The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2348: Vicissitudes of the sea vi

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Chapter Two Three Hundred and Thirty-Eight

Chapter 2438: The Mulberry Field (Book Number: 14082)

Chapter two thousand three hundred and forty-eight

Author: decadent smoke 121

When receiving the news from Qingwu Palace, Yuan Feng didn't want to think about it. She was immediately immersed in her physical world and observed the changes in Qingwu Palace. txt novel download

Qingwu Palace is his old nest. His relatives and loved ones are here, so no difference is allowed. At the moment, he has brought so many human warriors into the physical world. He is really worried that it will affect Qing Dance Palace.

However, when he immersed his mind in Qingwu Palace, the sight in his eyes made him slightly frightened. Price

"What ...? ... where's the golden light?"

In front of his eyes, the entire Qingwu Palace was covered by a mass of golden light at this time, and in his perception, the golden light was very special, giving people a feeling, like a kind of Very advanced energy.

Qingwu Palace is his old nest. His relatives and loved ones are here, so no difference is allowed. At the moment, he has brought so many human warriors into the physical world. He is really worried that it will affect Qing Dance Palace.

"What's going on? Why did the light dance palace come out for no reason? This is ..."

Looking at his familiar Qingwu Palace, the treasure light flickered. Yuan Feng was really a bit stunned. He really couldn't figure out why the Qingwu Palace suddenly became like this.


When Yuan Feng watched all these changes in astonishment, a ray of light came on. Then, Yun Mengchen and Mu Yuner, plus the flames that just returned, brought a direct line between the Yuan family and the Yun family. The man flew out, and came to him beside him.

"Mengchen, sister, father and mother, are you all right?"

With a somber expression, Yuan Feng had solemnity like never before. In his heart, he really wanted to greet the coming of the next moment seriously, because the next moment, the fate of the boundless world is very Unpredictable changes may occur.

Seeing a family of relatives approaching him, Yuan Feng's eyes flashed a little worry, and asked subconsciously.

"We are all okay, but we don't know why Qingwu Palace's lights suddenly flickered, and it looked like something had changed."

When I saw Yuan Feng, although it was only an energy projection of Yuan Feng, Yun Mengchen and others calmed down at once, but they were all a little surprised when they watched the changes in Qingwu Palace one by one. Unsure.

Suddenly, the price of light dancing palace suddenly appeared, which is undoubtedly unknown to anyone. You must know that they have lived here for so long. It is the first time they have seen the situation.

"Don't worry, let me find out first!"

With a shocked expression, he finally understood why he felt that this energy fluctuation was more familiar, because this energy fluctuation was transmitted from a special area of ​​Qingwu Palace, and there, it was This is where Chu Yanchen has been retreating.

It's okay to see everyone, and Yuan Feng's heart has also stabilized a lot, while waving to the crowd, while watching the changes in Qingwu Palace below.

"It seems to be a light coming from the inside, and the energy fluctuations under this light ........." His eyes narrowed for a moment, and he was really curious about the situation in front of him now, because even himself And really didn't figure out what was going on.

Qingwu Palace was basically built by him, but even he himself couldn't figure out what happened, which was obviously unacceptable to him.

"It looks like we have to come in and take a closer look !!!"

He just came down with an energy projection, and it was obviously impossible to detect the situation too clearly. Therefore, in a moment of mind, he called the avatar back, and directly returned the avatar to the physical world of the deity. Read the latest chapters in full

Although it is his physical world, the changes in front of him are indeed not in his cognition, so of course we must be careful. rong>

"Wow !!!"

The energy projection dissipated, and Yuan Feng's avatar fell from the sky for the first time, but the avatar after the advent was no longer hesitant. When the figure was moved, it was swept towards Qingwu Palace.

"Everyone stay away from the flames, take care of others, don't let everyone get hurt!"

As soon as the avatar started to act, Yuan Feng's voice passed into everyone's ears for the first time, reminding everyone to pay attention to safety.

Although it is his physical world, the changes in front of him are indeed not in his cognition, so of course we must be careful.

Shaking his head, Chu Tianyu also said that the situation was not good at the moment. He was under a lot of pressure at the moment, and in this case, the eight achievements were caused by Chu Yangchen's cultivation after promotion.

The price is of course, there is a demon flame, and he has control of the situation at any time, it will not hurt everyone.

"Eh? What a terrible energy wave, this is ........."

Soon, the avatar passed through the golden light on the light dance palace and came to the inner space of the light dance palace. When he just came to the inside of the light dance palace, a horrible energy wave was the first He was enveloped for a while.

"How does this energy fluctuate feel familiar ........."

Feeling the overwhelming energy fluctuations covering himself, Yuan Feng's brow could not help but wrinkle slightly, and speaking, he looked subconsciously in one direction.

