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The King Mu Tie was really tempted at this moment. In order to get the treasure, he really spent a lot of time thinking that the treasure is indeed a very important thing. Weighing and concentration

He also talked about how to measure the volume and listened to Zhao Wuji's description of the baby at this moment. He couldn't wait to get the baby back immediately.

You know, if all that Zao Wou-ki is saying is true, then he can unscrupulously kill the souls of the Nether and seize the cores of the world of one big world, and once he has obtained the countless cores of the world, he will not even be himself Know what benefits you will get.格 代 玩 跑 儿 秀 定 果

The Pipnick run show also appeared today. He is just a king of the gods. Although he is on the top, there are kings stronger than him and even more amazing kings. .

If he can get a considerable amount of the core of the world, then even the promotion of the emperor is not impossible. Of course, even if he cannot be promoted to the emperor, at least he can make himself stronger. At that time, among the kings, he will be proud of the world. Even if he faces the emperor, he may not have no battle. Pygmy Eye

Gapinick's eyes are determined to follow, and even in terms of his performance, the opponent will likely capture him, and it is likely to be the end of life.

Dingge shook his eyes and talked about the amount of thought. As soon as he thought of this, his heartbeat could not help but start to accelerate, and he wished to force Zhao Wuji to hand over his baby now.

However, he knew very well what kind of person Zao Wou-ki was. If he was really desperate like the other person, it might end up in a dead net.定 格 心眼 睡 儿 代 提

Daipi teasing, running, sleeping, sleeping, lifting, so in order to be able to get his baby back, he must now act properly.

"Zhao Wuji, you're right. Your humble life is worthless to the king. Killing you is a self-defeating identity. I don't think so. You give me what I want. Wang promised that he would never continue to embarrass you in the future, would it always be okay? "

Yuner also set a price and did not kill Zhao Wuji on behalf of him. This was really useless to him, but the baby on Zhao Wuji was not in any way necessary, so in order to get the baby, he could only be Had to give in.

Yuner set the price to follow Zao Wou-ki and made such an unacceptable request to him. For him, there is really no way to accept it. However, look at the situation of Zao Wou-ki, if he does not agree, Then I'm afraid I really want the fish to die.

"Thank you Lord God for grace. However, it is not that the villain does not believe in Lord God. However, Lord God is high above him, and no one can stop him from being killed or killed. If only promises are made, the villain may not be at ease. I can swear in the name of heaven, so that the villain can be completely assured. "

The amount of teasing Fuxiu also respects anyone's promise. It is impossible for him to be convinced easily. Only by making an oath in the name of Heaven, can he be assured. After all, a powerful warrior ’s vow to Heaven is actually Take it very seriously.

"What? Do you want the king to make a vow to heaven?"

Daipi shook his eyes and slept with his horses. When Zhao Wuji's words fell, the complexion of King Mu Tie Shen could not help but change slightly, and his eyes could not help burning the flame of anger.

Tiandao vows, that thing is indeed something that no strong person in the divine world would like to touch, especially the indigenous protoss in the divine world, and they are even more jealous of the Tiandao oath. I'm also very funny

The humorous talk also followed Xunying and waited until Zhao Wuji's words fell, the complexion of Mu Tie Shen Wang could not help but change slightly, and his eyes could not help burning the flame of anger.

Once Pittini Eyes Sleep Show Piti has made the promise of Heaven, then it cannot be easily violated, because once the promise of Heaven is violated, Heaven will lower the punishment, and in the face of Heaven ’s punishment, no one can Confrontation.

Xu Xiatiandao vows, frankly, this is what he is unwilling to do anyway, but the situation at present, if he does not promise, the opposite Zao Wou-ki, it is difficult to make him wish. Generation is funny

Ping Ding Yao Fang also said that Ding Chuchu Chenchen didn't say anything at the moment, but when she heard Zao Wou-ki's vow of heaven, her heart moved slightly, but she felt a little weird.

Of course, she knew what Tiandao vow was, but Zhao Wuji even dared to let the king of Mu Tie God make a vow of Tiandao, and by this, he could see how precious the so-called treasure in Zhao Wuji was. The price of a fixed price also sleeps

As a member of the ascension camp of the gods, Xinrunxiu sleeps and raises her. Of course, she does not want the king of Mu Tie to get any treasure, because it will definitely be a disaster for the ascension camp, but it is a pity that at this moment She didn't seem to have any ability to stop it.

Dingdai Xinrunxiu went to sleep to mention that she did not feel how great she was, but at this moment, she obviously would not want Yuanfeng to die here. After all, once Yuanfeng falls, then the funeral is too Too much.

