The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2350: Eve of the war

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Chu Yanchen never dreamed that Yuan Feng in front of her had inadvertently practiced the magic skill of the **** world—mirror magic. It can be said that this was something she couldn't even imagine.

However, judging from Yuan Feng's explanation, the ability to practice this magical skill is purely a coincidence. I just do n’t know if there is something in her chance that she could n’t even imagine.

"Brother, you are doing such a wonderful thing, but do many people know?"

To stabilize her emotions, Chu Yanchen looked at Yuan Feng's deity, and then looked at Yuan Feng's avatar, but whether it was the ancestor or the avatar, in her eyes, it seemed that there was no difference.

Mirror magic powers appear on a person in the lower realm. If this matter passes to the upper realm, then for Yuan Feng, it is definitely not a good thing. In the realm of God, there are too many things that have lost their lives because of a magical skill.

"However, a few people know, but they are all my close relatives. They will not disclose this to others." Seeing Chu Yanchen's slightly dignified face, Yuan Feng couldn't help but hesitated, but then returned truthfully. Road.

"That ’s good, elder brother, you ’re mirroring the magic. It ’s best not to let more people know about it. Also, from now on, elder brother should try not to reveal it, don't ask the reason, you will slowly understand of."

She didn't want to talk to the other side about things in the divine realm, but as she said, as long as a certain time comes, Yuan Feng herself will understand.

"Relax, knowing that all my deeds are mirrored by my dear ones. As for the people outside, I will not show them in front of them."

Shaking his head, Yuan Feng's heart doesn't know, of course, such a magical skill as mirroring the magic can not let too many people know, because then, it will certainly bring him a lot of trouble.

After knowing the existence of Six Wing Zhao Wou-ki, he actually has some predictions for the way forward. Obviously, there are heavens in this world, there are people outside, there is no delusion world, no matter the beast **** world, obviously neither will The limit of the universe, at least, the God Realm he has heard of long ago, has never seen it before.

The situation of Chu Yanchen can be said to remind him that he is not a fool. Of course, he understands that Chu Yanchen can become so powerful now. It is impossible to rely on cultivation. What is the reason? However, he is impossible to ask the other party directly.

But one thing is certain, the current Chu Yanchen, I am afraid that really is not the original little girl.

"Okay, Chen Chen, let's study the business first, kill Zhao Wuji, this is the most important thing right now."

For the extra situations, he has no mood to sort out now. At the moment, he just wants to find Zao Wou-ki and others, and destroy those guys one by one, so as to keep the pure land of the Wandering Realm.

"Okay, elder brother, in the next time, you will be behind me. As for the task of finding Zao Wou-ki, let it be to Chen Chen!"

When I saw Yuan Feng, I didn't want to be too entangled in other things. Chu Yanchen didn't think too much. At this moment, she also wanted to see Zhao Wuji soon, to see if her guess was correct. of.

"Will you lead the way? Can you determine the position of Zao Wou-ki?"

Hearing Chu Chuchen's words, Yuan Feng could not help but hesitated. He originally thought that he wanted to separate from the other party, but now it seems Chu Chuchen seems to have found a way to find Zao Wou-ki.

"It's hard to say now, but you might as well give it a try." With a slight smile, Chu Xunchen didn't say anything to death, but from her expression, she obviously still has a certain degree of confidence.

In fact, if she really is, as she had guessed, Zao Wou-ki, a six-winged Zhao Wuji, is indeed an indigenous powerhouse in the Divine Realm, then she should be able to find the other person with her ability.

Of course, even if you can't find it, Yuan Feng will definitely not blame her.

"Okay, it's up to you this time. The avatar and I will fall behind you. If we really find Zhao Wou-ki, then we will temporarily agree on **** him."

He really has nothing to do, since Chu Yunchen is willing to try, and obviously very energetic, of course he is happy to follow.

He is not very good at assessing Chu's current strength, but at least, the opponent's strength should not be weaker, or even better than him.

After discussing the plan, Chu Yanchen immediately flew ahead, and Yuan Feng followed closely behind. Of course, he naturally informed everyone in the physical world and let everyone continue to work for themselves. Things went.

Along the way, Yuan Feng can feel that Chu Yanchen clearly has a choice of direction. Although he does not understand what the other party made based on his judgments and choices, from Chu Yanchen's performance, this time, Maybe you can really find Zhao Wuji.

