejin.

"Whether it is the indigenous people of the divine realm, or the ascended ones who later ascended from the lower realm, there is no difference in the level of cultivation. The bottommost is the lower god, then the middle god, the higher god, and then It is Wang Jieqiang, and then the Dragon Emperor who does not see the tail, but the Emperor Jieqiang, who is more powerful, is not accessible to his subordinates. "

Seeing Yuan Feng seriously listening to his own story, Zhao Wuji also opened his own box and explained to Yuan Feng one by one.

He said that these are the most basic information, but also the most useful information for Yuan Feng. Yuan Feng can listen to his story honestly, which is considered an honor to him.

"The lower god, the middle god, the higher god, the king, the emperor, so to speak, that Mu Tie **** king, should be the so-called king step strong?"

With eyebrows on Mao, Yuan Feng this time "plugged in" because he was more interested in the division of the realm of the gods than in other situations.

"Yes, my subordinates have been separated from the **** world for a long time, but the name of Mu Tie Shen Wang is still like a thunderbolt. Speaking of, long ago, Mu Tie Shen Wang had the title of the first **** of the tribe. It is indeed a remarkable person. "

Speaking of which, he could not help but hesitate. It seemed that he wanted to say something, but he was afraid to speak.

"King of the First God? Ha, really an amazing guy."

Picking at the corner of his mouth, Yuan Feng was somewhat disapproved. He didn't care what the first **** was. As long as he was given enough time to step on the first god, it might not be difficult.

"Why? Anything you want to say? Although it is said here, I don't need to be so fearful."

Zhao Wuji's expression, how can he escape his eyes, it is obvious that this guy must have something to say to him.

"Thank you master." After hearing the words of Yuan Feng, Zao Wou-ki made a deep 'yin', and then continued, "Master, although you have killed an energy projection of the King Mu Tie Shen this time, the master must not I do n’t think it ’s a big deal. Speaking of which, his energy projection is probably not even one-tenth of his strength, so the owner must not be underestimated by him. ”

The so-called prince of the king and loyalty to the king, now that he has taken orders from Yuan Feng, and the whole person's "sex" fate has been linked to Yuan Feng, of course he must think about Yuan Feng thoroughly It can be concluded that Yuan Feng obviously did not take Mu Tie Shen Wang too seriously, and such an idea is absolutely unacceptable.

The name of the First God King is definitely not for fun. I am afraid that even the average emperor may not know how strong the Mu Tie God King is.

"You are quite thoughtful, rest assured. I am not yet the opponent of Mu Tie Shen Wang, but one day, I will step on him."

With a slight smile, Yuan Feng was very relieved to remind Zao Wou-ki. Regardless, since the other party can remind himself at this time, it can also reflect that this subordinate is quite competent.

"It seems that the muddy waters of the Divine Realm are quite deep. Well, there is so much information about the Divine Realm in the future. Now, let's talk about the business."

Want to let Zao Wou-Ki come together about the situation in the world of God, God knows how much time it takes, and now he obviously does not have that much time to spend ‘waves’.

"Also ask the master to tell me !!!"

Zao Wou-ki could also understand Yuan Feng's thoughts, so he stopped telling for the first time, waiting for further instructions from Yuan Feng.

The contact with Yuan Feng is actually quite a lot. He can feel that Yuan Feng is definitely a person with lofty aspirations. Although he has not yet reached the realm of God, from the perspective of Yuan Feng's performance, it may not necessarily bring the realm of God. Take it to heart.

In fact, this kind of thought is not bad. He comes from the divine realm and naturally understands the divine real. To survive in such a place, the first thing is to have a heart that is not convinced. Speaking of it, if he was not convinced, he would definitely not have achieved what he has today.

"You sneaked down from Divine Realm, and you know how to secretly return to Divine Realm?"

Yuan Feng didn't meander. He was very clear that he was somewhat different from other people. Other people could release their power directly, and they would be taken away by the upper bound, but he definitely couldn't do that.

He has already offended the First God King of the Protoss. If he releases his power to the upper world at this time, I am afraid that he has not waited to see the 'color' of the scenery of the God World, and he will be slaped to death by the person of the Mu Tie God King. Come on!

Therefore, if he wants to go to the divine realm, then he must find a way to go in secret, and no one should be alarmed. Only in this way can he survive in secret and make a lot of money in silence, so that he can become stronger as soon as possible. .

"Secretly fled back to the realm of God?"

Hearing Yuan Feng's words, Zhao Wuji was slightly hesitated, but then he felt relieved.

Yuan Feng's power is indeed very strong now, but now Yuan Feng wants to go further in the lower realm, I am afraid that it is really harder to ascend to the sky, so going to the **** realm is definitely the best choice for Yuan Feng.

Going boldly to the Upper Realm is absolutely prohibitive. In this case, you can only go to the Divine Realm in secret.

"Hey, I dare not hide the master. Speaking of it, his subordinates did have a secret lower bound. They should be able to sneak back to the upper bound in secret, but unfortunately, the colorful stone plates of their subordinates have been projected by the energy of King Mu Tie. I snatched it. Without the colorful stone plate, my subordinates couldn't think of a way to return to the realm in secret. "

At the beginning, he was able to secretly go to the lower realm, after all, because of the colorful stone plate, but now that he has no colorful stone plate, naturally there is no way to secretly 'touch' 'touch' to return to the **** world.

"What? You, you can't even sneak into the kingdom of God?"

Upon hearing Zao Wou-Ki ’s answer, Yuan Feng could n’t help but look at the “color” for a while, apparently he did not expect such a result. Obviously, Zao Wou-Ki ’s answer was definitely not what he wanted to hear.

"Dare to hide the master, his subordinates really can't help it."

Shaking his head with a bitter smile and shaking his head, Zao Wou-ki couldn't help feeling a little annoyed. No matter what, the first thing Yuan Feng told him, he didn't do it for him, which made him a little uncomfortable.


Knowing that Zao Wou-ki did not sneak into the realm of the gods, Yuan Feng couldn't help but get into trouble. If he can't sneak into the realm of ‘touch’ and ‘touch’, then for him, I ’m afraid it ’s really a big problem.

"Well? Wait, what did you just say? Colorful stone plates? But you said that?"

When Yuan Feng's heart was depressed and he didn't know how to solve the current dilemma, his mind suddenly flashed. In his thoughts, he suddenly raised his hand. Suddenly, a colorful piece Shi Pan appeared in front of him.

Jing Gu considered how to go to the divine realm, but he almost ignored the words of Zao Wou-ki. The colorful stone plate looks like this name is very similar to one of the two babies he got before.

"Well? This is ........."

After Yuande took out the colorful stone plate, Zao Wou-ki's originally depressed face was 'colored', and was suddenly filled with joy.

"It's it, it's it, hahaha, it turned out that this baby had been snatched by the owner, so that everything would be solved !!!"

He then remembered that Yuan Feng had previously killed the energy clone of the King Mu Tie Shen, and the energy clone of the King Mu Tie Shen had died. He had previously “handed over” the baby of the other party, and of course he would fall into the hands of Yuan Feng. .

I have to say that this is a good thing for Yuan Feng, but it is also a good thing for him. After all, if this thing falls into the hands of King Mu Tie God, it will be for him and Yuan Feng. It can be said to be catastrophic.

"It really is it?"

With the affirmation of Zao Wou-ki, Yuan Feng was also overjoyed. Although he doesn't know what this thing is right now, since Zhao Wuji said that this thing is a baby, basically he can't be wrong.

At least, from what Zao Wou-Ki said before, with this thing, he seems to be able to go to the realm without knowing it!


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