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Chapter two thousand three hundred and thirty-nine give a big gift

The beast **** world, towering on the top of the cliff in the sky, the supreme lord of the heavens, Zao Wou-ki, is standing there gloomily at this moment, and if someone is by his side at this moment, he will find that at the moment, Zao Wou-ki's entire body Shaking slightly.

"Dammit, why is this? I ......... Am I doing something wrong? Finish, all the subordinates in the Beast God Realm are finished !!!"

His fist was rattling. At this moment, Zhao Wuji was really anxious and angry, and at the same time he was full of deep regret.

Not long ago, he ordered all the subordinates in the beast **** world to gather in the direction where he was at this time. However, in the following time, he received a call for help from his subordinates. , The teams that gathered to him, even lost a total of five! !!

The average number of five teams is more than thirteen, that is, in this short time, his subordinates have lost nearly seventy people! !! !!

Originally, the loss during this period of time was huge. When he ordered the gathering, it was basically less than 120 people. With the loss of 70 people, now he has only left under his hands. With about fifty people, there are only four poor teams.

However, although these four teams are still calm, judging from the current situation, I am afraid that more than fifty people in these four teams may not be able to come alive.

From those fallen men, he learned that it wasn't just Yuan Feng who acted. Inside, there were other strong beast gods participating, and it seemed that their strength was not weak.

He was not in the mood to know how much the other party lost, nor was he in the mood to control the fighting process. He only knew that his five teams were thus killed in the beast **** world. Right now, even if he returns to the world of delusion, I am afraid Could not bring back a few powerful subordinates.

"Attention, attention !!! Why should we gather them? If I take a trip in person and bring them into the physical world, wouldn't the loss this time be avoided?"

At this moment, he finally realized how stupid and terrible he was.

Originally, his subordinates were scattered everywhere, and the distance between each other was extremely far. Even if the guys in Yuanfeng and the beast **** world wanted to deal with these people, they would have to keep looking around. .

But it's better now, because he gathered all his subordinates together. In this way, whether Yuan Feng or the strong in the beast **** world, he can just wait for the rabbits and launch an interception to his subordinates halfway through. . It is conceivable that the beast **** strongmen who intercepted his subordinates must have suffered a lot of losses, but these are obviously not his concerns.

A moment of laziness, or a moment of negligence, eventually caused irreversible consequences. For all of this, his heart no doubt regretted death. But since it has already happened, then of course you can only grit your teeth and swallow it.

Over this period of time, among the two worlds, his black birdman continued to fall, but this time the number of fall was the largest, and it was really unbearable.

Without these dozens of superpowers, God knows how much things will be delayed!

"Why, why is this so? How could that human kid appear from time to time in the world of delusion, and sometimes in the world of beast gods? Does he have the same avatar as me?"

At the same time of remorse and anger, Zao Wou-ki's heart was also very entangled.

During this period of time, the losses on the Infinite World continued to increase, whether those young birds or mature black birds, basically there will always be a variety of casualties, and according to those The information passed down seemed to be Yuan Feng!

But in fact, he was obviously playing against Yuan Feng in the world of beast gods. Whatever he thought, Yuan Feng should definitely not appear in the world of no delusion.

There are undoubtedly only two possibilities for this situation. One is naturally that Yuan Feng really has his own avatar. This possibility is not great. After all, avatars and other means are not something that can be done by the wild world and the beast **** world Have it.

In addition to the possibility of separation, basically there is the possibility that Yuan Feng has a twin brother. Moreover, this possibility is not small, and he also believes that the latter is more likely.

Of course, no matter what kind of possibility, at present, his subordinates are dying in large numbers. This is an indisputable fact, and for the fall of his subordinates, his heart is really bleeding.

"Can't go on like this, go on like this, the last four teams, I'm afraid it's very difficult to stay, it seems I have to take a trip myself !!!"

In the face of change, Zao Wou-ki did not dare to delay. He knew that he had to go out on his own, and wanted to come and have him. At least, Yuan Feng had absolutely no ability to kill under his hands. For him, It is nothing more than spending more time and energy.