Chu Yanchen's speed was extremely fast. Yuan Feng at the back basically used all his strength to be able to keep up with each other. This situation undoubtedly surprised Yuan Feng.

You know, he has always had a speed advantage, but now he has lost to Chu Yichen. It is conceivable that even if he is real, he is definitely inferior.

Similarly, Chu Fengchen is quite surprised that Yuan Feng can keep up with herself. You must know that she knows her strength best. Although she has only cultivated for hundreds of years in this life, her The years of cultivation are definitely not measured by the year.

In this way, Chu Yanchen flew in front and constantly changed directions, while Yuan Feng followed with all his strength, and along the way, the two did not have much time to communicate with each other, and Yuan Feng saw so much After dying, there is no mood to talk to the other person.

Chu Chenchen had no idea about the loss of the imaginary world. For her, the dead and the blood were seen more often, and the small battle in front of her was nothing at all.

However, along the way, her brows have been frowned tightly, and she seems to have some speculation about the current scene, but she is not too sure.

When she was in the upper realm, she had heard some secrets about the lower realm, but due to the limitation of her identity, she did n’t know too much about it, but no matter what, if Zao Wou-ki in Yuan Feng ’s mouth was really a **** People in the world, then she can guess the other's thoughts somehow.

As time goes by, Yuan Feng and the avatars follow Chu Yanchen like this, and this follow is a whole month.

During this month, Yuan Feng was completely reduced to follow the class, while Chu Yichen stopped walking, looking for clues, while changing direction.

Yuan Feng didn't know what the other party was looking for to find the whereabouts of Zao Wou-ki, but when he saw the other party's appearance, his heart was full of expectations.

In addition, after so long searching, the devouring Wuling in his body seems to have begun to react. Perhaps, this time, they really found the right direction.

On this day, Yuan Feng is still behind Chu Yanchen as usual, and just looking forward to him, when he wants to find Zao Wou-ki soon, Chu Yinchen ’s voice is suddenly introduced. In his ears.

"Brother, it seems that we are close to the target."

Chu Yanchen's tone is very affirmative, which is full of indescribable taste, but Yuan Feng did not consider so much, because he cares more, but it is the message that Chu Yanchen passed to him!

"Eh? Close to the target? Really want to see Zao Wou-ki?"

With a shocked figure, Yuan Feng's face couldn't help showing an excited expression. Although on the way, he basically believed that Chu Yichen could find Zao Wou-ki, but when he really wanted to get his wish, He couldn't help but be very excited.

"Brother, you hide yourself first, I will get in touch with him first, as for when to start, just listen to my instructions."

Chu Yanchen's tone is also very dignified. Obviously, at this moment, she seems to have sensed the situation of Zao Wou-ki, and for an indigenous strong man in the upper world, he is an indigenous man who can reach the lower world and not be found above. , Of course, she did not dare to have the slightest heart.

It ’s safe to let Yuan Feng hide first. In fact, she did n’t want Yuan Feng to conflict with each other too soon before she met Zao Wou-ki. After all, once the war started, what would happen? It's really hard to say.

"Okay, take care of yourself, I will always be ready to shoot."

Nodded secretly, Yuan Feng can not help but converge the breath of the body as much as possible, for fear of being felt by Zhao Wuji.

This time is definitely a moment of life and death. Zao Wou-Ki is immortal, and the Wraith World will be destroyed after all. As long as he can kill Zao Wou-Ki, even if it hurts him, he will spare no expense.

Upon hearing Yuan Feng's response, Chu Yanchen took a deep breath and spoke, and she swept forward, and she was quite looking forward to this moment.

The aborigines of the divine realm are not easy to mess with, but the same is that the indigenous strong are themselves treasures. At present, she is reborn and rebuilt in the lower realm. If she can kill an aboriginal of the divine realm, she may be able to improve her.

Of course, she has limited strength now, and she can't kill each other, but she doesn't have much confidence. Perhaps, if you want to kill Zhao Wuji, you still need Yuanfeng's help.

But having said that, the movement of the lower world has always been under the surveillance of the divine world. She has just awakened now, but she does not want to expose her target too soon. So, maybe this battle may not really be fought. As for how to solve it, everything depends on the situation. (.)

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