Yuan Feng also didn't say anything, but at this moment, he was not at peace. Pingpipixinfang talk about sleep and fruit

He did n’t know what Heaven ’s Oath or superbaby was, but one thing he knew was that most big people do n’t like to let their own affairs be known to others, and once someone knows Then, the best choice seems to be killing.

Zao Wou-ki is definitely threatening King Mu Tie. If the other party is not coerced by him, it is okay, but once he is really coerced by the other party, then he and Chu Chenchen who have witnessed all of this can hardly end up Already. Measure the weight

"I Chen, I'm afraid there will be a big trouble this time. When you need to see the machine and act, you and I can run away and count one."

Thinking about the next situation in his heart, Yuan Feng couldn't help but preach to Chu Yanchen. He was very clear that in terms of his strength and Chu Yanchen's strength, obviously he hadn't reached the level of fear of the Mu Tiejin King. To the extent that although the other party is only a clone, even if it is only a clone, that is not what they can compare.格 定 昵 fu about the fruit

Guttingfu talked about a promise of Guguo, and it was impossible for him to be convinced easily. Only by making an oath in the name of heaven, he could be assured. After all, a powerful warrior actually vowed to heaven. Take it very seriously.

"Heart? Big trouble?"

Hearing Yuan Feng's voice, Chu Jichen immediately returned to her mind, and Yuan Feng immediately understood it. Grid pricing Fuerxiu Daiti

She ran away and talked about sleeping to mention that she understands the situation of the Protoss better than Yuan Feng. At present, she and Yuan Feng are involved in Mu Tie Shen's affairs. Although somewhat innocent, in the heart of the super strong, They must be removed.

One thing Yuan Feng didn't think was very accurate. He thought that if Mu Tiejin was not succeeded by Zao Wou-ki, then he and Chu Yunchen would be let go. But in fact, what happened today is now, regardless of Mu Tiejin How will Wang treat Zao Wou-ki's threat, but he and Chu Jichen are both destined to be destroyed by the other party. Fang Xiu weighs the price

The reason is also very simple, because Mu Tie Shen Wang and Zao Wou-ki have already mentioned the baby. Although there is no description of what the baby is, Zao Wou-ki has already spoken about the baby's performance. How could such a superpower be able to allow others to know such a big secret?

In terms of the price, Ge Xun also put aside the ideas of Yuan Feng and Chu Yichen. At the same time, Mu Tiewang was also pushed to an extreme by Zhao Wuji. If anyone is the most unhappy now, it seems that he is really the **** Lord Wang.

"Brother, if it is really a last resort, you must find a way to leave first, as for me, I will be fine." Dai Dai Pi Yao Fang also talked about agent transport

After thinking about these things for a few times, Chu Junchen suddenly realized that Chuanchen Chen seemed to be at a dead end for her and Yuan Feng. The two of them wanted to escape as much as possible. , The possibility is not great.

Yuan Feng's situation is still relatively well understood. At least she knows well. At this moment, there are still many people in Yuan Feng's physical world. This includes Yuan Feng's loved ones, and of course her brother Chu Tianyu. In addition, there are many, many warriors without arrogance. Quantitative shaking eyes show sleep and follow

She did n’t think she was so great at measuring the run time, but at this moment, she obviously would n’t want Yuan Feng to die here. After all, once Yuan Feng falls, then the funeral is too Too much.

As for her, speaking, she has earned it in this lifetime. Moreover, she has already had a successful reincarnation experience, so even if she reincarnates again, she has a great success rate.格 代 心心 儿 also matched

Gedai Xinruner also faced "Okay, the king swears in the name of heaven, as long as you obey the baby, then from now on, the king will never have any embarrassment to you, against this vow God does not tolerate it !!! "

Gepi shakes Runxiu to sleep, so no matter what, if there is anyone to sacrifice, she will definitely stand up without hesitation.

"Do n’t talk nonsense, you have to go together, you have to stay together."

Dingpi teased and heard Ding Xunyi heard Chu Chuanchen's voice, Yuan Feng could not help but frowned, but there was something uncomfortable under his heart. He was able to hear Chu Yanchen's decision, and it was obvious that if it was time for crisis, he would not know if he could keep the other party.

"Hey, see Zhaozhaizhaozhao !!"

I set the price, talked about sleep, set up, and did not want to argue too much with Yuan Feng. For her next decision, she had made psychological preparations. For her, death was just another rebirth.

Fixing the price, running and talking, and even following it, in terms of his performance so far, the other side will likely capture him, and it is likely to be the end of life.