Having figured this out, he immediately issued a stand-by command to three of the remaining four teams, and he went straight to the team closest to him ... ...

Zhao Wuji's mood can be described as extremely unpleasant, but his unhappiness is bound to be based on someone's wireless smoothness.

"Happy, in such a short period of time, dozens of Blackbirds have been eliminated in a row, really happy !!"

Yuan Feng was so refreshing at the moment that he successively destroyed dozens of black bird men. His results were very good. Until now, only the black bird men on the beast **** side were left. With more than fifty districts, such a small group of forces is already very difficult to cause a devastating blow to the beast **** world.

You know, there are still a lot of super powers on their side, and coupled with his top-notch fighting power, it is basically impossible for Zhao Wuji to take these fifty or so people upside down.

"Appeal, almost. Judging from the current situation, I am afraid that it will be difficult to destroy the remaining four teams, but this operation has already achieved great results. I want to come to Zhao Wuji's clone, and I should not continue to find trouble. !!! "

If Zhao Wuji is not a fool, these people will not be allowed to continue to be scattered throughout the beast **** world. After all, once dispersed, these guys will become his living targets. Don't even want to run away.

Of course, he didn't want to fight with Zao Wou-ki face-to-face alone, frankly, he really didn't have that confidence.

"No matter, let's look at the losses on our side first. I don't know if anyone has been badly hurt and how many people have fallen unfortunately."

He is very clear that the teams led by Dahei and Yaoyan killed the three waves of Blackbirds respectively. Among them, their losses are also difficult to estimate. Right now, he must first ensure the safety of these surviving strong men.

Thinking of this in his heart, he released his mind and began to look for the position of the three teams.

"Well? What's going on, how can those birdies stop?"

When he released his mind to the beast **** world and looked for the three teams led by Dahei and others, he was surprised to find that at this moment, he was still rushing towards Zhao Wuji's approaching four. Of the black bird team, three actually stopped, and only one team was still flying fast.


His heart fluttered. Soon, he could clearly see the situation in front of him, and when he saw the situation clearly, the corner of his mouth could not help picking, and there was a strange feeling under his heart.

"Good guy, this Zao Wou-ki is actually going to meet the remaining four teams in person. It seems that he intends to take these teams one by one !!!"

The situation is already obvious. Zao Wou-ki is now approaching the remaining team quickly, while the other three teams are waiting closely and waiting in place. How could he not understand this situation? ?

"Ha ha ha, okay, okay, this time Zhao Wou-ki was really fainted by me, and even left the remaining three teams waiting in situ, this is just a self-digging grave !!!"

After a brief shock, Yuan Feng couldn't help laughing.

Obviously, Zao Wou-Ki has lost some measure at this moment. Maybe it is an extremely wrong decision for Zhao Wou-Ki to come and let all the teams join him. That is why the three teams are standing by and waiting Follow his response.

However, Zao Wou-ki did not realize that his decision this time was even more defeated than before! !! !!

Speaking of them, if these four teams are still advancing swiftly, they will definitely meet Zhao Wou-ki within a short period of time, and at that time, he has no time to intercept them at all.

However, at this moment, in addition to the team that is joining Zhao Wou-ki, the other three teams have all stopped. This situation makes him very happy.

"Has it all stopped? This is the best. It seems that this time, I can kill at least one or even two Blackbird teams, and wait for the two teams to be destroyed and the remaining two teams. Is really not enough to be afraid !!! "

A rare opportunity, since Zhao Wuji gave him a great gift again, he naturally has no reason to not accept it. Obviously, Zao Wou-Ki still does not have an accurate estimate of his strength. He naively believes that as long as those black bird people remain hidden, he cannot find them.

As a matter of fact, even if the black bird people dug three feet and buried themselves in the ground, they still couldn't escape his investigation.

With great joy, Yuan Feng turned his speed to the extreme, and quickly moved towards the team of Birdmen who were closest to him and thought he was hiding well.

This time, he wanted to make Zao Wou-ki vomit blood! !! !!

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