When Yuan Feng watched all these changes in astonishment, a ray of light came on. Then, Yun Mengchen and Mu Yuner, plus the flames that just returned, brought a direct line between the Yuan family and the Yun family. The man flew out, and came to him beside him.

"Yun Chen? This is the energy fluctuation of Yun Chen !!!"

With a shocked expression, he finally understood why he felt that this energy fluctuation was more familiar, because this energy fluctuation was transmitted from a special area of ​​Qingwu Palace, and there, it was This is where Chu Yanchen has been retreating.


He has always regarded Chu Chuchen as a little girl. Before Chu Chuchen suddenly retreat, and even the retreat could not even approach him, he was always surprised.

At the moment, it seems that Chu Zhechen's body is in a situation that even he can't imagine. After all, judging from the level of energy fluctuations, Chu Zhechen now is obviously not weaker than him.

In front of his eyes, the entire Qingwu Palace was covered by a mass of golden light at this time, and in his perception, the golden light was very special, giving people a feeling, like a kind of Very advanced energy.

"What is going on? Is it really Chen Chen's girl?"

He is not very good at assessing Chu Yanchen's strength. After all, Chu Yanchen's practice speed was extremely fast at first. Later, when the other party closed the deadlock, he never knew anything.

The price "can't control so much, go and see first !!!"

Taking a deep breath, he didn't think about it any more. When he was in shape, he went straight to the retreat of Chu Chen.

Along the way, the closer to the position of Chu Yanchen's retreat, the surrounding energy fluctuations will become more and more intense, and this basically made him sure. At this moment, the energy fluctuation at this moment is extremely likely to be released by Chu Yanchen from.

"It seems to be a light coming from the inside, and the energy fluctuations under this light ........." His eyes narrowed for a moment, and he was really curious about the situation in front of him now, because even himself And really didn't figure out what was going on.

Soon, Yuan Feng's figure finally appeared outside the cave of Chu Yanchen's retreat, and when he came to the entrance of the cave, Chu Tianyu, who was always guarding Chu Yanchen, had been also at this time. .

"Yuan Feng, you are finally here."

Yuan Feng's arrival was discovered by Chu Tianyu at the first time. After all, Chu Tianyu has now been promoted to the demigod state, and Yuan Feng has not hidden anything, so of course he cannot escape his perception.

"Brother Tianyu, what's going on? But what's wrong with Yunchen's girl?"

At this time, naturally, it was not the time to tell the old. While talking to Chu Tianyu, Yuan Feng couldn't help but carefully observe the situation inside the cave. Unfortunately, the cave was shining with gold light at the moment. There was no way to see the situation inside. .

Of course, there is a demon flame, and he has control of the situation at any time, and it will not hurt everyone.

"I'm not very clear. I practiced in the courtyard before, and suddenly felt that there was movement here, so I rushed over for the first time, and it looked as if Chen Chen's practice had broken through again."

Shaking his head, Chu Tianyu also said that the situation was not good at the moment. He was under a lot of pressure at the moment, and in this case, the eight achievements were caused by Chu Yangchen's cultivation after promotion.

In his feelings, the energy fluctuations coming from the cave at this moment can be described by the word horror. In the face of such energy fluctuations, his power is simply unbeatable and worthless. A mention!

"Has Xiuwei made a breakthrough? But what kind of realm does this have to break through to? It seems that even a general Great Perfectionist can only bow his head in front of this kind of power, right?"

With his eyes narrowed, Yuan Feng's shock at this moment was definitely stronger than anyone.

Seeing Chu Yanchen's appearance, Yuan Feng could not help but frown, and smiled subconsciously. However, although he was laughing, in the same way, the depth of his eyes was full of indescribable colors.

Chu Tianyu's realm is not there. Naturally, he does not have a precise understanding of the situation at this moment, but as a super pervert who is far beyond the great consummate, he can naturally feel the terror power coming from the cave.

It can be said that judging from the level of energy fluctuations, even him, I am afraid that he will be slightly inferior.

Of course, this is only from the perspective of energy fluctuations. As for the actual combat power, it is yet to be studied.

"Brother Tianyu, the energy fluctuations here are too violent. You should leave here for the time being to avoid any damage. As for Chen Chen, leave it to me."

The energy fluctuations coming from the cave are too fierce. He doesn't know if Chu Yanchen can completely control such power. If the other party's control is not good, it is likely to hurt people.

"Yun Chen? This is the energy fluctuation of Yun Chen !!!"

"Ah, that's okay, Li Chen will give it to you. I'll see Mo Xi and them."

After a little hesitation, Chu Tianyu finally agreed, because for him, the energy fluctuations in the cave were too strong, and with his strength, it was indeed full of danger.