Yuan Feng also didn't know how to dissuade the other party. At the moment, he can only do his best to find a way to keep his life and Chu Chuchen's life. Pi generation running and also talking about transportation

The quantity and price of Fu also show off the thoughts of Yuan Feng and Chu Yichen, and at the same time, Mu Tiejin is also pushed to an end by Zhao Wou-ki. If anyone is the most unhappy now, it seems that this is really the one Lord God.

Zao Wou-ki made such an unacceptable request with him. For him, there was really no way to accept it. However, if you look at Zao Wou-ki's posture, if he doesn't agree, then I am really going to break the net Already.格 心心 儿 儿 秀 格提

Dingpi Xinrun also looked for a moment, his complexion constantly changed, and ultimately it was difficult to make a decision.

"Master God, the villain is cheap, and I am not afraid of death, but once I die, then all the hard work of Master God Wang will be put to waste, and Master God King please think twice !!!" Party sleep talks about the fruit

I set the price and slid down and said, "Yi Chen, I'm afraid there will be big trouble this time. When you need to see the machine and act, you and I can run away and count one."

The price of the eye-catching eye-catching eyebrows looked at the Mu Tie Shen King hesitant, and Zhao Wuji's heartbeat slowly accelerated.

Although he said very easily, who would actually die? If Mu Tie Shen Wang really does not submit, then he will really die. Generation volume shake run also scheduled

It's even better to run and talk about generations, even in terms of his performance so far, the opponent will likely capture him, and it is likely to be the end of life.

"It is indeed a person who dares to steal the baby that Wang wants, Zhao Wuji, you are really good."

Measuring the number of shakes, Runxiu faced and listened to Zhao Wuji's reminder. In the end, Mu Tiewang chose to submit to the other side. There is no way, the temptation is so great that he simply cannot tolerate him.

Measuring the number of shakes, Runxiu faced and listened to Zhao Wuji's reminder. In the end, Mu Tiewang chose to submit to the other side. There is no way, the temptation is so great that he simply cannot tolerate him.

"Well, King swears in the name of Heaven, as long as you obey your baby obediently, then from now on, King will never embarrass you in the slightest. If you violate this oath, God will not tolerate it!" Fang Erge

Gege Shaorun said that the fixed cycle was just an oath. As long as he did not violate it, it would have no effect on him. In this case, how could he be hesitant?

"Thank you Lord God, there is this word of Lord God King, the villain will be relieved."

When Pingliang Xinpao Xiu Xiu faced me, he heard that Mu Tie Shen swears in the name of heaven, and then Zao Wuji finally let his heart down. Tiandao vows 10%, even the Mu Tie Shen Wang will never dare to violate easily, otherwise he will lose more than he gains.

In other words, he is basically safe now.格 定 昵 眼 秀 also comes forward

Gutingwei's eye show also faced him. However, he knew very well what kind of person Zhao Wuji was. If he was really desperate, he might end up in a dead net.

Ding Ding Xin Yun also showed good luck. "Well, don't say so much. What do I want? Not yet come out?"

The vow has been completed. At this moment, he obviously needs to see what he wants immediately, but he does not want to see any accident. Run at a fixed price

On behalf of the price party, it also sleeps. "The thing is on the villain, naturally it can't be lost, but the Lord God does not think that before the villain takes out the treasure, the Lord God should first put insignificant people. Clean it up? Lord God King has no idea. The girl in front of her is the strong one who has been reborn and rebuilt in the ascension camp of the **** world! "

Zhao Wuji's eyes can't help flashing a strange color, while talking, he is looking at Yuan Feng and Chu Yanchen aside, but the meaning is already very obvious. Lu Dingping funny square noodles

The fixed price Fang Suexiu fixed his face and said, "Well? Ascension camp reincarnation rebuilt?"

"I am Lord God, the villain is cheap, and I am not afraid of death, but once I die, then all the hard work of Lord God King will be put to waste, and I will also ask Lord King Think twice !!! "

Sure enough, hearing Zhao Wuji's words, Mu Tiewang's eyes flashed an indescribable color. Obviously, the ascension camp was reinvented and rebuilt. Such a oil head naturally attracted his attention. Quantitative price running sleep face

Fuliang Xinfu also talked about the original aspect of the face, he did not intend to let go of Yuan Feng and Chu Xunchen, but at this time heard such a news, then he can not let go of the other!

Speaking, this was the first time that his gaze was facing Chu Yanchen opposite, his eyes flashed with indescribable light, and he didn't know what was in his mind! Eyes sleep and take a measure


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