Anyway, there is Yuan Feng sitting here, and it is Yuan Feng's own body world. He believes that Yuan Feng can do well.

Having figured this out, he stopped thinking about it, and flew away, leaving.

"This girl is really incredible. Such terrible energy fluctuations, I really don't know what kind of state she can reach after seeing again."

Feeling that the atmosphere in the cave is becoming more and more stable, Yuan Feng knows that the first time in it is now at its final stage. I just do n’t know. After meeting again, the old girl will become What.

Without the presence of other people, Yuan Feng's heart was a little more stable, and the next time, he had to wait quietly for the end of the change in Chu Yanchen. As for what the final result is, at this moment He can't decide yet.

"Buzz !!!!"

The golden light was constantly escaping towards the surroundings, and the horrible energy wave was slowly soothing at this moment, as if it was about to enter a flat period.

"It's almost there, it really makes people look forward to it !!!"

Feeling that the atmosphere in the cave is becoming more and more stable, Yuan Feng knows that the first time in it is now at its final stage. I just do n’t know. After meeting again, the old girl will become What.

He has basically no idea now, and if Chu Chenchen can achieve great achievements, then at least, the other party can help him to kill the black birdman a lot, and save a lot of souls.

"Om !!!!!!"

Yuan Feng did not wait too long, almost speaking, the golden light around the cave slightly shook, and then dissipated invisible, and the horrible energy wave finally finally calmed down. As if nothing had happened.

Yuan Feng's eyes stared tightly at the opening, waiting for the moment when Chu Yanchen appeared. For him, if Chu Chenchen really has a great achievement, it will be a great good for the whole world.

He has basically no idea now, and if Chu Chenchen can achieve great achievements, then at least, the other party can help him to kill the black birdman a lot, and save a lot of souls.

Of course, if Chu Yichen's power can surpass him and reach a state that he can't reach beyond the dust, then he and the other party may not be able to kill Zhao Wuji.

"This girl is really incredible. Such terrible energy fluctuations, I really don't know what kind of state she can reach after seeing again."

If Zao Wou-ki can be killed, then everything will really be solved.

"Come out, little girl, let me see what kind of changes have happened after you retreat for so many years !!!"

With a somber expression, Yuan Feng had solemnity like never before. In his heart, he really wanted to greet the coming of the next moment seriously, because the next moment, the fate of the boundless world is very Unpredictable changes may occur.


Just as Yuan Feng stared tightly at the opening and his heart was full of expectations, a light suddenly flashed, and with the light on, Yuan Feng narrowed his eyes subconsciously, and waited until he opened his eyes again. In the eyes, a pretty girl was standing quietly in front of him, as if she hadn't moved.

He is not very good at assessing Chu Yanchen's strength. After all, Chu Yanchen's practice speed was extremely fast at first. Later, when the other party closed the deadlock, he never knew anything.

"Big brother, I haven't seen you in a long time. It seems that big brother has changed a lot !!!"

The pretty girl stood in front of the cave entrance with a tender smile on her face, but a hint of surprise flashed deep in her eyes. And at this time, who appeared at the entrance of the cave, and called Yuan Feng like this, who was not only Chu Yanchen?

"It's been a long time since I disappeared, but the little girl who grew up now has grown up !!!"

Seeing Chu Yanchen's appearance, Yuan Feng could not help but frown, and smiled subconsciously. However, although he was laughing, in the same way, the depth of his eyes was full of indescribable colors.

Once upon a time, Chu Yichen was a little sister who had been sticking to him in his memory. However, today when he saw the person in the memory again, he even felt like he was afraid to recognize the other party.

The energy projection dissipated, and Yuan Feng's avatar fell from the sky for the first time, but the avatar after the advent was no longer hesitant. When the figure was moved, it was swept towards Qingwu Palace.

The little girl in memory grew taller, but this was not the main thing. From the other side, he felt an unspeakable strangeness, and this strange feeling really made him very disliked.

If there is a choice, he still hopes that Chu Yanchen in front of him can stick to him like he did at the beginning and treat him as the closest person.

"Ha ha ha, Chen Chen will eventually grow up one day, just like the elder brother you, now you, have you grown up?"

Seeing Yuan Feng look at himself with such a gaze, Chu Yanchen could not help but smile slightly, and could not help recalling his first encounter.

Time flies. At that time, they were still teenagers, and in an instant, they were all grown up. Of course, maybe she wasn't grown up, but the opposite Yuan Feng was really different from the original!

The pretty girl stood in front of the cave entrance with a tender smile on her face, but a hint of surprise flashed deep in her eyes. And at this time, who appeared at the entrance of the cave, and called Yuan Feng like this, who was not only Chu Yanchen? (.)

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